1668-9 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 �. �� c v ee easy. . B. Tatum,
for each ten thousand inhabitants and ;iikjh!g111) ' eULae veiled 48 to a4. i+lsls forced further
major fraction thereof, no county to ..• se. (,. • .• %!;fit consideration of the tariff over until bo)d, J. A• Ds
have more than three or less than •s: '' yk 'u�i ��� tomorrow. GautieW. rde*, It
one representative. • Vs e G a t fl
Brown, of Polk, passed andel sus- 8' '':i "'=d�ase
pension of the rules the bill giving • �a,•o .• -`.{ C•�'
thecland the privilege of adopting eTRUTEES1iPN1(NES �
commission form of government-
4:',4";;,..,'. it
The house refused to indefinitely plus (?ti S r '' r APA N
postpone Senator Conese yster cram-
is tTHE J. 6. 11\1111mT '
mission bill. !e ati+a
Tore Into Trammell'■ RIII. {3�?r .,�,.,,. oN
The manner in which the mate S�4 E''
tore into Trammell's anti-convict �i„`� �e3la ,
lease bin today was the talk the i
town tonight. Amendments were of- MISS EDITH HOFFMAN.
• Send by the dozen,senators declaring
the measure to be ineffective and New York, May 13.—Gustave Ma Mize, the young merchant of Union,
vogue. The measure now bears lit- N.J.,is certain that hyssweetheart,Miss Edith Hoffman, who was myste-
elb resemblance to its former self. rioualy drowned in a pond on the estate of Stewart Hartshorne, at Short
' Senator Lindsay, chairman of the Hills, N.J., was the victim of foul play. They were to have been married FOR AN EXTENSIVE AND THOR- IN THE CAI
prison and convict committee of the two days after the night on which she was drowned an dalthough he does OUCH SURVEY OF THE EVER
,senate, stated that he thought the not say he suspects anyone he aaye he is sure he will one day prove that TER, AND
amendments offered must number the girl was murdered. GLADES, WHICH IS EXPECTED
more than one hundred. "With all TQ GIVE A DEFINITE IDEA OF REASONA
due respect to the governor," said SAM, IF .
needs, being vague and IndefiniDe, as SAStY TO DRAIN THEM. RILL, BEI
wan be evident to any one who stud- THER PR,
—ilea it. closely."Would Eliminate Negroes. OPENED AND CLOSED- ENDORSES PROPOSED
Representative Harry Goldstein, of F. L. Iiuffaker.
Nassau, will introduce in the house Tallahassee, May 13.—The•Inter- (By
tomorrow a constitutional amend- nal Improvement Trustees this after- Washingtc
�ment of the "grandfather clause," the TO TUESDAY, MAY 211 • CITY .CHARTER BILL noon ratified the contract with J. G. eat governor
order of which seeks to eliminate ne- White & Co.,of New York,and Ishatrt steps in the
grecs entirely from•politica. __ Randolph, of Chicago, for an exten- ntapland bit
• .The amendment has been drawn sive surve• y of the Everglades, which acts
with great care and is considered JUDGE BETHEL BEING PRE- AT A MEETING YESTERDAY A will begin without delay. Should J.
about the most effective ever pre- The report of these noted engineers was learned
aented to a southern legislature. . VENTED FROM ATTENDING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED is expected to give a definite idea
The senate this afternoon passed al• YIESTERDAY—THIRTY-SIX VE- CALLING ON SENATOR AND'as to the total amount necessary to reasonable t
number of bills, principal among (train the glades. oral a(fmini
which were Cone's bill preventing the NIREMEN SUMMONED TO REPRESENTATIVES TO 1)0 meet the co:
• ask nf•liquor within four miles of a SERVE AS GRAND AND PETIT THEY CAN TO HAVE'rim BILI. SOUTHERN BAPTISTS MEET ore.
