1669-60 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 rCOND SECTRON f1 DAILY MEQ P LI
- - - --- — __ --- I _ -- -- -- -- --
•ee,.t teeter er tee Florida Pe. .Oe M I.A M I BEACH B Y — THE kS E A
•tennis, to the ter, heart ell °°
amremee'•greases Pears
____ _
.__________ ____ ACH PREPARATIONS 601NC Attractions in the Water, BOARD WALK F
C OWDS GATHER — .- ON AT CASINO STa JOHN On Land and in the Skies, .,ARE TO MEE
R Great Opening on New Year's, Draw Crowds to the Beach Plan to Form aa ,
.�' • ( -•►; Eve Will be a Spectacular -- o----
TO MARK HOLIDAY ,,.. ..411.:-.• • e I ;: Affair Remukable Serie: of Events' R la
: • . •, Staged at and Neu Cativo PRINCE NELSON CIYES by —
.� 11',P.Pearce,who is to manage the W•
Big Attractions up Town and - �► ! St, John on Chr�lt Inter resident. •
('axadea at ('salon 8t. Joh o, ova . CROWD MANY THRILLS�
Down Town Brought Tb[iils guest o! Charles Stoneham, owner of beach propxr4ra aqJ
the New fork Giant,.during the sum• Int[ Day. {xopurrty the b !nl
mer. Mr.Pearce comes with a host of building of the hoards
and Enjoyment to Great - Hr;arc the Roman 1'uola fly- IInmeetiag for 8 o'cloc
'onew idea atueut evter[alning ids pub- ■ftrruooq, where the flags were fly-
1 Rook's'arcade to orgsi
Multitude r • lie, which Is the legion of well known lug from a dozen pole.and tee band Daring Tight-Wire Walker Per-. non, o ffdnn will M
1 es • ,a--„ ' -( ;-{ t people who will go wbereever Pearce playing under the striped awutae of ac[tra aswclatiea is pr
Miami Beach Gas ,use paned itse. .t V
�aLforme Ht) Fett Ahovt:Octan:e ,' pyeels[owomen semawn,who eater• Drlva Pa9tmenteakng - daymsSryihtcrowd. Qitractins which bad never •• ' . - ; Fred St.John has given him full con. eruorn w'A: presented. Mrs. Maud '-- they aro not never be
before been presented were to be even - - !no,' ••�• •• trot of the b•Irogy and the arrange. Witter of R'ernater,•secular winter I'riacr Nelnan oMnrd Lia wreLaa ;Zee.
There Asa never ba
sat the beaches, ,•' !-.�� 'f% meat will be arsording to Pearn a• (inure at the pools, a elever Jiver,I$ueeggtntrat et the il=to,l n beaches built which did not m.
I•n:eutin Prince Nr1Frm in "nub- "" ��' '�!�,. '`' pion. Sngdiy night in Ids aeurational DI{6- tion:' said lambert II
g w rrk
)' .r••w '"Phe people are MJFthe 101411 •
, for tie eeuen suJ wea 1ha rr .e.','.1'f`e'r' --� %'••- wonderful s'Igter. Mwo 6pkpJld ew'im• hill wire. 1 Pnae the plan wDkh r.
beaches had a thrill worthwhile when l _ holding back because of the holidays. meta and dicers, and also Alexander F VPtarine iu costume, that they not be
the "w'nrld'a crrstest tightwire run• I have fire t•banI inform taloa that Olt, with his little son, Alex Jr., gum Nelxea waltz«d and two- that are not t nb
Der"dcwon.tratI tie novel act. fro- t��+. 1 .j+-..�''�..:M:a,.:,, after New Year's we will begin to see who were seen S° ILS Is. Tib above
•,1 the pas the multi Oceana 80 fret ing sight of what it v
• pia sole t.. Fre 1'hiure Nelson who q -'""'' the familiar Inns and rountlren new 1100 ab.srn i, he--at on Drive.
lore Aurin;. They are the name pea- ; coves. Let no man melte preamble to the everts of the after, stood on his brad en a choir bel. the re.
• you think noon was quite up to an.,hln; which Sneed on the wire andperformed other ""t a the kind of
there will be a dull winter. has bean xerq at the h this sea-on. have Acre. We are no
pie who aro alwaye M the front when -"• foodifficult stunts. Ile will be sero for a light. We are going
the tilers FwuP thrla•p mad when 4 !r "The Haran■ crowd which we hear Major 11 R. Carter of Tacoma, the remainder of the week every at-
people,interest the cit
1 geese {e nem+thin[ which taunts the - - so much about will ail be here on their Waah.,in charge of the pool',the out- tenuous and evening'at Ocean Drive. friends for the
nervex. The trot. of Nelson were to • �, •1 way north. Miami has the call which aide manager at Casino SL John, Xelwm carries • A0 pound pole to a demand for itro•lbt
them the thin;and they gave applause•1 • anyone who has felt cannot resist. brought ant Dia corps of uaietant, in balance himself on the wire. His w!Shall here on eke D
I,csl. �•,". Things will begin to move fast here 'menet xwImming suits on which sere novel and unusual acts have been mall that Fred St. Jo
Rwloros thrived. From the stand 1 I.. t3e+1t:�,1 in 10 days and will melts•aeaaon of the s-ecu "Cedno St. .nhn"in elite. given all over the country end he
where only idrink*a ■re eructed, to �--•
i• 'w.a utmn,ul business in all lines. We It was a goodly company u.ea service never fail, to crew a thrill for bis with e walk;bathingha .
y P 7with ere" k,beads
the r•ataurantw, lie people thronged. - •
-:$(.4 • are s••re of Dusinees from the opening men: Bud Homier*ut a of the ores• daring. There oil be a change ofp
P P [ '- pie therm
• 1t 'hollowed lsualed the theory a the men night."r. tae tine department o[ the city of Dc costume and of per ormanre daily. Everyone Int w ii
on Ocean drive that what the people Mr. Pearce says the New Year's troll; William Johns, inmtnlr•or at - - — -' walk, men and w' ie
want is homethieg novel to draw them eA I,.
night aonamira will be expensive. The Connacht Ikaeh, Cal.; Louis Duncan• to the meeting tonight
acro-. tic Lay. t 1 ! ! lei Knickerbocker b let ,u veolerw which and William Forsythe of DetroiC POLO NOt�SEIGIEN 6iVEN
F t James new Ileoau had bowil;be,and many d. Major ('serves who h one of. the pfl81TRATION B
While the erne ti beaches artier thronged, ' other novelties will be presented. tear reserves nl Washington. aan und A CNflISTMAS OINNEfl
there snub no cud of motor parties o° Orchestra Arrlsa in Lear) artillery on Paget
the drive. Picnic panics. tau. were Arnold Johnson,leader,and 10 must- during the wu er ■n Instrtor He A
there and broke their fast by home- ' eland composing Paul White/111111'a or- has been eight years an instntctor HAS
cooked loads from the ever-convenient
. physical A
- This or an!tation will7wake its Grvt five years physleal dire or to the There Is a t.od of fine fellows t1
farm came and 1'•racipated in the do- . u'"'>4. tM.
public appearance New year's eve at Tacoma Y. C. A. and nnmrrtrJ t e Fiftr,nth street stables, many of
Casino Sr.John ha•I two days of ice `+., ,. .e a Casino St. Joha. it is one of the with the Nernoles bathe in Tacoma. em ex-service men, all a;e,-lleut
tenet activity. Tie !eels were the • ,..t.,- ,..e • — 'r Y Broadway ogaaixaNnha of White- Present to see Major Carter and men,who care for the p e•o ponies. Will Recommend
man's an die has rent pitied mens Newton Lummus run t e-first of Their Christmas loner SundayTr(a l! and WI
acme of the tier[ appearance of the .• •`sdinner was a •
great aquatic celebrities, ]iia' Ger- • (,a '"`�.� � .cern. • • - The coming of the Whiteman or• water starts carnivals ■[ the pools Whoprnoked diener by J. J. Samples, ng
mode Artlet and Norman Roos. Da- ?` ^•. • ;rt s +•,. a,_••t.•• chests makes over^F r••,•'^no, e h• were Envie McClure of Kansas e its. ho presented a iter New Enolaad t0 100 F
la[Alter'did stems front the iUdnot ` K. 's-. .8-A.-..• -• -= ~`N �" •re to furnish music at the cute°this Mo., and his assistant. Eugene lis Christmas menu.' ey gore the boys
loser and the flying Circus thrilled ` PRINCE NELSON remeon. Weise, of New York. who will have Rhode Island tckey with cranberry r-�
Dy its "deathi-de-fyio`' stunts. Already the public ie enamnuml charge of the Itcyal Palm Pool. Alsolsnore and dimming, cream of tnmsto Tlatnar J. Pancras
Theilh In 16e Air Prince Nelson, the dare devil tight-wire walker, who is defying death at
with the}isroeony band.The baud Dae Then was IticDttd IIulln of CIUI.onp, mashed pordtora, celery, hnme.�elor end \T.E.\Val
south beach at 3:30 and 8:30 p. m,daily, been heard two afternoons at the pals cages, the form.. crack awlmmer ' halted yellow corn bread and pumpkin erDLLratiun, repeeseati:
Lieut. Hermes again Sluiced from = and everyone says nice things. The the Chicago Athletic Club; Gut M. tie, Miami Beach and Ju
plane to plan«in midaid. Th,plane --- 1
leohrd tLt-ion over the Poole did _ _ poxlliu°of fie bandstand Is such that Lctu re w with a corps of mgead, Major .9ro(iflJ, rtterinarisn, sent
have a[(0M on a rep
• bore diving Iron aelgth, is a and dlot ! _ --_•------�---- ---- -----' the music ran De heard for ■ long pleuro men;including Dmiley Read, Sitar"its did f'a'il O.Fowler. At thelrnunril to bt made Ja',
Mahe thrills. I I distance. The golfers at the elub went who was featoOog the eoutbero Santa Christmas table wrt's 3lunlo Morrison. Propoanl t0 buy the Sri
,ieDtt ills,, did the parachute de. 1 MIAMI BEACH NEWS PARAGRAPHS. I doing dances to the mus{e Saturday Claus for the conk ern picture houses, George Ebbetta, Ma'am Ebbetts, Joe Tot•l to boy
t will
orient Itelesa«d at:Idle feet altitude. I afternoon on the greens en ^lest and and a lot more of men who are iu toe,, Tut-era Atxnrtnq. Nr. 6td• meq! of t'.:,00 with
the parnrbua, in colors of the ha• 1,-,...-____ -- 1 listi°tt were the noires which came touch with winner sports gad emote. t'1l Nt,..Tt-r•Eric e,Lert Roussel!
King, all axeson bought tD'
from the band. Some ('l• y Swimmer_ ° •Il gazes u
Lionel flag, looked like • dn[ on the
----- ------ --- --- _ - -— NVilliam R. Miller. Russell King. D to the d.
