1668-12 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 �' joatas a• romdnentp and ON`� Z�,tPEACE Presidentaelect Wilson the preceding conducted in a root -
yry Y,; 3 Went t Dec 12. His,body was night,which eras supposed to have had quarters on the t
ba DELEGATES TODAY.: reference to an editorial in the Com- federal building; i
-:.,..;:a,,.• ti`> ' found'in: the woods with.a Det t gmnentx. private stairway .
fr ,. mover on committee aaai
t 'sound in the heart. The indications
t + In annwer to inquiries regarding the rest of the b d
Ir`c. ,, were that King stricided,-but an in- sob ect of the supposed telegramF
H Associated Press). j PPo from is guarded.
z. rr.p:v':: '-♦serf on_led to the arrest yesterday ( Y Governor Wilson, Mr. Bryan denied
-.is.' s .
of Wilburn and.James Barber, a ne-. London, Dec. 27r•--Turkey s'replr to having received such a message, and bled Twice today eeo tr
"4:..i.' t ,g>� = ' the-demands made several days ago reiterated his statement of the
• "` ;`-. In hie.eontesdfop,today Wilburn is bythe Balkan allies, as a base for Ing night that he and Governor Wil- 9:30stion of heard,
` A. '; � &ars ea "Mrs. Kingsaid o'clock th
,^��� �� ' eon had merel ezdrazt
Is ' sllle'rq LeQ to get ma of her husband, the restoration of pests in sontheasb y > Christmas brief session o1 Net
ata nip and ghe me ern Europe, will be delivered totnor- cgs the jury was lock
- '1600-if I Hfled'bim. On Dec. 12,I r. Bryan stated emphatically that
'i' • row to the peace conference. the telegram had nothingwhateverThis altsrnoon aa,
�.'' I do with an editorial in te Commoner,
pass nY Xtng's home She called Interest, however, is again shifted fruitless session.
As a�g$ '1. use in and
dfos motto Agdhad mgone ne from this phos of the situation to and added that he does not wish to so far asktestimon
en that
' 31•'•r_ kill hdm. the question: "What ire the inten- spend the remainder of his days an- liffs today remov.
.....-ie tions of Austria?" awe=ing questions about telegrams
r,tr'„ "I followed King found him and The peace delegates are prepared from Wilson, and said, further, that room a ton of revo
f:. 'shot hjan over the heart I thenput to receive and consider the replies of reportersapproached him Pieces of exploded
rp two hrd
^�'+ bis gun is his hand and arranged the Turkeysire T uursda nightregarderrne carrying ca;
lo,as it would appear he had ply as points for further Y in to the same hibita.
"%r - airot,himself. 'I went back LortDe negotiations. It-is well known that 'm-
r •
.• hoose and told Mrs. King what I had Turkey has not the slightest hope of never Governor Wilson . is
_' r ,„ obtaining what she will demand, nor ready to give out information, he will R 1101'..
• " : {a., i • done. She acid I was a good boy. make it known," he said, and contin- PI I) LE iJ0
'' ✓ `T •Barber said that a few minutes be- the slightest intention of resuming
�;1�'r" the war. ring,stated that the New York papers
••r,; a;. • fore the killing Wilburn told,him he need not expecthim togivef
'was going to shoot King. He said he This espZct of the situation ds con- inbj in orrna- IN
} frmed b the fact that several at- tion concerning the subject of any
,4. " had frequently heard M . King tell Y telegrams from Mr. Wilson. 8
f? her husband that she would like to tempts have been made unofficially
ifs. get rid of him, as she was tired of by the Turkish delegation to get the
-'" •� "seeing Jim sitting around." allies stn recede from their dermad
The King plantation is said to be that Adrianople surrender, promiseON CHARGE OF
one of the largest in middle-Georgia. Ing in return that Turkey will not ob TAS K M OVI N 6
'I Mrs.King Confesses. joct to their territorial enlargement H. B JOHNS()
;4" '1 r . • Later--Mrs..James King tonight Austria's lans are of chief con-
� ter. • confessed to the pollee of Macon that cern to thePServians and Montene-
' she planned with Wilburn to kill her grirta. The fact that Austria has not THE B 16FISH SECOND HA:
'!•, v�•"+^• • boeband and secure $2,000 life incur- demobilized her army alarms the del-
FOR}}p ante. She said her relations with egates. It is now considered certain APPEAR
-t••,e• Wilburn had been the most intimate that at the resumption of the am- ' CRIMINAL CO1
sir ' i .,, for several months, and that she had bassadorial conference January 2, WAS STARTED EARLY YESTER-
rnade'other attempts to kill her hus- Austria will ask that they make the DAY MORNING AND AT NIGHT
t".,4;. •
„bund 'At her behest Wilburn finally territory wutonomove to Albania as Carl Pringgle, re.
