1668-43 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 .ho treasury department, as a r.• .:!t of • en- BOLSHEVIK BANDS KEEP numerous references to Mexico's na-� Will Amount to Nothing, • had tional. debt. recently in the United New York,June 7:—The nation-wide ' JAPANESE TROOPS BUSY States anti Mexico, today furnished strike of .telegraph and telephono ' not' ' IN MARITIME PROVINCE.''( statement to the press showingthat „nc:rulers ordered by S. J. }Concrt • - on June 3U the debt will total i'd9,- T'ho � krunp, president of the International :Ito (its The•,t sroct;Ited•l,ress.)• 1;72,085 pesos.. This is made up.of an Commercial Tele)•raphers' Union,-will • • internal debt of 1i38,793,5!;O and an ex-•amount to nothing," Ilrcorriing to a • '.Vladivostok,Thursday,June.5.-Al-i tem,! debt of 2ttri,944,25I pesos and%t'statement tonight.by Newcomb Call.'though the American-guarded railroad the interest due.on both debts. 'I ton, head of the Western Union Tele- *sector of the Maritime province has i hot been disturtted since the Amer-i t graph Company. N jeans inflicted severe punishmcn! (,n. COMMITTEE MEETS Disregarding the loth and south- �S the bolshcviki on ay'2.,the adjoin- DANIELS HALF WAY "'("t, (che•re h(• said only three hon. ing sectors, guarded ,y Japanese, olio•.% of -twelve thousand employer '" were on strike, Mr, Carlton the red-' have experienced many disturbances. Washington, June• 7.—The house:extension of the walkout to the rest and Trains have been fired on and wreck- naval affairs committee agreed today;of the country would bring few re- e1[, ed, while stations have been attacked I to meet Secretary Daniels half way by Lolshcirik.bands in art utteml,t to eruits•to the ranks of the strikers, • ,eT, 1 on the size of the navy. I \t r. (!,siren said the company had thons e interruptIn e Amur:and Maritime prow- bill�tthe acomm committee the lapproved theaSeC.tion,questioned hr;her they hwould its eobey�)the tstrike the- inces in the last two days Ida a dozen retary's recommendation that the ea• ,•:,1l utnl that 1•f7-out of the 2K,000 in Ins wrecks have been'reported, the rails listed personnel be fixed at 250.01"' theterritory to which the i:trikc was :ed having bosh loosened by the bolshc- until October 1. from that date to to be extended had'replied they would • lay viki. Near Khabarovsk eleven pas- January 1 Mr. Daniels wanted 22o,000 walk out, • senge's were killed and twenty-three men. The committee toted to put the =-.•------ : • ur- injured. • maximum for the present at 200,000 "CHOOSING .1' WIFE." • • and 175,000 thereafter. to AMERICAN FIRMS GET • Dr. J.L. White, pastor of the First - ' Baptist church, will give the second ut- BIG FRENCH CONTRACT Although when free of color 'they of the series •of sermons on "The :he • . arc said-to •be of first water, dia-•Home" tonight, Subject is "Choosing • the Paris, June 7.—Contracts for re' monds are found in nearly every color'a Wife." T,Etis sermon will deal with (.9 _ �� construction work aggregating 200,- of the rainbow—red,.yellow, orange, reconstruction evils which threaten•• f , v '.he 000,000 franca,•covering the .rebuild- green and blue. our young women. at ing of the destroyed area of Rheims, ' sit Nancy and Soissons,have been award • - he ed.to American firms, according to an STORY Of • ALADDIN . AND •Ills • . , 'he announcement here today. LAMP to.nt STR•IKE SITUATION (. •• . . rn, REMAINS UNCHANGED IS Aa PIKER • COMPARED TO,e B Paris,June T.—The strike situation .at was unchanged this morning. While in a•few of the smaller walkouts have ce been settled to the satisfaction of the Quarter of Million Dollars in building will accommodate three large an workers, several fresh ones have stores. is broken out. Building•for Carl. G. Fisher I ,tr '.baby pool," circular in shape, to The railroad men of the Paris dis- Alone%Given H. S. Bastian— being 29 feet in diameter, is also being trict held a stormy meeting last night, Hundreds of Thousands Be.I built by Contractor Bastian. .s_ the extremists being much in evidence. ' Some of Buildings, ;t. While the meeting did not vote for un ing Spent by Others. There also Will be ii ttt•o-story•dor• .1_ immediate strike, it was decided tomitory building erected between the a_ make preparations.for a cessation of casino.and the bath house, which will � a- work. • Although Carl G. Fisher's building be a. great improvement and which . e•t A resolution adopted.by the railroad i program is not being pushed during will about fill �111s block completely, ;) men advocated the stoppage of troop It is about the al and munition trains in order to pre- the summer, and it is known he will length of two ordinary vent the city blocks. • Is government 'front taking start more extensive operations with Mr. Bastian is building n shelter for ie steps against strikes and the people. the beginning of the•season, 1I. S. the unloading of freight cars and ,r_ Another resolution called upon'the Bastian, contractor, is working on