Ay as it tittered down with its h i William Singleton paeeed Christ- Me. and Mrs. Charles F. F:wiue of _ Newlon s gatbe. manager of the ,)hart s Caine,J. J. Samples and to ale cin.
nun balance, \Iles('Mil made a ser• mai with a sinter iu Palm Beach. the lbw Ler apartmcuts are at Trau- '- - trigger aborta.[•tbatld clot of Skilled f;Wtla SI h. They will mommem
feet Iandlv;. Ste was Wed baled b,• •sylvenle, leo,with a daughter tot the oatmeal:1i bushiest duringthe days. swimmers for the prognim. 1t opened ids.sect]les.Rob.•rt L. Boron and made RIO feet wide tbt
the big crowd at the pools. Frank Osborne has leased his cot• Widens. !and arrived hate for Christmas eve. vita the failiar greased pale stalk• O. he,guests of nt New York will arty and rhe trlegl(o•
Newton Lummus' program wan in. tags at 541 Miami avenue to Mice Rae' Ile went from Miami to Chicago. to ins. Thla was rho cum dy event of W the guests of les II. Mi. Talbott mala by cutting Alton
tereetier. The jnaiers raced for 50 P, \Coveter of New York. 31rl Tina Hightower,who has hien alt-eel. ee, to Chicago, to Toledo, to tie bill. It always grandstands and the In rk,eber 3 seer, T3eoon Spublic Allison ntul>ezb. !
yards In the pool for print.. '!lies Reel
at Bros We hotel,has goat:o Cleveland. to its, to New York, compeat on the erapplauded p{eck.cur are .ung down for thel The pert.
Gertrude Artelt gave ea ethibitfoo off• Mr. and Yrs, Robert Barrington I'dm pAach to pass the winter with to Miami, in nine days. nes- the yaengktera who es k aped polo tournament play in the hFk-ereThe board Was auto
various swimming emotes^out pleased have tubes mm apartment in the a relative. _ -._--_• to reach the flit 4. Richard Moon- lest p cup defense. Thy were here mend of propertyetet own'
Its crowd by bee Luce. Aurora, Eight street_ Stalin tbi■morningon the cruiser Ina, Marina 11 enge■r, Ray-Too-xi fast year and wen among the brilliant!Pan of toe Coy to re
Norman!tons gave Lommue a hand- Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fleischmann 6Curter ctrl' Harold. Merritt srbul rues horseback which J. C. Pooley I which was cloyed bus
Imp and bat him In•50 yard.nee.) will arrive at the Di;otow roseate i ti e h ipuguy for a two days'cruise In Folubeth Bailey, the children of Mc. had here to make the sermon the great• ship yard and later hot
Olt the S ledge of Maconn willthe Florida it.),wens•Wetly of Young bud Mew Harold lis Bailey, took est int Jo the &nth had ever amen. Ikon, The Closing of
lions derpomtrat,t the crawl which work the master mama degree en W`'Inesday. Ili•• eeeretary has eu- t I 6 part. J11ss Elisabeth Balky, pppoint diverted d
[ wo,]e, includes live Culver academywho la While Mr, Baron and Mr. Heckecher this
wore for him the world's championship candfdetes Wednesday main. gaged a room at the Lincoln, I buys: Jack Mellwralth, Jut M. mkilkJ in greased pole walking and till not bringtheir ponies this senses street and closed the
at the Olympic goatee. I 'toting,J.W.Yeuog,John and Totes has won mn; a pig,. by statcidog the will be oo ter bytheir friends. Alton road to B!aare
,A-new comes,Fr■uk Weir.of Pills-
busk Park,N..1.,yid high living.MI r. Edward Roser wear to Fort Pierce Mrs. Charly. W. Chase, Sr.. and Wo16nd and M!nee Mary Duna,Theis the flag from the el!pperp spar, won Fhe fust nay Come here agnin• Alton road Is one of
Weir has excellent form. Ile will be for toe t'h riatmes holida,a from 'lnugbter arrived Friday. Sic and ma Kearns and Myrtle Floyd. Mrs. Sunday afternoon on her third at- If he lots he will ploy on the field ogthtarrs and no els onl
Bridge Ian. Mrs. Chase will take a renter for T. D. Dunn and atm.Tatem Wolford tempt, alidlug out toward the end where last ycnr he wet with an semi- will extend north and a
Hera again in the water rrrghals• —
i the MnBna down town. later they are chaperone for the party. of the Spar end taking the flag as dent iu one of the crucial Ames of length of the city, ale
Tb'ioa I unumta is pawing the will find a pr-rm•n,mt home. I she fell. She won •• manly prise (or the reason. — the road at Pira stet
Mils, CONKI'N MANACEH Iondays with his p■revto Mr. and Mn, George R. Moore of rte feat• crest not iv sed t wI
tn.". J. N. Lummus, wt tialubrfty Lnnrhenn gen is at the Linrroln for Iq the C,O J•rd junior swimming crnienrt and Lal it a
I Ouse drive. lbs Iolida)•.r were: F:dr:ad F:. Isrt- Ilsehul+. Mla e.., who Dave taken ■ caro Barr $imbro won. TDe re ult program was an ezbhkttfon of the
I I lett and party of(lhicago. R. M.Ter. cottage at 8I0 Second *Meet for the
Atatiun to scones the a
N 31 r. sad 31n. Thoma )V. Walking ry of Rsglew•oal. N. J.; C. 11'..
L Allp°, winter bad ■ (nodi! reunion Christ• ,+j,via,set•on h r l.af otnd Carter,ete obilo (our to o crawl nwheat stroke.d hack crawl.Hell wineheck e I `\very O. Smith eta
Of SEA CHEST IlOTEldentenAineJ for Mr Mrs. James ]Ilse Veto-n .111)u, Rollin 1'. .Allyn flaw TDcir Sena Rssmond L.llioore William John. Coronado Reach stroke to poesenluh II is, ala, a stent. He wants the
Dant and Mho; Vivian leant and Mr. and E. E.Allyn.Jr. and 0, Winthropre, and tire. street 'enc south er
pp broke the record Or underwater •rvtul sett ova,• raphe avenue. another
----- soil Mrs. Ooldewurthy of Detroit at ----- 'Stensen bitter,Sllr.T. lis Rueiere,of sivhntnin doiu L10 feet in 39.atc- 'Miss Artelt was seen1 ditto{from
Mfrs. Wullam J. Stanton served a l'auris, joined them at the Leach. g 6 P { [ ova,, that traffic
Mn, F,ltth u. Conklin of Miami their Collins avenue Lome the house dinner ) Dods flat. The record Led been hell a fire-foot bd•ard. She wore a dark beset,. over the two
has bleu anlroldeJ manager of ;Sas
eve. They had •■ tree sod the Mouse
Brach 1tCdt�rlthatrhots-c Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Moore are to be ale by Jacked° of the Lodine baths 1n blue Wahine suit with a Roman num in the south ern
reel Hotel un Ocean drier.gird Conk- was beautifully illuminated. Sithmanagers Casinoof M buil w SLup, to lie,San Francisco at 41 wends.. The stripe The movies made much tt
I lap for party of golfers and their Smith building which they,
Ifo will net be connected with the '— g triendw remr..t eI a mord-preaking ter Jtvlhg. NOYIE FIN Pfl
restaurant lu the former Krcls build• Thomas R. Shipp of Washington.' _.- Ihope to open this week.
event was greeted tA' a storm of ■p- Ending the Sporn use weep polo.
leg which till a]wt be eperatM by who arrived Saturday, fe a guest of I •Mn. H.•I.. E'Iwada and Mies( ) pilaus... Liter Johns did submarine Rfsrapne ile Saving Come Lir against
James A. Allison, on the rani Sea Berth t{Awards o! hi t nitn lie are George W. Dickens will openg.
Poul APJre, owner of the Sa•J Creat his swimmin demonstrating the p,tT• Casino St.Jr+hn, too the Life Saving
l lorse. Mr. Shipp and Iteluald Wm. N preen Drive office for the sale of std poise and pinwheel under water a e. tenni were Lewhi Moore, J. (-Mater.
-could!,said Mond., that se. reuralh were guests of Carl D. with A. C'. Newby at Lia ranter n•+i- estate end as a builder's office this i Little Hlly Hutchinson dors and I J, M. Cook, V{Ilium J m, Frank A VISITOR
Fish rr for a cruiar Mondayon the donee for the ...atom. :they came
(vest Hotel will he msasaed en both week. The Interior of the office has tw'am for the spec-Menne and w ut 11•illiamwtb!teary \'mishap and Earl
• ah...„ V. down Friday with Sir. Newby,
European and American plana.Room. I __ ;cel in fitted up with cedar addingDicke stain. through DW funny ruirc to the Moore.re. I
nail len rented Dv the day, week or Ml's Gertrude Sullivan o! Chicago ''d In thou five,green. Mr.Dickeys will great unnrt•ment of the ro Casino St. John presented Robert
season. announcer,r,cis presentingt,back in Prince old 1Nd e - baa returned to the Toledo apse. place In the office pieces of hind mode Exhiwitiuue of dieing were given Be ca, .l- Willoughby Cow, Harold Jnbnaon Earl R Hopkins.perdue tier. ngkliD now Dr.rnmrr a neigh- meals. Alenthere is Mita 31.Thorp. office furniture done with the sial he Newton Ieummue, Joe Ileeelrrud, nuns%, telt Gautier. Wallace Culbert-
son, the ti[Llwirt walker, (e the 1- of craftsmen. The chairs wilt be of Wallam C'ulbertom,!!■cold Moss and'son, (Wiper Jeremiaseo. Joe Hovel*. Moder* nirture Dmduc
Dor silts of Mr. and Mrs. 11, J. sou of Montreal. Fabian Mandel and g''
rronda pp skean drive Asti!. Sir. willow and make r P '. gRobert Cook sad
Strewn of tirown'a Hotal:.((Le tired Henryfeud'] Are rricruin• this ph.. av f-- as• Jeff Gavtter. end. lu 6 Silas, an apartment in Mar
Acott had years of raprrfeucr {n phi. J a dolma will be in the nttice. )Ir. FhyalaUy Perfect Worm's. Newton Lummus. drive, for the Seaton.1
next dour to them in Fart Mss park inlruJuctary stunt while Have mg work from Ncw fork to the Toledo. Uiekena trill ern there for cnmultatioq Intense iuierca w■• ih the nppar• The Casino 5t_ John team won, with him. Ae i+intra«,
•bunt ]U nnrs ago whets the Browns with circoses, , 2
were moons the ProNety owners in �_ I Arriving at the 11b(fnrd Monday•at elated bourn.
ante of Mts.Gertrude.\sett,the tie-- to 0, [Stec a taut haul•, a etudfu at Hiatal■n
flat section of Miami. were Sirs. 11. F,. Kipp and Muss Iuisl feet physeal woman. Ma butt telt ■ fliers Bring Ileitis, t Picture making on a la,
In• ong ('atiotm■s arch werea at pot only of woman.
fbn0 but she Is There was no extra event in the 31r.and Sirs,I.Ric!
t _ the ('an;regalioaal enurch erre Me Trinities of lgdi■uapoll.. At iunchrn°I Mr. and Mrs. harry Resell of Ver aprettyyoungwoman. Wh2 w seen skies, The ('o, flyingrisen'scut have also lased an
._ •_._....______- and Mrs. Marebeli soil Mins Mar-ball Monday were)lies Slil•Ired i'vett with York hem arrived at the Melo,'apart• it n ethbitieof awitoming Fitt ards 1 over two
of atudnsk-v,U.,members of a church Arnold I.Hart.Sirs.J,$•Lt5 t any 5 panel and rLim Heroinlauc >tfarevista.
