1668-32 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 ,.this amount in sums varying from five,!ng. Colonel Cecil Lyon, of Texas,'
to twenty-five dollars was paid by relied his hand and the crowd under- • • •
'0's' lateen defendants. stood. •
n Keith wee fined twenty-five Dr. Alexander E. Lambert says that IN THEE BELIEF THAT IT WILL BE A VALUABLE AA8ET AT AN
i ars for striking a young man,Jon- there is little doubt that the Colonel
' ' • Athan Sharp, In front of the Dixie will be able to address 'the rally PORTED LAST N IGILT AND RECOMMENDED ACC
i theater Saturday night. B. Mull, P. planned for Madison Square Garden, • • PROPOSITION.
Roberts, W. A.F.
C. R. Con- New York, e30th. He will rE � !�'ii
"'•i. rare N.Erwin, G.Murphy and Gus probably be permitted to speak for
• Griffin forfeited bonds, the charge a halt hour. The car is due to arrive
again•t each being drunkenness. Geo.,in New York at 8:08 tomorrow morn- At the recess meeting of the city The report was signed by J.
Nelson and
. ilips were each lined ing. The car will be taken to Oyster council held yesterday evening the Lummus, E. T. •Holnsse and J.
.;.- `five dollars for the same offense. •- Bay directly and before ten o'clock final steps were taken by 'which the Conrad, which on being prepented w
'`•'' • Sam Drayton,colored,was fined fif- the Colonel will be at home. city becomes the possessor of the
r:1' teen dollen for contempt of court; Ii• ten acre park site donated to the mu- adopted withdut question. Follows,
McCormick was sentenced to pay five• nicipality by John S. Collins. A few the acceptance of the report a re*
dollars for being asleep In his haeic. days ago a committee of the coun- lution was shoved and carried unai
r • C. Bodge colored, forfeited a bond of cis inspected the Bite, finding it all mously, which completed the trai
•.- . eleven dollars for profanity. noun B that could be desired and so located
/. : that with the expenditure of compare-
. action lacking only the passing of
tively little money the property could deed to the land in question. Ti,
EFFORTS 1:00 AN AT OCEAN B ti made grou an Theed exceedingly atrac- will reach here just ed soon as T
h1: live playground. The report made Collins has been notified of the sell
to the council by the committee was of the council. The resolution of :
, as follows: ceptance was as follows:
AD D ITI0 NAl JUDGE "We, the undersigned, members of "Whereas, under date of July 11
`' FOR THE ERECTION OF THE the city council, beg to advise that A. D. 1912, hi r. C. H. Ward, sec
we have Inspected the property pro- tory of the Miami Board of Trade,r
BUILDINGS THAT WILL COM- posed to be donated by I11r. John S. dressed to the city council a let
,a' PRISE THE HOLDINGS OF THE Collins for city park purposes,and we in which he stated that he was 1
OCEAN BEACH AMUSEMENT believe that it will be a valuable as- thorized by Mr. John S. Collins,
S r_:At the last session of the legislature set to the city at an early date and Morestown, N. J. to offer to t
}'' an amendment to the state conatitu- CO.—FIRST LIGHTER LOAD OF we recommend the acceptance of the city a tract of land consisting
•,Sts •
tion was passed providing for an ad- MATERIAL WENT OVER YES-
proposition of Mr. Collins." ten acres to be used as a city pa
r:. ditional circuit judge whose salary
and other expenses were to be paid TERDAY.'J
entirely byDuval county, the reasons •
yr! for such being the greatly increased
r•: • amount o1 work which,with the pres-
ent number of judges found the dock- Ground was broken yesterday morn-
eta of the circuit courts becoming ing under the direction of Charles
'8 ,• more less congested deveryc `Sectio, marking the begin thg of the s S. BERKSHIRE
To make the amendment effective it erection of the' buildings that willSd has to be voted u on b the ole of comprise 'the holdings of the Ocean
the state, and the amendment passed beach Amusement Company on the
by the legislature will have a place peninsula across the bay. The Ca-
on the ballot to be used at the general lino is the first of several to be put
' election on November b. The bar as- up and it was upon it that the con- BURSTING OF A BARREL OF TUR-
sedation of Jacksonville is taking par- atruction work was begun. PENTINE CAUSED EXPLOSION
titular interestcar in seeing thatfich Holes, ice being excavated forche
amendment carries,members of which piers, which are to be of reinforced
having written.1. L.Billingsley to use concrete sufficiently strong to with- SUCCESSFULLY RESCUED BY
his beat endeavors in that direction. stand any sort of an old blow the
There are eleven circuit judges at ocean may kick• up. Those on the THE U. S. REVENUE CUTTER,
present in the state and no one better front line are about eight feet deep SEMINOLE.
knows the need of another than Mr. while those at the rear adjoining the
Billingsley,who for two years was re- board walk will be from twelve to
Jr porter of the supreme court. lie is fourteen feet. Owing to the charac- , IT WILL.DEPEND ENTIRELY
warknly advocating the passage of the ter of the land it is necessury in or_ (By Aasoclnta•. Prise.)
amendment and expressee the hope der to get a solid foundation to go Norfolk, Oct. 21—fearing for their WI:AT'IIER — SEVEN FLEI
• that'everyone will vote "yea" on the below the water line where the sand safety twenty-one passengers, the life WILL BE IN THE MANN
pro flora. never shifts and there is no danger savers and crew of the steamer Berk-
Innaadvocating the amendment the of its being washed away by the WITH MANY GILI.NETTERS
DuvS1 County Bar association goes on waves. shire,of the Merchants and Merchants ERATING IN THE BAY.
