1669-44 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 • • • • ny that miarepresenta• For these reasons holy also has opposed the removal In Tnllahnssee they ore talking • •••••••• •;.'1•; ;_I'' ,ice K middle,nnd last name' of the Turk from Constantinople, bout n aperitif session to ratify the _tomN y attempt to aalvnnce It sulfrnge amendment. No doubt Tat • - Thr only great power which can hahLthe straits with- Inhnssee would be Ind to entertain nth, I , of the record or ton a he case. I out nn tin redinte political (hncern is Amerien. And the hundred.or more members of the _1 :A-editorial on Thursday America will not do nnylhing of the kind. leaislnture for 'a f days. ;f y ,r_ L• /..! ecord Straight," where There is the next problem, nod one'far greater, in its I If Mary'I'trkfnr secured on nli- i L n from the statutes of effect on relations between Europe mid Asin,•than that I mon)/ judgment against her'Iate-has- ,(' . . 14.• / /// '/ Railroad,Compnn ac• of the Adriatic. But no doubt Mr. Wilson blot nlreailylbuml,'we suppose he will he Oweni ' ' , , 1 _ f • Moore. //�/ • operty, now sought to determined on lits course of action. y It special legislation in The afternoon paper's support of the 1•-•\-----___, / Lure In 1918." 'Its con- MIt. FISHER ON THE DARK. proposition to buy no expensive pork II I I I I ie railroad did not have Carl G. Fisher, whose great development work on the for the city is,somehow.a reminder of ..• 1 i ( (i support of Its Conten- the colored preacher who wits asked // �I�� ` pp pcninsuln opposite this city has ntlractcd the attention to resign, by his •congregation. "Say," I J\ w I Metropolis quotes see- of the world, is a mon of wide vision nml has the Ii nn ticiul he inquired. "don't I apecchify, don't IIII �._- / laws of Floridn, passed and intellectual ability to carry out his own great prof- I nrgufy, don't I Inlucidate'" "Yes, ' r parson,' was the reply, "you does " id only that section. cels in a mngni.tccnt way. 'sorted that the title of In an interview in another paper, Mr. Fisher has given sPcechify, you does n,beangufy, you dors >1.m----",-7.42-4", j inlucidntr, but you doesn't tell us , i-•. ^v."1 / /�".<'�� tion was the same now expression to his views on the matter of the requiring of crhnrtn." i� • '��• /./..." 77/= i when the Metropolis, the bayfront and its improvement by the city of Miami •a' `''!� ^ _ ct, turned around and for n grant park, in which he argues for n vision for the Carden seeds are no longer to he 'L`:= --•-- _•y3 �>✓ - Jacquire a large tract city nnd pleads that things to he done here should he sent out In waiting constituents by _ rongressmen, but we haven't discover- cost and on favorable dote in a large way. And Mr. Fisher is,correct in gen- ed that the new regulation interfere S y. Having hail n band ern I, and correct, specifically,.with the liniment] limits- with flower seeds. . rent improvement. the'tions placed on thio municipality. • .nys that "what Miami If the other things Mr. Fisher suggests for Miami When cigar manufacturers announce r has nothing to do with were now in hand, if the improvements'in the bit to that ordinary cigars will soon cost Galley Proof f Y. smokers a dollnr, they are paving the unless the same quos- whose need he graphically calls attention, were all corn- way for the prohibition of the pro- {.it was then,a question plated, if Miami's port were assured and in operation, if duction, mnnufncture, sale nnd con- raise at any time, if the other things Miami needs, right now, had all been surnption of the weed, by notional The Ballad of Madge. provided nnd then if there was bonding and bond dis_ action. --, When Jlndge the Girl Reporter hit the trail Tor Jungle Inn :at the title to the land posing ability, the city could very well take his advice And now that the time for filing in- imagination tells un she was out to I . °printed, the Metropolis and launch out in a great way,secure this park,beautify come tax returns has about expired, cover sin, icction of the act upon it and make it attractive, and do the other things that we presume that religion may nsun-u' To drink the cup of nnughtiness, nnd n of its nr ument, It her beneficent sway in every home. shoot a dollar hill, g the people of this city me anxious to see done. When 9lndge the Girl Reporter, bit • truth, the whole truth But there nre limitations to the spending ability of Senator James A. heed will speak vc its life. this city, exactly ns there are limits to the safe expen- in this city on Thursday, March 3.�, the trail for Jungle Grill. did notquote the re- enures of the business man. In the matter of the city, either in Royal i'nlm Park or the The bolt wits loosed, the door swung P school auditorium, depending on the back, Madge slipped in like a !lens: the law places a 'thundery line in its bonding which it state of the weather. ghost, any years been in cannot legally pass. The Herald has sought to discover Andgave 'em the once over quite t:n- liami and the Florida If each man, w°man nnd child in I from the authorities come information ns to the margin (;rent Britain find to pay on equal holden by the hist. certain ports of the between the present bonded indebtedness and the limit share of their country's war debt, the She puffed n cigarette or two (i hope the said parties have permitted by law, but without success. The Margin, personal liability would be $7RG each. it mode her ill), ns to their respective however, is probably not-large( ,ugh now to permit the ..