ACED CENEPNI TO IEADsllx. Willie F. F'vaue, I meets to pass alt atm■lyder of tle with the ore"I' nd Cr0 lards with the I did the Jawing clan[ teem par chant
�! wLieD Iter. I:1laLa A. Sing wan •_ sea ton a'iW Slr. enJ \1rw \1't Ilam lurk aerate. Sb dict toll strokes I to smother 4 m{A wit. .A panrhuta Cat ?bh Oat-It b
formerly minister. A letter of Hedge for ^_non was ('amp ueIl. Mr. nosed is conn aerl 1 1 autlfuil7. She'wworc a-black silk,descent by one of rte men of the Cut it this slip, e
pirked le nq Oman Jrnr is ■ lease with tie Pmpie'a National bask of 1 Anette Kellerman mull, rnhich re-loin-us wens spes:inrelar, the aeroplane and mail it to Foley&
CLIMB TO E�EflEL, TQPI p ' Rulleik rum in
from Indian• Sunday d Arlan iii to .leer" l:, New York. He raid It was the fl .t I vealed her form perfectly. She was releasing the pararhhn• mit 2.00N1 feet. field Ave.. Chicago, 111
1 ala Sami a bringing with hon a timith mins'mith's ',ion, Tl:e tyra•r u hristuus time in New lark iu • very warmly revolved Aad a,plotoded The performer landed on pruiw'rty of minute and mistreats clew
lot of entertaining•arm , from &•a• 'I'll"' tr mote when haoum•s were mightily when she lead liui,�od. the Miami lunch lm rovemeut cool-
- --- ,Inuit and England. The tenuous polo of the fund has not been around cud not ikrlatet and the bank mrs..•a• P ironirt in return a tris
layer was out at for nobles]loads 31 r. Sumo i+ nunsiderwg• uvnumnul, rte. movie men Ste, pt t on the pithy on fine 'free Drive, talmng Foley'. Honey
brat Bruce, 55, Accepts' a y eating with the banking firm to laud gem did not ou nd thatarl.but rhre-0 eouthera Kris Kriuclt, Norman Rosa Next, Smola) rile Palm Beach pound for coog ha, rot
I' ting ogre the .aBullock
will for the owner, !loot men with a.,5o0 t, Sir. Ituzrll found Dut a small flip,- ing from the bottom)of the pool sain utug team will lie et the pools Foley Kidney Pills for
eaderghip of Next Effort Ithe TalGttt Ironic. will pay draw upon would have beta combing lliey on rcuttimeatrain were for
wmii in a scarlet bathing suit trimmed to centre. agnina Casimo St.John in and back, rheumatism,
this afternoon in the practice pmt. the beech for the purse. [ with crystals• carrying Miss Mary a variety o: swlmr.iug and dicing nes and bladder slimes
t0 Retell Mountain Mr. Mrs.b.6n L.Berry pees i bound for Havana and the rues. Ba,Aisu in • sack. The bathers events and sill mutest for the water Cathartic Tablets. a t
• Pinnacle neanti J',tmat tyre at Hriolge oeorge W. Browne of Bay road
greeted the water saves('laps heat- polo crown. - thoroughly cteanaing mc
----- !ne for the children of the vicinity' holds the. rMnrl for n e:erthern trip! ac•n'I a and lire! etas.work U our lb.. The film will be shown in the ^• palpation. Dileum•u.
tlpeelrl le the Strteapstl 5-atur,lat night after afro Sietee'm sod return prem \hemi llnvt. !1e motto. Onion I'ti'-em g Co., Inc, Lig Cities by New fears, 'HIALEAH' HAS Hl('H SOIL. sluggish bowel..-Petr;
1.ONtuON, ik .^T---Bng.-0ro.(Das. c,mmugvty teem. tele tree was a fine tenurial a i u e nisbre on Pullmans, Plain :1_:1.-Advertisement. Norman liana's co:dtributina to the •ldcen iu•mrnt. I'anrmary.-Advertarn.
Cran•m{lo !{ria vbs., Japite Lie 53 affair, hearing many beautiful and -
een, bra mended the leadership of useful gifts, There was MIMIC and a
neat 7r'ar'a asecnt n! Mount Everest. ser, mere, party. GAS BUGGIES— That's Going Just a Little Too Fare
n m roan of rvmaksbte entitlement*. Iidward T.^Cede raft, formers • (Copyright, 1ITI, by New Era Ignores)
• lie was sheer the him bots kg,to GaM g
llpw,ll and.wo a•himself deem-item the areesskCountry CI !,lo the ]to the mt.I __
wren,.oho rili.d &Oen the hill like A
.ant r•)obit." but,bruit an irrepreasu- anti
Ourkeek Golf tiue army ofu[1(rre roto atom,
' Die opefmi.% he-recovered. iii Sl r. 1.'pd graft is a nig bellow' BU 57- OUT TNEa1 CARD GLAYRVG- A60S/T WiU7'THEY KNOW OF AU TOW
ills personal sirceatb is such that• "'ha how to keep the gnlfure its could at one rime waist end Hold met.k.°°"..'.e rgd dietence•ud to arrange r ANp 9M THAT Tlh£
cut at arm's l•wib s well-sr,•n ler (oosomes to take are of the de. YOU PLAY GOLF t11fE .T WAY f
pun as to at in a their.Stones of Lis mend for play. YOU WERE DIGGING
strength. his peacoat jokes end of I CLAMS- --1.21./A
ether more winos woolens• are cont. Tte women of the Cony-enamel! `j WA5 RICH-- a-at-
he lots
cansnt northern la• Church pr Moved ]Ire E. A. Ring m' ` 1 //,' '� _ �f ( '(�KNOW ANY THING
iia•when he Ws otmwit nor a rn la• v Ct�il.. `-- -�)-'- THAT ate? •,y
moo: oil mauve u a Christmas gift.'
wAS A ,c A000T CARS-
�b,ei retiteut for Testa Ms pasnnoa tore. S1se, who had been California,
I i - (Ejil BONE H- 3 g' -
Dae always twat, mountaineering. to the nee of the gas in California, /
Sim.-than eace he brought one of his foatd difficulty in using • common+ NE H! ) s - f( :♦ A I i-,� '
Nur►lias truu:e a its bow,line he leek I out stove end the women of the Morels: Q�� '`;,i 6 i y
with hits to Sa;tterleud, %there II,-• Sen,hst togetler mud bought tat vap--rI w �,m �, \. •J t' '
Ourkha'.o um-assne r;til in eeeand:ling-stove as the boot sok:emote they could a,/'✓ , 1
sip 'mtuoe-ll-.e Won. l•rdureit great'ft-n.h ` 1,• - •
•t.nku,t .d (,rads among the Swiss Ir,.,' 1 :)\*
/ t ` �„ e' - 1' rc. •.aid-+ul:..nr!mavet Crt,rre urn any l'hri+tu.zs t a--uy��'a etvni MlondaT v • I / '.. u/15
ntIetrby many of the DTilidono Harry S.I "' .; _ /?, \ - f11 •);- s' Sn,•o4b*rte eou:e.I1e4 to leave the lea tier' 1a•1 bis teen workivg ou l'a•I j { 11 _ / 1, �..�e'. 7jf _• } r `i '.
Mal peak rt ,ou,'a,r men, Isle rigor su,o St. 3 kn which onus[ he done b,: 1 [ V
au,1 Spun t!era a••on organ:rer and,I Naturdat. Men worked mel day nn' ! �' - — __--......i.: guilt _ ��' ": '•ri - .� .
!'s erI '� ,s n ,ender of turn at)t,Slit stop.d•,wn tow u. A gang r!, _/ •\ Is- , 1 -....,....-:„...o-;C�� 5 I %, r. •i..
le iitsa al , I:. (even Is ear. n•a t u It a ptisnt• ft' r L r F. 1[ L- r - _ \ -
_ _ __
!too a n tr. !h n .\It.y. r / I �• ` .'vl/ � • C•,
It F.,i i darns ! J t!" ,,S ,, I. �� !\-..af'•-',
\>:.t it is a I,:..ia a.•d 1'•r .a n !ai.!r3 i it Aire t r. .r.l / +
eat n r:s.,,r»ii. f-r their brat.gr+•t•it, 'II shut it rd:p t..e i t' i,re of :. /) I F - •• - hI¢ i-' 't"� e' d • / -� rt,s
i sol rr i.t s t....,11•134 ova.fern. _ Mil ..::„_L._,
• 4'e
DAIL y .,
1 ECTRON..' A/11Am."
'"ME" I IRUH-.--..13n...J) . dIS PAC.13743 a .
l iurida re- OC g>.�oa► Where tae At4r1
y .e0.
thA 'iiBACHBY - THE —tSEA oo .: ;awl e,I•i.rges•ed,
-- --- PHEPARATIONS 601N6 Attractions in the Water, 18OARQ WILK BOOSTERS I CL4SSY Gou
►�_ : __ — AT CASINO ST. JOHN On Land and in the Skies, ARE TO MEETONI6
....•• 1T�` r Great Opening on New Year's Draw Crowds to the Beach Plan to Form as Association is
J�IOA� • Eve Will be a Spectacular — Being Rapidly _
J f'� ►i ' Y X• Affair Remarkable Series of Events? p 7
t a Staged at and Near Casino PRINCE NELSON GIVES by those interests Bob Brown is W
1 - O'.P.Pearce,who is to manage the Winter residents who own ocean e, an(
Town and ,: w ,� Il'asrndra at Casino St. Jona, was a
St, John on Cbr�it- CROWD MANY THRILLS'Irave Prize,
If Thrills r guest o! Charles Stoneham, owner ofNeeds properties sad numerous other son Tied Si
• the New York Glsuts,during the sum- ma! Day. Prop»ray ownsra Interested in the
building of the boardwalk have called
0 Great • mer, Mr.Pearce comes with a bust of Before the Itowau Pools Sunday meeting for 8 o'clock tonight at _
• •^ ,� • new ideas about entertaining his pub- afternoon, where the flags mere fly• ltoak'r arcade pp urfa¢iu as asaneia- A tidd rat Ira tw.
