1668-83 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 '"111111 1310 Aven
A .
Miami Representative of The Aut.
I nal tion with Ow DaF:! YUl7'1•u.\e;tlyn T• rank In IIaY Dlnea Yne 1.uA[e
rural districts."
sauna las t•rld^r evenln[.
ass [brit ilc,per• RECORD LAST 3 MOS OF LEE AND JACKSON The meeting of ell thee.. ',wooled 'd w.n; e the less for air
'om (Dalin earl- In farming an •aro club In this city nv't }•r IAaY event..
dy to abandon • which was Ballad for Friday night e- 4. ". (.rave, .. alerted to
communism. To
the Halcyon hotel woo po.apnned ao_ elate nr soler guars fora t.
mplete, Mr.Eyre Months Covered Were Busiest Sons of Those Who Fought
"at."O of inclement weather amI also vlrl^g dolt 1levo. A new n
his article. the of Year, and Total 871 t boo.. the Dr°per D.Ver• had set ,0•0100000,,.,00 oIit by tI or
i that flourishes For Beloved Southland to been received Don, the Aare Clubor W.area,N. uintona0 .d D. i
cities In spite of Arrests Made. A. euro •u her,.bhg the forming of wen •DVulnl<J ate the <h
•Observe Memorial Day. club hero.
n commander.
decrees. While an
�.onnouue0 Cn.rle•O'Connor o��lho committee taus .ppnlno
urban p pule- During the Il rat quarter of ID'd0 the tont near
will he•not haat meeting In ""'••d It rel.ineA to eo-u Prr,J.
dog from illataae pollee department made.n71 a rets, Slicing w111 celebrate Confederate the near to tar°ai also that Air.lin vo -""""•-"'"'
"""II Ire°f Ilio 1'h 10 blue elxtr�
vidunle-specula- blast f the ar••le made we of m
Memorial Day 11 one grand April"G,pay- Ucl:nunugh will be oars to.nand the lUlnl 'n,analmml "rho"' I
nm rat Buries-aro lres�elr for Irnlll<ry io[alio n.; Olrw woo r• int, tribulo (n those old.voter- meeting. Me. M,1'ulh,usth waif hero x'•"Itut tun.to La held about At
le so-called eo0t- t.for rc<kl<s.do ring; 50 for�epee.l. rens of rho South who mode up the
Frld•Y but no meeting w .held bee..
.ow kind of capi- 1"g: :b fur parking too near nor'fly- Cmfrdrrnc There r Linof too„hove elated rause a •ace NOTICE
D dont•, and k0 for other 'r Y n e t few in '"• aria^[ TO THE PUP
traffic slob- the faxtly-Ihim:ing ranks of the Con- to airs O'Connor,
in the most her- Done such as blocking truffle, allowing federate ve•ternne, hut to those who ICN'IOItT.'r ins-r1A•n:Two'_ -cb„ua. hes
ionic form ever motor•to run unattended and not oar m rclo Dean. the well know.
Y• remain there slieulti be on even great- CVO/MATHS O/MATHS IO W lrYSTY.111K., opened amyl
ing traffic officer.. Nine of the otfotder• nil 1( lebotl.e oroe,n.t Ile
ne rural po rola- war colored. er celebration this year than[hero has I.,roan lou In r the Public .
r 85 per o[ '/T•next high<a,n eluae•of arrests been in Miami in lh0 post. Diaybe Morrie C.Hod<„•ne J.C. HIIIILrew, kind f labor or lnf°lr,nolon..
p nevern sin will manyendmate• for eenufre In tree Knish. Ing aneo,l Draper ,burls.
tion,about whom w•• disorderly conduct eases, must org of these old o[ Pnythlas, ware Jolt taloa tato that Defter, corner \ruddell yt, and.
ow so little, Dl r. which were for Jrunkennin n Including alien warriors growateh the flowers c strewn Phone 611. Wand. Fla-adv.
