1668-85 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 1, -! -t%e. Completely furnished, all modern improvements, private bath and private Ve,
':h• ' randa 8x19 feet to each apartment. Garage on premises. For reservation see
u'je 1 owner.
821-823 Ninth Street Phone 757- '
sea .
. OF C. BALL TEAM IS ,stated regions of Europe, whose I help," she asserted. "I'm afrain o.'r• �they will need the women. I
•BADLY BEATEN BY A people, she said, preferred•to handle enthusiasm•1s going to spend it.e.t know just'what the women wt.
GURTISS 'FIELD NINE the problem themselves, but here at utter a year or so—just rebou, the rolled upon to do,but their work'
home. time our wounded a dicrs are b.•,fu.. turn up. The boys will need
"There is plenty of reconstruction ring to fuel only bitterness as the en:}ustusm and sympathy then' -
rhe Curtiss field baseball team gave work for the woman who'wants to�thought of 'the missing leg." 'f..en•than now." -
local X.,of,G team.the walloping -,
thelr.lisjls,yescezday"pfternoon at
asnm pp��rk.,'.After:•the_dust of the, .
niirltid'eleared;riwiig•and the add-i 1I��1a _
-machines'werebreughb"out it was ` 1 1
,rotaltie matinas:had broken '7 beta
I made. 15'r ors, dm 30 hits,
Us Om iL.of C.figured up that they
1 made 13 error!and not a run.
u K. of C. boys wen handicapped
the 1od1 of their regular pitcher,
nne1V,and went to pieces. . -- -,
11r this game two teams from the .
le camp in natty' new blue uni• ' One man has already taken our tip and Leen paid for the bonds,and they were that some
•S1 took.the field'and started a purchased two of our beautiful ocean front areal flaw mig,ht Le found in the issue of Loads,DoE
ne at was goody far as it went. lots, advertised yesterday for the first time all that had Leen passed upon Ly expert bond alto
s second game was made possible he anticipated no trouble on that score. Neither did'•
timei'givesthis season. antics ate en the way of the engin
the new whic an hour p Y dlificultl in
re for outdoor spor s. This gentleman looked at this property last problems,as they,too,had all been passed upon .y' ,
rhe line up of thea rat game: season,just as we were completing the build- g"leering experts.
of C.-0. Curtiss Field-10.
in g of the ocean boulevard and made up his "If this all goes through, as it'certainly wi a
,per,lb. Little,lb. Mr. llighleymsn,"it will be the biggest and bee -
trien,is. Noleen,as.
mind then that he would buy some of it this that has ever happened to Miami. The drain . -e•
thaway,If. Creneke, it. winter and then on the very first day the these lands will open a vast territory to immediate •
Freeman, Sb. Hansen,3b, lands were advertised he made his selection dement,and Miami will at once begin to feel the •
' Newman and and closed the deal by becoming the owner fits from this vest improvement" ,-;
Freemen,p. House, c. of lots 23 and 24 of Section "C" of Tatunl's In connection with this, it may be stated that N.•
•arts,cf. Brannen,cf. is now a dredge in the Miami river that will, wi
afield, 2b. Bayne, 2b. Ocean Park Company. These lots are locat- thirty days,begin excavation of a canal to connect
Imo,rf, •King,rf. ed just a little way north of the point where Miami liver with the Tamialiti Trull canal,and tat wi
1Ceeningoke,p. it is proposed to cut the canal connecting the form a part of the greet drainage system that will •
;mplre—Hanle. ballistic station. ocean hay. The purchaser of these lots developed by the proceeds of the bonds, just now .
ANNOUNCEMENT will pllobably build a winter home there, but Posed of by the Southern drainage District.
attorney S.Grover Morrow has re- he says whether he does or not he knows that 1';:c above announcement made yesterda
ved his law office from the Realty they will shortly he in big demand anti at as to the sale of the bonds for work in
Laxities building,at 1109 Avenue C, very greatly increased prices over the price Southern Drainage District means gre
.-re-he was formerly associated, he paid which was only $5,520.00. . things for Miami and great things for the pu
h Clifton D. Benson,to the Wayne probably chasers of the Everglade lands in this'distri
Idinr, over the Southern Express Other lots will robabl he selected todayg
apathere ny, at 416 12th Street, where as are a number of both home people We have a few sections within one mild . .
will be pleased to meet his friends. and visitors who are trying to make their se- the Tamiatni frail and canal and front'.
Iv lections before all the exactly on the right of way selected for
IRDINE'S ASSISTANT building of the railroad from Miami w•.
MANAGERS' SALE which we will offer without raise of price I.