• • Ile, which V the legion of well known log from a dozen poles and the band Daring Tight-Wire Walker Per- rico. Office', will be elected and an haat writ'the seaaoc
I vs•
H 4 Z - people who will go whenever Pearce playing wader the striped awning of •erica aasorlation ie pprroomixed. The u• [ataxy of golfcn,a
passed its .,t Ye basis his bat. the new band stand,was a great Bath• forint 80 Feet Above Ocean aoctatfoq ban the Olathe/ of the At• hewer that the beach
.L:s tolJty The popular manager was busy Moa- grin of women swimmers,who enter. Isatic City Boardwalk As tion and
sday t plans forwasbg Drive Pavement. sod} in the laud.dtanade
,iLre•tiot l.Lt matinSaturday night. rained befor:the program of the alt• of many other boardwalk historic,and Beach Golf Club Si<
Lad Dever v ! Fred tat.John has given him full coo- eronou was oreoented. Stn. Maud they are not neverabed ba boar itinn.
to be seen • `- 's - .. S Prince Felson opened Dia Weekes eTarn Das nevor beep■ boardwalk new, for the fray 1
,* trot of the balcony and the arrange- Witter of Worcester,a regular winter TDero sad beau p
'h',72' � W. meat will be according to Ptarce's fixture at the pools, a clever diver,t Pngatrmcat at the doa•nlow° De•rDea built whim did not meet with o'moat ho. fiend in rhe um,
„ - ' ' pool with form'Sunday night in bis sensatlotul hlgh• tine." said Lmbert Rook," It's like Monet matches and l
in "nub- �' ( .,.., plan. took header, into thewire act. A greath
srusntlonat r'rF:, _ Si. "The people are comi.l to Miami waicl won admiration. Also there crowd greeted this getting the frenehiee lore a. railroad In the rKiuo was oh
�r were Mi•e Margaret I.. Rogers, Sliu acrobat ■rad be suatla on his through any city, C' people ops•IKatand remained
of tie press ,ir e• •-' for the arasuu and we shell hare a g reputation for hazardous arta tae
1' '.,' r iew�'rS^ wonderful •inter. Many bare arta Alice 'dentine, two • lendid swim. pose the plan which is going to bt • heat,
at doetdownP high wire. Appearing in costume, pulite convenience becagae they feel The mernlua g■n
thw•Lile when' holdiug ba-k because of the holidays. mere and divers, and also Alexander Prince Nelson waltzed and two- that the •re not t o benefited.toes
glotwin run- I have that-hand infurmetlua that Ott, with his little sea,j Alex, Jr., stepped above the multitude 80 feet ing sight of what it Drell mean to all ing weather. There
part act. fro- ;•.::.'-•-_;,:,,,;,-„ after New Year's we will begin to see who were seen In the pools. This above the pavement on (kw° Drive. the people. brevet to coot the.n
Nelson who , ,t -""°`' the familiar faces and counties, vex preamble to tae eve to of the atter- stood on Lia head on • chair bat- "That's the kind oflopposition we mei . at the carie?
he..cmc pro- r: „ Ones. Let no man make you think noon was quite tip to'wooing which euer•J on the wire and prrfnrmed other have here. We era 4oI going to make Netted the wpm b
c front when there will be •dull winter. has been cern at the pools this season. difficult mutate. Ile wilt be Ken for a fight. We are going to educate the white-ahead briged
red wane • "ith o: - . :- "The Havana crowd which we hear Major tf. It. Carter of Tacoma, the remainder of the week every af- people,interest the city council, make over the fairwava in
h taunts the I ✓,,,'l, _ eo much about will all Le here on their Wash.,la charge of the pools,the nut• lernoon and evening%t Ocean Drive. erlenda for the proposition and mate It was late aftern.
gave awere to .pfruhpe I - °' an oucrth. Mins i[bblt cannot nala side 'pumice at Casino St Jobs, Nelson carries a IIO.pouad pole to a demsnd for it, That •ceompllahed sults of the matches
the call 111air..11
P ; J brought out his corps of assistants in Mlauce Maisel( on the wire. Ills
as shall have on the boardwalk about Bob Brown took t
• �`�., Things will begin to move fist here scarlet swimming slits on which were noel and unusual acts have been all that Fred St. John has at the for the amateurs wit
on the ',tam! 1 t,. . i • •l A iry ° S',;v.,;.: in 10 days and will make a season of the word"Ca-loo Kt John"1r,white. given all over the country and be rysigo soda bathingla connected
'1':r unusual business in all lines, We 7. para cap T, net OT.
e emoted, to It was•■goodly company o.ex-service never fails to �restp ■ thrill for his with the_watk,bandsplaying,the Staltic Selena at
pie ler„n[eoL r~ _ IP.
are tere of business from the opening men: Rud Kuuslers of the recur daring. There wit he a change of pre there.” were gird for the sat
• of the menS' : night" 'tA tin¢ delerUnent of the city of Ue• costume•oA et per rmaecs tai y, Ererxxone ►Steteethi in the ploerd• vita TO Baca.
at the people - Str. Puree sass tae Kew Tear's trop: t\'illiam Jeha0. fustrwr•or •t - ----- walk, ripen end worycn, stn Incited prose returnlnr e
to draw them 'pPr�, Dight souvenirs will be expensive. TAe ('oroneda Brach,Cal.; Ispuis Duncan �r}�IL'I �`1gr 'hY' to tae meeting toDigLt tear coatppM w-ero:
' Knickertmeker hotel wuvenicrs which and William Forsythe of Detroit: roil
HQflSEIWEN•6fVEN J. Stillman. HO-12
r James B.Iteyau had bought,and many M,.Jnr Carter, who ii one of the
-hes thronged, ` ri,F {w� Harry Pancoast. I
:or parties o° • other new novelties wit be presented. »Breed naervea of \\'ashyylhgton. was ARBITRATIOM'80ARD Lee Runlets.83 3-'
es, too, were - - Orchestra Arrives In heavy •■raillery on Pt►get Sound A CHRISTMAS DINNER, T,W.Palmer,78-i
Arnold Johnson leader,and 10 mind- during rte war as an i°atruetor. He
ase by lime. N.B.T. !(encu.8
clans composing!`'nut \Tbitelaa's or• has been Ault Tun an iustructotHAS A REPORT HEADY Lee Chase.79,8-if
•rte of strati- chests,arrived Sfonday at Oeean'Ina. In physical culture in Tacoma erbrols, Richard Buller. 8
ted in the epos This organization will make Its tint five pun Physical dirtatnr In the There Is a terata of tine felh,wa t
_"�R public •pptxanoce New Year's ere at Ternma Y. C. A. and rnn°erErd the Fifteenth street stables, many of R. T. Jones. WI
wo days of fn•' �.•. s+� °s-.:� Casino lit. John. Jr la one of the with the Kereldes baths in Tacom been ex Knire mea, all ajcrilent F. W. Aavl.,144-1
ale were the • ' ^'r h. Broadway organisations of White- Present to nee Major Carter a . orsemen,who care for the pe:oponies. Will Recommend City Buy Ben liberal's!, ictal
;,ranee of the - s a- u seas sew,,f man's a the has tent plated men. Newton Lummus run the.first of the Their Christmas dinner Sunday was a M. Fl.Chase. 13.1
I, Mia. Ger- : ' ' - ^'z,, The coming of the Whiteman or. water stone carnivals at the pools bomacooked llnnlr by J. J. Samples, Triangle and Widen Street W. rim . M-
in Rn-s. Dar- .,- . :'s. s4 .- s 3 ;, themes makes over 25 mo•h•et,s v oe were Eugene McClure of Kansas City, dao prevented a gegular New En.land to 100 Feet W. Harrison. DO-I
I m the 40-foot • `-'`, - ..;; - i - -• aro to furnish music at the casino this Mo., and his assistant, Eugene K. Cpristmsa menu, (Ile rare the boys r
y- E. Purr.107tt 85
j'iren■ thrilled 1 P$INCI, NELSON seaAOn. Weise, of New York, who will bane Shade Island turkey with cranberry elo, . Pancoast. R. All starting•t so
I runts 11 Already the public Is enemnnnel charge of the lac}al Palm Pool. Abel sauce and dressing• cream of tomato
Ale Prince Nelson, tae tan devil tight-wire walker, who It defying death at with the Harmonyband.The band has there was Richard Bullen of Ctl'I soup. meshed potatoes, celery. home- var.°,and V.E. Walsh,the board of •imha'ecc,re,sero:
• south beach at 3:30 and b:30;p• m,daily. been beard two aternoons at the pools cage, the form. crack swimmer of ('eked yellow corn bread end pumpkin arbltraton, npvraeuting the city of \Value es Thelson 70
i changed from
Miami Beach and Jame. A. Allison 70; Charles Thew,S
d. The plus. •.__._ and everyone says nice things. The the Chicago Athletic Club; Guy M. pie,
_ pewitioe of the bandrland is each that Ltrin[etop with, a corps of ration moor Rrotieid• eeterSnoottot sent have agreed on a report to the city 73: Aare 1lcKay, 7
i peak and did ---- - ----- - -= oe the music yea be beard for a inn Picture men,'including Dailey Head council to be made Jan¢ary 4 on the 77; Harald Lee. 71
ts. and other. It I t clgare as did Cecil el.Fowler. At the 78; Rrullie Kpatk0.7
distance. The golfers at the club were whe was featuring the southern Santa CDrietmas table wish Menlo Morrison, proposal to buy the triangle property.
parachute de- MIAMI BEACH NEWS PARAGRAPHS' Ij doing deeces to the music Katllyday Claus for the northern picture houses, George Ebberte, SGmee Ebbette, Joe Tate arbitrators will report to pity-
meat feet altitude, afternoon on the greens so ^IPar and any a Int mora of men rl ho ate in Kugnt. 'fermata .\btr¢rtaeT. Mr. Sid-
of i3.G(10 with Interest since CHURCN SING
o_a of tiro tot. __` . _ ,____.,o distinct were the notes which carne touch with winter oleo._ tad areata rev. %'altrr•Erirk?n,l.eo Gnonlomno, Mr•dlliaon bought the property and
''a drat sen the -----
front the band. Keaas Classy dwlmmtn Rill am lt. Mil cr. }tnusell King, all flies up to the date of transfer
I1 with its hos William Singleton passed Charlet- Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ewing of_ Ncwtua Lummus, manager of the 'owlet, Csine,J. J. Samples and la tae cite. CAROLS 801
`h7 mule a per. mal with a sister fu Palm Beach. a the Fowler apartments are at Trau• - - water,porta,eatbetri clot of skilled Citatlea Slagh. They will recommend the street be
j fated hales'be — vylv■ala,I.a.,with a daughter for the transacting bugloss tlurin{e the days, swimmers for the proftWl. It opened Mr.and Mrs.Robert L.Bacon and nude 100 fat wide through'the prop-
Is. Frank Osborne bet leased his cot• holidays. I and arrived liana far Christmas eve. arilL the familiar gran pea Malt• O IJ. ,Ueckarher of New fork will crlf and the triangle, which will re-
m was In. tape at;NS Miami avenue to Miss Rae lie went from Miami to Chicago, to leg. 'Ills was tM comedy neat at he the guests of rm. 1l. SI. Talbott main by cutting Alton road through
raced for 00 F. Waosker of New York. Mrs.Tina Hi?browor,who has ries Milwaukee, to Chicago, to Toledo, to to bill. It atwayr places and the In 5'ehrnaa. Of 're. ISgcon end the Allison property, M made tato a After their nutabl
prl{gnr+o Mlp _ _ I stopping at Browti s howl,bee gotta:0 Cleveland, le Buffalo) to New York, company on the grandstand•pplanded liecksrher are ran lug down for the public Dark, tat peoggm at the c
exhibitoo of Sir. sad Mrs. Rupert Barrington Palm Beach to pass the white: with to Miami, in nine days. hetetUy the yonagltt'n who en aped polo touruameut Ilio ploy In Ibe. FIB• The board was appointed by a Ar ma tree Saturday
e g sad Pleased have taken an apartment In the [ relsltn. _ I to reach the flu. Richard I ours- miago cup defense. They were here nand of Property owners itf the south choir of the Condi
i • .Caron, Eight etcher_ —
ba, Marion ' estge•r, Itaytttelrl lest year and were among the brilliant Pert of the thy to regain the land.delegated many hose
[ Stertin!Ibis morning on the cruiser tarter awl' Harold, Merritt atu men on horseback which J. C. (Tooley which was closed during toe war for a th+a:ty ly.t,.{:.
