1668-55 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 AIIININI
3*ASG71!015.i:4:W/-r,G tear" n7Cr y ry a!Jr.=tkl` Tk 4; ,A:+•,,; ,
New York, tan. 30.—The apolice- THE SHADOWS EARNINGS ANNOI
I A WRESTLING TITLE tion of Ban Johnson,president of the --
American league,to have set aside a New York, Jan. 30.—Net
preliminary Injunction obtained by of the Bethlehem Steel Co
the New York club restraining him CHANGES HA for 1919,according to the pr.
.Championship Changes Hands and the St.Louis and Cleveland clubs report issued yesterday,am.
{ AND from interfering with Carl Mtys, a 197,1{IToR, against $67,1
When R o el y Scissors and pitcher for the Yankees,pending trial AGAIN 1918. To what extent the<
Arm Lock End Match of of the suit fora permanent injune• eerninge were effected by'
AY Over Two Hours. lion, was denied today by theand coal strikes was not d
pelale.division of the supreme court. Net income tiled to rifler
The court expressed no opinion on ia
parity in net earnings,tote
200 Joe Stecher of Nebraska tonight the merits of the controversy giving Carl G.Fisher's Magnificent Place 368,860,or only 083,630 lee
won the heavyweight wrestling chem. leave to the defendants to move to on Bay Biscayne Bought by D. the previous year: Areordi
pionahip at cattle-as-catch-can by de• vacate the temporary injunction if C. Caddagan; Will Be Sub-, statement of President Gra.
(eating Earl Caddock of Iowa, with the plaintiff should fail to mora the Divided and Sold for Home income represented a profit t
a body scissor° end arm lock after case for trial promptly. ant on the volume of basin
more than two hours of avreslling. Diva. ted.
Madison Square , Garden wan TORONTO SEI,Dcrs COLUMBUS. ac
Orders on hand at the clo
thronged to its capacity y tonight when Toronto, Ont., Jen. 30.—Training (:act C. Fisher's magnificent show amounted to$252,449!00.
Joe Sltcher, of endeavor
to' mel Earl quarters for Toronto baseball team of place in Miami known ea the Shadows, es.booked during 1919 an
Y ONLY Caddock in an endeavor wrest from
him the title of heavyweight wrest- the International league have been has been purchased by D. C.Caddo- $204,144.100.
arranged at Columbus,Co.,it was an- gen from David Afremow, who Dur- President Grace stated
ling champion. Referee George Both•
El ser started the bout at 9:18 o'clock. pounced here today_ chased it early this week, Mr. Aro, plants of the corporation,
Stecher had the advantage In height WILL COACII VIRGINIA. mow retaining the beautiful home and ship, are operating n'
and,wan seemingly about 20 pounds which.he expects to occupy shortly. full capacity. Orders In al
heavier than Caddock.Both were very Charlottesville,Va.,Jan.30.—Pres• TO BE CALLED SIIAIXIWS COURT cial.linea are at a maxima
.cautious at the start and for ten {dent Alderman ha°announced that I This magnificent property which management believes they.
ty,a • minutes simply pawed each lather's Dr. W. R. Warren bas been selected has been developed by the finest land- ficient volume N ensure fu
neck and shoulder,. a coach for the football and base• acape artiste will shortly be offered to operations throughout the
After wrestling thirty minutes, ball'teams of the University of Vir• the public as ultra exclusive home business,it was added,is o
` Stecher threw Caddock to the mat Rini►,the decision having been reach- sites• In excess of ability to prod
y with a aide trip and Pounced on Cup ccl by the committee tonight. He also The property,long one of Miami•° Workers Given Rai
�ar, lryag for a Doty stetson. CaJdocklwill look after other athletics, the show places, i° covered with many yew leak,Work Jan. en Rai
u twisted out of Light quartan and re- varieties of rare tropical foliage.
