1668-81 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 •
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• t ♦ ,.!VIRE SEN •N TUE WEEK. -iái*txtera
ED STATES Of f ERED W. H.Beardsley Elected Presi- BAYFRONT BONDS Has Accepted Invitation to An-
dent of F.E.C.Railway Co.; ewer Questions Before For-
I W. A. Blount Reappointed Only 422 Voters Participate in sign Relations Body; Secre- -
I is Of- 44^ as General Counsel. $1,500,000 Bond Election; taryship is Vacant. •
'United ' AND ONLY 21 YEARS OLD. 293 Ballots Registered Ap-
With St. Augustine, Fla., March 16.— proving Issue and 128 Op- Washington,March 18.—Reinbridgs
FuturemInde •btedness.Dayton. 0., March If,,— I Vnrioua companies comprising the ne the IndebtedColby,nominated byPresidentWilson systema be
22 husbands and is divorced meeting here today, etnekholders of invitation today to appear Thursday
from none of them,Tiffic 5011w, the Florida East Coast Railway Corn- The special election held yesterday before the senate foreign relauons
CE Cincinnati. and James Nick of party electing ns directors W. H. to vote on the proposed bond issue of committee to make a statement re-I
[CLE X Dayton jointly asked the police Beardsley and W. R. Henan, Jr., of $1,500,000 to purchase the bay front gar-ding certain quantlons which Sr.
today to.arrest Margaret Fos- New York; W. A. lilnunt of loose- front Eighth street to Fourteenth delaying his confirmation. •
ter,21,en a charge of bigamy. cola,J. E. Ingraham end J. P. Deck- street for park purposes, resulted in The committee's action Is under-
general She now•ia said to be in Spring. with of SL Augustine;It.'W.Parsons, a vote of 293 for the acquisition of stood to have been taken by common
imy, n- fi ld'li0e claims he married the Neal)Perkins snit The L. C.directors, o'f this property and 128 against. One consent of republican and democratic
ifuture woman at Chevoit,0..February• turn chose Beardsley president, ga.n and n voted both in the lotwaffirmative leaden as a resulta igs lnulio Mr. •
ce and` 16, 1920, and Nick claims to non vice-president, Beckwith vice- tand negative and of ballot was gathered'.qualificationsIn secret hearings bre e
by have wed her yesterday. They president in charge of operation and coast. out. A total of 422 votes was depart ant. to head the state
•d on are joining in the hunt for their traffic, fingrahani, vice-president in department. The nature of this in-
day and alleged common wife. lindustrial enterprise, Flnino treason. Considering the enormous amount formation was not divulged,however, •
in to the ler and C.D.Moyer,secretary. Presi- °f money involved,the vote was eon- and it was said the statement etod hr
dent Beardsley reappointed Blount as sidered light and the rule appplying made by him would be regarded In •
ore den. - A I general counsel. to the lack of interest usually display the same confidence.
reserve- NINE ACRES AT BEACH The Florida Etat Coast Hotel Com- t''I O1 fond elections was again eel.' A transcript of all the testimony
eases n 1 pany,operators of the chain of Fl g- fenced. token by the committee,including that
an lead- ler hotels, re-elected its former o i- A large number of business and given today by Herbert !'arsons, a
•iband BRING +ECORD P°ICE cern as did the Florida East Cost professional men were disqualifier!, New York lawyer,is said to have been
and par- t 11 Car Ferry Company, which operates owing to the fact they had either sent to Mr.Colby along with the cam-
ets. Its ---- - between Key Went end Ilavnnu. neglected to register or were too late mittce's investigation. The nominee
in paying their poll taxes. at first herd been invited to appear to-
7olicy of John J.Hayes Purchases Valu- - — - day, but sent word that he found it!
dam and able Site from the Elnathan impossible to reach Washington.
i threat- BET OVERLOOKED TWO FLEETS TO MEET- Meantime state
.atlas of Field Estate and Lester and department cr officiate
have declared the port of secretary
.cornCe n John S. Collins. OFF PANAMA IN 1921 of state vacant under a statutory
y,•ctionw limitation.