1:manus•hand I ]Ir. and Mrs. Juliet. Plcischmau Tanguynguy for a two days'cruise in Elisabeth Valle the children of Mr. was acrotnPatnr� 1
'50 yard.rice. Orean•Bay brigs or Masons will will arrive at the ltieelow curtr;e'the Florida keys arse a',arty of young and Mrs- Harold If. Rakry, took had•ipol
b Hue 'butt] hod ever seen. linen.•The dosing of AitunT road at beautiful
crawl which 1\ednr,day. Ili* eeeretary has em- people, tuciudiug five Culver academy, part. S1Ios }:liaabett• Bailey, who la R hile Sir. Bacon and Mr. Hecker-hher this point diverted traffic to First
championship work the Twister mason evening. on residence
i ce of Mr.
[aged!a room's the I-Iuealo. ) It, skilled in greased pole walking and will not bring their ponies this',emu street any closed the connection of
�� candidata 11'rd¢esday boy*: Jack Mcllwealt Jack H. residence of a
^- I Young.J.W.Yonu John and Tatem Lae won man; • rise by 'matching they will be mow ted byJ. l . Bo *Lib's'Weir.of Pille-
r I Sirs. Charles W. ('hare, Sr.. and b P t q their trigain- Alton road to Biscayne avenue. As Wile. Itnlles, Cs
gh divine.SI . Edward Meier went to Fort Pierce'daughter arrived Cha Se. ad \\of(ord and Susses]racy Dunn,Theb .the flag from the slippery spar, won Fred Poet nny come here again. Alton road is one of the main abor. A.C Kex1) * Iba
lie si11 be•for the Christmas holidays from Mrs. ('hese will take a Friday.
c for ma Kura and Myrtle Floyd. Sin. Sunday afternoon on her third at. it be lora he will play on the field ongbares and the only road which vibe, Brown i Hot,
�'carnivals Bridge Inn. !the se'badaten dow•D town. Later they T. D. Dunn and Mn.Tatem R'o(lotsl tempt, alidlug out toward ter end where last peer he met with en•nevi- will extend north and south the entire places. This coot'
-- aro chaperone for the party• rat the spar end taking the flag a dent iu one of the crucial games of length of the tib, the shortening of Clirletmas tide was
Thorne.• i.momtr In pasxing the waill fiat a permanent home, the fell. She won a woDlY prize ter the Kawn. the road at Fire: street oaks veld-
MANACEfl AOi;days with Dia lsrente, SLr. a4 I eft tut. in the life the vie
I i Luncheon lets at the i.inrola for Mr. and Mrs.. George R. Moore of ere: not in accord with public von: e•anAe not proralnenl
Vrs. J. N. Lumwus, at Salubrity Ig the u(S yard junior swlnomla[ vroleace and led to considerable ai- of Chrfsrmas err.
the tolidncs were: E•Iwtnl K. Bart• lfyanuil, Sloss., woo bane taken •
Ocean trice. race llarryl Kimbro won. The re salt program Wes an lee.Us' of the tation y reonea the boulevard were: Mrs.W.E.
lett and party of 04itago.R. SL'fir• orange at 810 Second ridnet for the was: KimLru. fleet; Pete 1M•s'ar- crawl and back stroke. He swims the
blr. and Sln. Thomas W. Walking n' of t;odrwoal.N,.1.; K. }. AU7p, winter Lad a easily reunion ?Moor• tonin,second: lst mond Carter,third. four-to-six-beat crawl. lies back' Avery C. Hmlih started the more- S. n A. blew.CMrh
ST NOTEllenttnalurd for Mr. end Sirs James Suns Verson .\Ilene protein T. Allyn was. Their snow Raymond L. Moore Willia:a Johnslof Coronaso !Beach,stroke is powerful. Hq fs,alto a mret. Hei w'anta the traffic nu the Tayl A, Bosun, Mt
Dant and Miss 1'iviaa Dan[ and Mr. and E.E.Allyn.Jr. end (1. Winthrop Moore, and Mn. broke the recond. for und.•ncntet I g arrlul axiuuoer. sever going south dinned w Ale- Taylor.
\ioore'a sister, Miss T. Jt Busier.,of 1 mine ■eewue, another 100-foot road-
end elrs. Goldsworthy of Detroit at Sln. William J. atautn¢ •'creed •• II auois, 3nined them at the leech. esimmint, loieg 140 feet in SD•ell Miss Artelt was Ken lu twin?from way, that traffic may roach the
in of Sita mi their Collins avenue home ('a houseaa )' cods fist The record Lad been bald a five-foot board. She sure a dark beaches over the two urnkl I ave• PITTSBUflCH
,ranger of Bea ere. Thee had a erre and the turkey dinner at the baa room a: Gm Mr. and Mrs. Moors are to toe toe by Jsekeon of the Lurline bathe to blue bathiui suit situ r unman nuts in the south part of theacit
Sliami L a,a Gulf l'lu p Lou. Scor maea era of Sloore's Shu lo they I
-r r.kfrs.I:onk' was beautifully illuminated. t P• .San Francisco at 41 tie-emir. 'Fla stripe. The movles made much ,f /
day for a petty of golfers mei their Smith ('eelnn builtiug which theyngTO LOOK
,ted Stele
the Shipp , I friendsesent was gr s- a aectormrap• gardigg. MOVIE EllM P000UCEfl 'OfO'
Thomas R. Shipp of Washington, Ihopoe to open this week. event rotted
r Krcir bullet• [ Tn a form of ap• Ending the sports xss water polo,
operated Ly who arrived yiaturday, lo a guest. of! pause. hater Johns yid anhmorine RilcaT4r Ifs Saving Corp against
Mrs. H. L. Edwards anti Miss j S j
the Sea Creat horse A. Allison.hi a the cruoser Sea George W. Dickens will open chieal swimming, demonstrating tinier the ps1}• l'aslao St.Veba. rSi the Life Slavin;
Horse. Mr. Shipp end ItdwW Wer. Berths Edwanls of Luria tin pMlliy are 1 d'edge that Sea 11 renrath were cors;* of Carl D. with A. C. Newby at his r.inter reel- Ocean Drive office for the sale of real {,else Littlean [li y itut nnder•w l erg sore. team were Lewis'].twfMoore. Shafer. James T. Mnrhel
Jcntt for t. .t•ram. Thr came estate and a a buifoler'a office ?bill Bill llutrhinson ,love and l J, Sl. Cook, Villiam .1 ns, Frank A VISITOR AT BEACH
Fisher for a cruise Mondayon the TPa., is eislrine Mr.
caged on both west, The interior of the office has swam for the atMc'atorw and wu[ \{'illiameoh,'leery Vaughan and Earl
ShaJuw Y. down Friday with Mr. Newby. I been fitted ti with cedar Aldine slain•'throp h h hinny repertoire to for \loner. a Weigh. Michigan •
o nlaus.Ronnie _-.-� P ti ll P shall is Part owner
dean week or Mte+ Gertrude &illiesn Of Cbicato td in mission green. Mr.Dickens will great amusement of the company. Casino St. John ppresented Rolsert
oma• neigh- aaununttr, isMt presentinIn g Prince 1'r oce roles old as/has returned to the Toledo apart- n(licelaceifurnit re donice e with the es co en askill by Newton Lammas, afloTeleroA, Moleen ss, \G•iuti Gautier, �t Cut. lbert- Jon°son & Ho kins,aof New York a new sublcnnn n
• t meats. Also there le Olin Sl.Thomp ' e will In Ce e <
son, the tfghtwire walker, to the P- of craftsmen. The chairs velli Da rat \Velure Culbertson, Harold !toes any son, Holger Jrremisaeu,'Joe Hovels• mou'm picture Producers. has leased Ht be here for t
I Mrs. W. J. crowd* on 'Wean• drive daily. Slr. ton of Mammal. Fabian Randal and willow and m•hopiny. A4 �ftice ns- Jeff Gamtier. cud, '!u?h :Ilan, Itotpev; Cook aJ an apartment is Marerbt•. Ocean ing Sir. welsh in i
del. She lined Scott had veers of experience iu this Henry Rendel ore nturuiug ?Lis sistaut will be in the: office. Mr. PbyaicaUy Perfect Woqntw. Newton Lummus. trice. for the ecason. Df r. Hopkins is opening he property
•t U•Ilaspark iatroelurtory stunt while tB.nehag week from New York to the Toledo. Dickens will be there for consultation Intense interest was in the appear. The ('seine at. lobo teem woo, with him.He 1s interested is locating lawyer in I'itteborg
a the Drowns with aircusee.
-my others in _� Arriving at the Wofford Monday at stated Lour,. euro of SRA,Gertrude .\melt,the pe•• 2 to 0, rfter ■ hand battle. studio at ITl.lr•b and entering into his first visit herr.
In the Christmas congregation at were Sfn. It. E. Kipp and Misa l,oisl feet phyaical wnmau. Stloe'Artelt a Filers }king Thrills. s picture making on a lame scale. :Walsh,bought 13 a,
_—___ the Congregational church were Sl r. Triadle of IDdiau■polis. \t IUD he rpon nuly of besutltu. form but she Is There oat nL extra event in the Sir.and Mrs.L. Richter of CDicagn land last sear and
Mond• wen.. Maitre)1:'',•tt heooI Mr. and Mee.Harry Rotten of New a pretty young woman. Phe woe Ken I skies. The ('o,ly flyiut circus•sent Gare also leased an apartment In with coufidenea in S
amt Mn Marshall and bliss Marshall y I York have arrived at the Melc.),apart• is au cabibition of wxIwming urs yards surer two plain* and Lieut. Vermes Marevhsta. menta. became a ha
I of Sandneky,O.,member,of a church Cr°old L.liar),Sl n.J.B.l;vae midi meats to Limit he remainder of aha!.with the crawl aJ 0(1)ants pi1D the did ton daring Chang. from,ane plane having Keq le ro
0 LEAQ 't which }rev. }aiaha A. Ki wan Mhss Willie F, Eeaaa, I season wi . end \tr0. Wh plain
Il °jback stroke. Sho did both strokes j so •°other in mid sir. A parachute Cat This Oat-it la W°rlb Morey I Ire is cngvl¢Crd to
formerly mlpbter'_ A letter of credit fir 52.500 was Casnprll. Mr, Rosell is conn sed I utifull,. She Isare a 'black .ilk I dcaceut by one of tie men of the (}ht out this slip, enclose with fpr'is to be the best of tl
irked u p on Ocean drier iv • nhr•e with to People's N•tioo4 Mak of Obnette Kellerman cult.tshich re- teems was spectacular, the aeroplane!snd mail In to Foley&Co..21(35 Sbe•f- tial dietrlcts shoot S
$°'' Pulite-la carne in from Indian- sunder rand Otl to Ave[) New 'fork. !le wit It was the fl •t reeled her fora! perfectly. She wee Ireleasing the parachute at 2,000 feet.Meld Ave., Chicago, Ill., writing your ptesv,d with bla li
a polis Monday bringing with him a Smith'at Kuilh'l casino, Thr,nRDer I'brlstmar limn in New York in a eery warmly rn•ehrrd and a`iplaudeel '1'ht performer landed on Pro sevty of'name and atWresa clearly. You will,retulrtine this wee
It of entertaining yarns from Santo ref :br fund hat,nett been around and n tadc.'larc,llore wthe bank mrwwere wi'hcly when whe had fiuhhrd. the Miami Benet' improrrmeut eum•imeirn in return a trial tetka;m con•iw4hrn•.the nuns Fac
load awl England. The remote Mr. Smith is tonaiAtriu commnnp• Ttc movie meq Sine, pet on the pony on 1'iae Tree ihhr. Seining Foley•s Hooey and Tar ('om- holidays which olio'
git tt 1L'hyK Kan nut of the fon Mo¢oolo eating with the banking firm to find faro dui not revalue eery
chives. southern Kris Kringle, Norman Rows Next t kutdey the }'elm Beach plun,l for coughs. colds end '•coop::down here for the II
e r �.svking over the accomuestations for the owner. M<.t men xifi ;2,5011 to SLr. Mizell found that but a unlit elle,' the from the bottom of the pool swimming team will be at the pool' Foley Kidney Pills for pains In aelel
it Effort the Talbott opon nsthe pracktice
gampley the beachufovi rolbe Dur ohoeu ecmbiat The'(reutthe
body ofn ores
travelersSlte i. with crystals,t braarryluging wMiss Mary a variety oalewimlilthc ar.rlJdiving nay andbark,
bladderr ailment/I;; andeFoley 323. (Minn I'!umbiour o
thise- afterdraw bane to
'-••tall! -- _ :hound for Havana and the races. Bastian in • tack. The bothersevents and will contest for the water Cathartic Tablets. a wholesome and N. E. tad Ale.-Ad
Sir.and S[n Jnbti L.Berry gave• Georee W. ltrewae of Bay road greeted the water Santa Claus heave thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con-I
neighborhood Christmas tree at}Bridge PI Polo crown. _
tun for the rhllstret, of the vicinity bolds the rn'wnf for a uortach. trip' Service Quinnfleet class work Is our ily. The film will be shown In Ire wtipeton. welsanesr. headaches f end Try the Atlantic 1
tnM1l•) `au;rday •night ■Ree Sfr+. Fiet•n'r's toe return from Musing heart. Ile motto. uiPlumbing Co., Inc., big ricin toy New fears. I(IALEAH HA3 RICtI KOIi.. nlugaisb Dowels.-Precava Rod Cross i,rrmest, Mgr. !'h
I t g.Ge�Cae. amumwolr.r tree. The tree was••fine traveled n I a e 'debts on Pullmans, Photo 323.-Advertisement. Norman 1G neve contribution to the .\Jvtrti,emtnt. I'hnrrm ry-Advertisement. tixmeat.
