1668-99 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 THE MIAMI HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1921
-With Alba Matl • Richard of Jer.eytily today Identified
and In Manias rera.ul leve•tlplfe■ the legless body of a young woman
Of , G-.,•�. �.- Was found Saturday In .D° In Long I.• CAPTAIN IN RUSSIAN ABOUT THE BEACH ITEi,I S 0:'
e car land
°�told •.... Noted (hl_1u1. City with that. Earth. go. A FORCES LIVING HERE IN PLAT
• •terr who lived .ber•two year. •a[a A Mr. and hl r. Horne S. Lesch■ of Da
,d, Ed- Sheriff Louis A. Alien, who hu been deelgra of the German Iron crow and trait are •mon[ the rengu•rd o7 y,lu err
I mar- making • the initial. "11. U.' had been teltoo•d visitors who beer come to Miami Beach
• personal investigation •yr >)
on her right le[ •Dov the knee, Mn. for the winter. Tt.•y neve taken .pert- llamas }Islet.
since the body of the "Man of Mystery" Richard told the otic•,and this thought leorwe•r'Ofneer Venter tl• Cur Telles m<nIe at tie Aurora.
Islerd was found lying fully dressed •cross P
•plied: a D•d In his room In the Y•nAln[ ho- this might h•••beenbeen the ruon why et g'Irt �Ig Otfuelm•e Aaalut .
tel Fridaytomorning with Cthe German Hardee.
Certain r.
► bullet-Tole the le • Md severed. Otto Hoek end Emil Hack o• Deer. Maio
Mn, Richard said.the girl had.come born, Mich., and hmilfes see expected in his fonhuA. d•cla red yutenLy toot to America front Cold[ne, (1•rman y. to arrive at Miami Beath In November
serious h• was now fully convinced that the She appearedRrp•rle noes In the Russian•army dear• to occupy their wlnt°r horns. in Alton To Inauaurat
•t.h•r house In company g They Dlu,ling cnu.
"alone man was •Itber Warren C. SDurgin, In the Mot drives of the World war road. ha .are owners of the Wulwoosl y
Mn. miming Chicago Dank president, or with her husband •end baby and asked
• final else some ootid arlm,nal who became fur lodging,,Mr.. Richard said, The Were related yesterday by M. N. Ego. Otto inn,• aummu resort hotel at loks-I conducted by
,f his tired of evading the law end decided man was • boatman. roti, formerly a captain In the Imp,. ton, Mich. mere. at-the
After leaving her house, Yrs. Filch• rld1 Russian arenadler•„a resident for Mr. end Mrs. Redoes of Boatoe, Mess., 4
pack- to end his own life. Wisher, he,
and asfd, the girl !trod at Hoboken, the Miami ase•
denied Sheriff Allen waled that hie Milo- where she was •d August Il, 1 month, of Mlaml Reach. Cap. fay. lamed ■partm•ote at the Aurora
that Ion is shared by the majority of per. It. • - talo ltgoro[t t• now at,home at eh• for the winter, ruld.nts to t
,,shaved sons that be bad talked to regarding
end It Kurnlr,ou
y hos- the cast and that It was very unlikely She said eh• would bring her bus- Bantry cottage In Llama: 1:ansa., near Interior finisteuohu are heirs l etble.
