1668-29 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 1 , ....., •`:eee.Y..:a::e:.uaai%.aav:• a ir.v.+iwe,:.ietase.e. -eeeae eivir,:. ��f:x .Ji ._— -�,. ce.._..�—x,iavra[tosreur. _ - .y AN1t*G1n1 • PIRSTLESSONS IN• s1,`� Sl1RF BATIIiNG c 1.1 ENT C01 For males: Never bathe alone. It YAUJE .-DrSt a;not only dangerous, but unprofita. DEE � • Me. An.audience is almost essential S B B i acompa companion nwill b lfoun A teal• E TinsPIANS RN ATIRACTIVE rsfkCWry,• If ypl„aare possessed of an PLANTS SUBJEC Apollo like figure, that fact will be I moat impressive when you are in a - �, - bathing suit. If your contour Is not .e,;,',W1L1.CAI'ITALI'LE AT $25,000, AND TENTATIVE PLANS CALL FOR fit for public presentation,the friendly The past few yearn have been mark- the peal ,• THE IMMEDIATE EXPENDITURE OF $15,000. IN PAVILION,• waves will hide your shortcomings. ed by a strong and widespread etortiebly th. iThere aro two ways of entering the on the part of the serious minded ale- instance BATH HOUSES AND AMUSEMENT FI{RT.1ItES. water. One is to lead your fair cons- meat of the American people to net hell tilt!• �L.- i gonion daintily, a atop at a flan, into bring the average town sent city up There .•nee . • Iw f�' the fearsomely inviting depths, help- to the higher plans of ornamental upon w e ' inlf her over every inch of foam whichltreatment as has been no successfully rather t '[.' The promoters of the Ocean Benet atrvcted that it may be taken dews might by called a "break.c.' !For this accomplished, not only in Europe but or city, *e .•Amusement company held an impel'- and packed away at the approach of purpose, it is important that you in the individual towns in this coon- and pr. ! ?' hurricanes. The cost of the building should hold both hands in yours.) An- try. Nee'lsct of the more aesthetic Paris p, �,• tent meeting Friday afternoon and and connecting features will be five ewer her ahiven zed gurgles of Jc• features of community development Phjlade. took several loner steps toward cone thousand dollars or more, light with supers, smiles, toss,the her Geon unfortunately all too preval- we in } e.;", plr-ting the organization of their corn. 'Roller coasters, howling alleys and water aside con, mptuously with ent�and the depressing effect that this trees w .4,' pent,. The compar•.y will capitalize a• other similar devices will be installed, knees and shoulder.., in short, adopt attitude has had on comnnunities at iI enol - twenty-five thousand dollars, and the and also a restaurant, which will he the attitude of "man, the protector of large as well as upon general reel es- phial.' ' - • tentative plane call fine the immediate onerate beneath the dance hall toward femininity." The other method of en- trim values is now being borne upon But t •expenditure,of fifteen thousands dol the western nide,ao as not to obstruct trance is more violent, and in some us. As a prominent real estate man be over :2.,•,' S'-'.lees of this sunt, the beach.The promoters will also ee• ways more effective. Leave your corn- recently had occasion to express "1 joy. Il I. ' e tneemp:ete drawings of the build tablish a park and will keep for the pardon on the beach with the explan- believe nothing would tell for treader, cornmu e'•••logs to be erected on the beach were amusement of their patrons a number ation that you "must get wet first" advantage to our state Man the inn- Arid ti t ,pprrad before the promoters,and see- of animals, including monkeys, and Then run at top speed into the water, provement of our cities in their retia- from f1. ' e,• cel•hours were spent In studying many other creatures to be found in leaping over the billows liked a (right- And appearance." tions. R' teem and.in discussing the details of the ordinary zoo. These animals will cried deer, and finally plunging for- And consider what a great oppor- can til, n •the venture.. Buildings and amuse- be