- When Madgeil the JungleGl Reporter hit the rr front, and it is de- The census taker in n little western trail for Grill. city to go into the big things in the big way suggested town, nt the solicitation of the peo- it shall be efecfively b 1•;Mr. Fisher, and he would not advise the city, we are pie waited several hours before cloy- From Innocence, who served the drinks, Madge ordered some- e of Florida shall by very certain,to go beyond its bond'yig limits or its nhility mg his lints for the birth of a babe. thing soft each of them to the to n to provide the things for the future. Beevi- The population figures of the village P Y P g were thereby increased from 3'.19 to And while voices waited,banal the sound ccognized by the said denthy realizes that there are many things that the city qOp of in the loft. tem respectively; now 1 reeds, as we all do, and, inferentially in,his' interview, • "My word,"said Madge,"I'm ghoul I'm places harbor improvements,at least,above the necessity here, a column euro Iter flit tin P \\'hen Mndae the Girl Reporter hit flue conveys to the city of for a bayfront park, for the present. • trail for Jungle(:rill. filled land from Second Mr. Fisher has the interests of Miami nt heart, rent- . Ol7ServattoI19 The "something soft" was ruckus rant to the channel, for izin g, probably, that the growth of hlinmi supplements juice, Madge coul':n t send it from Sixth to Eighth and assists, as it dors, the growth of Miami Bench, `"� back. Ruff trposes, Section two is reasonably considered parts of one city. But his prop- Ups and Downs of Life. But tell me, Madge,why did you pour the I Teeter totter,ihread and water, that ticker down's crack? fraena tpport of its contention arty interests are more largely on the other side of the Up or mayl)e clown at birth, Oh, shameless maid, i hone they he hi in the railroad company bay, nnd he speaks for the wealthy men who conic to Re you lovely son or daughter, charged you double for your south which it is purposed to this city for a short time in the winter. They, ton, are Soon the world will know your bill— Section three says: interested, but not to the extent that the man who lives worth. • When Madge the Girl Reporter hit the hereby authorized to here, who ownsproperty in the cityand pays taxes ontrail for Jungle Grill, At P S If'you weighed a pound or seven, wall ant Railroad Company it, is interested. That man is the man who is most Lumps of precious gold were you, This Madge girl saw the roulette Greet , title and interest of vitally interested in these big things and it is his pocket- And Your smile did open heaven, wheel, she saw the white ball has r Bove granted to said ' book that is going to feel the burden, not the men of To your doting parents' view, race, tumn tion of the conveyancee knew the house man a)d she knew you t 5 wealth. It to for this average Jlinminn that The HeraldIicrald Up or down will be your station, he hail a poker face Into the city of Miami of has advised caution in the way of parks and other lux- You it is to coon decide, She saw the tired bueines. men pour Th rest of said railwayYou may curse or bless the nation, arias,when it Is urgent that the necessary school build- money in the mill— °rout ings, sewers and streets be constructed as soon as os- You may stay Carter,sers tide. t hereinbefore grant= P —\Vm. J. homestead. when Madge the Girl Reporter hit the the r sible. trail for Jungle Grill. covet as attempting to assistNeeded Lessons in Theology. map( P R While Jtr. Fisher's interest in this particular project They say one of the dangethat I liked your story, Madge, old thing, have erstancling by which the is not entirely disinterested, yet lite is n valuable asset now threatens the world is a "holy Of I liked your atmosphere ange The force and effect ofwine and women,dice and Bong,of orani to Miami nnd his ability to see great things in the future war" of thq btolsnmmcdsns on the ginger ale and beer. ange le preamble means any- for the city is nn inspiration to the rest of us, who will Christians.If the Mohammedans would Au t Madge you pulled one bonehead, hugg )nveyances spoken of in gladly follow his lend to the extent of our financial only start something of the sort and df headwork showed slack--- tho n shall then go into effect ability. • get to going strong, they would learn Oh, tell me. Madge,why did you pour In fi an all tie tige titlento the a whole lot about theology that they that liquor down that crack? igu have never yet even suspected.