1668-16 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 Jr' .' '' .t .✓i,. .s \,,,,,.' C , 3 Y . t.,A , r 1 ,t r^ ,,,y<,;,; '
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era, J. C..ar {iell" faewood a
lig<Plern'�' G` IA'�►h .na a,
ivrde Wil he Faionable.
�� It was suggsted that the Rh.
n gide association ..shouldt fat to Clen
Chinn to talk at the next meeting
i)i the subject of mosquitoes, and M
V 1 4( ) ' \–"— Swift declared there lime no n.
BY A NOVCORK SYNDICATE' And The Riyersiders W�I qultoes in Riverside. This was a$►
o by the other Rfvereic}ers, but ea.
1I'Ij I V. Blackman', motion Mr. Chinn .
s.,�--- invited.
?notI i }� "In Ai. onorder that the Riverside A
It Will 'lave 2g0 Rooms and Urge Immediate "C �n� d
B!sekman. DiscussionT as to
• Be Modern 13 Every Question Of Sewers Thor- the council wouldauthorise semi.
fire stations for Southside and Hi
RespeRespect oughly side, or one would be erected
ctDiscussedTwentieth street and avenue J
both sections, caused the appoints.,
of J. M. Dean as a committeema.
According to reports, Miami avill The condition of Twelfth street 1 investigate and report to the
have in the near future another large west of the river, and the need of meeting of the association,
hotel to which tourists will flock ev- immediate repairs on that thorough-( Klyce Talked About Sewer
cry season. It will likely be situated fare. was the subject at the meeting Acting on a request of the as:
on t•'+s beach. The proposed site un- of the Riverside Improvement Asso- tion, H. H. Klyce, municipal eng.
der ^ensideration is the property own- elation last night which caused the told the members of the past, pi.
ed by the Miami Beach Improvement)greatest amount of discussion. The and future sewer systems of !sf•
Company and takes in two of the outcome of the talk was that a com- with particular reference to River
lergr'at Kites facing the ocean, includ-I mittee composed of C. S. Benton, A. He said there were two sets of sir
in" retie pavillion owned by the Miami M. Wigginton, C. Benton Dean, Will rain Ater and house sewers, ai.•
Beach Improvement Company. J. Gautier and F. W. Chapman. was ratter were not expected to tnhr
A New York Syndicate composed appointed to go before the city coun- of waterin the streets and gotte'
of about 10 of the most represents- ^il at its next meeting and att port a Mr. Klvce said that last ti.
tive men, socially and financially, are resolution adopted by the Riversiders. bids for the construction of eig
figuring cn putting up a building with i This resolution called on the city to miles of sewers in Miami were o.
two hundred and fifty rooms. The grade, repair and treat with liquid as- mad the contract let to the J. J. i,
structure will be fire-proof and wilt'phalt, Twelfth street from the river Company, at an aggregate ci,
be arranged so that the rooms will be. to the city limits. The r•e'olutitm .8125.000. $30,000 of this sum e.
laid off in two and three room suites.was first offered by E. V. Blackman.I tic expended in Riverside, he
with a private bath for each room. ;but when it occurred to him that the This sum included, the met of, ,
A roof-garden will be one of i;he;property owners along the streetling a four thousand dollar put.
attractive features and this will bei might be ca`:ed on to pay ti part of•station in Riverside. but did n,
enclosed with glass so it ma be used the cost, he withdrew his motion and�^lude the cost of machinery.
i as a sun parlor. Space will be ar-1't was then made by C. S. Benton. The pumping print is absolute!
ranged 'for dancing either as a separ-I Mr. Blackman explained that he did cessary in Riverside, Mr. Klyct
ate tatiroom or as a part of tho'not live on that street and hat: no;niained, res some of the sewers a
ground floor plain. A grill rocm will i property there, hence it would be un-I the water level, end would not be
• of course be installed with all the becoming on his part to present the i
tie l byof erRiavity.e Hese Ue in endh`
latest and most improved features. resolution. iSeventeenth street on the tion!
