1669-71 Social, Society, & Local News 1895-1926 t nosy - e ---- w.rwr<:SNcsiatHMYrmca+c....M{,;••:+ear�i-++t%.aiilp7fu.ra. ; .
d eon- TeI). I.. Ch• e..........7••ekeifnrd Meter e..........7•• were geese, net, lasering. co ropleltett",,, lb,. Mete hlgh..ey •l Tktr17-e1ahlh Brest, $neva,
n and 'rah. I. • fear-.ter7 building, 12i by t73 feet, of flee-proof eun•Iraellon threuub..•,t, aye ..111 t.. •u.el to U• ,utlee1;, by the I), L. Char:..
...moony for their }.tarotn and Ford ....vire. Tae bulldieg still test C::2b,O00 qn.) hill be one .,f 1%r, tlee•t turd planta la tae testate,. lt. A.
it the (a the architect ■ed the Watson corporation builders,
IeVafd '
rbaaed ------------- - -- ---------_-------
'f Iota
Tor :I' ,: : , • • NEW RECORD FOR S.
Phila;i500•Aere Tract, Extending From Smith's Canino to Present —
"dies it Fisher Home, Sold in 1913 for$80,000, MarkingStart of First Since October, Turnover of 'Subdivision Has Been :; ,.
'tontine. ,Great Development; Collins Home Only One There in 1900. Statement Shows; Greater Volume Looked for Du:
r" s. - J�Jy-ALAY OWYN RlC}[NAY: on the market and corner lou were • March by George E. Merrick, its Developer.
disposed of at 71,000. while Inside
+York OL'T. of the visions of driving, WHAT Is believed to he. a rerordrl keg-this year. Fleet came t
L.;and t.
lots brought 1500. :
' forceful men. aflamt and Miami During the year 1113 Mr. Oramlln,f i month of sales 1n the history or;native •soling containing *one,.
Beach' have ,become realities, and built the first reatdence In the south j real carat, In Miami area hung up 1) 1,403 plata and this it 90 p
ars'striding rapidly along the path beach section and the second bona hold out• Then•eame the 1
by sorb! Dames during February, section and this le approaeht.
on•Mlami Ueech. This dwelling. ad • statement b Ceor[e 75, Merrick .S per cent mark. Only !0 dd.
Joining the Se•cre•t hotel wise sold' y
700 much. cresols can sCatte .DeFil) three days later for 76.500 to the revealing that 52,10!,209.17 1h homes the Country Club'section, pa:
+ • accorded, thiels 'hardy,' resourceful late A. J. Pendia, Now the .was been sl • i the rats til.
Dlac• Is I and 2 dsytes were pnrchaaed during ha. sold it will be oft til,
FlArtda pioneers whose dreams' and valued it 516,000. the 29 days, completely within a felt' we.:
ideals bid lair In time to develop A few other homes were 5.,111. The statement alto ^hews -that "1 ;,sleeve that all the sec,then C. A. Mills, llan )[^role, Mr. slice f;rtober 22nd to march 1, a hung up by the or[anizat!, -
the .tat• into a solid line of cities Gramlin[ •ad others, organ:red the period of 114 days, the total ',ies broken by this time next
VlatO . rangad efd• by aide on the east coast Ocean Beach Amusement company have reached 15,13!,084.11, which In the three' years' Construe!.
• Ilea and started what le now Mardle's Mr. a1•rrtck's opinion surpae.ee any- gram at Coral Gables Is'no'.
3uy',, tore than a.score years ago, In casino. thing heretofore accomplished by any more and more In evidence . :
400 precisely, this section bogs( d UOt1T this elms, John Collins orte,i..tlon in the elate of Florida. The next few trs•kr will
but one residence—the home of John I At the opening of the present start of ,t ho slant construct..
Collins—a. great ptnneer In develop- started his brtdse project and l neasnn, Mr. Merrick pia.ed a figure;
grain announced this sex
man men; �f this Mettle'. '1r, Colllna• county• tom«'larionen premised a of 7b.osn,<.;.. !.e tore the .ales nr. !Coral Gables by- next se,
m ny, home win the only dwelling on hard surfaced road north and south![a glen un r. as the amount Cr buriness hardly by rgniae4 by ]ltd...
Miami Beach. . '• visitor: During the month co'
u Dur• along the line of the Collins avenue 1 that he expected by the end of April and April 1 I expect to see til.
II•hry Four years later Dick Smith. one and he believer now. that when the audit •heels show at feast $7.t
anpin of the first city,,larks of the city
of 1924. Mangroves and other trop. end of the season comes around.the a figure I believe which will
t of Miami, and who later wan, city 1 ica1 growth wAs ao dense it was d'f- - ander-rec,.r,ls ref the company will approached by any orgahixx-..
adOcted taa..essessor, built a dance hall along! ftcull even to ride horseback alon she- mor` than $7.0rA•000, The es.'
