1668-69 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 •
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14 X .trail'). fN lNC eMOULD UPR Tf[B" •
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)lE Reign of Terror Has Continued IS A FINAL TEST Internationalization of Famous FORMALLY OPENED :
in.Armenia Since January Strait Decided Upon; Con-
Get .21 Escape of Many Relu• Private Operation of Railroads etantinople Will Be Retained - e
ends gees fAdvantage of New Highwwa Reported. Will Be Given S Test, By Turkey. Hundreds of Automobiles as
the I Opinion of Herbert --__ ay
An ' Constantinople, Monday, Feb. Id.— Hoover; A t t•o k a Govern- London, Feb. 17.—The Internation• MAcrossk. 1B1-np•rt• Bay; atom
(By The-Associated Press.)—The •1{n4on of the e,decided which had Mirka Important Eveat in
American commlaeion for relief In the - meat Management. • been Sorecut was decided upon nci- Miami's History.
4•011 N++r East, today received■ mange nicely.byShag allied f prime council
New York, Yob. 17.—The return todrite w The details er the control of The opening1 of N• new uuw era
got dated February 18,from Its°Bleed•fief the milepost's-to private ownership the waterway,/however,have not been yesterday at 2 p m.marked•new
that, Adana, Aelalle Turkey, which war on March fi('[j, will man the plat. 'Worked out. I for Miami and )hemi Beach. •Ben
that construed to mun that all the Amor'. trig of prin4,opentloP on Its"(Incl One of the big Qu eslina to he de- In March, 1917, and completed o^IJn
(ha cans here ...red from Me res.
in the :epi nlon of Berber, aided is the policing of the straits and after the county commiulhe p took
, of het of .red and north of I Hoover, expressed tonight n hie In- • knotty problem is as to who will •hand in it on the Mt of the present
•uNnl.address u president of the furnish the veto re r troops• year, this enterprise represents
Aleppo),southward to Llahie,which American Institute of l4iWn En- lfhtther..ilea Aecidn that Con- Dme a.
'H la on the railroad. The message say.:,rimers.At the same time Mr.Hoover D C gain:::
mat lmpo rtant e�eps ie Ne
stantno le la to lin under Turkish development of tAe eagle City■red Ib
ratio "Information this morning b that attacked government operation of control the counsil hu nut drawn • meter municipality •cross Uac•yn•
,tan the personnel of 9,000 rcfuggs re.either railroads or shipping a "ex. ebonite boundary line. B■y, ,
art/• tired to telahle with Colonel ?tor•1 Deriments in socialism nenueialud Three commissions were net up by No ceremonies attended the open.
let mand. There was extreme Aealitu•,by the war"to which there were many the council today in connection with ing of the new roadway except lh•�
that tion and many wen sick or wounded,i fundamental objections.
the Turkish peace. One is to decide the tint ■.route
le that dffl<lel
re- Then b no Inform•uoo from Alnab l "No scheme of Political appoint- repo upon the boundaries of the Armenian g errrwJ the rpute were flue
, on or 1(adjin. The situenon is erioue." menta'Mr.hoover said,"haa ever yet Turkish
another is to report on the bye Buick end Cadillacoft eon, Itudriven
tea Major Uavid G. Araeid, of Prnot. been devised that will replace room- Turkish into
othfinances, °red the thirdmeis to Co I a U. Barr, et th• Ung•yUor..
un- deuce. R. I., menaglr,F director of Petition in it•selection of ability and O1°miue inb this Greek d•ar in the Co., uue J. C.the Bette,a county c
the American conioa{s�on for relief character. Both chipping and rail• Smyrna territory, which were dwelt county er- In two cars were the
.a in In the Nur Eat, amid today that ways have todaythe ndoenta a of iupon at lengthstatementby Premier Veniteloa county Crabtree.
