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1668-80 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926
1 -',x. ganixation will present a.•spleniii their manual condition. V.11 :. cacti am:ril payment u program to the public Friday evening LAST LYCEUM NUMBER ter ms. to e Dat the Central school. Prof, Bull hesT E.us11'I-fElt • sap,!axed his deep interest in the aat- 'The New Edison tag td tea imp,. VIni.ly of ge- Pianos, $d_5 .yit teas of the young people along magi- •ern •cufticiantly yooA numlxr for ,Phonographs$7 sCts0 cal linen,and winhu to le d them en- • iia fur th entertainment,at this mes- cal cp�ragen creta T<achere ••pJ friends "The Phonograph with a noir of year,tl•e finance committee . -i.''':-,';:. pr these icing have •a pleasant sur- Soul" of the Y. C.A. omitted froUnam this The Stserr ,,:•.::.:.. prise awaiting them in Friday eve- number II be omitlrA from ib V.' 1-- nin program, yourlyceum count. llotdern of neoson "1.:•v,". • gaand all are invited to will be sent to home for the attend. asking. There are no fixed instal- ticketr may miccm them for =1.23, the price of the remaining te number, F.•M.THOMAS Special dinner and dance ret the merit terms, for such arrangements upon presentation at the association Miami Beach Casino WedneBAny eve- building. 428 TWELFT _ - ning. Phone 25 Beach for revereh s. would be as unworthy of the realm- When the lyceum bureau with wieh tions.—adv. ment en of the genius that created it. the committee had tont nete•d for its • ' ---�- Conic in anti hear your favorite roarer faib•d tet lice rep In lit,: ',1171'. Y'.-4 BUSINESS WOMEN 'rU aura:,loo rmnunl ler drrialcd l..fdl Ib.• _ .. ,,,,,,,,,.. n ;',. ...e: ENJOY MON'I'lDLI' BANQUET. selections—and then tell us,hose two rrmuining number*itself,and dal ))t ;t -+tit J�', Members of the Miami Busierxs and you can most conveniently pay for secure one nunrlx•r. It has been found . 1710 Census Professional tVomen's Len'ue will Impossible•to get a crest artist,neigh ''•"v1 hold their regu6r monthly banquet, your New Edison. I.aeras hoped for,to error to Minnri I _ I, • tjpyf next Monday at 6:30 p. or., at the These are our instructions from Mr. at this limo.amt rather than prr.evi ,f,kad• Y.W.C.A.cafeteria. Members do- oninferior entertuinrnent,it was dc- N'a•hrnuron,Ann:• pol,ul aeon aa-I. ¢�?� siring to attend the affair are re• 'Edison himself.and it clears the way tided beet to drop the course. lnt,ce mine...vet aou.y by the nm .,,, ` bureau included: ;`yj quested to notify Miss Mary' Martin, for everyone really to own the music --- I Spartanburg.$.C,21,ax.,an inert ..• ,i y 1010 Tenth street. that he loves. AUXILIARY TO y.SI.C.A. of.,.CI.or 29.2 tire rent ova.r ule.a • :els›,, -- Iera,uvdlr. s. 7. :3.1:7, rmi.aa of MEh:1'S SATURDAY. i ,��s Thr 1\omen's Auxiliary of lot Y. J"""r r+,7 p1r cet. Turner Music Co. s1 ail,na. S. t ,:,tr9, iserast 614 rCw PERSONAL MENTION I SI.C.A.will hold a meet nig Satunla y'I.ay per cent. trier..., :ll`1 12th St. afternoon at 4 o'clock. All members Iludson, 1. Y.,'lI,ir..,an oof ;1 `.- it. Ii. Chase, Mgr. are requested to be prr•.rtt. :res or 29 tae.