'tusday.I a pathway through the 1 g the state of Florida."
I street. palmetto +to blas during of a neer monthrerof a rCoraluary e v
the surveyors route to view the line Cable, the of February
growth which Is now South Beach.
1e park He levelled oft the sand dunes •nt> the road was to follow, ' reveals the steady growth of bully
•It West constructed • -plank dock on the Soon afterward Cart f$.' ?leiter, nese day by day„ In that period treat
awea)th bay. Then he Inaugurated a boat cern, nut of the north anti with hie October '22n1 to December 1,rides
ti •1 1,44service bat-ween' MI•rd and this sterling, vast visfon he dreamed for totalled $617,502.51 of which' 1217,- (�t
1 Ford, "int'
Beach a future which inlay 250.14 repr.eente4 homes- sold. De. TO ,j \Ory■\ .\t8 r'
•, and It
Sunday's or three host leads 1t Is fast nallsine.
camber ,el s.d with a volume of
Aunday1 (J IL ii t.5
"so well
of-Miami: residents•would go to his Mr. Fisher acquired the north 100) of which 1112.777 re-
h• nuc- establishment to swim, and on rer.- acre^ from the Ocean Reach Y.ealty l Presented bootee sold.
:evelop• lain evenings during the week I con':•any boilings, and made er.r.
t' ' ber a iuelne".a was the drat Fort Dallas Park Lot
t In the dances were held there. I compeny a loan with which a in stet-C.ecoru ;;,:r.l t:P till, ,,.:aeon by the or-
1 with a Later, Avery C. Smith and James way snit fill .long the west aide, ^'htati « and ec,ipr sit the *ate* Oregon Viat or-{U,
rket by C. Wart Improved this estanllshmant, were flnancgd. 'volume to January. which totaled $85 000.
built a larger dock and a plank - Prior, however, to Mr. Fisher's 151.1Sa,li7.G;. However at the end • r
a�•ncy, walk, and from this the appearance, J. N. Lum•Iof January, air. 'terrlck expressed
Present auspicious
• s Otteher Smith's sledge has developed. moa, acquired a majority of stock in the opinion that the unseasor,ablti
s atter- weather way tr.:Only responsible for Tlth Ratan ;Realty, tem;
VITAL tactor, In the mart o! the Ocean Beach company and the slight"decrease which was noted 1
handled Its affairs. tinder hisJust closed thele,deals ty
endane• An, the during tl:e month. les' February' 1, they sold real"oCtwl• to the
p)s sash Miami Beach t6ward its present ante a building boom was begun,the a1 r. Merrick, at a salesmen's center•
)0)11 • ey tmlitade• was eotse.iv•d In '1912 company giving lot. during a period enc.. ,purredi the force into- a su. of 1115,000. ..
• -d fraw When'Wintry Lwn, of Red Flank, N. of several months to kit citizens Dreme effort 'end asked for a sales One of,these' -o-f�is lot
olume gwWilki• ' J,'atntd to aril to iohn Gremlieg ohoColiwould
aRvnue_gree to build • home�wae ea Ifs<fion0Wedri•sdathls amount Della!' Park t'etaslan'FI{rt
pf. f Y. gh last and ane r.1 l Thin !%hire.1:,
qye 4 406-sere tenet, extending from til. Amongithose who were' pioneer Itwo day^ of the month brought the
ocean to the bay and from, Smith'■ borne builders In Miarnl.Beach were:,ngnr uP to the 52,]07,209.17 mark.. Caroline 1'. lye* to, ' al t,
aettlow• Redmond,.Ore-, for aper:.,
eatlrto to the Dresent••honie of Carl Thomas F,. Frederick, A. B. Adams,!O 'lis amount $66?,?97 represents 130.00.7.•
nfasuad William E. Norton, R. A. Gautier, ``
Duncan, G.Tither. who la largely responsible I..' Hinson. F. It. Wharton. George "ales in the now Country club 011ier sales' made by
aa',AUa-, for'(ho growth of Mlamt Beach. This H. floeket; H. NI. Tatum, E. Ford((section -e itch was Just opene�f t;, the( Hester street Wert a lot on t between, ti!-
'-; entire acreage, with. the exception 11 ells, S. A. llelcher and C;. A. Doug.{public 10 days acro,'and-srhe.re Mr. i=rventh avenger' which ''+,
• ' of two small strips which already less.• The first really big, home was aferrick .recently announced w eon.I Charlea Ifeilenbetk for $re,.
had.been dlrpoeed of, was offend erected by J. N. Lummus 'In 1214, struction'•procram calling fur the other sale wen CILa lot'on t!