that the man oommltte,d suicide and Dared to New Tork.tomonow•l° view First •tre•L •pelted •t the St. George apartments in ""tlrud Bvec
too, destroyed every mark or other.means this body and corroborate her llentltl• Following In the footsteps of s,ver.l Collins •V•ow near Eighth .trent The plata to plants
.al 111• that could possibly be used t�ldentl- cation. • _ {.' decimations of hi. ancestors, on be- building is constructed of poured con- said Mr. And,
rmbled ty him )vat bwane he was to fleas, coming of nit Mr. Egoroff attended erste and is one of the mit sub ntial needed is hum,
at sof- alai difficulties. 6UNUNOV1T 4 SOLDIER)R) see of the national military academies at Miami Beach. - I Under the saver
Hundtods of De nota, have visited the •
U juV I►Jf, s�JjA(f j{.�{�'of.Rnasla at Moscow, from wnich in- below, Is a rl,
i, we Duron of the King Undertaking corn- tHutton he asSeveral truck loads of furnish: ge est. Now, as t
, prior pan,Moto the body was lint takes to ON WAY BACK HOME rank of almond lieutenant. It was'the hams been taken during the last lbthis. Ii will hr
Mud-pteee Friday, In an effort to 1 oustom for the eldest eon In his lam- days to the Aurora apartment, to tom. "'las" tress
Iden Uf7 It. The etas eat approach to '- 117 to attend the military Institut•and pletd the Int•rtor arrangements of the 1 from the air a
h ioeutlt'lyatloa so far has been made by Franc• Ps • Simp1. Tribal* to A In this manner, se the oldest of tD• buildlog. far more th►c
W. .1, Ben••tt- former resident of.Chl- Ic Iters Before the ~F children In vets family, Mr.Egoroff was in will fu,
1Yeago and now • reald•nt of Miami,who Olympl• Balla. .'r Mnl to military Doth[•. A new apsrtmevt hoes, Is to he con• so enrich the
Mewed the body Sunday and declared The colonel of the regiment to which strutted on t • corner •f Ninth street tdx•tnpte• of
that it looked for all the world Ilk° BY ASBOCIATHD.PRF$A NlGHTT�IVIEE he served,at the front was the cap. and Collins avenue for Charle Portland. the royal pain
Warren C. Spurgln. HAVRE, Oct. lb—America's "mil w°•• father. In one of the terser Dat- This corner was sold for b6400, •n ad- while the Hun
• Levy Sheriff Allen li•larlay sent lbs tin- known soldier" 'is on kb we7• bow, aaoo riling to the Russian officer, ofr $2,000 over the ppripriceGeorge are good kiur
.ckl gerpHqu ra
and photogph■ of the body After resting nearly) three years in the Only three officers were left alive. Van•Selver of Philadelphia bought It If hgvminuu•
Yci to the bureaus of criminal Identltica• land when he (Might and .4,b•'begaa Hardships which few armies are cam- for•Tear ago, planted first I'
lion at Fort Leavenworth. Hew York his let homeward journey on the Ural te�pollen to suffer were ea p•rteneed by will make thr
and Washington, D. C,, In hopes that State cruiser Olympia Ws afternoon, the Russians in many of the drive,. A building lot on the west ■Idr of variety of Lea
WIRE, oorrespond,ng prints and photographs France,where this unsung Nadler i,n; There were long period.. in.which the Euclid avenue b•twen Ninth and Tenth A thousand les
.i re' might be on file at those bureaus. H• Is not to be forLotten'at Arlington!'as roan did'tion have food or othpr nacos- •treau baa been yurehaed Dy E.A. Price grown from s,
said yesterday that he was expecting the symbol of tD• lost American'a •lila• f°r 12,600- will soon be •
e next • reply .ometlm• today or tomorrow will oat on P»peb soil 1n the Amertdttr Within twenty days after the Deg1q- The dtrecllo
;Lk the at the very late•♦ national cemetery, •The Olympia carriers,
sling of the first Ruarlan drive the, Mn. Jeonle R. Bossiter grid her ung Include d
,dment "' - with it • lard• box full-•( the loll of young officer was wounded by DUI• aloe, MTh, Eill Jai h r. and r, of U.• Id• a the ClI
in. FAKE TELEGRAM IS France enough'to cover the bottom of pierced leg. 'After re- troll Miee. will ]Din Hr. and the Ray TDI• to be f
let which t Burlingame In Mi•ml Beach the first and Ilk. tet.