<vitt. �v Mr. and Mrs. George H. Seymour, -- Salina,kens.1.1,0:.,increase a.ao7 ort • 4.j: well known mumbrre of the Mi•nri sot"fIISIUF,PARENT +''4 per rent. .R' Anglers Club, leave today for their �s —�_----- home at Montclair,N.J. 'f E.�CII EItti TO Sti{I•:1.'. l ",N There n•II LO u meeting of the MIAMI.AD CLUB ELECTS• •Mrs. L. W. Haile and daughter, `-� Southside Parent-Teacher's A.socia- OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR _� Mins Dorothy,have returned to their .;./' vNHI T£;-iaS, - lion lhia uftrtuouit ret the school hoax The value of Inithful•advertising • home, 1109 Tenth street,from Wash- \ rl' al 10 o'clerh rend all memin•rx nn• syn', the nubJwl of nn Addrcv givru • lagena, D. C.;where the spent the t sl 'OVER!-�E:,,k eak'd to bre prcaent. by ML IS. Douglas, Iirmini•nt of the Advertising Club of Miami. al their L---1 winter. tet , SA LVnF.";'t'rS,j s,a I — I regulon s r-kly luncheon held yexler- Madame Cara Roma left last night MIAMI BEACH day. 'for tolk wase well received Atli for New York City,hoping to return f should prove eery helpful. next winter. She declares Miami to ; Greatly Helps fo perfect thin valuable orgenian• COURT be the most beautiful city she has FOUR NEW ISLANDS BE tion A board of directors were bAl- seen since Venice. flair Growth CREATED IN THE BAY Ducted for and elected and the aa•cre- vorce Granted tory wo. matrnets to take the steps next week by Joe Cameron and John Kreie, of i • }J — necr.•nr to make the local club af• jade today by Knoxville, who have been visiting in t MANY.people write us It was thought that the opening of ) atigating the Miami for sonic time, have left for that falling hair hen :v. the new causeway would just stout their homes. Mr. Kin. was the '1 been stopped—hew growth C put the Collins bridge out of business. nspiraty were guest of his uncles, 11. F.and C.C.' el stimulated and dandruff a' but such is not the ease. Thoras.I. Appear At Yom -sufficiency of krris, and Iris sister, Miss Basel removed through rubbing G I eucoast says that the bridge{a still acquire juna- Kieis, of Miami Beach. They were W j'> Best—Inal2Gtl .,q, a little . hila Clorerinc m demand end that much traffic is ��- Y Salve Into the sola each ,i,j using this route across the Biscayne I U lou recd. • ..mew pleasantly entertained ron the night A night. R bay. Tickets are still briny iscorn • calm"'•a...morel I'• s tands records I of their departure with a Venter 7 , ansae„run can kd coe- Thu hr•ua.aenmine get'• 'although the bridge has been Id to '� s nater o!ala. vel coag satisfied that party at the :dank theater, Those ,nus been used for t.vene>- the Biscayne Bay lm roermr o('onh• t 'netinn and invited were John Kreie, Jr., Joe Il rev Y.•r. by mpumu 01 i•� Y P •t roue bast. In bur a tea. set aside the Cameron, Miss 11.01 Kreie, Miss .,reale in Amrrtta none M1 pan)'. ?Ir. Pancoast fart •r said I \\\ weinsait "oak.to ma:' '� a >ou nouin not b. r•i IIat the bridge would tic kt,t open Mtn• ...Set mar mom riddle of next I Eileen Giffin, E.J. Fawcett and Ru- A wnboue•cos•anchor dors , s .ate mar cnanr4dua hM k dolph Kreie. -w; it is highly recommended Ips long as Iw Bible. and he houghs I � Darold see""" i for Burn.. 1•u•g. Ter urn I all amnmer. Prcitrninary gun ey •i\L a- m.�,.�.o. Winthrop Coffin of Brookline,Mass.l teoum•. Cte•es. Dandruff. work hos :Jrenily rrnnm`nted at th,• .