1669-15 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926-r _. t'
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Larger Circulation Than Any Paper Published on The East Coast of Florida
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I Characterislk Introduction by "Un- Prosecution, He claims, (lased on Three Hundred Dollars In Money Public Parks to be Made as Bewail. Spoke at Noon T-
cle Hilly" Witham Who Declares failure of Florida laws to ltecog- and Balance is Jewelry Which Is -ful as. Posaible—Itallroad Corn- ploye. of Gov
MiamiMiamiIs the Nearest Perfect nlze His S4•111.1 of Practice—Asks Fully IIeM•rlbwl—Thieves Do pany Placing Permanent Ilrtdfte+ Office—Will, I,
Place In WSome Wo World, Present and Sae Very Pertinent Questions Their Work Early In Evening and Vioductr—The Celebration Southern• •11 Model
Prospective--Synopsis of Address. Alcott Enforcement of Law. While Family are at Dinner, firing Shown in Novel Photo Play. Tomorrow.
..Let me tell you something, I. The criminal court Jury In the The residence of Mr. and Mrs. KEY WEST, Fla„ Feb. 21:—Spe- WASHINGTON.
Ise Ihave traveled pretty much every- case of Ar. O. W. Chapman,who was Carl Fisher, on the South Bide, wasdial.—in a few days or weeks the (Special)—SenaU,
of where, and have visited All parte of tried yesterday for practicing with- entered about 7 o'clock last night, Island City will have taken on a new cher,of Florida,r
out license, (ailed to agree and a while the family were at dinner, arip I robe of the Twentieth Century stile ed an Invitation V.
three tCnitetl Stales; and Miami 1s I6_ today before the
11y.the nearest to perfection that I have mistrialInac was communication
toly entered• robbed of nearly 12,000 worth f'with the Improvements that are now Government POI
IPrr In a communlcatiotr to The MfalroP- Jewelry, money and valuables,
,ne found, In climate, people and pros- oils Dr. Chapman states clearly that Mrs.Fisher was the first to discos• going on in the way of new streets employes of the
In his opinion he is all "regular" as and cement walks, ;numbering in iv
peep, Why, since I have been here D er the burglary. She entered her year Dy tribute
I have written my wife in Atlanta
any physician, and more so than roots and finding several articles Large gangs of bricklayers are I the first tpribute
some, and charges that he is a victim missing, and a coat belonging to a busy at work laying the heavy bay- 8tatea and the"1
Ito sell the piste and °ume here to of an '•allopath medical trust" whicu guest In the 'room, soon gave the
—I Use:" is trying to land him in Jail. Ills alarm and a search was made about I ing brick on several of the principal try" t•
on, communication Is as follows: the premises. ;streets of the city, and already have The time alnlic
This was just one of the nice tom- put down a few miles of the work monies each yea+
he Dr. Chapman Writes a z.etter in ills The Fishers were preparing to en-
'fitments'fitmentshanded out at the school On Uuvastreet where the heavies day prior to the
Own Defense, female a number of friends and the traffic is, • special brick known as r7 and the aQene
int auditorium last night by Mr. W. S. event disturbed them very much.