The conveniences will include Twelfth Street in Horrible Condition.I to the river on the east.
Ti fkis'h and Russian baths, bowling In discussing the condition of Mr. Klyce said the mein true.
alloys and a 'large ,well-e�il`P" Twelfth street, Mr. Benton said: 1 would be laid ori Fifteenth atree,
gritnesioni. Tennis courts will be "If we want anything we had bet-..for the time being would exten,!
provided for those who enjoy outdoor ter go before the city council anti let avenue .T to the river. This K
sports and there will else ''be indoor!them know that we want it just as i tended, he said, to drain all o
squash and racquet courts. I•soon as it ispossible to get it, arid then stay with them until they Kiva c
A. Casino, with a 500 foot pier run- then 'art of the city west of avenue
nine out from the beach will be a ;t to s or we won't get anythine. ether :,ewers contracted for w.
source of ngGtch. enjoyment for the They think we are dead, but they will aid on Sixteenth street from
nests and this, will be the tendee'v- find we arc a pretty live bunch over K to avenue J; on Seventeenth
g t 'many here before we are through." He from avenue J to the river, the
ous fora ! tourists who
said he was ashamed to let people sed location of the pumping seri
ate fond of rtv�mmint' and of beach said Look .!head
Long .
bathing. All possible conveniences know he lived on such a street, and i A r'The time is coming,"
s," said
will be Installed and crowds of poo could only console himself by the,„e "when it will be necessary •
pie will likely gather there just to I thouvht that it was not his fault that
ettje the pleasures of playing in the puffing sewage in the river, rt.
y `Twelfth street was in such a "horrible mately in the bay." He descrii
rand and getting a good taste of the,condition" since he had complained ,!rods of treating sewage so
SUM I to the council repeatedly about it. 1 would he absolutely odorles
A automobile garage will be one A good natured argument arose ns harmless, and. spoke of the t
eoevrthe important buildings erected in!to who lived on the worst street in the nlant at Atlanta, the inventir'
inettion with the hotel and this will I city. Mr. $iackmartr declared it would German savant• as one of the
be a great convenience for those be iible for a street to he much the country.
'who have their ears down here with
worse than South River street, end
them. It will also Abe a boon for Mr. Griffiths said he believed Eleventh Mr. Klyce was asked wl.
those Miamians •who drive over to stre0t near avenue K was one of the thought the sewers already
the beech and have engine trouble worst streets he tae ever seen. ed for would he laid in Rivers.
or other difficulties with their ma- "I sympathise with Mr. Renton re-,replied that it would rot be ;
chanies. guiding the condition of Twelfth St.,.to makes II prediction in regard
• 'The management cf the }tot�N win Raid Lemuel 'I'. Norwood, a resident point. lie said three and a ha'.
t,e ,under tine direction of one of the of Four teenth street, who seemed +o have already been done, hut the
petit known hotel men in New York i be of the opinion, judging from his re- was a great delay in Deter.
alio is at present manager of one of marks, that Twelfth street was es.- cause of rains. It was likely,
this largest hotels in Nit city. The,cellent as compared with Fourteenth I that it would be four months.
New York Syndicate is being repre-,street• He said he had been to the work on the Riverside sewer
sentesd or M . I+eroy N. Taylor. of council often abdut the condition of be started by the contractors,
New York o in Miami ne- the street, but got nothing. "If use would finish work in the recti-
gotiating for the site. The cost of i o before the council and ask for
{they were now layiii;g sewer,
the improvements will be about $500,-1;omething, all we get is a promise teat moving elsewhere. It would i�
000. .we will get it 'in the sweet bye and I he prophesied, before the
bye,' " said Mr. Norwood, to the ac-;mile contract was completed.
Miami has reason to be �
WILL BE evil) FY)E. COTTON •companiment of enthusiastic applause. ; the fact that this contract f,
DESTROYED DURING WAR' Just why it is that paving of na- tmilescofa sewershas bee+
v� u Neil' and her sister,i tive stone should cost so much more i sa . It lure since the existin,