—Ocala —Albertus. bla r •ould settle R. SHOULD BE FOLLOWED UI'. Star. he agreement has never An ingenious and plausible story is told in nn after- A Suggestion to the Senate. gray elf has refused to accept noon paper of a visit longafter night,to.whnt is nhleged Pulling the world in out of the Wet "Villa Kidnaps Americans to Get their acquire the state's rights P Pg A a Salo transaction for the W. K. News of Outside World,"according to horns q to be a gambling,house in Miami Beach,by a staff writer. Anti-Saloon (,ragas. a.recent headline. But we suggest over da. If there is any doubt It is stated that gambling tuna observed and there is a • that c°n rees send him a subscrt tion sat Railroad Company In distinct hint that liquor was bean sold orgiven anus Tampa is claiming a population of R P wind q g y- 80,000 or something Rke that. It ought to the South's Only and cava the wear clout of changed nor set at rest In view of the Itntement of fact,there is but one thing to roll up a goal democratic majority and tear on the general populace. pass t be quieted until the two for the county splicitor to do. GnMbling nnd dispensing next tIme. , . •, trout ent which the legislature liquors are both violations of the ind' in this state incl The Lady From Riverside Speaks, rest( nn a has been made be- You've Noticed It. c Over the Phone. who( g the law is in operation in Dade county. It is the duty IIo,hum! Or words to that hello' -. pen its validity upon the of the authorities to'summon that writer, placo him, or Broad general effect. Well, is this 11021 eys ofet !tied for in the law, and her,under oath and require a clear statement of all that How Old Time-wears Well, who is speaking, please? with The law was merely an transpired on that eventful night. The tinsel off 'Well, I'd like to glue you a society Ther :ants to settle their dlf- The fondest hopes of Youth! ' item. Serb if We The published article said that there were a number When we wore eleven, Oh, {a this the editor? t;the law is not effective, of prominent Miami business men observed at or near Going on twelve, . Well,I have a little society item for Whe • the gaming tables.' Their names should be obtained We felt IC to be your paper and I thought I'd phone m On understanding of the through-questioning the writer of the article,and they ThaA t rtal cinch d only yet It in. it early no that you could Ther if how the city is to pur- also should be subpoenaed and required, under oath, to R Get as much jelly roll Well,yo can take it can't you? Who l the'bay front park and tell what they know of the existence of a gambling house As we could eat Oh, it is 't long, but I want you to Or 't g,within the city's present in Bade county and the facts concerning the dispensing At one time t take it bee use I want you to be sure We'I clinntlons of,the people to of liquors in violation of law. ' . And marry our school teacher'-.• and put the names and Initials In right And of debt into consideration. With the evidence thus obtained, there would be little And support her by . r because my guests are always so par- In to a 1Piracy on the high seas I:• ticular abou that. Whe difficulty In securing the arrest and conviction of the W would be tickled Well, but you're the editor, aren't NT's NEXT. - guilty parties, if there are any. Plumb to death =. you? as relieved his."Ind•about With the charge made that a gamin'ng •institution •is And neva; want another thing • I should tin nk you'd heglad to take presumed that the•Arnen• As long ns,we lived. ' an item. - m in regard to Constantin- being conducted in the county, an institution to which —Macon Telegraph, ' But I may not have time later to Thee -) Turkegard 'We mit ex_ almost'anybody can obtain entrance, if the facts cor- • . call the society editor. . Rout Y' respond to the story,the authorities will be very greatly , It has Its Purpose. �• Well, is she there now? Llstc note.express{r�g his disap• derelict in their duty if they do not now ferret nut the A Ain't really e like tert., '. it?Well, 'this Is in,there no Der, tan'' And on of Constantinople by the law violators and put an end to the species of crime said But keeps the par-, rl Well, it's most Inconvenient, I must•We m with no guarantee to the _ - Agrnphs apart. say? - To ul :o back uphis opinion with to prevail. q p —Indianapolis Star. Oh, that's all right but I supposed Whe nine l Staten. King• Alphonso'of,Spain is:going' to make a trip to : Not for its wit• that the editor would b4 glad to get writing, is always correctTh10 vorse we inc]t, }anything at 411 for the paper. There's ways right in that the quos- South America, Mexico nnd Cuba. We are told that p little enough of importance happening But it}lits up now,an1•wa one which merits the grave South America, in particular, is being flooded with Ger- • t' At least ah inch.. Well, 1 may not 1H able to call her y 'oral. :And It is likely to be mane and German propaganda. These things only,em- , —Cleveland Plaln'Dealer, this evening. I have another engiage- id the'greatest atntesmen ofTheatre the fact that South America id coming, slowly , . These little linea anent iKr 'r Bevbnd that, however, wo I into the attention of the world es the new •field of With sI don't hum, Well, what I. her number? p bran ens. +All hair Wm rMnsit bona.- at n