yeti 'Editor Metropolis: the Belgium paving brick, is to be lice. The Benito
met;Witham ("Uncle Dilly"), of At- I see In your last evening's paper Police,headquarten were notified used, as it is a much larger and ject of "Washing;
u l_ Tanta, when, In a ten minute speech,I that I was tried in court fur lrregu- and soon several policemen and Dep-'heavier brick than the ordinary pay- and was the only
a�lwhich the audience wished could larity. I hereby Inform you that ! ut)'sheriff Hendrickson were on the lag used citation. Other n,
have been twenty, he Introduced Will. scene, The streets will be narrower than gram were devot•
not am one 'of the most regular Dhynl-
iU. Upshaw, the lecturer of the eve- clans in Florida.• The doctors who A close examination was made,but lasses of which wa
to heretofore on account of the etty or•
of ning• are prosecuting and persecuting me there were no signs that would lead dinance calling for sidewalks of ten trained choir of ti
to' Mr., Witham is the originator of are the irregulars. Their deadly pol- a person to believe that any door or feet in width in the business ells-!der the direction
helthe Witham System of Community sons produce an Irregular circula- window had been opened. trict. This ordinance will be en- reviser In the Jot
his,Ranking, and has been In Miami a tion of the blood, an irregular nerve Mrs. Fisher gave the officers the forced on the.property owners all tenor of the pill
the!few days completeing the organize- action, an irregular digestion, an ir- following list of missing articles: over the city and is another few which 1,one of t
tion of the new bank which it one regular flow of bile, an irregular One ring, black opal and diamonds; months Key West be able to in the national G
an- of those associated with the system heart beat, and an irregular mind. one silver purse, one ruby ring, two boast of some very twit paving, all with handsome d,
tate as described in detail by The Me- My regular, natural. scientific and small diamond rings,one Dlood•atoae of which will add to the attractive.- oilcan colors wer•
lnitropolls a few days ago. Not only non-poisonous drug treatment pro- ring, one opal ring. pearl 1n center, •Idea. Varie
one garnet necklace,one velvet neck- nee,of the town. [ate
wbv in finances, but In the gift of public duces none of these irregular things. Sites that have been'well located the time served
speaking, he is a whirlwind—one So I am extremely regular, band, diamond sides; one'jiver van- will be made Into public parks, with ground for the p
ace-lot the kind who must be seen to According to Florida law there is fay bag, two diamond and IZnrl pigs,
be fully appreciltted. It was evi- not a medical board In the state le- one 1100 bill, one $ 00 tall, one all'the beautyand grandeur that gar- the exercises war.
' t°!dent from his words last night that gallsed to-giveme a certificate, as watch, and one satin fob. da put into them. Landscape The one oratorrama is
Mr. Witham has fallen desperately I belong to a different school of rued- City and county officorn.; work_ dense will be-employed to do the some one
tea- in love with Miami,and it was equal- feint. Our Physio-Medical school work-
ing hard on the case anti, a stated work of planting the shrubbery, and includedcted. In the Da
;sed I ly shown that Miami reciprocates the renounce and denounce the practice that it is very probable that the flowers and nothing will be.left un- some a
+era spirit, for his utterances were re- of poisoning the sick. Florida has guilty party will soon be brought [o done r asta sDent members Rep o-
to celved with tumultuous applause at recognized three of the four medical Justice. However, officers are keep- There Ira secret move on foot, as House of Repro.
Ing quiet and working to clear the has been alleged by parties claim- Champ Clark wt
els- each turn of a sentence. schools, send will recognize the Phy- Ing to'have Inside information,.to Year.
my The auditorium was well filled, slo-Medical school In due time, he-• mystery' erect a large hotel at this point dot Waahluglon t
5th, which -was Somewhat surprising in I cause the constitution permits no thedt
BUENA VISTA SEIRVICEl4 purpose of drawing toyrhU to Tomorrow flI
om' view of the many counter-attrac-'Partiality. this city during the season. Thel will addreka the
hist [lone.It being stated that there were The Allopath Medical Trust are names of the parties interested have Washington at li
din- in ops ation last night in Miami not trying hard to land me in jail. Why The following announcement is been kept in secret, but qt has been, Vuet to ha•held a
onI less than sixteen functions and a don't they prosecute the poison drug made by the Church of the Holy stated that they are men of finance his subject there
:een quack who is killing the sick. This Cross: '
circus. and capable of handling the large r;•," It Is antic!!
ad-1 Rev. Dr. John A. Wray lntroduc- is •violation of the law. Why don't Ash \t'ednesday, services for !lois project contemplated. This proposed be at least 600
e a_ ed the introducer of the speaker of'they prosecute the saloons. They Communion. 6:30 a. rat. . Penitential hotel is to be right up-to-date from women of the B'
ail■ ;the eveningin a few well chosenlare law-breakers. They prepare offer 4 p. m. and every R'eeneeday the soup plate to the finger bowl,and tl•ie boards on ti
rest- words abonding in good humor. men for the jail, the gallows and the during vLent, at 1 p. nu. 'l'he vicar g
front the hotel ro Irtet to the bank the other speaks
t off I Insane asylum. Why don't they pros- give a series of meditations at account. I,l•hn Sharp Willi,
1\'hen he had concluded, and made these services and on Wednesday
hick Brute the. Inmates of the brothels of The citizens have good reason•to for and Joseph
It clear to the audience that Mr. next. Our blessed Lord's words to
I at ••Dardlevllle'" These are run In believe that Key West can be con-I Charles A. Dous
\Vltham was the real "reliminary"
teen open violation of the laws of the the women of,Jeruealem;"Weep not versed into a tourist resort from the Southern lawyer
eek of the evening, the introduction of state and the laws of civilization and for tate, but for yoursel Yee and your'
Mr. Upshaw was Proceeded with to; children." will
on of the au- Cuba and the flambee of personsIle will Increase of travel through here to by also prosf the b
that the intense satisfaction and not a protect front the Al-that lopath Medical Trust who have stopping off here at this time. All tion and, pleaaun
their Aience, caused the officials of Dade FUNERAL OF MILS. LUCAS.