pile lila 55 affair, bearing many De•'rtiful ao<S - "--`""
icer rat veto gifts.rThere waw music and • GAS BUGGIES— That's Going Just a Little Too Far. I
net Ernest, eery merry party.
e attainments, Edward T. l; r • - (Copyright, 11121, by New Era Feolures) ,
aleg.In Gal- pal[raft. former
deerrib••GA meenekeeper het the Indlsuapolis _
' the bit! lite a ['"°°try ('luD, how -.me to the Mb 3O AEN DONT CARE HOU/YOU RUu w',(,L MEEKLY,VOMIT TO BEING AND DONT RE5ENT WUR tSAwLW6 -�T YUST?TART S OisiG THEM ASO Tiie i HEAR'EM-
! ani Knelt timU Club to art as start-
s° irreprea.i- lig for the army of pilfers new aerie- IT IN AfeOleT THEIR GOLF- JO,HEP ABOUT THEIR OULU IN
1•anc4 that g. Mr. L'psegtaff is a big fellow i 1)USR•IE.'A7`- c - --�
who krwws bow to beep the golfers THAT,tyTt$F-},� CEI
wise and hold just the right distance and to arrange! J t A140 9M-THAT TIME ORIYIN6 AUTOMObk
ellgrtes per ,hur.owra to tote erne of the Jo-: ?YOU PLAY GOLF LIKE trINE W� �rDV FE11t7Eh1EM13ER 711E YtiUR MOTOA STAt(ED FOR FfFTfiEN YEAF
I. jokes cat of nsaJWrday YOU WERE -GCMG FORTHAT OLSTOCS 1(0-HoIHRE 1 KNO\y7..... ,,...Io►r+ anal Ot p Al./AY THATT,eutiL , TOIX I ' As�ippNGCLAMS- WA, RICH- ne-M- •
iM T HI tits, •re nem- The wrese id rhe E. A.guio¢alA HBAHfO _ YOU KNEW ANY18WAS Af It ded a(l In• Chursameb pnsene•A Mra F A. Kiran a —1 ATHAT D(•AE ,( r ( ABOUT CARS- "1'��� 11 '
ended a(lurk- vapor oil adsee as • ('brietmu gaolWAS A _ '
Iter pinion Stns King, who bay been accastnm 1I
•unrelnsering. to the use of the gat In California, , , t _ '
car one of his found difficulty in using • eomroon I MEN KA.INA! -/, \ =•� (� ` i
,the he took oil stove red the weeper'of the church I �. Q}'�)• °itF"•1� aR" 9 a• ♦ r 1 .Q �C ` 'r ,e
ad. nacre the i boniest together and bought the vapor I (�".% .•y I Y • •,•11 .. , r ---4,y- r.,..
in s,-rambling *tete an the br>t substitute theycould !°,- III
1 '� /0,,,..q Y'�L'.r
raduc great find. ..
• _. o
(incI. seen any. ('hristmss was served Monday- 1 j1, '
` iallr ir' ! r, r �,'' {,f.,`
by oar,y of the den Harry S 5 ,> 1��33jj s i.. - i •;
1 to knee the 14 tom had hu men working so ('a ,��- - _ .. fel O.% . .% _/J Co o. '
ong the Swiss
n. tits riper s:no St John whieh must be done D / _ —6 t,\` •�I4 1'. t '; .%• / •s rMgantnr•t',1 Salur,leT. Mi-a worbe l all day on �. 6j _ _�4. ry i�/ ' `
.r of mon *til 111,.a,l,`lop,,!sewn town. A gang of 1 ,, / i` — \ --\����. i ;� r '•O .e i „ . _1 ,
ran. i taco Melt a private offs• for F. It 'Z Nt .`..: z- / r /`.
ilu I a s •n the office of the \Ito I �' r • ' .�I--u', I'oc:un .sten I L 1 _ t• ,t
J i' d a lu rarilu;htor I (- ( C ( 1S\ II'uau t ! t 1
A:H alt! the prcP•,..r ,o (( aA��� %//•! %/ / / -" -0ii � /� '' ! 4%.1I'r(
4 s
e •
YY.C-�'111'.1. , YL I. LY L' . . 1 i►.'�U►1 L1 �� s u -
---_ e - ---��� 1 t
yc' \
-- AMI
MIBEAD I-i BY . THE -'SEA Ola' eo wase. and seabed. aro
loges dila ewarteot delta►ta,
___ . . __ __
' Great Opening on New Year's Draw Crowds to the Beach Plaa to Form an Association It yV�TNER A N D FI
faillt-- - . , ..
e Eve Will Affalspectacalar -- Q-- -- -- Being Rapidly Developed
Remarkable Series of Events.PRINCE NELSON CINES by �" tat t'
Staged at and Near Casino Bob Brown is-VI-finer of Aalt...'`�
W.P.Pram.who is to manage tee st, John on Chat- Winter residents who own ocean tear Prise, and Wallis Nei-Z['• .?a
r,�����••. l•ascudes at Casino St. John, wu ■ bncpIIe properuro and ¢onerous other
guest 0l Glories Stoneham, owner °f _Day. - CROWO MANY THRILLS, 707 tea red saragaa for
'"' the New York Giants,during the sow- mW p rty owners. fntemtedl !n the
Au[ding o[ boeedwalk kale called Professional Honors•'+ mer. Mr.Pearce comes with a boat of tt,,Nre the Roma. Pools s„a4ey emceeing for 8 o'clock tonight at _
'.e es. • new ideas stout entertaining his pub- afternoon, where the (lags were fly- -- Rook's arcade to organtx en solaria• A field At Its-holiday height hes}-;,
,F lir, which h the legion of well known lug Prow a donee toles.and tee band Daring Tight-Wire Walker Per- tion. Offic.n will he ele4ted and an liant wtih the weasoas beet and
.; people who will go wbereceet Pearce playing under lbs. strived awning of • active association le promised. The u• galaxy of golfers,a fulfillment=
".e� �•tt hangs his hat. the new band stand,was a great nth- fOfmt 80 Feet Above Ocean ■4lclstioa hu the b story of eke At• Eoaet that the beach cauls h the
•. S The popular manager was busy Non- erin of women swimmers,wbo eater _- 'antic('tq BoaMR'Ik Assorlgtlon sad to the Ind.desrenAedl upon e
g Drive Pavement. °> ' •
,s.)1 ' • '.; t _ • • day making Plans for Saturday night. lamed Lefore the program of the all• nt many other Durdwalk hi■toHes and Beuk Golf Club h(onda, tit om.
i v I Fred ht.John bis given bin full con• erotwu gas prexute,1. Mrs. hind they are not discouraged by opposition. nese for the fray beton beta '
trod of the balalnl and the arrange- Prince Nehoa opeged bis ways 'There has never been a boardwalk There had beet, more,of a
Witter u(Worcester,a regular winter v'
•e-,.: 'jet" meat will De according to Tetra's (inure at the pools, a clever direr,b e°gn tarot at the downtown beaches built wIllk did not meet with opposl- el0y't''T
P0° bis field in the amateur and
tt� =t.:.,., pool Sunday night in his sesnatlonal high. tion;' said Iambrrr Rook!' It's like atonal matches and the lowliest dotter`'.
PWn• took headers into the 1 with form' L `` gain the fro°cbi .. for,a. raUroad t°the tccioo was no hind to see _
•. "The people ■re comic to Miami wills.set. A great crowd vatic,' this. g' g
77 g weroCIlli euyiartaretllp Rotel v,there
aerial acrobat and he sustained his through any tit,. C<rtaip people oafs start sad remained to follow
Ior the season and we shall hart a n utatlua for batenlout acts on the going to be a I beat. at ''
• ,^`•'.'• , +s*- -;;: -... wvndet{al .winter. Maui bate been dlin Manasse, tKo splendid calm- h1�II wire, Applearing in.
costume. pose •
beranee they feel
holding back because oI the holidlSa. meta and direr, sad also Ale:nder Pyinn Netwn waltatd and two. that the, ■n not t obi bnee they,Ilse- The morning gave promise,of Rolfe.I.��}
r +.� L.,,.:'•...r�yc,. after'seI have wr),eaisdwe will gin to see Infortuselon :hat Ott, with his little e Alli, Jr.'
stepped above the multitude 60 feet Ing Deep of what It man to:II- Int weather. There was just enough ;
r \•, - '"s -,,,�, who were seen in the pools. This above the pavement on lkrpu Drive, the people. breves.to cool the uridine playltl, k
t.'4?‘ the familiar faces and countless new preamble to the events of the after- stood on his bead on a chair bat, 'r flapped at the variegated awnings arts
' 1 Doer. Let no man make you think noon was quite up to aofihing which 'That's the kind o(,�op)uoeltion we rustled the palm Icsvta when the .t
su'.rd n°the wire and performed other Date Dere. R's.nn not going to make'
'•" "e- ,4 ,t • there will be • dull winter. bas been seen■t the tools this season, diffindt etuuta, He will be seen for a tight. We are going to W,,,,,e the white-shined brigade strode for,u4 •-i
s-3 sty - "The Havana crowd which we heir moor ti. R. Carter of Tacoma, the remainder en the week every' at- people,Interest the cit,council, make over the gainsays in open order.
so much about will all Le here on their Wash..in charge of the tools,the out. to Nal o and rienin:g lit Ocean Drive. friends for the pro poeiti00 and treats It Kaa laic itch,°Oq bclon tII5
• anyone rth.whoMiami
felt cannotas the call
waist side manager at Casino Sit. John. Nelson carries a "pound pole to a demand for it. Tbat scan iiebed wolfs of the matches were annouaeK.•:•1r
brought out his corps of assistants in beams him+elf on the wire. iiia we obeli have it the boantwaR about Bob Brown took the holiday pries
I 1 44.,, Thins■ will begin to move fist here scarlet nu-hunting suits on which were novel and unusual acts bare beta all that Fred St. Jobe has et the for the amateurs with gruea 74,handl.
