1669-68 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 ,
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NE\X'S O� _________
Intl/J.40 all[■■4111
WATCHING THE SHIP•S SAIL BY COCOA, g"anJm' tonorth males > �[
(`1n i f'to■T G r Intfltr Bier, will
matron of theit Coo a Vest fra
'�f1 j'toll. \ujN%'A\ jly1 A �ulryl
Bier, will pay an official volt to Coosa �� • Goo
'u 1Rr.+'t a .. (JAapter,No. t6 Monday. Beginning at the Worst
'L,.-a...e' •t++� , '.,.. 1e a-sty,there*ill be an all day school b• yyds 1
+ '6k f ,a^ of Instruotton. At 11 o'clock • lanatz• wEtk of 1
1y .•.•` "6i�t eon will be served and at the close of Th• date
IS REACHING ITS HEIGHT k' tb•afternoon •eeHon supper will be oonorete&
3 ^t., \� order. Ot 7:10 p. m. the regular meet.- •d and ti.
'ArrS. .e. • "9l.*. Ing will be held, oft with
Mr. and Mr.. J. A. Brander and Geo. work don
The Week Promises Much Ina Q `?It• W. Gregory, of New York. who are en.
Busy Round of Varied + }cyto[ Florida'sCl1�oda•rrn climate on
". their yacht Clarfbel, spent the put
Society Events. } -...;,.•;,.-.:,:•. week with Mr. and air.. R. Z. High-
y, 0 ,PJ "F t tower, en route to Miami.
°e ,ge • Th• Cocoa bated furnished the manta
R; •
'The• height of the season has ar- tor' the dance it the Merritt Island '
R five,, and ■octety will be led a merry t 4J a '� casino Friday night, and was greatly
whirl during' the next week■, with ■o- A .�.;r, appreciated by the dancing crowd.
clal event crowding social event upon t $ Mr. and Mrs.
s Clarence ,urns,' are
the calendar, with interesting sport - ac. .• K .'e t, 't.';''" .:::12.
it:•e. t • spending the winter in folk vicinity,
events following each other in dtssying • sC ik ': i .1.f,"41
r 1 coming down from New York on their
succession. Much entertaining was ) ......'„';.„4,,,,i:,
4�t 4.•. of At the Julia !. Mr. Turner . one
'1 - t of Mr. and
beet known yodlc•p
done at casinos, tea gardens, Star Is- - '4, ,,i' ast
land Yacht club,Coeolobo Cay club and, ^a '; aw.L'Cy ,; and Yrs, H. R. Tr1bbi,•zpaat to
private homes during the last week, `'.` .,a, ,") .- y , leave in the near tutors for Tamps,
and trite week the gayety promises to a 1 .14 'where Mr. Tribble baa aoo•pt•d a pool.
continue In•the name If not grater , ?t„...:0,,,-,-401...t+ , a tion with the Seaboard Air Ln• rail.
degree. "( B `'••'''t way as Qev•lopment agent for that
'''''',..;4,X,.''"° Yt'y - �.- - section of Florida. Mr. Trib'le has pl.(
Another one of the novelty night. .z -;;V'4-_tel ,,,. f - been the popular demonstration agent
which have proved to be so attractive '•Orw�` "' . of Brevard county for the put six
legwill be given tonight at the Miami ,;'r ,!• - . of
mentos. - F
Beach casino. Floating balloon, and • ” Judge Jamil A. Gilbreath of Chat-
numerous surprise feature■ will be I r' i;. tanoop, Tenn, Is ♦IHting at the home Oydt
used to gine• added ettractivenus to - ,. •' of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. Bruner. OWthe casino. r Thu many friends of Bob Travis will
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at- - _ + ` l .¢Ivt", J"'[ti+,,aw regret to know that he 1s in Riverside of t
ternoona w111 be gay with interesting • , .4 ho■pltal for treatment. Mrs. Travis Is sell
' polo matches. The tea gardens of the b• r" j''•f -� ..... �> w.k•"t •�`.7k. , also In Jacksonville. logs
Ylaming0 hotel will be thronged after - .}f•, ,, .. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Engle of New
games, and on each day of rf ' ` York are guests of the Cocoa House for You,,polo
the week since they are nowopen daily ' ) a 2 the emanon.