gained an erect asitias clever) atatement suit. in the plants of the Unit
319 Twelfth St. g P y' • Stately Royal Palms and Cocmmub
Five minutes later Stecher went 110K NG RESULTS. line Ne Driveways and are scattered Steel Corporation have be
down in an attempt fora leg hold over the Iota so that each lot owner a 10 per cent increase eft
but Caddock could not keep hint down 'Maxon Wine Bout. trill have plenty of fully grown trees ruary 1,Elbert H.Gory,c
and both were on their feet again in South Bend,Ind.,Jan.30.—Frankie
and shrubs. The enliw plot is cov- the laud of directors 0
EXPECTED TO . ions than o minute. Stecher then got Mason, of Ft. Wsyne, world's fly- eyed with lows and a restriction will Dannon, has ■nnounced.
Caddock unde roealh wink a side roll weight champion claims t defeated De placed on all lots for maintenance rotes of other woedrers tl
but was unable to get any advantage. Frnnb'Jumalli,of Chicago,in n ten- the corporation wall be
'E HERE TODAY folinKnvnnanl LudbJyoth howldere wason thequallyeir [tet ua- round bout here bast night. until buildings are completed, thea nJjurted;'he said.
cvoiassuring the builder against the ad-
after fifty minutes had elapsed. joining property growing in weeds. BRITISH(SANK CLEr'
-- An attempt for a Daly scissors by SIXTY STUDENTS IN In other words,nothin¢will be left _
ate Boy Coming to Stetcher with CndJoek underneath, TELEGRAPHY CLASS undone towards milking this the finest London,Jan.30—ltills,.
Wits foiled by the_Iowa man. _ subdivision in Miami, prod at the Banken'nee
;h Jake Abel At Mi- At the end of tine bourn time bothThe properly will be offered for mile During 1719 aggregated
Sixty young men end woolen ere
or t in g Club Next den were on their feet. The peepirn- now studying automatic telegraphy in lute next Tuesday. In the uvun- pounds sterling.or 660.ofe
tion was dripping from them but preparatory to accepting positions while enle•men will be'on the ground sterling more than In 101:
Night. 'wither showed any sign of weaken- with rho Western Uniun Telegraph to assist proquttive purchoners in oa P. W. Matthews.cf I
tog. Company in it,-new South American lection and reserving their lots. Clearing house,in sendin •
im,of New Orleans,who JIMMY WILDE KNOCKS cable ollicen. which will lie opened The property is totaled just north figures.attributes these et
vith Jake Abel Monday here about the middle of April,.when of feint View and extends from tires InrceJy to the high
Miami Sporting Club,is OUT ERTLE IN THIRD it is thought'the cuble from Miami to Brckell Ave. to tiny Biscayne.—adv. materiel. the inercaeod p
Brazil will have been laid and be --'--•--- duction and the conaequen
winganve thistmorning to \lihv^ukee,Jan.30.—Jimmy Wilde, readyfor operation. WINCHESTER, ENG. GIVES for the go. Y D mend for banking ace.
eld the championship of flyweight champion of England. But +ilierudury an is the number FLAG TO ITS NAMESAKE Activity on the stock earl
,vision oversees,end was knocked out Mike Ertle,St.Paul,early and the progress being rondo by the factor
a distinguished service in the third round of a ten round bout students, the company invites 20 Winchester, Va., Jun. 30.—Formal the benefit of the public
here last night. . others to enter this school und.,take resrnlA tion of the originsI Guild im octant art of the a
-aver on the field,while P.
