1668-24 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 - r
Ily Referred to the ThirdA'1_ Special Rule Prohibiting Points of
and Asked "You Know the I, • w 1.",_�• Order Prevented Attack• on the
y •� / Above Two Clauses-Ilepreaen-
Behind This Party?" De was
i it is in Discontent With • \ (\tt 0 ` �tll• . ' .� ./' tative Moore Was Taken Se-
/Parties. % ill .� .. verely to Tack for
• Detective'WII J. Burns, Ame rice's "practical Sherlock Holmes,"
•y Aesoelated Press.) who has be mined by a number o f wealthy residents of New York,
•t Aug. 17-4 ovemor W -amelrg•t}iem John D. Rockefeller, J r., to investigate the workings of the (By Associated Prose.) �--
on et the New Jersey,Day k0d,•'system" of the New York p Mice department, which has 'been un-
Washington,ashington,Aug. 17.-The Panama u
,n the
welcomed"'the wo. de i•e' e'tbe murder of Herman Itoeenthal. Magi-
.1:,, . canal bill as agreed u byte con- y•
.rut not a word did the• v= F " `•2222 ---_- _ ______ ----`- -" - _--- .-.--' feruos of the house and senate, vase- tat •fifth
he Hatton.into the,Add di y
ed the house again tonight a viva Astor'ata+
i about woman's eofftega.` • . i r 1sea vaso vote, end now goes to see- d ecce A s:
out that the entry s 4 • r ` 1 4'• ' �, CN IMPROVEMENTS idunt for signature. P disaster.
politica makes'the co ' } t Aa passed the bill contains pro- .
"'"" -••••••••-with our life, a thing • ;Yy v visions for the passage of Amu:ricari
cutis wished for. �r�'a. coastwise vessels through the canal
abrtaion attracted thousands free of tolls, and for the admittance MIA!
ate from this and surround- ;IliTif..
�' ; RTOF W NDERF l of ahipbuilding material to the carrel
.r. Jn his mala speech at zone free of governor discussed the re- duty.
of"the state, but disgressed The special rule prohibiting points
a reference to •the third Moore
or order against the mepas•
:Ich be elaborated on in a venetd Representatives Moorare-
tonight: In his speech he WORK'OF GRADING GROUND, LAYING OUT STREETS, BUILDING Olmstead, of Pennsylvania, from r
newing their attack on the provision
ose yQSr" the farce be. DOCKS, CUTTING CHANNELS, ETC., PROGRESSING AS RAPID- for free admission of ahipbuildinv ma-
r the so-called terial, and as a result there visa little
e arty. arts force !s in LY AS MEN AND MACHINERY CAN WORN-A 1'RF,DIC• opposition. L"tTYXI(r
with the regular parties TION OF THE FUT URE"EAST MIAMI." Mr. Moore was taken severely to
:died States.;' ts'fe ng is taskt y lir. Alexander, chairman of 1N
ion who had gone into a the merchant marine committee for
and come out often enough his allegations that the free sch ls-
,rrgpose to find an open road Five years from now-that is the wide which as a board walk is to be Rion clause would work a hardship on
14•'' • i maximum, mind you-there will be an continued the same width across the American labor.
:cement tonight' the govren- East Miami.. That may not be the narrow strip of land-about 1,200 feet -'
ed'that the independent and name of it, but the suburb will be -to the ocean. Adjoining the walk is ALDOTO
e forces had failed to get there just the same, it will occupy an eighty-foot street that is also to
of the republican .party, land that is now a mass of mangrove, run from theebey to the Atlantic.