•. ..{ •t `t)�, in 10 days and will make a season of the word"Caliio St. :oho"in w'eite. given all over the country and be resin° tela,, bathing pools connered tap 7, act 61.
' . .max. pee alae of businesbosiness s from thall e openins. g It was a goodly companye o.croniee never fails Thereto errat4 a thrill for hie with tbe..walh,bas is playing,the pro.
1Valti. Nelson and Gene $cravats �+
!• ,r- .' g men: Bud Saunders of the tetge.t• daring. ail[be • change of pie .-er " aero tied for the uroh•-sinus Lanett-: ';
night." 'Iva lion department of the city of De- .atom, sod of perRRttrmnee daiy.
F•aryons latereetM In the board- wltIl 70 sack.
Mr. Pearce says the New Year's troll; William Johns, inetroeor at '''''
walk. then and wo ua, are invited
k night soaveuirs will be exTimm contra
cards in the glade ,
'�} t pensive.The l'orona to Reach, Cal.: bonds Duncan to the meeting tone& deur fro°[ were: .:t,.
Re'Knickerbocker hotel sou ht, whichmany and William who
1 '"+v James B.limn had bought,and many Major Carter, who L one of the J. Stillman.Pancoast,
+� Horn 1'•ac rel,lI5FLG73
other new uoveltiee will be presented. reserved reserves of Wash Rion, wan -*
Orchestra Arrives In hear' artillery on P gget Sound ARBITRATION'BOAflO Lee Ramses,8x$76.
Arnold Johnt°a,leader,and 10 mud- during tee war as an instructor. Be
I CHRISTMAS D1NNEfl� T.W. Rret.,78-11.78.
clans composing Paul tVhiteman'a or. has been eight years as instructor N,B.T. Roney.881.-7R •
ebestra,arrived Monday at Ocean Inn. In physical cplture in Tacoma erhools, ----- NAS A HEPOflT-READY Lee C-bax. 703-70.
This organisation will make its first five years hysica director in tho There Is a body of fine feudal t Richard Dulles 848.76.
M. A. 1Nebstem. 11317.7:. •
•s -- public appearance New Tear's eve at withTacoY. �. C. A. a¢ n'nptr d e Fifteenth street stables, man, of R. T, Juuee. G6-lb-lig
+t, • - Casino St. John. It Is one of the with the Nereids baths in Taro them erservice men, all exgellrot F. W. Dark. 911-14.711,
C Broadway organizations of White- Present tel see Major Carter R hntxmen,who cart for the Drs a tonics..Will RaOtAJnend Cit BuyBen dbep
,.-1 1• man's as dbe has sent Meted men. Newton Lummus rue the eirst of the Their Christmas dinner Sunday was a slug J13.l iP, t•
- •• ��5I'. The comingof the Whiteman ot- water sons carnivals at teepools ham 1triangle and Widen Stfeet M. H' Cbue• e3.1^.-81.
„ ., ,, t (Fcookal dins r by J.J. Sample.,r, W. Smedles, (4.16.82
s, �•� chewtra mskee ore.25 rio.'•'e•t• t'Is were Eugene McClure of Kansas City, Who presented a Ilan New E¢;lead 10 100 Peet W. Harrfeen. OS10-&i.
sk'- ".mak...: . "+� -0` j,� �y are to furnish music at the casino this Mo., and his ansistnt, Eugene S. (Idiom** menu.,`le gage the boys �•- E. Park.107-238.5.
season. %'else, of New York, who will have Rhode Inland turkeywith craebsrry Tbmnal J. Pa°rraat. Charles R. All starting at scratch, the protea
PRINCR NELSON Already the puh1le Is enamoured charge of the Ise al Palm 1'001. Also sauce ■ml dressing. reanm of tomato sinal scores were:
don devil tight-wire walker, who is defying tfeath et with the Harmony band.The band has there was Richard 'Sullen of C11-'1.on mashed potatoes, cell home-�e1°y and 1Y.E. Welsh.the bard of SWallie Nelson 70: Gene Cvt'aaali:
It 8:30 p.m.daily. p' PO celery,
arbitration. representing
been heard two afternoons at the pals cage, the form. each swimmer of inked yellow corn bread and pumpkin t the city of
everyone says nice thing*. The the Chicago Athletic Club; Guy 11. pie, Miami Beach and James A. Allison TO; Chordee Thou.7.5; I)aes rat:
- -_`• _-__ ._ pwaltior of the bandsuud is such chat Llrlapton with,a corps of million )(syn Stofkld, retrrigarlan, ant have acrer.t on a report to the city 75: Dave McKay, it; Ervin 15
• t! the mode ran be heard for a long picture men,'lueludeg 'Sadie Mead. cigars as di,l t'a'il . Fowler. At the dl°°c-Ii to be made January 4 on the •77: Harold Lee, T7: George Belau
Ii distance. The golfers at the club were wile was featuring the southern Santa t'hristma*table welle Mush,Morrison,
'nutmeat to buy the triangle property. 78; Weill*Sparks,70.
CH NEWS PARAGRAPHS' ,I doing dances to the muoie JtatardlJ Claus for the northern picture D°nsew, (:roved Ebben*, Mame, Ebb•tt,, Joe The arbitrators will retort to pay- -'
fNl afternoon on the greens so -Iter and and a lot more of men who are is i<ugot. Herman Abcraehee. Mr. Sul- me°t of 12.500 with Intereat sine. CNUflCN SINGEflS SING
t distinct were the notes which came touch with winter sports end evenLL sen.i5'alter Erick q,igen Gonmorean, Nr. Aileron bought the properly anti
_--"'•- ----"- from the band. dome C !Swimmers. d III t)lics up to lbs date of transfer
1W7 R'illiam R Mil ea Sampl Kiaf. i
passed Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Charlee F. Ewing of Newton Lummus, manager of the Cbuelae lupus., J. J. Sampin and to the city. CAROLS ABOUT THE CITE
'Palm !teach, ,the Fowl'-r apartmeute are at Tram - water sports,gathered•lot o[skilled Charles feagh, Titer will recommend the street be
rylva°ia, la.,with a daughter foe the transacting bualsgn durasns/ the days• swimmers for the prolamin. It opened Mr.and Mrs.rt°Dort L.Boron and made 100 feet wide through the prop
leased his rot• holidays, and arrived bean I.e l:brlatmas are.` ,vitt the familiar greased pole walk- G if. fieckechrr of New York will arty and the gingle, which will re' --
�'n to Miss Rae I Ile went from Miami to Chicago, to top This was the comerly event of he the guests of rs. 11. HL Talbott Inaba by cutting Alton road through
York. kin.Tina Hightower,who has been Milwaukee, to Chicago, to Toledo, to •lee bill. It alwgya plesu,e-s and the In Fchrnare• ll ors. Noon and I the Ailisoo propetty, be rade into a
After their notable eostrlbotlett e►., .
etopplue at Brown's.hotel,lies rue:o Ci.melaud, to Buffalo, to New York, company on the grndetand applauded ,Ieekr-ler ora en ins down for the 1 Public park. Poo piaeirgm at the comlau¢Ity Clrvleb
'rrt Barrington Pawn Beach to pass the winter with to Miami, in nine days, ha4tt)ty the youagaters who es eyed polo tounnsmnd to play in the Fle• The ward was actoleted by a de- was tree Saturday night the chorea
rtmest la the • relative. to reach the flag. 'Retard Hpuri• ming. cup defense. They were here mend of Property owners in tie south choir of the (1-'u:retattonal chat*-
• •I has, Marina 'Iced/year, Ita,moad lest yam and were among tie brilliant part of the City to regain the 1anA delighted many bonen and hotels a
Mr. and Mrs. Julia Pkhehmnp Slartin gilds morning on the eraser Carter and' Harold. Merritt rid men oft.horseback which J.C.Cooley which was closed daring the war for the ell).by she,lf1a meets. The
Ten uvwgey err a two day.cruise in laiealmtb Palley the ehWlirer• of Mr. bed here re mekw ie aeeeon the great. sal yard end later bought by ler. Al- was atromlatewni by dadbeti:
Na sone will wilt arrive at the of;rlow coverts.• , P "":y a` _..-rib.,_.
Wednesday.oda'. Ilio eecrtur• has e.•'the lorids keys was a navy of young and Mre. I cold IL Radley, took est In hall° the nth hnd ever seen. Ilion. The dosing of Alton road •at he it r. vin4 of
aeon degree on l ypeople, facludiug Live Culver academy, rt. Miss Ellaabete Rask who is While Mr. flacon and Mr. Hee-ether this he it of Chrlstmu as eM
gaged a room at the Linrolu, M Y. o point diverted to Flat
y evenlog, Imps: Jack Ncllwealth, lark M. skilled In greased pole talkie* and will not bring their tonus this eeaaoq street and closed the connection of residence of Sgt sod Mn, ems se
Charles W. C'haae, Rr., and k°ung,J. W.Young.John and T'at<u Las won ran; a prix by snatching they will be mogtttetby their feicntls. Alton road to Biscayne avenue. As •n•flllam AoSIesV,°l�sd HQeI,F s[
I to Fort Pierce daMrs. arrived Friday. Mr. and R of(ord and Miners Mary Duna.Their She flag from the slippery spar, won Fred Met may come here again. Alton road 1e one of the main thou. �• C. NewDlle the t. Jess C. And :,'
holidays from Ian Chase will gni a cottage for ma Hearns and Myrtle Floyd. Mrs.- Sunday afternoon on her third at- If he don be well play nn the field oaghfarrs and the only road which sine, Dmwee Hotel, a¢d several
Mrs'tCe sena°a down luau. I-ager theyT. D. Dunn and Mrs.Patent Rb![otd tempt, sliding Out toward the end steers last year he met with an ■ce4 will extend north and south the entire places. •This Hotribudon to Its
are chaperons for the party of the spar nod taking the Rag as ,tent in one of the crucial games of length of the city, dbe ehortenipg of Christmas tide was Das new featuts
ie passing the will find a permanent borne. ' she fell.'She won a money prise fpr the season, . the road at Fire street wee cenrlrl• in the lite of the cit and one which
eats, Mr. and Luncheon rued/ the Lincoln fur I Nr. sari Jirs. George II:. N06rc of tie feat. - , �•-_, Bred not in peeved with public con- stand•out prominently la the Meader! '
. at Salubrity lb,Luncheon
s were•at the d E. Bart- J the re)oard junior wino I - venlencte and led to considerable 5;i- of Christmas ere. In the choral
lomtsges, Mau., wko °v° lakes • @ program was an entII.IIl05 of the
'lett and party of Chirego,R. M.Ter- cottage at bl6 Second street for the nee H Klink°. first;
von. The re alttartan y 0. Smith
the started the were: Mrs. . e Brown.ides. Mr&
ry„ winter tad a family reunion Chris! eats bomb;, tires; Pete Dtrjar• crawl and bark strobe. Ile swim,ice I Avery HmIth the move- S.Baker,lira.Charles.S.Knapp.Hva.