•• `,",t�: 'tilled Xing in the woods while the large as possible. HAD BEEN GOTTEN NO FUR- charge of burgla.
,•Y`1' latter was hunting. TITER THAN AVENUE C AND terday before the
1 ]STH ST,—WEIGHS ABOUT FIVE serecharges.
g :` BOARD OFTDADE.' h IVONK STARTED *miningdo trial H
.• •• (:: TONS. at one thousand,
ti. ,,nT���� r• �' fifty dollars.
. TO MOVE MONDAYClarence Pringl•
t r At sunrise yesterday morning a er, was also held ,
ON PAVILIONbold being two hu
J force of workmen, under the guidance
'r of Captain Charles Thompson, begn II. B. Johnson, r
j t+.j•; ____— the tank of moving the monster fish hand articles, was
r, • Monday next will be moving day captured by him early last July, from with the case, the
• OF COLLINS PROPERTY ON for the Board of Trade, as on that the green house at the side of the Sem- he received stolen
date a transfer will be made to the mole dock teethe show house recently dant was repreaen
ENI Y- new quarters just being completed, erected on the iot east of the Burdine A. Worley. A nv
' • SULA—WILL BE A STRUCTURE Today the floors will receive their building on Twelfth street,where dur- were examined, a
4'✓'' ,i •• Or MUCH ARCHITECTURAL latest treatment at the hands of the Ing the approaching winter 1t will be hearing the testi
painters, and two days later with the displayed to the curious public. At 8 required the dellen
(;� BEAUTY AND MODERN IN EV- anent of turps and oils still lingering o'clock last night the Ash had been for five hundred d
ERY RFgpECT. about, possession will be taken. moved to Thirteenth street, west of action of the trig
ta.f!� All the furniture and fittings have Avenue C,and was left there all night Evidence intra
is, arrived with the exception of the well covered and protected from the show that the els
1 ; t}it':" chairs for the assembly hall, and it alvht of inquisitive people.. the stores of the
\' sr./. Work was begun yesterday on the maybe weeks before make their It is estimated that thbig Asir
gra', they pony, Julius Smlt
+ pavilion that is to be one of the many apeparanee. Lately, It has been1. weighs fully five tons, " after being iceman, and the
attractions intended to adorn the learned from the supply house that mounted, and that when it was alive Store. Articles a
•'e.k �. Collins property at the beach on the the chairs are manufactured in Ger it must have been of twenty tons taken from all we
r ?' ocean side of the peninsula. The lo- many, and as the stock on hand bad Ger-
weight. Pringle had previ
r, - ration is the northeast corner of the become exhausted a new order had After much labor on the part of the tering the Ilougla
t r• block deeignatsd on the company to be sent in to the factory. workmen and many hours of endeavor, Hahn-tents and et.