^•.n • Qf ran Burn. ,„ Crenas. j •four new islmrJx to Lor rated in th.•I '..s.raa'ud'O }l.',✓MN... George C. Waal and J. (:oldh. " 'I. iu rvtit,t:a sora rtvoer of New York,and tiles, L. N.Ewing,i ; elmhpe.1 'Iamb. sod•Iaine: :bay wad the LrielrI is hating aced as ONentai.•,....•,7" .aa<ni ,t or Tulare, Okla., arc guests tit 'the o' your d.0- ia. •a;navvymntk nasal will Lo useful for C. Es QQ sow le d'I'tYa��,'tl,.�,[.: n='•;> Hotel McAllister. !t:has nrobsob s ld\year. , acme limn to have to piRRYllorkpisr„g(sN,;T04-.Y.ai. S.Chubb of key V. I)1 Cie urine Bair• for year. .3 I Those who a sit the north; West,P. B.Cade •I and known of th• nation- ;end of Miami Beach make at least of New York,Mrs.Lottie F.Christie -)1 wide demand for it. tr h• a Having of five miles on the round) --- 11 naA no mor.in.tock.h..e �,• i of'foronto.Canada,end Mr.and\Drs. him order a Lux for lou ,trip via the Collins hridyr•ruutr•. ** fl/{/B. .t arr o's Nat th \. J.,nee reg or I will tine mr<ct apes ,:• i F,lsllaborr a ala_ttf resin flan. 0latert arrivals ai the Crten TYte 1 receiptoftee. An elaborate plan of reconuruction Kee • 1n"' _ I - has been began at the Toledo apar!- com- Apartments for rent. Special low manta; Miami Desch. The oledo, Rack rates: See them any time. Elevator DISCOVfREpBY.ARMYSI(IANDF'. Ih••enjoyed the biggest season of its "ping ner.ice;gas,light and water furnish. FIFTY YEARS'FRACTh:,t history and the accommodation at this Chinese and . leave ed. Each • enment with balcony. MILLIONS OF BOXES USED apartment was fee inadequate to ort: Dthe demands made upon It. rnC a Mills-San Carlos—adv, I e Ave. C, Oppa �•po• —•—__ ANNUALLY INAMlkI(AN MOWS There is to be added 18 new apart- CLASS OF s• ' mente, making the building • 44- MOTHERS' A High-Class—Not j VJIL JON CHEMICAL 0 Tyro i_ , I apartment houw, and the largest of l I O riuNrrY Ml•-rilUU1sr. lila kind on the beach. It is utinuted the rebuild- Mrs, A. W. Corbitt, Mrs. B. E. that the addition will coat in the Open from 11 Smith end Mn.T.T. Fishburn were neighborhood of 116,400. joint hunteseee to the Mothers' Club GL'llL- Leaver for the North. I MUSIC ns of Vick'e of Trinity Methodist church, •t the CREI\Eli WEDDING. Sire.Sarah M.Pancoast,mother of "ENJOY Yt )tune in this home of Mrs.Smith on Twelfth street. An early morning marriage of Iw-Thnnua J.Pancoast,kft Miami Beach I I' a acts locally During to business session it wen de- to relay uses that of Mien Genevieve yesterday for beg homy in Moores- the skin t0 tided that the society would include Gehl and John Coiner, which took totrrt •h; J. She lute been the guest )mation, at- m their special work the assistance plate at the Holy Name church.Many of Mr.and Mrs.Thomas J. Pancoast of the orphanage at Enterpprioe. of the friends ofc the couple witnessed at Miami (teach. for the lent three ay ltom the Mn.S.G.Morrow deli¢htd the•s- lot imDressivo carumony weeks. Although 86 ye•en old Mrs. I relieve.the sembty with a pari dumber in which Th• bride wore a geer¢•etr drone Panooaet s quite nt rve In s dna ,-the mles S as- she was accompanied by Mo. Fred. combined with taffeta in flesh color, all the beauties of the beach and its 