principally those to be found in ',card on your stomach, with every ape tunity opens up W those portions of of its • }e '' plant features were thoroughly looked America. A number of animal deal- poarance of complete fearlessness.She our stair now In their earliest stages owner eee ,lnta'and the proposition to have a era have been requested to submit will admire your agility,your strength of development All that is necessary or her :. park with several attractions inside prices in order that suitable selection; and your courage. Return,smiling and I is a smell outlay of money and the has re: was fully decided. raay be made. nonchalant, with sonic such convene limo essential for primary considers- find a o T1(' llariIion will be one hundred It ix said that G.A. Miller, who has Lionel expression as. "Isn't it glo- =ion of general layout of streets, several • and fifty' feet b)• one hundred feet, just returned from a trip to the north- rictus!" After this the actions of the parka ane other public grounds, of and at. I �' and will be set up on concrete piers west,is interested in a company which first method may be repeated. If the varieties of trees, shrubs, etc. atagen a';`-twehe feet high to allow ample room has been looking into the same propo• lady is of the athletic type, however, The problem of the layout of the one ale '•for persons to pass. and also in order sition as that undertaken by the she may prefer to lie dragged swiftly town is one of many and complicated nwneul 'that,a view of the beach slay not be Ocean Beach Amusement company. through the water, even to he ducked Phases too deep for a superficial con- 'Prue P;.‘; faterfesed with. Beneath the western and that his son Choles Muller, of and roughly handled, to show what siderution, but given the town, the wen, esee et`thit structure bath houses will lied Wing, f,tich., will be here shortly a jolly good fellow she Is. question of species and varieties and where ba.bnitt,': Op-the main floor therev�t 1 to help push the work along. it wa.r After getting into the vurf the costs is not ro difficult as would at he. iebe a dare hall about seventy-five-feed thought yesterday that a consolidation greatest difficulties are enenuntered. first appear to the stranger unfamiliar But V. h:.le azt .aotA.a roof garden will adjoin would be made between these inter- 1)u not laugh immoderately at airy of with our tropical subjects. almost r Joshes*Manner that It will be possible ests, and that they may possibly take the lady's jokes. A mouthful of salt As the first consideration with most habit., •:rZD;attr from t • hall directly onto in a third group *persons who have water will be your reward. Stand fat- Persons is one of price, let us con- town I ..°'••tkeet,�esi den. which. will be over also manifested an interest along the ing your partner,grasping her elbows, eider what value others put upon their tend t. •,,.'-•h tip, 'fit.house'. A space fifteen same line. Several persons from while she grasps yours. A slow and shade trees and plant subJesxs goner- ferseei • • Q wide surrounding the—dancing Georgia have been here for a number solemn dance may then be begun, to ally. Take I'aris: This is the City Europ. .- n:Qggr will lee separated by a railing on of days with the came end in view, which the ocean will be found to sup• Beautiful, the world's playground, streets tlie+puter and,ir,ner aides,ko as to 11=• feeeeeeing the possibilities of a yen- ply a fairly good rythet. As you where millions of foreign capital are ret of ..Iaw.apectator! to overlook'the'bevarh'titre,of etas nature,and may enter the bounce up tine down you inlay utter circulated annually nne .' rely by sight- gave t sad t}ts floor at the same time:"" Sotr3bine, It Is thought if these inter- such polite ejaculations as "Heavenly! seers and trxnaitnte of all classes, as the •tr, ' mea A.shoot the shute will run from the eats ire'merged that the plans of the Divine! Oh, rapture! Oh, bliss!" well as by residents attrectr+l by the :duel yaterjr edge of the pavilion dotei) to promoters may ba'!videned and become Your companion will perceive the am- teach charm of this great city. street Sc,, asof into the ocean,and will be so con- of a more con)prideenxive nature. biguity of your remarks and blush tach tree in Paris costs about $25l should it , • - • i., prettily. Not only that, but this city of trees beano, -----..