Nino acres of unimproved gond at Y THE GERMANS
isconein, Miami Beach has just been sold for GOMPERS FAYORS
on• Itundrce thounend dollars. The
caul.tion _ Plans for Next Maneuvers of
•and in- sale was consummated by Sanders& American NavyDecided on
wend of Boyd, bliami Beach real estate brok- Enemy Battle Cruiser Woulda
Cr,.with offices in the Lummus build- ie Conference Held by Dan- M ER I C AN LEGION
question tag• Have Paralyzed Shipping fele Yesterday. 1m'
John J.Hayes,a Nlnssechusette in- and Transport Movements,
•vote on vector in local property, has not yet Admiral Sims Informs the
;enerally announced his intention with refer. Washington,March 16.—The Pacific
ser, that trice to the property,but the belief in Senate Investigators. and'Atlantic fleets will meet off the
issues of expressed in real estate circles that it Pacific toast of Panama next January t
s would trill be improved.
Washington, March ']f,.-Germany in their first joint maneuvers,design- No Declaration Regarding the
tific•tion The property was formerly owned missed art opportunity to paralyse ed to keep the navy"on its toes"dor- Veterans' Organization Has
it SW{ur- by the heirs of the estate of Elnathan shipping and American troop move- !n peace time. Been Made by A. F. of L.,
T. Field. Lester Collins and John S. ments to France In the summer of This Was decided today at •• ton- but President Endorses Le-
had an Collins. The latter is president of 1118,by not sending a bottle cruiser ference between Secretary Daniels
the new The Miami Beach Improvement Corn. to raid convoys. Rear Admiral Sims and Admirals Ragman and Wilson, Ston in a Letter.
was un. pan and one of the pioneer beach said today, continuing his testimony the fleet commanders who will work f
it would land developers. before the senate committee invcati- out details. It Is practically certain, Indianapolis, Ind., March 16.—Per. t
he chant- The tract of land'sold by these in- gating his charges against the navy)however, that a battle between the conal indorsement of the American :
ed, how- terests to Mr.Hayes adjoins the gov. department's conduct of the war. Al- fleets,approaching as nearly as pos. Legion by Samuel Compere, presi- n
elect of errunent reservation at the south end though the department was•warned sible actual warfare,will be arranged.
' the ad- of Miami Beach. It extends from the in September 1917, of this danger, It may also serve as an actual test •
dent of'the American Federation of 1
lican ar, ocean to the bay. -_ ' he said,it had no comprehensive plan of the Panama Canal as an element Labor, is contained in a letter from
+in over - - to combat such an enemy move ten of naval strategy. Mr. Gompen to F. B. Wilkin, seers- 1
totes W 0 0 D APPARENTLY IS months later when the danger was After the practice is at an end,the i
really Imminent. combined fleet will visit the principal tory o[the Union Council of Needles, ,
in break- "The department acknowledged I'seifie coast ports of the United California, according to are article 1
veistanee that-it had no approved plans and States so as to give the people there printed recently in Needles Nugget. 6
dei•der- WINNER•IN MINNESOTA said that it Jependa•J upon the Euro- an opportunity to nee the nation's full a copy of which has been received t
is repub• . . peen forces and upon the British fighting force.'-;It will be the first here. The letter, it is stated, was t
t tonight - - grand fleet to stand off the danger time that the entire battleship written In answer to a question from ,
w •total until it had time to'act,' Admiral Strength has visited the Pacific coast Mr. Within,an to the attitude of Mr. 1
required County Conventions Today Sims asserted, adding that a little since the Atlantic fleet made its Gohipers and the American Federa-
.rgserva. Will Decide on Solid Dele- "bluff' on Germanys part would memorable cruise around the world tion of Labor toward the legion.
•the cur- .gtion I Johnson Has No Op- have worked havoc with allied trans- in 1007.08. Mr. Gomper's letter is quoted as r
to neon- portation. The fleet which will steam out of follows:
position in North Dakota. p suggested plan the Panama Bay. San Francisco "The American Federation of Ia-
a in, the The department i
.ade their after plan In the intervening months, next year will bo many times as large bor has not made any declarations t
lful more St. Paul, Minn., March 16.— the admiral naid, all based on.a and powerful as that which the late regarding the American Legion, but c
will leers Whether Minnesota's delegation of wrong premise, and most of which Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans took speaking for myself,I cannot see any t
and save twenty-lout to the national convn- had been previously considered and through the Golden Gate in 1508 of- reason why ex-service men, whether I
lore. tion will be-solid for Major General rejected,by the allies as unworkable. ter a voyage around Cape Ilam. members of.organized labor or not t
lows. the Leonard Wood will be determined at In August, 1918, word came that There will be sixteen battleships of members of organized labor, should
ton which the ecunty conventions tomorrow In the enemy was preparing two eruis- the dreadnaught class—the same num- not join the American Legion. a
ion intro- Minneapolis and St. Paul, republican ore for and.raiding tultyh AdMiral
the Sires
her that circled the globe—perhaps a "When I was in New York City re- r
y Senator leaders in the Twin Cities said to- dozen second line'battleships, eleven cehtly,Mr.Franklin D'011er,national I
anis,'and night. Supporters of Senator Hiram partment abandon its own ideas and cruiser.and all the supporting units commander of the American Legion, n
Those W Johnson claim control in'both
accept him recommendation, made of destroyers,submarines and aux- asked for a conference with me, 7
while it Minneapolis limeapolls and St.Paul. ••
be assigned to protect troop ships. • , — at which we discussed general sub- t
ten months before, that battleships iliaries. which, of course, I resdlly granted, o
at»i fres In the seven districts outside of St.