filed in the New eehtrin.Ie,staking min°re.deep. upon ilio graves of their erstwhile
h 28, (930, eon_ Inc on private property, stealing rides comrades-for kindly hands may be
on(reins and other offense..Thera ware decking their own Inst reeling paces
roper knowledge tae whit•disorderly.....t.end s/col- ere another year has paused over
telling that the Dred,making s total of 170. their heads. - r� [granas r•
less he chances During the tourist arson the plain It is thou - C1 EVe,LAN D (a
telly progrossive clothes men spat much time welching thought that the public wheels
:hevik. . . , He .°epi<ioua individuals sail caught many will close and that the sons o[ the
fir sena that he "•tie"ally ^otorious crooks, Suspicious
Southland will join inn pantile and a - _
eh•nel<rs .orated numbered lU eight day°!celebration commemorating the '�-r-r -
nim." So,eom- of whom were colored. rhos edrrae hi I rh-ri'j;�!-'�'-!�'7 lr"'j'(�'I �-r••I-h}�ti�}� t
uhing either in G•mbI- Y'a birth. Descendents of �llul tool ILj� Il.lk lt}I ItIi I�JIhIi.I�.jl •
mg w alae watched closely by those who fought far the belated Inst t '- t-z tai
iasis. The bat• the police and 71 arrests on this charge Cause still have warm spots in their
n able to bring were recorded.luring the queerer.Nine hearts for the men who wore the grey
for the•stab- of these were white. for the land in which they lived,and
hey have per-
Forty-.in v,olabon• of the Oily code they will work for a day of celebra-
were counted on the blotter. TTheo.Iterimenta upon •
taenia, Accent- ewes deluded •s ens mail. for the tit°^out of respect for their sires.
ussee, almost health departmentof those selling foo,( It is generally the Daughters of the
unlit to eat,watering milk.mainlalning Con fedrrnhY who arrange for the flow-
Ishevist tavola• lire heard., booing smoke nsars,and this year,when at,ninny cut-
ler, a life poor closing road,and other offenses not in live flowers are in bloom it is believed
tually,sine,the eluded in motor teethe trguletlon• and that ii wealth of the natio
reel life in the other specific ases mentioned, a Cherokee •iib
under-the bol- her sp ific ion. ent rose, hibiscus rind other flowers will yl' W,•. q'1�` 17
e sed 10 ns. Ar- ici:sh,0
0 fl , +Ar- �mbe00 STUDIO WILL • �s. � �
five There w LO arrest"(or larceny, r s 3fe".Es�`.
are in danger of with but sl • �,;• � yw'J
n epidemics and Some of the rel coca the r e�•�`u^!f�'.L`a<i: �'r��'04',1-s''.6'6"..'"•^
•rgetic het is ber,: <. a e num. EMLAY AT THE BEACH - :;r -;;;� k:, . �5,=..�N,
p were,cruelty to ...Os,one; non- j'•*;1. Lpysi ;,,e(„'{�.Pl ,; ,e�6•t:tis 1�r1
Dad. Peters the support,one; wife booting,tsar, black- 01,1:• ''(Cttt- aye fir. -...�,.i
isle and poetry;'mail.one shoplifting.two; murder,z: Earle Eml , .. :.6.0.6 ` fifer �•��
fur •eclJents resulti,h In deaths, two; Stncosp••d method of dphatogeephy,llln ''� ;" fr -w "' ~;�� }eY
e billions of es-
[• .olleiti" p yo
n in hedeheriet r •pees<ngenxa the station, which the omen ern to J takes 7X+1 T;1 / f1f.S•'s.. •�i7.4t �y yG� rte r.r,•<?'!�{Sf.�,.'
three; vagrancy,,eight, picture d, has completed •r• ���7.'.Ut�r j ': !-f`7''•.:i'M:i%,
tains, however, The three orbs severed • sec t ('4:.s'%l 1-
Isis•t least, is aro the ngemont• to butt ■ {IkU,000 studio FF 7, at fi�ltDaR1`iJ
busiest of the year in Miami and with •t►Genii Dosch,to be In operation next
•p f .417,••!!
,1 .1�1v•r
The cause of the rent n made it I. winter. i
a umber of arrest.
,Ishevism. Mr. e•id•nt that the police department e. While this studio will not be a.large
, ,..1,,/.11 .4• . C -_ -`
much not only not shirking its duty and was working a mny in vice •t i ,
,at to the cause with the many other*for• • present, o will, Si*�7e', t
greeter Mi- according to Dir. [:niter, be rho best
I he would find •rat• equipped one in this country. No local Lv;‘: '
:o this eondm- -• money is interested in the Venture, the ''7;1'?'t•`}^-k-" 'or'i' 't�'i+k" - - <e, 1•
in part,can GROWERS' LOSSES WILL scheme having been financed altogether
:h a---•halon, GROWERS'i�il sc the oath. '
Ede Friday expect.to leave here shee •
.•of the BE DISCUSSED MONDAY Ir le make not anngemnte for his "
moment of the trip to Deliriuma take t e where cc bee been a- Take
weed le take the pictures of the Oym' alkeal:Ride in the
WASHINGTON ole gone. to be held at Antwer
one of the bol- ,April 17.-The in- August. r in
•p pointed by fere tete Commerce Commission will An InteresYfng•ouch has been writ- and You'll Know What
sceuor to Gen- holt ■n important conference hero ten for • current number of Scientific
thendny for the purpose of discussing American,In which the protea employ-
that with the present railroad strike situation, d by kir.Emlay has been [one into In The Cleveland Six the
Mitre to Russia nit
pertains to the shipment of fruits yd tail. Asa th•ull oft o high motion light
oar are •^J vegetables from the south, ■1 photography,the slowing op proms has
$Lase,is selling itself tothousanc
Y equiv- which there will be ppresent re re sen- baeom• available sail furnishes one of
1 81.00. Under tativa of the American Railway Ex- its most Interesting,a well of ination in picking out the car they w.