school or church outside of Incorpor- The Jap(
aced towns; Hudson's providing pun- JURORS—W1(0 TIIF.Y ARE. PASSED. St. Louts, Mo., May 13.—The gen- cussed at t
• ishment for desertion of wife, or eral convention of the Southern Bap- CATHOLIC
'wife and children; a bill regulating list church was informally opened at
the•hours of delivery of intoxicants Circuit court was opened yesterday At a meeting of the directors of the Third church in this city today,
ars by common carriers, and a bill ap- afternoon by Deputy Sheriff, Belle'the Miami Real Estate board, held and will be continued until Tuesday
rosriating to former Senator C. G.'Hodge and Clerk Z. T. Merritt, and next. Fifteen hundfed delegates,rep-. Brooklyn,
MacClenny twenty-five hundred dol- adjourned immediately until'Tuesday, yesterday afternoon to discuss the resenting the 2,000,000 Baptists In the inset Guth(
lays for distraction of a l.otel during May 20, when Judge Bethel will be proposed city charter, which is to be south', are in attendance. The con- United Stat
the yellow fever epidemic at Jackson-I here, as will also thirty-six jurors passed upon by the house of represen-,vention is the largest delegated body et St. Jos
vllle. ('summoned yesterday by Deputy lien-'tatt es end senate of Florida, the in the world. No fixed program has that marks
Watson's bill for a forest preserve I d(Mallon. Pressure or other business ❑n•itibers were unanimous in their en• been prepared for the gathering, bet nual convey
,„,was killed by a vote of twelve to four-I prevented Judge Bethel from being dursemenl of the bill now before the all the church work, including the uc- ovolent Lel'
Miami yesterday, although it was legislature, and sent a copy of their tivitles of the missionary, educational prosperous
_-- teThe house spent th$afternoon dis-Im the date upon which the court is pre-,resolution to both Senator Hudson of and 'publication societies, will be re- were ever)
sumed-to sit, this senatorial district and ltepresen- viewed. members t'
iL• cur educational bills on second tative Worley of Dade count — to distribu•
rea'� The following persons have been• y y•
g. summoned to serve as grand and petit• the resolution adopted by the board' SAILED FOR NASSAU a week's t
urors: \V. Canova I.. S. Mowry,'was as follows: I - — benefits wi
OCEAN BEACH COMPANY iF..t. Ii. Burr,Jr., W. O. Sheppard, Geo.' "Ile it resolved, whereas, the pro.' The British schnoners Julia Eliza- • In all p
W. Bloom, W. L. Barclay, S. E. Grit- posed new charter of the city of Mi- beth and Frances E, sailed yesterday dent Tipp(
• fin. Chas. W. hill, J. W. Galloway, en i, whish we; prepared by the city for Nassau with passengers and re-elected
L. T. lli .un, It. C. Beck, G. W. ('""nail of Miami and unanimously in- freight. for its she
'ADDS ANOTHER FERRY Moody, Jr.,JrC. W. Brady. F. L. N dossed by the Miami board of trade, —
ville, A. I,. Hearn, E. K. Howard, M. whose membership includes nearly • R,.,
TO ACCOMMODATE GUESTS`A. Marling• Gen' Camebeil, Grad,• Live hundfed citizens, is about to be US STEEL TOLE
Cochran, Joe GriiTin, J. F. Canova, �. 1'('sent. upon by the state legislature,
A. Norden, .1. 11. Aydelotte, .1. F. and • I r Cu,s
Coleman, I.. Craig, Geo. M. Dykes. "Whereas, this new charter is un R\V. Rests:ick, J. L. Gunnar,.1. Mc instrument gill adapted to protect theA SEEFRT0 ELF
A new ferry boat with n capacity'Leaden, I riveJ D. Gates, 11.A.
1c� t"'"ale and give the city of rotes i he
of one hundred and fifty persons will f shred, Gaston Drske, J. B. Leonard, ficient and progressive government.
`be added to the Ocean rst, itcarh Amuse- \\• II Chaiilc 0.'d II. W. Pickin g. "1 herefore, be it resolved, that the I
meal Company's Meet, and will makeI Miami real estate hoard, composed of
the first run to the resort operulcd 40 real,estate firms representing a
at the beach Sunday next. The corn- S\VI'I'ZI'It (:A\'E BOND large majority of the.property inter- New York, May 13.—The United (B
pansy has been unable to handle the IN Sl1M OF $1,000 eats of this city, believes that this'States Steel Corporation is an indus- . Washins
tratlic and felt that if it is to con- ,proposed charter should be enacted by,trial benefactor to the country. This electric w
�tinue its existence it would be neces- After failing to obtain his release,the legislature,and be it further I was declared toda b James A. Far-
sary to add other boats as the-need on habeas corpus proceedings yester-j "Resolved, that the Miami real es-'rel as a witness in thegovernment Pennsylva
arises;• - day, Leonard Switzer, charged with tate board requests the represents- suit to dissolve the corporation. draughtin,
'The Skylark and Dixie will run on issuing a draft on the Vicari Droit tives from.this county to use all hon•I Farrell said that were it not for the steam en
hearty schedules, and the new boat Company, of Baltimore, for $878.50. arable means toe secure the enactment l policy of the corporation to do a gen- March 4,
twill be operated between to take care and having no funds in the hands f of this proposed charter, and be tt eral business regardless of conditions issued for
of the overflow traffic. the company with which to meet )its further that the cotton crop of the country navy daps
One hundred additional bath rooms draft, gave a bond of ono thousand "Resolved, that the Miami real ea-I this vear could not be marketed. be- The pin
'will be built after June 1st, and-the dollars yesterday for his appearance tate board hereby authorizes Messrs.
cause the corporation supplies Orae- rangemen
management believes that it will be at the next term of the trial court. S. Bobo Dean and J. W. Watson to sically all of the cotton ties for bind• but woulc
better equipped to provide for its pat-1 He was arrested on the affidavit of
tons when they are erected. Leos ForneL I (Continued on Page Eight) I manufacture- not gener
.. .;sir •', p•fe:J+.•eile.ier....ft,,,,,, r .