of t, berg. Bring
re.. then were ten American relief work, many skilled personnel,sifted out in a n histheco ofas yest<r are Hobart vet.ands, of N• engineering Clerk
that en and•ix American miasionarla at hard school of competition and even All ort to the ous expected department.nTane Commissioners'can star Clerk
o - the hadquarter, of•tho American then the government operation of 1 p report to the council the latter Newton. Ther, two can started on
It n board college 01 )ter•:h, 'rhe relit! these enterprises Is not proving anti•- part oft wink. their way over at ep.m.,the rope
o - workers,ho said were Dr.'.1 C Wil. factory. Therefore the ultimate in- ,Great Britain,eeit wets learned today, havingebeen loweredrala little inare
we soil nnd.wHe, of Uoenshille, Tenn.; efficiently that would arise from the has instructed Admire! De Roere that at paste°f the formai hour W let them
Dr. Mabel Elliott,of Banton Harbor, deadening
the allies
ih o tole announce there deprive
Paralysis of bis foracy the nibea hove tantind not to deprive 'fhs automobiles ca were thick •t the
rya- Mich.; Mabel II. Parer, of North hu not yet had full opportunity for Turkey.f Constantinople. If the per. approach to the causeway at the hour •
Hero,Vt.; 1 glen Siudn, of tending, development. Already we can aho,r aecution of the Armenians continues, designated for the opening.Although
.,Ion Pa.; Minnie/F. Dougherty, of Holy that no government under pressure of however, the aimirel was instructed no oalciel errenwn:es narked the
,moth oke, Maas.; France S. Buckler, of ever present political or acctional in. to say,the twice treaty with Turkey event, it seemed se though the •n. ,
that Cap. Vincent,N.Y.;•Paul V.Snyder, (greats can properly conduct the rutin may be considerably modified, nouneement that it would open had
It of Plainview,Texts;Evelyn Truths, of extension end improvement,or can The feet that continued noeaession been the signal for•n assemblage of
that of McPherson, Kan and Stanls E. i
im• Kerr.of Darby,Pa.. Y• be free from localvpressure.iinto conducte . of Csho lel not le hid been red by melon. When the ropes were igh.
bleb The mla oracle,all of Mom are'unwarranted
o wa milled services in industrial en• her should not be misconstrued by ered the can floodedtro the broad high• s %.
,tad under the °medsAmerian board of ecla- 'prise." Turkey, the o retheenteC h way. They came from both ends,too,
any aloe,•Boston, an James K. L Turning to the question of shipping ,on drreeled to inform the Turkish judging from what ha
.au. cionsEllen 0. Blakely, ymm, Mr. hoover said that while with the government in plain words. It did the /.riddle, although natunlly �thue s
Bessie Hardt, Agggovernment inefficiencynot mean,he was told to say,that leo observer could only be at one end at
deed eualee. red,Ina:Lied and Kala E•
ten Alulo. - ' could be passed on to the consumer, allies would deal leniently with Tur- one time. At the place when the
"on the fee we will sooner or later l key should the recently reported alio• cars from both ends met there war
MO. fend it translated to the national title,continue. congestion hut everything straighten-
nine ROBBED JITNEY DRIVER treasury" The speaker inserted N•t The allied supreme council today ed out without•rev difficulty and the•
assgovemment officials could not en• considered the latest reports of mon• traffic went smoothly.
icy gage In "blasting In tieing rates",sabres o!AnnenLm. Nota was tekrn Auamohilea going frail the Miami
— THEN STOLE HIS AUTO nay must take nfuae In rigid rag, ;float
fact that the reports f°r the end of the causawa found It nam•
elation and In fixe/rates. moat part emanated from Armenian •ry to go farther north by two
n "Th•effect of our large fleet't he source•• block. to the Pershing Court pillar., •3
�- - went on, In the world's market Is A imiral D• Robec4 will point cot
I to Threw lick K .Out of Lar thus to hold up rates,for so long a to the Turks that they mode show re, •
going between them over one block
'� thin to the lion to comportred then back again to come a the
and Then Ran,Over Him; Brut (lest holds a fixed ratio lhemse causer-• Between about 9:20 and
hat • Daring HoldupSia ed on °then will only barely underbid, {( properly or be subjected to • peace 3:40 p.m.,going from the Enrol tad,
g we hold up rate.•n Increasing num- more severe than the council is now a reporter counted 03 tan coming this
aced . Columbia:Av'e. •- her of our ships will be idle •s the
disposed to arrange. ■ Considering that this war .n
u' privet* flews grow. We shall yet !