,.ta•ne rouble Y the most •tuella •ei•ntln< dl<eoreei<s
bac plea, the Florida Railroad.Commis- of recent years. To attempt to describe the 4 A real rid
sion and fruit and vegetables growers' To make of the Cleveland qualities
alit. plain to Ina ms,• Six is no easy task- icanso, be told
NORTH. ■sseeiatbns of that state, who the high motion pictures are prod• You must ride in it to
D1ekLen.•1 1•«
Whatever action is taken will per- •seed on the screen •t en• regular rate I mw it. .Take • his Dower l
talo not only to Florida, but also to f •Dead, aka motion a reel tide. erg oat to under- of
Minn. tact appear• retarded., stand thathere is a betterbettlight
•ors. >•;. H. L South Carolina, Georgia and possibly Tahl• act(°^ Ia lowed down until very ��. ��'•
rv•na. who e- Louisiana, all of which ere suffering Operate fiction on be closely •ladled fila s an enclosed
,,. . aur-I great leas•from the present strike. •0d In this way many interesting thing. over d.Vetter. It he spring�
Florida'stlo•sloess alone ■re hare been•dime sere oa: them the Cleveland,.-Valve and manufacture of ezdtund bULttaa1 Cu
to)••bon Alla have shady •pprogimeteJ a saidllfoIn e.re oe a• toforr Cleveland design rthreeand bilin
Which h n
Daytona •ria Jollan. limelight attention and brings moa the tested in'road work for three yearsthe Clevelar
i tin• war. a n. of best Idea r d- before•being offered the
intend to.pend Coolmoor Porch Shades. Moore voiced
by moving
e r pulite, thit ine ape an
IJck ROM. Furniture ore turf al tend Dint, gives performance unsurpassed• genuine ban
[hear donna• Co. Tel. 1070.-adv. DnMts to be derived
NOVEL DISPLAY. application to surgery and to the workeom• In .I Come let ug show
eel ha•• •pant Ina of machlnery. It may be possible I you what a CQ/
and daring(hie To announce their 1110 awns open- •fur •'tome to discover the a ata of I Tolsrto�C.af pIre P
al et lndr Inc • Twelfth street harden r• eom lost mottos through the •m to t ry( aae•ngeral{1157
D rmo`:of d•xLn(Firs f"asetagen) Roadster(r
midto tale last par ha•. a vary .oval window du. this process. It rimy alto .seems lu• 53197' Coupe(Four
•A lea at the Play.
able In use for laboratorl••in J•t•rmin-
Chloe P.0.0.d•rwtayl
re• of 136,000. Al the not [lane.one tele the Idea 'ria eh•mleal.tions and taction.. n
stain neat of exhibition of war ar.laaweeu_
At roam[ the .mpidrment f lel. A.M. Robbins Automobile t
solid• talar alas Pole. pans. •diets. nlak w t pre Invention bas been oof for
rat. brooms mop., oto.,are so• entad to the pleaeore given people In looking at illi lila oath
_- ase• the Imprealon of Oermen hal- the movm.nt•of human.and lower ani. • Street
lades. Moon meta, trench tole••, guns •oil other 1•end the pie to re•to be taken•t the t
__i70-ado, mpl.m.dl.or w.rr.r.w nor...roam. olrmvlc rime. win mime, tin. aoukle gVFLAND AU OMOBII COMP r
In[outfit Is labeled toilet .•t and an purpose of bolt dapletia[ the scene.
e you leave to Innocent carpet,draped with a neap- there and staling the queattoa of close
to year roto- skin and armed to the teeth, looks e°°tesl<,whet•[her m y be•dl<sion
Il •rata[ Mland lie• lime dl•aoltc•1 tough one would f opinion an t t1,02
not ear•to meat o a dark night.Th. for undo this wisest or n evene
•f••Dr°DertY ° se•no doubt can b< •tea
f 1100 or drop display Is well worth• •(sit. had of the real outcome, R ,rJ�l
I us than to Rags-Rugs-Rues. Moon Fur- Leonard Cleanable $','3'�/ •
t Reines-- -<
•C9,_IL 1070,yds Moore Fttt'41tin.Sro5 TA 1479,—.dost ;5,•, �j t t/7
/ J f It 21
y ti : I -tit � ... >. _..1 -,ivy