to Inter- Paul and Minneapolis the Wood forces Ile read from the cablegram accept- Jett matter of the legion. Ile very n
it would scored a conceded victory.at the pre- ince his plan,in which the department APPOINT COMMITTEE greatly deprocacted that acts and dec. v
Ion i vital ferential primary yesterday.' In the said it was "only a temporary ex- TO FORMULATE POLICY larationa of a few men,members of t
such as fifth and tenth districts which in-
Fee tent and did not"solve the Drob- the legion, speaking for themselves. R
elude Hennepin county lbtlnneapolie), Lem of continued enemy battle cruiser Washington, March 16.—A sub. and without authority to speak efor
ern,''.one supporters.of Senator Johnson assert activity in the acre. committee of nine was a the legion,should be acre .eJ
lip carry that their candidate has the lead and The same cable said that "no re- appointed to• Legion
as repnaentin thea American f
elle wage Wood managers admitted tonight ply had been received to a request day by the senate commerce cam- Legion and that for which it stands,
elle us to Wood
received the endorsementtightthat In y the department that four Jap- mittee to formulate a permanent mer- any more than the organized abor
.emplacing • majority of the precincts in Ram- anew, battle cruisers be assigned to chant marine policy. Senator Jones, movement should be held responsible
ea not the ley county (St. Paul) but the Wood aha American Atlantic In fleeta for duty republican,Washington,will lead the for any overt act of any one of its e
its moral men Balm to have carried the re- artrne the raiders and that the will members. Ills declaration to me du. e
p a th ant desired to clic what members
of which the other "
could!be a civets sending the largest number of be the admiralty's policy ae to-the members are Senators Fernald,Maine; ring the conference-sa regards the at•
i y- atioe delegates to the county convention end use.of their battle cruises for urs Calder,New York;Colt,Rhode Island; titude of the American Legion toward °
Europe u that,therefore theywill hero a ma D and MeNary,Oregon,re blicins,and orgnIzed labor was practically the n
D suit In coo of the sera a of,an enemy pas
Jorlty at that convention. p - y Fletcher, Florida; Chamberlain, On• rams as the statement which he gave •
ill'also be On the taco of erratic state wide battle cruiser. to the press on Jnuary 7." w
returns the •The admiral oared confusion as to goo;Randall.Louisiana,and Simmons,
ion would popular vote went to plans at this stage of the war was an North Caroline, democrats. It will o
ort to the Wood,with Johnson second and Hoo- impressive example of the denier- review evidence taken duri nz prolong- MARYLAND GOVERNOR • d,
..urope and ver end Lowden trailing. At least able absence of unity of command of ed headings in arriving at recommen. EpIDORSES B E ER Bit.-(•
!nee whose righty counties out of the 86 went to the nets, a meneure which the allies J°tions to the toll committee.
'entry still Wood. • finally adopted en land-and which • • Annapolis,Md., }larch 16.—Cover. o:
id fates a Johnson Wlns Snell node victory possible." - nor Rltcht• took on open eland go-
al up for y ^Fortunately the enemy never at.- FINANCIAL STATEMENT night for the passage of Iegielatlon tl
Dbmarek, N. D„ March 18,—[sill- tempted a battle erelem raid," old OF UNPAID INTEREST authorizing the manufacture and sale w
n e4'hcctn fele',were early tonight thnt a fele. , ,P r11111111 .
... ._ , M i..,.- ,.Mer and ii-is ...i..... rel".