__.__ .. -- ---_-- .- ----.. hes HII,uUn, a total of some $2,000,000. hannni 1: 1( a particularly large breaker And each tree is as carefullynursed are sol • } comes rolling in, lift your col lime ui- las a human. If a tree becoes sick tion to • !;.,.HILLSBOHO HALF HAS .A JOKE ON high in the air, at the same time al- t lowing the water to pass completely j meal does nut respond to ircatrnen- to di-. ¢ ., over your head. This is always con- der is carefully taken up and reset un• Hut ' � TN�1 U D H D D ED 6 I N 6 HIS GOOD WIFE sidered an act of particular heroism. der morey favorable conditions until comms The slight discom(nrt attending it jn are it h� encu crated, Iheae trees er the more than balanced b)' the admiration °re worth countless millions to the ening .. and sympathy you will enjoy. If the good people of Paris. If the city were trees,,, strip d of its trees, it would un.urs• or the �' lady accidentally lands upon your • ppec 1 • foot and notices the look of pain in liana lose the greater part of its may n i • AND'ANOTHF.R WEEK WI[,i. SEE F. P. BLAKE CAME IIF;HF; ON HIS your countenance, pass it off with a transient visitors and a large portion in the 1, t_,_�� )ext about "the un.lertne." You will of its most moneyed population. suited THE(•!)Isl'EN1NG OF CHANNEL r VACATION TRIP AND AS RF' find that very little more is needed in A number of years ago, sonne twen• As i, •t • (N RIVER PRACTICALLY COM. SL'LT OF WHAT HE IEA.S SEEN, the way of conversation. ty odd. an enterprising and altruistic some a resident of"Yore.State" against pub- .time, , •• I'LFTEU--TWELVE FOOTCHIAN. HE HAS PURCHASED PROP- lie sentiment antno email amount of towns i TAVr SIGNS TiIE NE)1, IS TIlE PRESENT . �'Itt)- ! EItTI', PANAMA CANAL ItILI., opposition,caused to be purchased and activit' planted, (giving; freely of his own satiaf:r• 1 • FiCi (By Associated Press.) earnings; he was far from wcrelthy at failure • • }I Washington, August 2i.—!'resident •the'time) maples along several roads anions, F. P. Blake is a contractor ane in the vicinity of his farm. Those owners builder of Philadelphia, For live win- Taft tonight signed the Panama canal routs are now the most traveled of turn to With only a week's work to herGill, arxl later •sent a memorandum to `t tete •he has been coming •to Miami en • credit,the prat day of which was put during the season,but this is the first congress suggesting the advisability )" in the section because .they are haps n. In at a disadvantage,the dredge.11illa- time Mi has made the tri- in midsum_ of Ute passage of a resolution deelar- coal and shady, while the others wind part iu •� hero is.moro than half finished with log that the measure is not considered glaringly and tortuously through should '` Ohs job o1 cleaning out the Miami mer, and he thinks he has a joke On bythe dusty fields front which the heat rises totem• k: hie wife in consequer,;c government a violation of the • river. Ieat night at the conclusion "Mrs. 131nke insisted ontreat regarding the canal. in quivering waves. Property values steel. • r of the days' work the machine was going said Y provisions ___ _ have risen ro'er cent of Ile fig- but elle Y Atlantic City for our vacation," ores Chut 7:i , : ettebre-ast the Seminole Club dock, about he "but i wanted to conte to Miami, The ancient city of Smyrna, the in real •saints valuer'to thi the efarm rhos aee I stockir. yY yards below the Avenue 