.,Cthe unknown soldhr's grave. - - covering from the wound, he particl-
at the Slm 1• eincsxJ y marked the'deppart. Pared In another drive along this Oalt- of uxt month, that will Fetal
te PS, ISSUE AT HEARING sire of the unknown w.rrler, .. did his clan front, where De was wounded. A new drain will be_ food,and the
.•Istel os. y oMll-•hocked end captured. pot in Twenty- fly rock that
+ solid yesterda at holonmsur. H• won ask•n third street In front of the Casino St. of providing p
Ig the Hun•. Just before placing • model of prisoner by Oerman John.
the Legion of Honor on the casket, Min- troops who were occupying sectors ofwMr. Andrew.
ri, N lnkli
Alf To S o 'Attorney a far Coal
Was `hie r of tof' nFrance,declared aking for one camp,
where liend sent fo lin was kept fan or psix, Mr,Ray Burlingame,president of the further o Is tbbeau
To Show M people Florida Longo. of American P•nwoeten, make the hole
.t, im- • Hoax, Parts, "American brother, the, •re taking teen months. Ile tried to escape, but who has
nUtua- • Tea back to the land of your birth, W, was unsuccessful. When the captor• )asst arrived in Mhm1 Reath, the material
I ,t baitBY ASSOCIATED PRESS NIGHT WIRE eow ear, will piously preserr• our were convinced that his health was •eao accompanied by her husband and herby this vs. of tDr
- • yson Colin, announces that the first thh to
ler da• WASHINOTON, Oct 2/1.--Attempts to
that land of France will broken down he was rent as •n Inv,- board mc•llo[ will take place Friday "FloridaIorIAa hat
a ti te, develop •vtdenco bearing on the alleged yea confided to her lid to Denmark. Through the effort• •t 10 a. m. In the lobby of the Johnson anyother slat
unenl- us• of • telegram purportlns to have your last dream." of the Itupassporlants
military attache he oh' a artments, November 4 will mark the Andrew. "Co
a final been from President Harding to stop thf Major General Allen expressed the lafned Passport, to America. (�nt mettle of the
ts tax minus' march on Lops coon ly, Wal appr.ciatlon of Ametica for the touch. After reaching this country, the Rus- g Year, wh he will b• cab moans tb.
In manner In which Front, bade fare- elan officer could not neat in his in,. ■ b meeting
will aunt{t the Intl i•- rapid nowt ,
Virginia, In the Feet ap rldng, rue wail to the unidentified hero. et social meeting will tome two week. L- rapid
fret of made at • session tonight of the senate _� Y to serve the ,)Ile■ end attempted tar, V growth
cgs to commute• investigative conditions In to enlist In the American army, hal ••^"
Dot It list West Virginia coal fields. I3REVARD COUNTY HOLDS was turned down on account of his Th• Keels cottage it the corner of
r• the A. M. H•Icher, counsel for the opera. physic,! condition, Secondstreet and Ocean dries hoe been EVER .Alt.(/
tors, felled la rpe•tsd efforts to bring GOOD ROADS MEETING At the time he cone to the United leased y Mrs. A. Clark of Miami. Children of
•mend- from H, W. Houton, counsel for the States the Dolehevlkl wen In control to a new meth•
li 'coater W•st Virgin!•mine unlace,who was tee (spacial to The Herald,) Russia and Captain Egoroff explaln•d An ,u cream and lunch stand will be •tree to of the,
rg• of tltying, •n admission that "Mother" COCOA, Oct. I6.-At • good roads that he would probably have been be termed rut
.t alio Joe,, friend of t • slams, had reed meeting held at Tltusrllle Saturday• • killed by the of[Id►h had he returned
operated this winter by Uldu.an k,Coe. A ymell car
such • telegram in her pleadings with resolution was • home. erne• he was told In Danmark ia
o1 Old Ore die'smd, BeaMc, In • stew to¢ces• •eructed anA
loner [ D P to ipp eveMon on 1ArJie's Basch.
