1668-61 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 vf.�f[:•.
76 PO(rE.- TRP.MRA'n'METROPOLIS. WEDNESDAT MAT 19.1920. . • ' •
1 . . .t(V A.-
m ortant toResidents 0
Birds-eye picture of Miami Beach, comprising the properties of the Alton Beach
Realty Company, the Miami Beach Improvement Company, the .Miami Ocean
View Company, the North Bay Shore Company and the Peninsula Terminal Co.
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In the entire peninsula there are approximately 3,000 acres of front property at Miami Beach should not be worth just as much as re-
ground connected with the Mother City of Miami by the new Cause- Stricted water-front property in Detroit or Cleveland. Resilience p{oA-
way. At the present time about one - half of the property has been erty in Detroit or Miami Beach is all the same; you can't sell a piece
filled,platted with roads,and is in a highly developed condition. The of residence property in Detroit for a factory site or a lyjnber yard,
north half of the property has been let to contract for fill and further and it's the same thing at Miami Beach. Residence prollertY af Miami
development, and at the present time the Furst-Clark Construction Beach means residence property from now on, as long as the Island
I, Company have a large number of dredges working on this property, stands,or as long as our deeds are worth the paper they ate written
and the entire fill is expected to be finished some time during the sea- on. The same people who own residence property at Detroit, worth
son-of 1921. This property,when completed, will contain about 60 $2,000 per front foot,can afford to live at Miami Beach and own a resi-
miles of boulevards—oiled, dustless roads—and all streets will be be- :fence here,where they can live six months,while in Detroit hundreds
tureen 60 and 100 feet wide. There will be no one-way traffic laws at of people only occupy their residences three or four month$durip the
Miami Beach for the next 50 years, as the majority of our main ar- season. -
teries are 100 feet in width,which will perrfiit eight rows of vehicles •
abreast The large dredges at the present time are making miles of In most large cities like Chicago,-Philadelphia,Baltimore,Detroit,
beautiful shore front,lakes, islands and about three miles of canals. Buffalo, etc. a very large proportion of the profit in real estate has
which will be 150 feet in width,spanned with large arched bridges.All '>een made by investors from other towns who have seen the onppr-
of the property oil Indian Creek and the Ocean front will be bulk- ..unity.
headed and filled as fast as the'dredges can get to this work. We would like to have a large number of people in Miami invest in
Miami Beach property for,future profit. We are going to make a par-
The northern part of the property,or that property immediately ;icular attempt to interest the citizens of Miami in Miami Peach prop-
north of Collins Canal,will contain the new 18-hole golf course which ,'rty,as we want them to share with us in the future profits.Anything
we are going to try to make the finest golf course in the entire south; that is of benefit to Miami Beach is of benefit to the City of Mien*
also two new complete Polo Fields. •
When this entire project of 3,000 acres is complete we will have We have sold hundreds of building sites at Miami Beach to the
reclaimed more than 1,000 acres of swamp land, making this fill be- ththis commwdest investors and inAmerica. Theseig men the willhelp in building up
tween 18,000,000'and 20,000,000 cubic yards of sand taken from the ise investments
and also Cithely in Mibuami;theyup will help buil churches,
bay. The several companies connected with this enterprisewill have make investments in the City of Miami; ,d help
theatres,hotels,street car lines,help build roads, in'fact, they help
spent in development between four and five million dollars in actual build everything that is built,not only with their taxes,but with their.
land development,to say nothing of the bathing pools, hotels, resi- enterprise and desire to help build up the community in which they,
dences and other additions to the property,storerooms,theatres,etc. reside.
The completed property will have about 16 miles of water front, Within the past'three months the associated companies at Miami
and all of this valuable property within a few years will belong to some. Beach have sold to the most prominent citizens of Miami more than
2,000 owners scattered in all parts of the United States. There are 51,0004)00 worth of Beach property. The class of improvements and
mare than 100,000 people in the United States who can afford to own developments that we are going ahead with assures a steady advance
very handsoiie residences on this peninsula,and it is safe to say that on these investments—but we want the citizens of Miami Beach to in-
at least 50,000 people in the United States are going to bid on or at- ;vest further in our Ocean and Bay-front property,'as well as our,in-
tempt to buy a residence on this property. Just what prices will rule side lots—and we particularly want to call the attention of builders to
• the market on Miami Beadle is at the present time problematical. If it the fact that at the present time we need at least00 houses rangg-
were'posaible for the present holders to keep this, property for the ing from 5 to 12 rooms each,and we need 12 hotels from •100 to 800
next five years,undoubtedly at that time the property would sell for rooms each to'house the people who want to live at iaml Beach'end
two,three pr four times the sales prices in the meantime,but the hold- who are going to live at Miami Beach. We have at least a half dozen
era of a large part of this property will need several million dollars to beautiful hotel sites with water frontage,park effects etc.,that we'll
proceed with the development—and, these separate companies will offer on very reasonable terms to investors who wish>'p build a hotel.
i continue to offer property at Miami Beach at very reasonable figures The FLAMINGO HOTEL we expect to have finished by January
i for the early investors.
1 of next year. The-entire capacity of the FLAMINGO is practically,
' If residence property in Detroit and Cleveland,not nearly so well spoken for now,even before the foundation is completed. We are not
. located as this property that we have to offer,is worth from$400 to selfish about the hotel rights at Miami Beach. We know that one good
,000•a front foot,undoubtedly the same residence owners can afford hotel will help fill others—and Miami Beach,is growing very fast, as •
tii and wiil own winter residence property at Miami Beach. Just what well as the City of Miami. We must have more facilities at both places
pricesawill rule when 50,000 people want to own this water front is, to accommodate those people in the North who want to come here and
z we have stated,problematical—but there is no reason why,water- live in comfort with modern conveniences during the Winter months.,
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