,Lely proved thy asceency palmetto and tangled jungle and the On the ocean side is to be a Contin- µtern
-ac', and that they • ve location•will be on the peninsula just nation of the board walk,alsoten feet
` , Bank an,I
y could make use of demo- across the bay from the city. Soonery their de;..
he proper medium of their than it will be realized there will be wide, that will run north a mile poral TN E N 1 10 E •
(lea awn
a bridge acroe the ba and when the lel with the Atlantic on the crest of s s
goon speech the governor al- ocean side bec es accessible without the beach and outside a forty-footET tention in
I the people that the same a tedious ride of a half hour in a boat street that is to be paved. Running( T 0 l0 C A i E G 11
erthrown two years ago anything but comfortable, and with card info:
sing to restore the old order paved roads running up and down a north and south about midway of the of the ins
in New Jersey on his exit perfect beach, then will homeseekers peninsula is another road sixty feet in just acme
e. and investors grab at a chance to se- width that eventually will connect side it is
cure holdings in a place so ideally sit- with the Collins tract, a half. mile feet wide
Y M WILL tinted. , north of the north line of the Ocean INVES'T'IGATION WILL RE PUB- within it
E INSPECTION TUESDAY There are a number of the most Beach company holdings. LIC AND HE WILL ATTEMPT TO th011gh Al
conservative business men in Miami' From the south line of tilt company his frame
pection will be held Thurs- who firmly believe the ultimate lova- Property, which is but a few feet from UNEARTH EVERY THREAD his coat.
ng at 7:30 in the armory on tion of the big warehouses, the big the pavilion known to everyone, the THAT MIGHT HAVE A BEARING Lacking
.treat, by Captain J. D. Dill, docks adn big business in general will ground has been cleared And filled to months o
tng Company •M, and all be on the bay side of tic peninsula; an even grade a half mile nor and ON THE CHARGE ALLL•1GED BY Trust Cot,
of that organization of the taht sooner or later the Florida East south and to a depth of three row.i DIS'T'RICT ATTORNEY. weeks ag,
Guard are required to be Coast will bridge the bay and build of lots east and west, reaching two-
The followin•• order has across to the big"block of property thirds of the distance across the nar• - tion, and
of its ow
owned by the company lying imma- row neck of land. When rid of the of the inc
,any Order, Seco..d'Infantry. diately north of the(;pilins trs*�; that' timber and underbrush several de• New York, Aug. 17.-Aroused theby side ing
viii be an inspection of Com- a nein carrying twenty and eventually pressions were found and these have the charges of police graft after side or n
Second Infantry, Thursday, thirty feet of water will be made in been filled to a general level. The disorderlynhouse raids by the district it can be
i, at 7:30 n. en. at their which the largest vesicle in the world highest point of the grade is on the attorney's forces, Malice Commission- encs and •
,n Twelfth street can find an harbor and dockage facili- crest of the beach where it is eight er Waldo, it was said tonight, had be afford
tipment must be in good, ties, thus leaving Miami's own water and a half feet above medium tide; planned for a public investigation of carne by
attics. Na one will be ox- front intact and with its natural beau- back two blocks it falls to Seven feet his ' public.
•m this inspection pxcept'by ty,;undiatarbed. and at the sea wall it is proposed to Inspector Cornelius Fiaye, nd three ee erin
:ertificate. • ed yesterday and removed, and three reseed v
er of JAMES D.DT relic•par,• whether the foregoing construct
feet. the bay front it will other igspoctore, will be placed on i g and t
�' •p 4„coma. true or not, it is
Captain Commanding; trial next week, it is said. These his next i
Company M, Sec. Infantry `2
positive enough men of money have �At the beginning it was estimated are said to include the men against miration
T. faith in-the future of that section to ,000 cubic yards of earth would be whom Aistrict Attorney Whitman has the build.