Thursday night will be Flamingo - :•
Mn. Martha Green of M•Alsonvlile, wwyy..
nrght at the Miami Beach casino, with ,,. for n., Is a guest of Mrs. A. L. Arun•,
the guests of the hotel specially Inv it t° •
for the season.
• ' ' _ - roe Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Camptlst. of
ed to atten A. Deeoratlons will be used '+ ° • - - -
Glovers Ills, N. Y. are winter guests of
in honor of the great hostelry, the Cocoa house.
A vIcarlse• Drwaeile, with all the eiergy Atli-Mated C. that 17 toe. Mrs. W.The Shriner' will entertain at 1 p. ,y,\•'ewrr,•t Aest•., I. f Cuy att.' phyla[e. Ike ell[•.nese, ens tack, al r. and airs. W. V. Davidson and
m. on Friday with a luncheon at the slag•bag ay.im Is the serf. tier prowru or the flak■Is wall-kaawa,reeking
daughter, Mlss Wllile Ruth. of Nash- ��
casino, having as honor guests many her bleb asoag the women payers as the.Miami Death coarse•, la the picture, nettle, Tenn., have .ease their River The C
prominent Shriner' from other cities. however, )ire. Webster appear. to ■ sold role. ewlopleg a book, and, bet,veew front hem• for the season.
Dan, Clarence Busch will be hostess to •hapless, gadag dreamily eel to ren. comfortably rueeeeea Is as awaiting
Capt Arthur Candy I. on a burinees
the League of American.Yenwomen at what,at the mlan' Death esHwo.--Photogropb by Robert Goa stall•, trip to Doston..alau. PI her home on Palm Island at 1 p. to, E. PhllbrlcIl of Baldwin, Ga, In • Ih�li
The chief,speaker will be Dr. Daniel ---- •---`--""--'--- ----------------------- guest at the Illinois house.
Cady, whose lecture will be on "The CONGREGATIONAL DIRECTORS PROGRAM BY W. C. T. U. Major and Mrs. Harold Baker and
Italian Bonnet." PRESIDENT AT REDLAND Interesting son, •re here for a visit
Interest will.center on tennis Bator- HOLD NEW SMYRNA MEETING with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. Horn-
day and Sunday In the sport realm for - gene l.uckhar t.
the tournament.wlll start epr the wo- 1rtO.t TO tee al e■th Howard Briggs of Chicago is volt-
man's singles championship and the REDLAND, Fla.,Jan. 21.—The a'-.C. Ing at the Skelly hum• In Rockledge.
e.mixed doubles ehamplonshlp of Miami W ash.ve of stale gear* f•.the [:kneel. T. li. gave an interesting program Fri- Mr. and Y. W. 'Bell very de- Stray
and Miami Beach on the Flamingo day evening at the church. Sirs. M. K. Rightfully entmee rtained at a dinner party
Thursday •vening ■t their home on Pill
Aro Guest. •f the Rev, sod Mrs. RT
•carts ! W.If. Peesa For Ike Up. Lyon preilded, Mrs. Lawton D, Mot- Mitchell street. The affair was In
. Wod(ord night will be celebrated on the Sparrow."
• sacred solo, "ells Eye. on honor of Mr. and Mrs, henry 'Tribble
Saturday el the Miami Beach casino. D ,row." She was accompanied who expect to leave for Tampa in the
wit ensu TO Tat eucue� by Mrs. Newton Hall of Homestead. near future. °��
guests of the WoBeac honored
during the festivities. NFW SMYRNA. Pia., Jan. 26. — A The Itev. Mr, Walker, pastor of the -----'
Baptist church of Homesteadmade a Dir. and Mn. Willard Smith of Will- �m
• meeting of the directors of the elate ,forcefu; speech on mantic.Conn., who have been guests of
INDIANA HONEYMOONERS conference of Congregational churches D gave a reads n. Mrs.
waw held here Thursday, the me bore to H. Woodbury a reading, pay- The Oakes have gone to Orlando. .