1\j['/� Nicks'.ale gby Hudson.R. A reading vox with • large georgette hat, end nes rklnity sad soya that't i•evn more �IA. ♦lI body'heat: given by Mn. R. WWf. 1T• honor rid a bouquet of pink and white rota wonderful than she had pictured it cathed is all glut of the evening Was Mae Ida with a shower of lilies of the valley. would be. She ens accompanied by bringing the Duncan of Washington, D. G, who She was attended by Miss Mollie Co, Mn.Anna 1'.Andrers,eater of bra 6i R t, gave an interesting talk on par die,who wore pink gaeryelle and nr- Pancoast,also of Moorestown,N.J. directly upon tr•,h,, Delicious refreehm•nee ssno lied.pink roam Th• bot man was xttVontg.i, served by the hoetesaos. Jack Clinger. • rubbed in Those present were Mrs. D. D. A wedding breakfast was served at After Shaving I Al d chest until Davin,Mrs.J.D.Girt-man,Mrs.J.II. lintel Urrosy to the bridal couple, en spread on Mitchell, Mrs. F. M. Hodson, YLs Miss Cordie, Min Genevieve Brooks, tar' puncta,Mn.Bob White,Mn.A.W. MCs•fimma Dn II and Mr.Clinger. Pc' ed with'hot' Corbett,Me..W.D.Stewart,Mrs.S. r.and Mrs.Greiner will reside in USe (.�u't ave the cloth= A.Belcher,Me..C.Morrow,Mre. F. Ws city at 830 Fourteenth •treat. Will be open .he. neck and Witherill•Mn.J.D.Frost,Mn.A.C. Tho Slates Bast Frt•nd P fanged in the Pearce, Mrs. N. M. Boyd, Mrs. J. 1. JUNIOR MUSIC CLUB to..•h.e handy.ane st ywtarnaal.t'. ;o the vapotj Nimmo;Mrs.Fred R.Poston,Mn.B. MEETS SATURDAY. _ I and Saturday r ly Inhaled. If E. Smith, Mn. Harold Belcher, Mrs. Miss Virginia Nimmo will be has. • .... ;rig,swallow g. Thom. Davenport, Mn. W. F. L•- teas to the Junior Music Club Satin- the1easOn aftel Hoer,Din.Lou Worth Crow,Mo.R.T. HOLM Seminole Ostse ofaptaGostin,Mrs.T.T. Fishburn, Mrs.R. day at 8 o'clock at the home oL er River- users will be par•nte,92l Fourteawth•erect Aiver- Wolf, Mn. W. Frost and Miss Irene side st to the Vitjf McGehee. Jacksonville, Florida dance. y, 232 Broad PAN-HELENIC DANCE SPECIAL MUSIC AT Florida'. popular •11-yeat- '' N. C..-"'4" TOMORROW BVENING. T INITY EPISCOPAL. round. fire-proof broom Coot, Y <.n, sire ria• 1.+.: __•"_ Much Interest Is belag•hewn in the A d3usk•1 urvice will be rendered U<at louuon In J.etwsrille. ' '• .� diErl to be SDty9rrow night by next Sunday evening bythe choir of In the heart or busing.. and the Paa-Uslfa—hk Association at MI- Trinity T9pincep•l church. Sunday be- nnnncul shared. o ami Beach casino,beginningat$:O. In the octave of Easter, Easter an. heel oars •ria lunch room In g tri.eltr. ice peter 'dial to �� The regular music at tae Interest tpOgts and action will be sunk.s the slme t tray<len. A eordiu am!. Phone 25 Beach for i y! make the dance DroQtiim intere_HTo—k• choir. The -folloWlnC eolouts_will coma to •n s'wrtdun•. • ��' A• this is a prattle affair, tq• ileums 11.60 per e• and u1' ` pro- sing: Mrs, Arthur Keene, laza; Wer cods to be used for the aeliol+M Mrs.W. _Arlin n,© app ward; with barn lLs and u • Ply D tfte p R' Mr. wase ,-• fund In which the ted tiatl L inters ,10fin--�; eiti c9Ms'moi--” y' 7.'b.Pound cress.0.Dey ested, It I. expected that it will be Brown, bdfitm{e, ci ltnd Betts, Pr•gideat. v.o.gar. . la`1L•Z.1}ttead(, ,__,._- tenor. _sass. _ /y'l 14 Ga' , $ i i f,,, ''