20Lots at Half Price a short time and will accept for one tract
V;.M. Burdine's Sons' big store on, :120 acres the very low price of $)2,00 p.
eifth•street.opens this morning i have been disposed of. acre, one-fourth cash, balance easy terms.''
Is its annual January Clearance
is,for which many preparations of The road connecting the upper end of our We n e another tract of 600 acres mut
unequalcloser character have been made. beach road with the main Dixie Highway will $15.00 an acre, which ought;,•
t'is called "The- Assistant Man- be completed in two weeks; after which the sell for $50.00 right now and only $2,250.0
re' Sale" because these members loop drive of about 25 miles can be made, cash will he needed to secure this.
the plea staff have been given en- anti this will at once become the most used We own in all 200,000 acres of these E•.;
:charge of the event. All the plans
I. prices governing the ten-day and the most popular and most attractive glade lands and mullt sell a part of them.
rod were made by them. The mat. drive in the entire State of Florida. at very low figure and those who are read
n.of.th.,.diffcianto,depertments fbi
a laid aside all responsibility and • • (Miami Herald, Jan. let, 1919.) or' g money making investments can he
igo on the floor as regular sales • Through Locke T. Ilighleymen,of the Fidelity Bank find the greatest opportunity which will eV-
•ple. ** and Trust Company, of this city, the drainage bonds come again. ' •
\'centeet"will be onducted In eon- of the Southern Drainage District have been disposed Lands of this character put into Para ..e;_
duke with,;the sate, and the store of in the sum of$1,450,000. and J.lpunese cane are said by
•••rich divided.iao.two divisinns, The purchasers are A. D. Leach and associates of dairyanti cattlemen exp a ,'!.
h division having its general and New York City,the final transfer of the securities de
to be worth (ram,
•tarts. The winner of the:co/deal pending now only on the question of the validity of the to $300 per acre and it only costs a few a}�
I be the divlaion-selling the most bonds and the practicability of the drainage, both of lora and a few short months to have the CM.'
rchandise and many prizee'wIll be which'questions have been passed upon by financial and maturing On the ground. Think of ma
en to individuals. . engineering experts, the bond purchasers,'however, $1'2.00 land weClh $150.00 by an exprndit
tt the end'of the period thefirmmaking an additional examination for their own pro- of$IU.00 an acre or less and of doi✓lg thlsji
I give a banquet to its employes tectlon.
which the losing division will serve With the preliminaries out of the way, work on the 1 to 6 months'time. .
tables and wait on the winners. drainage of 140,000 acres'of land will be commenced at Will you be wise and tev us without lose •
• once. It is hoped to have dredges at work within the time and et'in on a few of thesf absolute
'coker Knives. Large assortment, next thirty days. g
need prices. W. H. Garrett, 225 certain goo(1. things?
h Bt adv. This one hundred and forty thousand acres of land 1
lies due west of Miami, and extends, practically, from f ',y
ENT Td LEND A HAND the western city limits almost to the western edge of Start the New Year 1 4
;NDS LOST A LEG-ON A the county. The land involved is extremely fertile and R•ghti
can readily be placed in cultivation after it has been • ,,
FRENCH BATTLE FiELD made secure from inundation by excessive rains. —AND—
.in•,. The beginning of work on this great project will - 41.
dew York, Jan. 1."i went to• mark a new epoch in the history'of Miami. The re- .
ince to'lend a hand'and they took clamation of this vast section of land will bring a very
„gra , . large number of iatlern.ti this county,and farms and �O theTatum*'
;[e,was a big lad from a middle- groves will immediately s�.ring up ell over the territory. s
stein farm, the American soldier Seen yesterday, Mr. 1 ighleynum rvprnxspd hdmsnit
.called out this jest to cheer his
l ns vary much gratlfled at the outcome of hi• uugutin•
lions with the bondholdere. lie said that there were
gkbor In the sick bay of the Em- h
.ss of Britain, the tint transport
l final coonly n umn allons tofothe deal, as money re �hoil e 21•'-'1; 1201 St. Tatung Bros. Cu
arrive here with"litter eases”from
American hospitals In France. _
'That Is just a sample of the never-
ling,humor of these boys, rising
sfe suffering, above helplessness," - ----- - / .
d- a Mende Kellam,chief nurse
big vessel,as she Carne ashore - _y
,days ago. The Southern Bank & Trust Company'.)
'Al the way over they yearned for p V
irht of'the old girl In the harbor,'" a ,
-,continued,"yet,when we'csme up
a bayand none of `hem could get 422 12th Street, Miami, Fla.
deck-to hail the l9 tue o?Liberty "1^i'1,
we'passed, therewere no corn- ,'s.
'This Is the spirit now, but I'm t., .