VISITING IN MIAMI BEACH log a beautiful tribute to the noble Miss' Dorothy Packard f the tfUll.
of the board of directors being guests neck of Frances Willard. The W. I.:. entertalneA the members o[ the Phil-
of the Rev. and Mrs. W. It. found T. i'. it meeting regularly tow at the "thea eta,. at her lovely home on Pal'
during their stay in the city. motto drive Wedneeda
Mr. and Din. William Evans arrived church on the second Friday of each Y afternoon.. De-
Saturday afternoon at the Lincoln ho- Anionic the members of the hoard month, and It is planned to have an Beloit' refreshments of punch and
pre,ent at the meeting were: Attorney open meeting on the fourth Frlduy of wafers va'cre served by the bort osw, ■e- ' '
tel to "pend several days of their A. II. Hazeltine, of Miami; Rev. and each month, ,lated by her sister, Miss Violet Pack-
honeymoon in Miami Beach.Their mar- Mrs. Ward,of Mlatdl; Rev. Kuykendall. The Ladies' Aid society will have a and-
alag• was a soelal event of Thursday 01 Coconut Grove: Itev. Charles De W. supper at the club house.Valentine •
In.Indianapolis. Brower, of Tampa; Rev. Gillette, of night. VISITORS INVITED • 1
Mr. Evans Is the prosecuting attor Jacksonville; Rev. W. L Lewis, of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Browplow have
nay of Marion county,, in which the Dayton•; Durteigl Tavarls and Mine aa theirTo take our free trip, enjoy an enter-
capltal la located. Ills bride Is the If Mr. and Mrs. A. It, other g talk, ■[raw Derry shortcake and
' daughter of Governor MoCray. of In- Gault of St. Petersburg.. • Vetter and Dr. and Mn. Hiller-of New other refreshments at Urlf[Inre 'Ills-
She is an attractive young wo- The,Indian River Poultry Aseocla- York city. They went to Cape Sable cayne Park Latatee.North on the Dixie
man, with blue eyes and dark halt, of tion met'Tuesday •vening In the school Wedn°''day'and stopped at Royal Palm Highway. Free bus Ieav'e■ from north-
. slender stature. auditorium. The poultry show which Park on their return. • I
Thin is the first visit of either Mr. Is to be held ine poultry
In February Mrs. C. 1t, McCloud is improving In east corner d Halcyon Ilolel, daily at
or Mn. Evans to Miami Beach. They was discussed. • heal lh_Linea undergoing •n operation D. m.—AdverUwm•nf.
rfor apleEndleftie at Beverly hospital in
will leave tomorrow for key West,and Mr. and Mr■. Ed. Thomas and lam' last week.
, n
from thethey will go to Sr. Peters- mother returned Sunday from an •oto- Mr.and Mrs. W. K.Walton and their Professional Cards " '
1burg. They spent yesterday bight mbolleetrip to the went reset. guest, Ml.. Fairbanks, will Join a
a seeing In Miami Beach. ' • Mn. C. A. Pittenger and Mrs. Kirby party leaving Miami today to spend
- • Chilton were In Daytona Saturday,. the week 4 Nassau
f MIAMI•BEACH:PERSONAL Miss,.Llla,Luck•.. went to' De.[esnd • - Dr.L.W.H. slrini
if'rldar to spend;the weak-end With LAKE WORT'N-'UKULELEr' fit speeta RslaK
•.i . .. - .. . her sitter- . J.