$w•tlterw•eight champion- The blow that stopped Ertle w•ns a up studies that will ultimately lead In Lell flog of Winchester,E n land,to its Y I company
right hunt blow to the jaw which posilionn paying us much on jL"S g an railroad cum ►n ms
xpeditlonary forces.Den- followed a ntrnlght left to the ince. •monlJdy,'when the students hove ^ameanke, as evidence of the friend- ■clearly reasonable rete
persistent challenger of Wilde was the first to land in the shown capability in this work. I ship of the people of the English city rasa earning. thus appy
m, and w° Prevented opening session. He peppe ed away Instructors in automatic tel for the one million Amerienn'soldiers the public benefit ought
Ig a match with Abel at with several straight lefts. Ertle got include Miss Irma Ekllom of New I who Imaged through there en route to largely for the creation rr
1 December owing to on In some good right and left blows to York, J. C. Bailey, assistant cable France During the world war, weir protect the railroad alto.
ed the contest Monday the head and body but this apparently superintendent of the Rey Roberts, made Thursdays by Major General fevorable years and thus e
ectad to settle all doubts did not bother the Englishman. New Foundland,station,and Miss S. Bethell, military kttacho of the Brit• element of stability will •
man is entitled to the In the second round Wildo scored Wimberly of Atlanta, as well as a ish embassy at Washington. The flag the situation. •
ed in France behind the with right and left blows to the head number of the young men and women was received og behalf of this city by "The readjustment of
and body at will,and kept away from
from the local office. Miss Wimberly Mayor Ward,who placed it in the per- present time to •stablis' •
comes with a win over anything dangerous offered by Ertle. is supervising the work o! the esu• mantel custody of Handley library, of all the railroad comp
The round codes with WiIJe having ir. Independently and on
'ace to his credit, and as dents. alt r. llrctlinger of New York, where it will be on exhibition. g Pe Y
any fans here who think m The ch lEnglishman he waded in at a fast from the olflce of the company's vice The.Aeg was given In Wineheeter, •:0 responsibilities will I
a faster man than the clip as the third opened, offering president,is here on a tour of inepee- England, to Colonel Carl Abrams,of �Dnorm angly bnormal condition.matter
,some line may be had on ri ht and left° to head and body tion and is much'interested in,_.the Salem,Ore.,representing the Amen-
ability to win. In any without damaging return and at the progress shown by the students, can soldiers,on July 4.1918,with the years make it exceedingl
out promises to be fast end of about a minute in the final sex- Thous interested In taking up the request that It"be presented to Win- draw any satisfactory C
honest'endeavor to win lion caught the St. I'aul man with a study of automatic telegraphy should cheater,Va.,the originnl namesake in to the actual earning cal
.apart,and should be well tiff right to the jaw. Ertle's hands communicate with Halford Wright,at America of thi• old English capital railroads•t the moment
chile of witnessing. (dropped to his side and a second later the Western Union onice. now so well known to one million is also likely to conic to
the seating and other Sr. he reeled and fell to the canvas and - • American doughboys:' under a continued unt&e
is progressing aatidac. was counted out. }{e tried to rise
g Y large mortes•In rates •
but ecoid not make the effort in the OPTOMETRISTS HELD At the ceremonies here lest night necessary. Therefore, I
r the supervision of reecribed time. TO CRIMINAL COURT Addresses were also made by Fred• for the largo incr.." in
M,matchmakcr, and itt is b D crick Wile, of Washington, formerly probably will he necessr
et the deeding room only U.S.NOT REPRESENTED. D. S. dfoeheith, alias S. Fisher, a newaP^ver eorreelto�dent in hon- lis.and susljftt the ereJi
e hung out arty ►t the - alias S.Tishler, alias lr. M. Miller, don and Berlin;ll.ant: M.Roa.el 1,of ro de separately under
quarters in the Fair bblid- New York, Jan. 30.—America will L Winchester,Malarias of the Virginia agement, Is likely to
or.to Elmer pier. not be represented at a meeting of etrypleaded withoutguilty of a certificate,racticing.oIetore branch of the American legion, and strenuous and plausible,
rrnm starts at 8:41 p. m.. the international boxing union,to be County Judge Frank I'. Illanton yes. Colonlel M.C.Kennedy.of ChnmMn• such a situation the
lies are a welcome as the held at Paris on February 6. This terday and wee held to criminal court burg,l's.,who d In the engineer- talning the necessary lite
anager Smith assures per- union,an orgenixalion which aims at in the sum of$300,which he furnish- ing corps in France. An original greatly improved by the
■enuring absolute control of boxing ed. poem by Miss Fats McViver entitled recommend because the r
throughout the world,sent an intiva• IL W.Johnson was arraigned on a "Nemo"was rend, largely to protect the p'
MIAMI TEAMS Con to the army, navy and „ditto I eintilnr charge and After examination The flag wits one of the most cher rather than to give Prlre
board of boxing control, with head-I was bound over in sunt of$100. lahed peeswions of the E.nglieh city unneceaeary addltionel I.