Y,A,' ,..101
pinta as the pavilion site, lying be- the fish was finally placed on a truck r of value.
tween the hotel site and the ten acre and drawn by Captain Thompson's au-
" pork donated to the city by Mr. Col- boulevard a fete
tomobile on to the.TAFT OVER SOLICITOUS, feet away from the house where it HAWAII HAS E
line last summer. The block is 250
',a • by 300, was mounted.
{' The plans show a building of much ' WILSON CAN CARE FORHere photographs were taken by J.
architectural beauty, frame construe- N. Chambers and Fred Hand,who had GREATEST
` ^ tion, two stories In height, 9 feet been awaiting the opportunity for
•• • square, resting on concrete piers put THE CANAL PROPOSITION some time end l•ad almost begun to
;., down to bedrock. The entire lower despair of securing goal negatives, as
floor is to be devoted to dressing it was rapidly growing dark. (.By Asauc
rooms for the bathers, one portion be- When the photographers had taken Washington, ll,
Ong for the ladies and the other for Carrollton, Ca., Dec, 27.—Con_ several shouse at the fish wit#, their
cameras, (leor a Coates of the Miami •joyed greater pros
men, there being approximately one gressman W. C. Adamson, chairman g dune the past
rrndred• all told. The pavilion will of the house committee of interstate mulestranstoer the bi Company truck and ••couple of g
• nd not to exceed twenty feet from and foreign affairs, in a statement mules to the big and slowly and other in history,
carefully moved the Rhth stye I�'here ernor W. F. Fre
the break h. the land to the slope today took exception to the proposed psubmitted to seer
p', leading down to the sea- reorganization of the canal zone by to the " of on 7Tlrteenth street where Fisher, today.
t A portion of the upper floor will Taft. lie said that tho president was
it awaits the roming of another day In commerce,
1 1 be devoted to a dance hall that is to over solititous, and that Wilson would'before being placed in the new guar- provernents in the
be made one of the beat and most he able to take care of the situation. aero.
� tion, betterment o'
'• -, attractive to be found in• the state. The present plan, he asserted, is best FISHERMEN WiLL, climes, construct'
•• hi... I There will also be a lunch counter until the canal is completed. RESUME OPERATION'S TODAY public health adml
• and a number of other attractions
% I.
yet to be decided upon. An effort is MASTERS DISCHARGED F lie school faellitie
,• :', to be made to have the building up ON CHARGE OF ASSAULT Beginning today,the gill net fisher_ marked advancer,
men of this port will 'resume opera- The imports enc
:h J, and ready for occupancy within six- tions, after laying off for ten days to land during the yt
;'.R.• . ty days. It has not yet been deter- In answer to the question by Judge allow the market to clear up. The over 184,000,000, a
g, .., ' mined who will have charge of the es- Phillips in the city court yesterday market became glutted um prices:$14,000,000 over t
.a.,".,t• tablishment. morning, if he had anything to say took a corresponding drop. The Ash- An extension of
`S for himself, Herman Masters, who ermen ceased operations rather than reclamation act to
' SUFFRAGE WORKERS had been arrested for assaultingW.
1." INVITED TO MEETING I1. Chaille, stated that he dinot core for a le,.y pries than they had be- the governor's s
come accuatomrd to. says also that s.
Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 27.—At a care to offer any evidence. As Mr. 'l'odnv several fleets will leave for can be made•avai
'r°' meeting of Equal Suffrage leaders'Chaille failed to appear against him, Bahia lloneia, where the fish are found
a4. e - here today, it was decided to invite'Mr. Masters was discharged. It was In greater numbs-e at present than Sculptor Daniel
r: 'workers in the entire south here to said that the affray was caused by an elsewhere, and will remain until fur- be at work on a d,
r ,, a conference January 8 and 9, fol- alleged insult offered Mrs. Masters eller developments may make it fleece- fellow monument '
:"..:. • -. }owing the convention of suffragists. by Mr. Chaillo. • vary to move. (Longfellow home i
"-,r - -tea',
..' . ... ..,nom+ •. I•r _:.:''�� �'. '