.. •
H.H.Bailey will arr[vs today in.Mi- If. Brmet went In Tallahassee Wed- CLUB TO HAVE-A PARTY �i • in.-. the Sclenllflcl
• amt pi•eh-to be the guest for several nesday to attend the meeting of-the ' 'r Examination of the
week,of his son and daughter-In-law, 'F ;«E
stat• •
road de Dart men[.
Mr. std Mrs. Harold Bailey, coming
from Newport News, Va., Mrs. H. B.
The foilov/log New Smyrna people /,lent ro The•gene Eyes and proper
v.. Halls?will not ae down this year. went to Daytona Wednesday evenhl;, I,AK[: \VGRTH, Pia, Jan. 2t—The �1 fitting of Glasses.
L/kNNe slap met at the home of Miss
Y, R'^
., to attend the }Write concert: Mrs. Nadine Devington,South N street,Wed- 120-/2s
Aek ley, Silas Mary Ackley night. ��
Mr.'"and Mrs. John Golden arrived Mrs. John CABee. Mies Connor,Mr. a111d needs Plana were made for a Cerlrei A ______
Yesterday at the Flamingo hotel, corn-
Vaughn. Dora Bell, Era Greer, Yearn Darty to be ?Add at the Women's Nub,
log down from New'Yee'k City. Mr, and Whn. DOT/. Bell, , Tone Neat. n Valentine night. A social evening was
Golden V the producer'of °Lightnin"' enjoyed,at the close of which, the hos- —y�� -- rt�'�
and the author of several plays. Howell, Ralph Sharpton, Mr. and Mrs teas served refreshments- I'reoorrt at DR. E'LLSWOR 1 H
e • J. Lon Smith, Mn. Clair• Healey, Prof. the meeting were, Mlwsew Elizabeth
Otter arrivals yesterday at the Fla. Goulding, Mn. Karl I,elpola. Thurber, Eleanor Sampson, Wilma s■'HClA WLIMO 1
tninte were: Mr.and Mn•A.H.Brom- F. T. Roberts, of Kansas City, Mo, horseman,Marie Selgford,Stable 11Swot-
ell. Dental X-Ray Diagnosis
ell,S.W. Steel, of Now York; Mr. and is in the city with his family who ■re ford, Ilasel Orwig, Mrs.:Mike Miller, ,,11((111 �f
Mrs.W.IL Eaton,of Pittsfield;Mr.and located at H. L. Lowds residence on,�tra. Hobert Conn. Mrs. Elmer Farrow, •fVl-G Burdine Building
Mn. Gerald. H. Dampier.'of Boston• C•nal street. Mrs. Ceorn MOrrik. Phone 4249
MissMargaret Maul,, of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Alcott and P Si. Lopeman'of South N ekreet. ■
D, C,; W. M. Dickinson'and Herbert Imogene returned the latter part of winter resident of Lake Worth for the W. J. FITZPATRICK
Sinclair,of TrentoN.J.;Mrs. he
Mercer the .week from St. Augustine-whore
past ten years, died Thursday, white W.Barnett, of Birmingham;'Mrs, B. Mr. Alcott has.been confined In the working on hie lot on the wast aide.
C•ddy, Of Sewlokley, Pa.;n, Mr. and Mrs.'F.H.C.hospital for twojweeks, Mr. Lepeman, who le 1t years old, was Dentiatty-Orthodontia •!•.q.
J.W.Lyons of San Francisco; Mr.and Mr. and Mn., J.uaD. Wood returned corn,at Steubenville, 0., in liSa, end w7 Csdeme! Delldlag • '
Mrs-A.Biddle, Philadelphia,and Mr, was a railroader In that vicinity for •
and Mn. J. e,ofPhilMcClain, of Lancaster,Idien
th• first of the week from their teed- many years. coming to Florida after Fl•gler Street and N. E. Third Ave.an - , trip..In Georgia. The, ore Isla retirement, Resides a .wife, he Opposite Royal l'aim Park- I'hon•te:0
located In the Starling cottage on leaves six children, ons sister,and sev-
Mr.'amt'Yrs,•JM•Dh Months enter- Myrtle avenue. erel grandchildren. DR. SANCHEZ /
'twined Friday Molt with•a dance, for Mr,. Ralph'Robinson visited trlende Mr. and Mre• Ulynus Burkett. Mrs. 1
` ' their-sneaticat the Hotel Haddon.- here last, week. She was returning •t• D. Clark, and Mrs, P. .t: Burkett ' DENTIST '
to D•Lan4 after a visit with Iter M
er spent Thursday In Mml. I::eDENTISTw loci-lion, SOs•210 Calum•{( li14g.,
• AtrIvalt at the; mother ah apartment■ in,Ft. Lauderdale. Quite an Interesting discussion on corner Flagler and N. N. Third Ave.