quarter.in this city,to send a nepre- The Burgess notional detective sed for many years flew over the imit11CTh1N IS NtA
EAT PALM BEACH however,irGuild Iloll. It is about ten by five __—
to the conference. This, agency made the arreels.
was not deemed advisable • fret,solid red color,and In the renter Weehingtan, Jen.
and after due consideration of article ,SUPREME COURT HAS • le the coat of arms of Winchester. reduction of newsprint
1 of the union's constitution, framed England, consisting of five 'Imparts by publishers is th• pri•
uintet Trounces An- in France, the following reply was REVERSED LOCAL CASE embattled and two lions couchent. of the paper ghertage,
live!By76-26 Score, cabled: Brief Dietary of the two Winch., ver of th• (•dent tndr
a "
Reply to and thanking you for Word WAS received in thin city Inst ten were cis.,
Miami High G i r l a your invitation to thin board to nil- night to the effect that the aupreme —--•
:amt 9.8. tend congress In fords February 6,re- court lied evened the deelei"n n( EXCESS R. R. EARNINGS
acct to Inform you this board does not Judge I1. ,ierre'll nnning in circuit SHOULD BE DIVIDED
(eel justified In sending represent^- court here, in the Cann of Alice Ma- GRE
leml high school bukel{al1 Lives. This decision Is lunged'on Arli• thew., vs. the city of Muret). The ___
ulna of West Palm Bach chi 1 of the laws drafted by you for suit was for j60,000,J.mngrs for in- loulevllle,Ky., Jan. 30.—Welker
was sueeeseful Is putting the control of boxing throughout the Juries reeeIve,I onv the old Avenue D.'lines,director tremens]of railroads
TT• boyi team romped world. This article declares that I bridge,and Judgo Rrannlnq direct- In an address befors.the Trsosporta-
dctary wtth'a score of,76 to members of th• proposed union obeli erhlch thelipclal nli Rt In a apr caledof the}.ci`1, lion Clule hare teat night urged the , -
the girl.,not yet•ecus tamed have one vol•for each country which w a I ; neceeslty of s division of carr s tarn
•bak•U so r+ Idl won b la represented. Scmpin •it Senders •nal "'mi..'" Ing•of railroad corperatione•hive a •
t p Y. 1 repre•en lel the plalntift and Hudson, reason+isle retnm l order I,, pealed C2 Fc f 9 b B. "America.hiring Ove world's chem• Wnlfo uul Cunni wero for lh•city. the public ag•Inet a rete earnings nit J 1,
.y•' gam• is bel a walk• pion., la equitably •n UlleJ to mom • •r prosperous railroads and In ne-
the Miami team and a the then s voting equalhy with Switzer- • very
°mid Indlt•t• ilia not Norway, VIM ON RII11'.' der to Insure a fair return to all rail.
prong lend, Arf•mtloe, M!. Ito nth, road•. T
nr• than a M.k•t shooting Italy, Itrlghtm, Grace• and nlh•r to.•."e.,th.Enelend, Jan. 30._In. Mr. iiinq deelarml his hello( that (11X1
• n •• r eh•