1' OVER ONput in $,50,000 as a starter in acgair required to bring the ground to the obtained evidence of gambling grail From
TIlE FIRE BOYS ng a block of land and making it Proper level, and of that amount In the trials it is said that Waldo ment to t
. • •, ready to offer to the public. The own- there is yet but a little over two thou- will unearth every thread of evidence is not an
ars of what is known as the Ocean sand yards to he moved and that will bearing on veneral police graft
ra of the fire deppaartment Beach property have 'accomplished lit- be finished within a week or two. Yes
several days agb, when they P P Y P Th record of Lieutenant Becker's �ererav Cod
lee little date to keep Prince tie short of wonders in the three terday and for a number of days pre- deposits has now reached $83,000. ing just
the city a duple gray rune-
they have been at work de- vious a dredge has been at work dig-
f, - -_
ere they court be had when veloping their holdings, and one who ging out a channel and a little basin wirat mit
to draw the Steamer to a has not visited the beach in the last adjoining the dock where eight feet cranes toe
Plate i•
t they had 'put one over on few weeks will gasp in astonishment of water will always he found as soon 11 S s J 0 N ES I S comes frc
horses. Later developments at the sight disclosed right at the as the work is completed. U and addi
swever, that the dapple grays present time. Miami is making history so fast street aid
one over on the firemen. Of the hundred acres first acquired these days that no one can keep up II
the fire bell Bounded an alarm by the company about thirty-five have with the pace and be fully informed0IIUT C P R I S ON,a:nd��aronrrarPan
.y mowing at nine o'clock, the been cleared of everything save the of the improvements being made every
'Nun 'I
un open, and the other cocoanut palms, the ground has been day,but a trip to the beach will surely the •whol-
.rushed out 'and took their graded as level as a billiard tablo, astonish the average individual if he &feet
but the grays would not save for a slight grade, and a prettier has not been there for a month or two.
end tie still standin. Sugar or more sightly location for a summer NasliviHe, Aug. 17.-Mee. Leola the
them,coax em, and lurid ian- or winter home-or both-Lcould not be, T. V. Moore and son, Theo, left Jones, accused of the murder of Mrs. vale Oh
ailed to drive them. They found anywhere. Just being complet- last night to join Mrs. Moore and Alva Cave, daughter-in-law of the while in
and that was all there was ed is a dock 30x70 connected with an Miss Pauline, at Asheville, N. C., Chaplain of the Confederate veterans, of simile
ory, • approach 640 feet long and ten feet where they are spending the summer. wag released on *10,000 bond this of- rely t
NEGRESSES CHARGED - - - — -- - --- --- -- - __ __ ternoon. She still reduced to discuss
the charges. hand
die Acquitted Amid — - bank car.
.les C. G. Pratt and Wilbur • YOU'LL RECEIVE • with no i
kson made a raid last night • MATERIAL ASSISTANCE • cagesch �ti
in o'clock on the colored ten- The Wildest of Scenes '
dlatrict and arrested eight In keeping abreast of the timet &hare of
charged with statdto era- ' by reading our Classified Adver- • _
•whom theyplaced in jai] to • tieing. The busy leaders of men •
Bak 'The jail to • and the heads of large corpora •
�fial next w • tions depend largely upon reading •
,t this is but the begfitfling, as JURORS AND COURT OFFICIALS CONGRATULATED HIM, WHILE: • the advertising in the daily news- • ic
ill clean the county of all such • papers to keep ip touch with the •
Rn' • trend of public opinion. The Clas- • J
II CAROLINA I— TRIAL ON A SECOND INDICTMENT, SAYS PROSE. • Rifled Advertising in your daily •
PROGRESSIVES TO MEET CUTOR FREDEItICKS. • newspaper should never be over- •
• looked. It is the CONDENSED •
(By Associated Props.) advertising of the Bulkiest World •
naboro, N.C., Aug. 17.-A call • in which you work and the Home • MANY '
nets state convention hero Sep- 1,08 Angeles, Aug. 17.-Clarence of the verdict and for thirty-four ruin- • World in which you keepe . pRastedChicagolawyer, who was utes after the jury had rtired, was • ingeit day the day you taking • 1`11
r a, of the new progressive par- harrow, the
n leaned at the first meeting of found not ullt todayon a charge without regarding changes taking
ate committee today. It will of bribingRrospectivoP parallel here. Jurors o o- . Mato around you, and you get •
prospective jurors in the braced the acquitted man and de- • roto a very
preaidenti•1 electors and con- McNamara cane, must stand trial on Glared amid tears that it was the good habit, for while •f
you may rend it every day for a •