e; M
ar•t'.:Mre,W.'Y,•Waddet}sad children. Miss Jewel Larkin left Thursday for the "Achievements of the Negro rare, UDt'orlte Royal Palm Park.
•Evelyn end Billy. ■dt Chicago; Mn, her-home In Georgia after an extended within the Inst fifty years.- took place
Tom R. Gammage,
M,t r�
?rang B.Hodge•MIAs Amelia Mead and ',loft with her Metro% Mrs. E. C. sten. at Ino meeting of the Missionary leo- rj o M. D.
.,O. R*lodge,.of New Haven; Mr. and ahaw, ulety of the Methodist church, Friday
- Mra,W.R,Wymt,or Beech Creek,PL; Mra are L Ash. of Jackson, ]fish•, afternoon, Mrs. If. I'. Dudley presided FIOMEOPATI1
• James Horth,George Horan,of'Hogtoc• was • guest last week •t. the A, Si. and talkw were nude ie Mrw. C. B. •gorgeos rad tayseceloglet
Mr.and Mrs-A.Huber,of Moultrie,Ga., White home. _ Stanley, Mrw. H. P. Dudley, Mn. N. If, • Off lee Cowes BUe.-
.and,John Zimmerman and Thomas A. Kendall,Mrs. C.C.McCune,airs, Loulw ltekldera•r YSr N.E.alb gt.
,Lilly,:of Stamford,Conn. - - Mrs. D. Suitor, a resident of New Si. Weir, Mrs- W.,it. Aldridge, Mrs.
Smyrna for II years. died Satdrday f, fl0 ydTest, end Mrs. Hannah Knit Fineness Otflee 41111—Iles. a:70
MW Mary.Mdrtay Is orpnlatnt a gtit at her home on Washington Mr. and Um W. J. restyle of Lndl, IL\. W. �� I�IELL
•--;dancing.-class oncluelvely.for'Children street. Mra. Suitor was born-in(Ala 0.. ore stopping • few days with Mr. L [V•r
•: tat':the Marevista. apartments. I leaves her husband and' one and Mrs. J. L. DelCnmp, of North I.
• daokktet Mn. I. N, Newell, of tuts street, before.eontlpulng their tour DENTIST '
M.Iai Zoe Mirth has left the 4eaerpt city, :Funeral service■ ware hell around Florida *-
^.'`hotel-t• enter upon a theatHa.-en. Toe.day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the . 401 LaUrdlrtc Building
•gatem•at,eap•Ming to ooze*back later, home-and were conducted by Itev. O. Pels•. Oak •r fry Phon•
e 1C Freeman. Is relieved .uulehiy ■nit permanently Z hone 4655r
• ,• ,SALERNO PERSONALS` Mre. C. H. Williams. of Mittel!. N. with, Imperial Ecasma Remedy. All DIt. DREXLER
- - . C..is Aare ••halting her daughter, Sire a
drug[tets Are nthorlsed to refund your
- P. P. Pitcher• for.several months. money If It fella—Advertisement. •
■ etal TO Tat nun Dam Shark and Mir. (4-,---,11., Shirk 5f1"q Op STOCKHOLDERS" DENTIST ,I r7+I.r
.r- .y.A,Ward er t.,,,w„ m. .,' Iry