,u W. Walking %li f Englewood, N. It E:. F. Allyn, dents,second;lsapmond(•art«tjtird, four -toheat crawl. Ills fork meat. Hg w¢alo the traffic nn the John A. Bowlia, Mr. llos-Ut, Claud.
suit Mrs, James Mitt V<rn°o Ally", Rollin 4'. Allyn utas. 4,9 sone• Raymond k Hoare William Johns of Coronad° Death stroke is powerful. fie, is,oleo •
u of
mad Mr. and E. E:.Allyn,Jr. nd .• WethMi Mwn, sad Mrs. , curet menu south another
diverted to al- Taylor.
y of Detroit at -- 'Moore's sister,Hies T. R.Buaiere,of Deeks. the ring 1 tor underwater graceful acetwmer• way, avenue,teethe
1 s feat road-
ham. Christmas Mrs, 11'illiam J. ..tantnn served a ipyaunis, joined them at the beach. "claming, foist ]a0 feet In 'CJ•etre )piss Artrlt was alto fy di.jug from way, that traffic mss reach the (� R
e and the house Wiley' dinner at the tea neon at the Mr. end Mrs. Mare are to be eke ands flat. The record had been held ■ hve•ldwt burn(. She wore a dark 6eeehes °err tbt two pen c pl are- PITTSBURGH.MAN HERE
Miami "teed) Coif ('In, house Sun- managers o[ Moore's Shop, in the by Jsckana 0f the Lurlins bathe in blue Dathfat tuft w(t4 a h°maa nuns In the south tort.of the city. YY L •
Mated. •
Ivy for a party of gotten and their Smith Casino DuSldit,g which theyIR■° Eeemue o et el e<conda. Tee lit- e. Tl;e movies made much tf _.______ •
' , r nn°nrrt . aretoros eel ingat- diylnp•
of Washington, friends. Ihope to open tilt week.
s< event was greeted 1,t a storm of ape .Ending the rporta was water polo,
c, t1 • gust of- Mn, H. I. Edwards sad Mies : plauae. Later Johns did submarine Ret•aync Life Saying Corp. against i
the cruiser `Sea George W. Dickens will open his swimming. demoaatratung the ppietcy. Casino St.It oho. ten the Life Mario;
:d Iteinald Wer- Bertha Edwards of 1nJiaevi e r are•Ocean Drive office for the sale of realpoise studpinwheel under-wafer team were Lewis'Moore. J. Shafer, -
Kith A,C. Newb• at his Theyr caul. A VISITOR AT BEACH
ng Cat; D. ? estate and as a builder's office this Little Billy Ilutrb(geoa done and J, :(1. Cru4, 1'illiam Jeans. Frank Jamrs T. Mar.dull of Ylttabaryly '';�'
Nnndey oa .he dens for the ••vena. came week. The interior of the office has Swam for the epec'atore' and went Williameoe,Henry Vaughan and Earl I'a.. 'e visldng Mr. nA Mrs iY, la. :,'
down Friday with Mr. Newby. ,beep fitted up with cedar,siding stain- through h14 funny repertoire to the Moore. P d Welsh. Michigan aryaue. ler. Mat' •
iilee Gertrude Sullivan of Chicago ed in mis,ion greence . Mr.Dickens will greet amusement of the company. t`Atino St. John pp7resented Robert sha11 fa ran ew•uet 'th Mn.R'alah IS-i•
mei Prince ie N t. has returned to the Toledo averrt•
'Officice en furniture e donegwi�of h the „k4e ill by Aes-ton I,ummus`iJoe llnt;rlwere tiven idrad. R e,, Jeff llint4 r, WallaceoCulDerta JoLn no & HFI k{phns,°ftre�P n'fork.el a new .ubiiri+ina which will he -+�;
megtn. Alai there is aL ss M.Thump-
, He
in Coe-smut Cr're thin aiaiaho
walker, to the D- of craftsmen. The chairs will be of Wallam Culbcrteon,Herold Koss and son, Holger Jeremiseeo,'Joe Hovels• motion picture preducrrs. has leased He will be here fora few days waist•
eve daily. Mr. Henrye of Montreal. Fabian Handel ■ad willow and mahogany. An tithe, an Jeff Gentler. lila. ''ugh Slut, Robert Cook and an apartment in Msrevhta, Oman ins Mr. R'alah in getting reedy foe -li
le-rirmme In this HHandel are returuiag hl
1-1 xiotnt will be In the °(ties. Mr. Pbysleally Perfect Weasel. Newton !A ntwua, drive. for the eeasesn.Mr. Hopkins is aliening be property for sale-.He la a
while ttaveli week from New York to the T°Ied*. with him. Ile is Interested in blasting lawyer to NitbDutrc'u and la making of Dickens will be tiers for consultation intense interest was In flit:appear- The Casino St. John Mani won,
ArrivingI ■t the 11'offord Mondor 1 at stated Lours, sore of MIs.Gertrude.emelt,the pe-. 2 to 0, eller a hard battle, p•studio at Hialeah and entering Into hie first vials here. His psi:ser. Mr.•
contraption at were Mn. B. E. Kipp and Miss Glias feet Physical womn. Silas'Ar-tilt a Fliers Bring Thrills, s epictureamaking on a large orale. .Walsh. bought IS acres rt grapefrsa'-
C,'•n Trindle of indiaUlJwd14. 'tn nmchrno spot only of be■utffu. fonu but nbe Is There was ar. extra event la the Alt.and Mn.i..Richter of Chicago-land last sear and Mr. J(arahalL
huneh were Mr. Mond■ were MLst Nihlnd 1'''ctt with 1 hir. and Mrs.!Larry Rosen of New a prettey young woman. Nei wee been shire. The ('odd flying circus ant have also lased an apartment ' In with confidenre in Mr. Walsh's stater
it Miss Marshall J York bane arrived at tIe Melo; • aosg. yardsp 4
hers of•church trnol4 i..Hart,Mrs.J,B.i'n•an and I menu to pass the remaiuderof p the inwith It a eranwli nfd 311 u olds •with the--didrtheidarin plants
hsoad fromttnHerron
c Ia a Mawv6lo. --- Laing scene se a Mupeety. without
p'a A. King was Mie 'Willie F. Evans, I saoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wt itemy g t. p
('am x11. Mr. Resell U cont sed back stroke. $De did boll ■troka'to another in mid air. A parachute Cut This Oat-It la Worth Money lie is convinced that(w,r.nnt Croft
A letter of credit for s.2 r,(10 was Pt utilully'. She Ultra a black alltt descent by one of tIe men of the Cut out this slip, enclose with See is to be the lost of lice nearby masher-
nicked up no (Mean drive In a par-. suit tie People's National back of netts. Kellerman salt.'which re-'circus wail ni,ectac'elan. the aeroplane and mall it to Foley&Co.,28.855 Shef--tia1 di.triel''bent Miami and is well i.
in from India°• Kwndey amid d'•liveresl to every C. New Tork. He raid It was the fi .t i mesled her form perfectly. She win releasing the parachute at 2(5111 feet. field Ave Chicago, III., writing your messed with his inveotment. He is
- at with Lim • ttmilh at etmith'a rerina. TIm doer I'h rhinos Iime in New York in • eery warmly reccicrd and applauded The performer ended on property of name and address clearly. You will,returning tell week to I'ittabort@ -
srq* from Salt- ,.t the fund has not hem-n •mond and e.a'a u' .,r more when Iwmnnes were mightily when she had fiui•kal. the Miami lirerh improvement emu-I receive in return a trial haekage con- where the escorts leave red.-ced for the
,p he fatuous polo 31 Smith is evas•'Ae •rltl cummnt,(• not declared nd the bank ineemen- The movie Coen the, pit on the pony on line Tree Deice. minis Foley'a honey nd Tar Com-l holida)a wtdrb at`mwed hint to come
• stabled l[onusp ,sting with lime basking frill'
bt tin cru did not ree.ise Chrieto a•cbcc-v. s,uutheru Krit Kringle. Norman Ito•'t t Nett,Sunday rite Paha Reach pound for cough., cold■ and croup;m down here for the interval.
,mmalations for the owner. Meet men with _,•-,l0s to lir. Hteturll found that but a soap rpprc lug from the bolt m of the ool •ewfwwin team will 1"t at the e y I'ills for pias 1° aide I
tull,ck will Play f arty o° the train were for Miami. in a scarlet bathingitem
trimmedt In in and
Kidney etede
practice Same. the beacraW h forthe have
e. combing 'sue great body of irarelers w e Kith•erystals, carryig Mss Map a variety se neime stalest atog mmaimpo St. ldiving at, andbladderailmaM:eel etFoley 323o(MtnorI'lumbing Co., Inc, 1034 i`
T..Rerty,gave a ---- !bound for Havana and the races. Bastian In a sack. The bathers events and will rnateu for the water Catbartle Tablets, a wb°lesome and N. E.lad Are.-.tderrtiamtat.
to tree at Rrie; Geo n
W. Brawn.--- of Bay road i greeted) the water Santa Claus heart•I polo crown, thoroughly cleansing(*Hurtle for con i
of the vicriie bolds the record for n northern trip, Service and first class work 1s our sty. The film will be shows In the etipation. biliousness, beseeches and Try the Atlantic Lanwdr R" B.
Mtr. •lowly and return front Miami 'Wert. lie-motto. Quinn Plumbing Co., Inc., big cities ht New lean. 'HiALEAH 11.13 RI/'I! SOIL. - shtggish bocveta.-ferry's Red Crone Leosar-t, Mgr. Phone 381-Advet•
tree was a flog traveled n I n e nights on Pullmans, !'hole 323.-Advertisement. Normae ltos•'s contribution to the Advertisement. Pbnrmary.-Adneruan°rot. tiaJpent.
• beautiful and - ----'--'-'- -.
es make and a GAS BUGGIES- That's Going Just a Little Too Far. BY BECK '`•
level. former) a (Cotter-test, 1021. by New Er• Fea■turn) ' •
te lnMnap'lis I
to *et as start.! •
.Stere now Sarin-i iT IN ABOUT THEW GOLFJ6,HEP Alhour TJEia BULLS uv OUT TWEW CARO PL.AYNG- I ABOUT WttA7 THEY KNOW Of AUTOMOBlF.3 �__.-----_--_---. ..•
is a big fellow 1 ett-tI JE.`3l5-- 1 %MERE DO \Cu GET
eeP the goiters- ( vANO 9AV-T?IAT TIME -THAT-STIFF-I•VE LEEN
taro of the do- Tiff WAY YOU FELL TME �(t T1REt✓ ADp sal WAS GOING FIFTEEN YEAFT
Cocgregaaoaal I WM5 RICH- res-w- AL '
THAT blot[ e.� `l._- ABOV T�
Christmas gift.I ' ABOUT CARS- e
been accustom 1 � 1 wA5 A • ,5e, • ,;•
s i° California.! i illici
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