boats on the canal: .1t will be 50 b ,e National Federation of Railway•men102 feet and he west of the overhead ,y to take immediate action along this contracts for Mr. Fisher• and' also-, ,f line and to j,creigt in it until demoLil- elates' amounting to a bridge where the street c:u• line will quarter of the canal. • ization is completed and a general million dollars. ,Miami may be pptl A beautiful lodge, of the Sp anish• in amnesty granted. : in the shade by Miami Beach. if these i type, with u court, in which there will •d L. * operations keep up, men who are do-' be .eighteen rooms, two'Laths an,! a • '_` CLEMENCEAZJ ing things at the beach say. dining room and kitchen, will also bo erected by Mr. Bastion for Mr. Fisher. REMAINS FIRM The story of"Aladdin and his Won- This will be situated west of the canal. Y • derful LaTnp," told in Arabian Nights,! A house and garage of Spanish is just about the waif the people are 1 type will be built on the bay front at • doing things at the beach, and theta cost of $f,5,000: It will be west of •1, French Premier Not Willing to entire town is building into a citythe new hotel site,.soundings for the Reduc Demands •on the Ger- much as the wonderful temple Alad-1 foundations of which are being made. e din built in.a day. The only differ-1 The plans •for'this house iy being e . mans; Americans, Mediators ence, in.the estimation of people on,drafted by Architect DeGarmo, who I: • the beach..is'that more temples are;also is designing a home for Mr. llous- 10 • being built there than Aladdin ever j man of St. Louis,to he erected on Star I- Paris, June 7.—Little progress was dreamed of. Island and cost not less than $:10,000, • made today by the council of four in Modern City Soon: II Other Fine Ironies, ,f (he attempt to formulate 'the reply 'By tl�c 'opening of the winter sea- Four other houses are to be erected d ,to the German counter proposals. The son, a Wtoilern city will lie in exist-•on Star Island under the supervision attitude of the.American commission ence at the b act, and Miami Beach'of Mr. Bastian for the Miami Ocean remained that of nte,diatyr; but the will have to change its.charter and View ('onipany, each of which is to French and English were as far apart its council and become a city. Carl.cost $25 0011. •tonight as they had been any time G. Fisher will have.an up-to-date drug The residence next to that of Il. R.. • during•the week. M. Clemenceau re-f store, confectionery palace, dining'•Duckwall is being enlarged by ..Mr,• mained firm in•his determination not room, novelty shops and marry other lt:utiari for Mr. Fisher. r to reducethe demands upon the Ger- businesses businesses on the block'where the flamer .1. Taylor, of East Liver- ( mans. j Casino stands. .pouf. Ohio, is building a home to cost e. It is expected that a majority o6 the 1 A two-story building is being erect-:$15;000, Mr. Bastian being the eon- reports of the minor commissions will,cd at the corner of Twenty-first strte't,trartur. 'This home is to be on James .come before,the cowl! Monday. ft Hind t:n7lias avenue, the corner ' has been pointed out to both the! jrot;sire.t. r French and English delegates that'vile 25of the casino, and this will pm-; II. R. 1)urktt:Ill is having his garage • virtually as much time has Leen taken vile ,0 bath rooms as well as two sup r vis and �31rked ••e•-r, umh•r the by the ullics in preparing an answc: large store spares, which will .be ca....supervision of ::{Ir. Bastian. It will be copied by two•up-te-the-mimite bust- orof the fine,t gages the south: to the German cowucr proposals as allowed the Germans to consider'ncsses for the ar(.0nam tation of rs•si-r The_ overin•ad bride',• •tiros the wase treatyat after its, presentation, andI'lents and visitors to the beach. .This•conal at Alton 1:.,:01 will he rrplared it has been ur•ed uon them to effect building will Le :;5 1... los) feet :Ind.by a new bridge for wagons. •lt will an agreements soon as possible. '!'he,is known as a bath.)rouse, anti will he level.mid adjoining this is dl be the• question of Fiume also teas possible. The ruutaiu the latest equipiaeut, in-',i I. tr,•at!•• Lri.lee,fur street cars,' The r but no decision was reached. ing shower,, un b•dh flnarti :unl ..aittr.,,�. will Le laid nn Alton Road. • e _ women's dressing rooms apart iron; Mr. I:a::Ian Inas just !•ootpleted - the lockers. I Jr.,,yoii worth of work,.aMI now has • Only about 40 per. cent of regular Another building going up on this the quarter of a million dollars Fisher army officers who were.West.I'ointers, block, between the casino and this .•r•ntrart on hand as well• as, about got to the European fighting front in I bath house;will be a one-story strut.- r loo.no i worth of other Lt it.!ing.. ills the war- The other CO per cent were;Lure of the same Spanish type as the 'e:u,t's•are busy all over tire. island, ar kept in this country to train troops. l other' buildings oh this black This l thu.e•of other, contractors. •