that Prior to these. details, however, county to.spend hundreds of dollarstrains from the north are bringing Ing. .
d in two most pleasing vocal solos were of the people's money trying to land Funeral services over the remains I great crowds here, en route to Ha- Dr. Clarence J
.bout;rendered by Miss Mabel Cox, a so- me Its jail. They cannot rest until of Mrs. Julia E. Lucas, wife of D. vane and other points south. treasurer of the
dots. prano, whose rich voice and clear they get me. Where are truth and \V. Lucas, of Sigorurney, Iowa, were Railroad Permanent Work. tial Congress an,
eked l enunciation made it a rare treat to justice? These are trampled under held yesterday afternoon at the home All eyes are turned to the gigantic
er-in-chief of t thea
I or-;hear 'her. foot until the god of greed has swab- of the deceased on Fourth street. work of the railroad at this time, federate Veterans
•e to!H Cyclone Tells What Should.lowed the whole. • The Eastern Star Lodge, of which!and the rapid progress of the work part in arra Me(
eurgla y Heb being filial
be Under John's Hat. l G. W. CHAPMAN, M. D. deceased was a member, conducted Ifs amazing. All along the line south Bennett, of Was
Mr. haw'x lecture, entitled, the ceremonies, and floral offerings,of Marathon and north of that point charge of the ee
"John i d His Hat." was character-entified, were numerous. Rev. John A. Wray, large•working forces are busy day nation Bureau.
WATER SPORT pastor of the'First Baptist church, and night removing the temporary
' lel, tette of the speaker, with whom ail officiated, and the interment was work and installing permanent work, Plot-ids
l.em-Int Miami Is well acquafnled. There made In the. city cemetery by Under-lin the way of steel bridge■ and con-I lion. W. H, ifil
�plene was enough of humor and story-telt- taker King. - Icrete viaducts, doing away with the general of Florid
tteeling to hold the Interest, and be-I FUN AT THE CASINO f original road laid on piling, !the week attend!,
o has tween the ejlcee of fun he cleverly MIs. 1'I'SH.Uv' TONIGHT I The terminal yards In this city sessions of the II
beat IInjected bits of seriousness which I I AT lidi'TisT ('Ht'lR'H.I are ringing and resounding with I Expenditures in
rKlafeIc•allot the lesson of the hour. FEATURE EAST NIGHT; g prayer-Itl+e hunt and whiz of arsine coming Agriculture. sial
Not undertaking to comment on; Tonight at the midweek ra er- In and out heavy laden with freight I (Continued •
,thus_ the incidental xtorfea of the evening:. • meeting William U. Upehaw, the pop-' all deerrlptions for local trade; I ---'-
and the points adduced by Mr. Upshaw l inlet' Georgia lecturer will be present;and some for transports. I COLE RICE
may_ were reduced to a few headings un- and make a brief address. Work is being rushed on the Pres-I COLE_
be der which he assayed to'show whatI � lent duck used by the railroad and
rltorl-iJuhn, who was chosen as the type' Nearly a thnnsnnd interested epe•c-I Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wright, prom-1 the I', & O. Steamship Company to
say nun. should carry under his.talors wrru present at the ltoyalllnont Atlantians, are in the city,' 1' ' PRICE CU
complete the concrete work end du,
pro-1°f hnl. ,Palm ('eslno lax' ulgbt to witnenu having arrived this morning.' They j aw ray with the wooden structure. The I
ghtful tit water sports, wblclt were most ). !new dock will be made of concrete' .
!'lest of all, to be successful,, un will remain here for several days.
der the hat should be a level head,:heartily enjoyed by all present. wails which are to be filled In, ax'
capable of judging thhtcs correctly.; 'Jack Jenkins was the whiner In will be the other seven(locks. Whoa j COP MIi
Next, there ehuulA be a patriotic',the context fir t'''kior th,. greasyI villi)lrnn a• +^'.. ' • t this work is completed the railroad f