record as saying it will promote the 'I•he first lighter load of material Transportation Company, were re-
cause of justice because it will secure leaves this morning consisting of re- moved today by the United States
to litigants a more speedy and eco- inforcing rods, lumber, cement and revenue cuter Seminole. Within the next ten das, or of
nomical trial, and, hence, a more ef- other stuff. The next day a barge load y
ficient enforcement of their rights. of rock will be sent over, and from The Berkshire has been anchored about the first of November, the e
That it will cost people in other per- then things will begin to hum. The in Lookout Cove, near Cape Lookout
Foster •& Faxon Co. has been engaged since Sunday morning with forela fishing fleets will get a
tions of the state nothing because fire in for the channel, and from then
the expense of the addition circuit for the next several months it wit
p as superintendent of the work, over her hold. The transfer was made
judge must be borne by Du county the whole of which 'A1 r. Muller willa chance of luck. If the fish c
alone. It is also said that It will do after an explosion in the hold and ap- there will be money a plenty for
have general supervision. Bids for parent gain of the flames. interested, if they
.Rood because it will minimize the pos- the construction of the casino were The bursting of a barrel of tureen- mean lovs. don't come it
sibility of diaqualficatons and the con- called for some time ago, but as they tine is believed to have caused the
-sequent drafting of other judges from were all considered excessive the work And atl this •will depend entirely
their own circuits to try cases in explosion. the weather. If northers blow
'which• the judge of the fourth circuit is being done by day labor instead. continue to blow there is little di
Work will also be begun very soon
may be disqualified'and it will render the fish will be plentiful, past e:
on the.residence of General Manager TAFT WILL HASTEN
available another circuit judge for me Muller adjoining the casino. Mr. Mul- riences proving this to be con
b the rest of the state in the event but if the winds don't blow the
ler will hear of nothing except that
s" o disqualifications there, the casino will be finished and ready BACK TO WASHINGTON will be time sctoarce.tell whT4reatre iws ilnobewa}w
fel 'business by January 1, as well as
&)NA ALLEN'S TRIAL the other buildings and amusement butare va willing to take the uchance r
1 GOES OVER TO NOV. 1. enterprises. Only one thing will de- to that end the fishing fleets
tain the opening on that date,he says, (By,Associated Press.) be more numerous this season t
• (By Associated Press.) and that will be shortage of mate- Beverly, Mass., October 21—Presj- ever before.
• Bristol Va., Oct. 21—The trials of rial. dent Taft today made a sudden shift There will be no less than e.
Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards,, cf his vacation plans. He will prob- fleets in the channel this season. '1
charged with being the principals in COUN!*L REVISED ably return to Washington for the will be the Peninsular Fish Comp
the Carroll county court house mur- REGISTRATION BOOKS. winter next Sunday. If the program, E. F. Holmes, Wilson & Beroe
ders at Hillsville last March, were The city council sitting yesterday as tentatively announced tonight, is Miami Fish Company, Southern g,
today postponed until November 8. evening at a recess meeting revised carried out the summer white house Company,Consolidated Fish Com
The national election is given as the the registration books, striking off will be closed Friday. Panaman canal Baker Fish Company, W. B. Ca
• cause. those who have moved from the dis- tolls, and the Nicaraguan and Mexi- and possibly others. Each of t
trict, those who have died and others can situations are said to demand at- concerns will have one or more q
y • SUIT FOR DIVORCE. disqualified from voting in Miami at tention.
? terboata and from one to two layb
;R • the forthcoming general election. The with the same number of runbt
a.,!,.' Cornelia Small filed her bill for list is revised and also the list of those Frank C. Keen of Jacksonville is in each company operating several ca
kat" divorce yesterday, petitioning the struck o/ will be published in The Miami . representing the •Hutchison Besides there will be the u
',r court for separation from her husband, Herald as soon as they have been Shoe Company and is stopping at the
Dave Small. compiled. Seminole hotel during his stay here. (Continued on page Five.)
,� , L ..Pala
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v � ■ 1Y lV - i Y Y7 a'Sf Y�7® '`S �. . .. 1 1 ;r• I a i..,, ' y�. ...ri . -'404 ,,46
�,g �Vllil�+ the abuse�r tt>r�e.�c��a> yti}z ,o:; ' se �. ,a i
• tip o.:x s2:rz?:c -,M anbei•Associated.Pre>is .' arms is an-ancient one,the°t lin ,-
i ? of Rosenthal of THE&MIST YNHAI
.' ' s< • PUBLTdd.D EVERY MORNING BY in.New'York and the.eubsequent=developments `'.How 1 ,-are lm'ow'tbe-e
• �i r'�•'- ...THE HERALD PRINTING & PUBLISHING COMPANY and other,recent killings eroeely related thereto, rows that gnaw stelae roo
• -:',.1..1';.:,i,• oral The New,York Wm•:
A 1 • Ono Y : , $5,00. has again forced'gpon the public mind the laxne$s to•.dew lib canker at the
: ';' - Six Months 2.50 of our laws upon the question as,to how the peo- Miss Constance Bentley,of
" ,,
wbMehn(by carrier) ' lip • pie nifty bear arms, a right v'iven them bythe w•lltnton,�Someraet, Eng