vee- be INTERESTING MEETING Noll" hour for the traffic band this
dies Pilf.robbed,tbabwn out of his -faced is the question of de- way. ■n idea can be formed of the
l lad then ran over by his own be.mofaced
•considerable part of this HELD BY ANGLERS CLUB number of motors that used the new
ttjtsyl.T'(lr•Uei ltv•tl»t a parlance o! fleet Into pelves hands, or frankly ••Bow W and•sailfish."related b route. •'el
cM- '^ Keda4 d ,e;lotel acknowledging that a operas for such e:pe eta a W. G. punnn and The opening,of the causeway is
t!`' taay deicer,aparfll abarorr midnight finer reasons than Interest. on our W. a Dempsey.u far cry from the day that the Collins
f1a l ulaht. Rune picked up a coupleJud well s
W. TarinC. bridge,which is th• longest wooden .^"l
,syr 0.C�f•..•n[va.,whgleottaal�l 1y ye The problem of the relationship be- Q• took up the time of the Grid •in the world,tu, w open es.TN. -
be- Wlk�lrrll to•n addrvia oo Columbia•re• t:veen the em Ployer•red ploys wa regular meeting of the MI•mt Angler,' was In ,rune, 1913, and •t that um•
,,��tff�� ro a, net dixunsed by It r. hoover. Ito Club,held test nicht in the club rnorna the beach Was harAly more than a
,ra "L.1Ph averted that the count hid until in the hotel Ureney. A new addition waste and then war considerable
..9 en funnier tamed off Biscayne country to the club■eked m
ii effh ,m two men held Keene up at recent p"greatly n,L�recled•.°human 01 +^e question. g. protest of th• bridge ow t the en-
lb• point•of a revoker, and forced factor that is o Is�(e an ciemcnt in •punnn,Umnpaey and'Luing, punnn of the bay. Now the open-
- him.to handover about 135:'They our productivity"•n that this neglect All these were any of the to the en• Ing of the causeway is heralded a aa,
i ' thea Naw 61m out of his•utomoblb, had accumulated Much of the diacon h .,end tont of many ae new mom- event that will redound to N•benefit
and In tuning 'around, ova of tee Ont old unrest throughout the inI sea. ben and to the amusement of many of both place•,
tv wheels of the car puled over Keened trial population and had reacted in a l of the older once. T. J. P mayor of Miami pen.
Imp H.war not seriously Injured. decrease of production. . . ..The•t.l The opinions of the three experts yesterday commenting
upon the open.
The car was found by tee police in dtude of refusal to participate inthe verged somewhat in methods used,but log t of so■y ch•neImpomi It u an ':j
to- the bado.0 district, wham it had 1.
collective bargaining with represen- all had many constructive things wtoith
event of amoweven[ ranee. Its
'1n been abandoned by the,thlarss, who tulvos of the employes'own choosing toa nee le and thread on the hook
byh regretted, however, that it had been `•,S
an now.being sou•ght by, poLc•.
is the negation of this bridge to better Mr. 'Caring, who also explained hoit impossible
was thrown open the pen to the public,
'ver Mr. Hoover declared that h •e to keep a uilflah from breaking the Thin.however,.will be.don•soon,at-
un AMERICAN LEGION HAS convinced that the vat majority of line when one.wine under the boat. cording to lir, the c ...,t. r`,
the ' ' A.VERY BUSY MEETING American labor"fundamentally wlehes In this latter nt he urges puts Them length of ins 10 an•y o•boltsi. a
r♦ to co-operate In production and that fang rod down into the over
as 3.3p mile,according to for it•were vs 1'
'ism ._At a mea(jn[of tha American lwglon this basis of goad will can be or- far as one can reach, prove over doe.