'`. Mr. Oramlln{i for.150,000. although all the relidencel, were of ,, side of X,.l Sete to street
lereest,rn of a •1,250,000 hotel With 360 p
cnT��1 M1.-Lum•tole ?dr. Granliing • Day- reinforced concrete with tiled roofs rooms and baths,,4 asw 11- First mid',Sehind agenued
y`4Yd1u meet of 810.000.1n 30 days would be Thus, was the Initial developmentcOnrse andhouse,
oua toll So Luce,'an4,F: 1V:y
• accepted' ad -Ute Initial Installment and building boon, launched -ati$t50,000 '.Con r,Satlonatuehh7CAt the and * t.a.spro
, on:; he purchase rice, Mr. Cram- I g t yy Carate D. Arn C7�j0 RDDra
i oeeal •oforganised p Miami Reach. • the greet•stet 'ot•the Joseph. .525.000.. a_r .,e
lint ♦ corporation. .else .r ae for the sisters of St. Joa.yh. • ,' • ek•' -
`f Its '; Octan lIeacn llealty •COM ps,ny, an .Shortly
4 � DAY}CLs IiALXs FRIF,KDI', iter gfvlrt out the figures
:. Jamei A, lieDauald, one of the,!•lost UALT 1G1I, K, C. March 1--Jost. top .th1,.: month, )Jr. aferrick said Xorrkkchaa an aide;;t��tttpn;f taver:
itiDtiF{it0 (;otid'aIId Is ort feipected cltisen■ In _phut..Da"leis, former.*secretary "The aclee_of Curel ochres.prOpertio•; :VMeirIC.-Driptel1{{-SA*'fabo)yf:,
alt Ryes- ►11 e.11>�n�d/e M"ai,',elect,p president y .' 0t ellen- to I ' haw•Massed my`;toetdsat tDelfee.t` t b=;tt!
sped,ons fir'Ofa.nttlnr etai'e chosen,vies pros• the navy, today islet 'ep a ,trfenda a3ltieetation:•and, I am'.nevi;- A d 5 11c ra''
Oats 1qq tdent. ►nit 3 E.=:Lurumus.• Dlaaldent to Oeorltia, he. had requested to be 1pr P.•greater elle a. looking fruppee nn t77q t15o
1'so34 tZ allowed.to'' place hes• ues ti •1n til. eludes!during in One led, Ao:, ile to b,
co lel,
•a:efthrp ..of lhe•JLaI'rst +'Eta 7sursr ' was Starch'.than in February+:when•the bed_ Oriente„trigy�
t contest mina for n til• prI 1 ry idtn Vial: °peel g. e'.irk wan passed..'At;the with house`l i•allowcr
+ Ascott tlaeted s!crstary�treaaurer. Dan nomination In the palmary of this; Oper.tn,: u! t}„y
in owns }}ardl. *nd' Avcry C. f4n,ith were •,aeon Y.•.ticcided to bio'beer alfurr!fkitt=.thee ki
impresses. 1nei4ded among •thus,. who :corn• mart not to enter him Ito lila ;•rel- Dlac,O titre. necv eftc(fons.on the mar- resor.griedetb r'
fa P �4 hF4lta•tr..
u ¢�� 1Prtt5edihe boar3 of dlreetors, mart, `��
lana. TTI,•contract waw•olopd .with Ida. -
dee d 7..ttrp'by "Cr. Cramlini and 17 years SI�Y rya, Co2tvlCt LL.►9LJ:t. ph y,tK'.
o;wate�y, 'ago'thte Corporation, beaded by Mr.
MONTGOMERY, Al... Mar, 1.--Con. ., t
01.orth ,
„si Donhld and directed by Mr. Gram. tract for leasing by the state of the • r..ras+
Coal mines at Belle Ellen, Ala„ which jY 4�xo+cesr
btlleiaton 'Wet.'began•lmprOvntent'and levet• w7^ n ° m^+�* !
:hards.tp •Ornetnt'•work.'on•.Allaml Roach.* .The well he operated by stwte convict and`
uouhflary 10¢+acre tenet was •un.yed and the free tabor, was.bale•by convleb of; .� '• [�a�, Of� tog,'
:.♦vena 15cials probably to mark the begin-. vis v ''. •.a'v' ' , .''
.4 bait first south ,100-acre. subdleided into Ening-of fhb end of the lease eye crit in �"�'� T,,�y
. ab4Vt°ads 1 l,.s w 4a-,ea .
d'. t t ' Q, ,nese,were placed Ababa r j
40,t� ��,i ' I IQ i Id 0111E FOR�I EAL'I'Y FII?il1 i �q ter ' ”
• ka� y� '3' �� ^ 11 t'r.,a+ •
'` iss
//I t I q
v t '� (�ri° yk . t , ,;.,-,A +V i t b`�Q l�3 e ref e,. •
t pa', c ,..f•[ f l n ,~ ties w 3� ft s . J+/l� : � ? � C + , 1 + t Y� a.
,' r, . • 7 i'.�((77tt y t 7d-1,' -.-'.:gY
,, n.1, '.7.,--,4•,•::,,-..*;il, 'M1 fr s•,. 73; r .i.i 7 , ' :(i`S ,f, t - a