1)bridge She insistui and [ protested, and we metropolis of Asia Minor, seem.: to hers due directly to those teres. Nor even ad not to exceed'L00 yards alwve the finally compromised by ellen following have Gtken on a new lease of life,(i" that ell. One "grouch" objected Thy .,f mouth of the river. their own ihclinatien. I arrived hero having doubled in population in the strenuous) to the lasting along With i Andher week will see the work •fhuraday and found the weather site last 20 yens. ) p' practically finished, as the bar at the l his pruperty•that the gap is there to even in e. mouth of the river will-take compare- ply delightful, but from what I see in this day and you should hear what even n. live'lvdittln time. 1nepection of the 'the papers they have Geon having un- bettom of the river from time to time meter hot wave up north, and it would Mt/' '---•---------•--- -_ .-_—._-. • as the dredge advances has shown be strangit a piece of it didn't hit INIMINIMMIlle the eve(to be swept as clean as though the Jerseycoast." by r broom, the silt being drivenSuis of trip further thiss story of DEERING ahead of the machine in&elution after his beef to(n south at rim Caineof . . going through the big' centrifugal the year, Afr. Blake raid he s.: hero not with the slightest idea in ere pump. The belle that may be pre- the world of investing a dollar at this I . " cipitated before the current can catch time, Lut the Lawrence estate so sp- T - it is picked up again as the dredge pealed to him that when he market MO ■ . I. goes forward. par;ion of it was on the market !n�' OUmbos °ono movement should be. he (ell ID It, buying a solid block of nade toward 4he removal of the,hurnp.tw'ent mtt. t In the river below the .bridge, the' y ! jpto of swans Zig.) • dredge will be laid up at the uor)clu-I he beugl}ll}} n a out:neur the Wel- are of-the present work at the Furst- ells place and last winter he further ,('lark Company dock a she below increase) ei¢l'lsy1J•rtg,,by taking three W Cho Twelfthpatryyct . One or two tuts just lieeyritdl! ni t2ilmurc. On rho • s e Quote Yu the lin it:'derided f,A trews and e' MACHINES privateparties having dredging tin do Lhc luta u,uut'n hal.' dawn each wi',!n a are 1 unng .)mewhat on the use-pf,a row of AusfraL-,n pines in front. 1 August 26t��E the Machine, but nothing dofl0l a ne ri AtM yet conic of the 1' .: °) "ihrse he IinJn g,cp,w, g• nicely awl 4k'l", Jit iris• f%nig rtne.dein, having died, •e. G. t;reslitai o life f:iellII hu I.ftii;k.:tj,ii Wit Earp hes born tine e`41'/,i she 1p K;o,npariy,'Is'oer e' int ',eh. i'..,,((e' .' i cRyrill!diet'eliwill reynl`• inn any vrl°tlin;t Good as tire1 l Incl- .'. Giant P rywat•aidrnt b1 the s)iijnin�r{R men nftn } orb ei niuumUy" rnntinurd Mr, ,rat ant Jersey iftwelve foot channel'ed.fhb'Iilalllli ''S n_,.1" t icti l,bu north in my.town ',l aro- ter than others at the price. t'.!.0 f11J),1�. ,Its his reeled wlt)i mupx;'Aata hr1 l�itcliny, Lusinrvv now is shaved down I l 1 that preys coneluslvcl the eu to ft Whisper wnirh cmnGlnc.I wiVn the Kentucky Col t)j making such a shame el we'll' tact that wn have to depend In a One Horse Mower �ff(nt(as compared with the drone- great s-e1:•it nn (nreiqu her ,',r the fl ills would insure to the city. rnukh „eel, -Rennin^v fur Una n•' t . "'he ,.would he very lulls wnr'l part that sirs, hired th,vnirh an 1%V1.111 3 1-2 ft• $41.00 Fancy Onions . neeersat•y after the lay Is reached to and can't say 'see n r 'nn' in I:nitli•,t Wive uj tMrlve feet clear out. tett'th'r _..and I pin gr.d iul• lased ..t the 141111111. N7agler ehanht'I,a dixtnnce of nntAnvor wi1 wouldn't 1411 into ronlnuain _ n' a hell mile," aril br Jisldaysd a'map here; I nm tired of it and want to e•,K Two Horse Mower Fancy ViI iI11.1 giving tie,.'depth or the channel. In away •i- It" t the bony al pn•er'nt In rn,ax pie,'. Illus I,•'n•'•-' I•i, i nil,d,.1p6i., I I r1 i+ e'IP nn . -