speedometer. Bonds1916 awere vets.•' e
,ore last night a resolution to support an genired and the vitality of production not In this way the propeller does •d In 0. Them 1 bon, at a rains or"' •`
erg army reeruldng campaignwhich b to recreated:' not rut the lin•.'i
26; start adopted. 9000,000, Theis neva were old lora' •
! scot,.wee -.It war de- In • brief reference to the inter- There the a naming rt of Judge Dcore• aThe aenernl contract'wag,' >"
tided to assist the school board In national situation,he declared that the say .e of sanding corn. awarded to flowers tel them
'to- getting dews to a petition to bond safetyof Europeanm fuses for Na resent Dg•''
LS the gettin'city,gforo s • erection of school and civilisation wee D yaa. Tthey Ch Company and to th• J•rnhe ''t
"hanging by • slender thread," and will ha a to
tt a later dare,roods anion t of company for steel. The
,IL. additions;accepting the rwelgnation of that America was faced with a. new will have to be typed from the records •mount money,0eFended to date b .
_ the poet commander,sled's committee orientation to world problems. of the club. Judge Dempsey also ad- 50,000ed •t 9825,000,without about
, was appointed to represent the post In "W• ars today contemplatingg;• Ae larger ad th•members otof work for• f50,000 yet to le spina The toot of `
Lha Y.W.CA'drive. old, "m•Inu nonce of an iniac ed larger membership,appointing a spm• uta bascule bridges s George•pp0/mete- -• o
no- It war also decided' to hold a armyandnavyIn preRR•redness for •tasial committee toe this purpose. He IY 900,000, built by 0. ReedInd. ,
asnker In welch willn a r workede.out•byde thee even furtherprovidepheanls,om• insurance wl•ing °t to have r permaIf nent borne thaever t Michigan
nbegun March, 1917,and wa . 8
entertainment committee. war by•league to promote larger membenh)D would be netts• to have been finished October 1,1910, r. •J
tt• R.E.hall,d the echo°(board,war _ peace." ar7 under the original contract,but war a
ai prawn,and gave•short,`lx LoaUen }Ivalon pictur l moved that Judge delayed by the war.The con Souwits �
of th• school situation alla of chow the LIEUTENANT MILLS D•mDseya ykto».be taken,enLrge•1 taken from the ❑owes Southern 'y
need of additions to N.school., TO ATTEND MEETING and tamed propfrly,and hung upon Dredging.Company by the county
A committee will M appointed to ob- the walls of Ne!club. Thi. motion commlaalcnen,January 1,]P20.
I lain named of local voters•; Lieutenant Charles A. Mille, U. S. ca fed unanlmouely.
tb. A committee comppoo ed oj,B.n Shrp- N.It.F•,lett tut night for Washing-
'° •leg war +^pounced by Edward PLANS ARE COMPLETED
'e d •rd,R.H.Prate J.E.sKlobsr,E.Cle. ton to attend a meeting of the Nation- Seifert tint the first yacht to fly th• FOR VETERANS' OUTING
•a •rr,7.C.Grueling,H.G.-4Lckermnn .1 Associatlo°of United Stites Neral
Miami Anglers'Club pennant was the
ray }(. Swink,W.Coot,it.Werbtnh and It,.. Officers. Lieutenant Mills Nay,owned by 1 D.MYen, The fillet)srr.na,.n•n r• ever til, mw -
hod L V. Martin,'Jr., war ■ppolnted to go•e as epmesenative from the
Vs; Or. Ha IA. Lawton u • �., verse I•i••nla r• coot ml. r•.. I :�1
re- drive.,des ad tla a L.gbn team In th.Y1 W.C.A. eventh naval district and a director
most handsome re, was disphyed�°teal e mut v in ^ett is. band
/I from this district of the national•so-
for the flet time and W.G.Duncan ,nnd m Boni calm nark a•ru,n•r r`
Ian: •J. H.•MeCak111 made a gig hI dation. Many. Important subjects announced that It wss for the Iergentl Ii lila a to°'duck,we.r.t•.y will
tete nesignatloa'as hepost,
to announce be held nbrought
Washingtoat n a smssting.tq
barracuda nedwaargy t owls¢��.tackle.
krwl�.l•n.r to
m.r rW�rejb<�.w.ver�i��.: .
r,himnlf foe 1'7113N office. 'As the
.. _..... ,.o.., ,
-amt- a