;anent tb•marchers to retorts hams, Hs failed committee to meet with the several thief his name had been Included on With the err
aerraw, likewise be establish his eoateatlon that ctrl• orwnlellone Ip Brevard county •""""t•• locklst held by [h• bulehevikt COY- Carl G. Fisher will leave Indianapolis been blowing
senate P»aide°t looney and Secretary Mooney and with the county commiselon•n, for Mlaml !f••th November ti according days' the yes
lenater •(Ne Wart Virginia miners'union, bad and lay before the commissioners a, Yor two and Dna-bait Yesre CaDtaln to word recslved by Mra'Ray Uurllo- swiftly down
.ri din[ branded the mese raga as • fake and had pion of road building or rather to map Egoroff has not heard from his father game. Another rem
mosey told the minors to So en. out a system of,roads throughout the and mother In Russ la. tela In doubt has been to d,
uritis., The-message watch "Mother" Jonas •aunty,send pledge the oommlutone a a• to their fate. Since lib has been at Prot. Geore Poekham will lecture on boa" end tau
act in-
to the miners, according to.Mn, to support and•carry oat this plan of Miami Beach be has been associated child psychology at this meeting of the protect ton. O
on the B• •r. tarried what'purported to road ooas[ruction. Heretofore at every with the Russian colony along the Wednesday circle •at the home of Hrs, been fastened
the in. Um plea of th° prealdent that lb• mooting of tb.•board of commissioners canal, holding stock In that corpora- Harold Bailey this •f ternoon, --
:mod In marchers la down their arms and the pleas for money for outlying'districts, tion. '
peo4•a at m. Hatdlag the,nbe would and w • COMPANY
¢Vened att•mnpt b.b.Ii•t'capr ymeet bp epu- petitions for new, rends to money r TWIN POOLS TO BE ALIKE. • The lot on t
ad set. sten of mdn• arSs and privately opened sem* heard, sd much MANY CARDS MAILED PROM CITY• - Cable building
has been wasted by Incompetent tore-
Postcoital to Make Improvements at and Euclid ave
...id. D� depety sheriffs. - men and the comm Wlunen Day no Isom
-. P••t•ffic• Kept Huy Handling Cade•St.John, the company •
Lax at e1 way of leering where the money Extra Work, other ehrubbet
.e was IEFZ MILLION DOLLAR goo., but It Is thought that with •de. I•h,two Boman pools•t the CasIno t, Within s oho
am•sd- PostutA Dsy •t Mlam( Beach eater John are to be made identical In appear-I have a sign w
400 U. . ESTATE By- O finite program more,progroes can 'be d• nwlted la lap volume of cards •race. Th• north pool will be made talars extend.,
made and Mor• miles of road built•or bung seat to many metlems of the deeper at the deep end and shallower dents of the r
I or,1.4- repaired with the sem• outlay of United Stete• and to .event Sorel[° •t the shallow and until Its water level
py!J,•g• -CHIpAOq Oat.6G-rM (be m°^•7.,' tabllshment of
• ?•�1-tlHotta7wsaD was left, the oo°ntriea, will conform to that if Its twin.
'lilies ti.�Kt6pRfAo11 As•l1•ie•lijrBa!'JiB� • Ahgf the roads are all mapped out. The torte at lh. Miami Beach:.poet. Arthur Pancoast, manager of tho of thee city who,
Y J . • eatlmaxea.w111 be toads and the cap- office', was rushed le `•tting out the'Boman pool,says that the bathers have l lbhe locality
e Droxttat qRan,ouat of money.noces•4ry additional.mull'w►leh U } 4
_ to build 41 the s r•.ostt, of phown a decided pnf•r. •for the eouU
II lWa,. rt cad th.n ate rods will De_learned the city slovensbabl to-widely-anodes-sod t The *potent*** .10 bo iso. The TO BUILD JBAl
t.�•i y!Jd•r•Rhwastr'W.o ry loft tuft thatonmoney.Ill be taken to pro- beatifies. Probably a greater number by making them •..aµ17 •Ilk,too. T►e C. D. Maj..
'��,444,NOof the 17,1004011 sotat••f 4y. Bravoed county is of this card, went to the mlddle'w.t buildingof the pools at different times Ingo bakery, I-
e7�ow ` lar lather,founder .Lehi. Herat now advrtlaing $100,544 worth of than to Any other soot/on sine a large by diferent e•mpaal•s teased the un- chased a lot
) .t_°••4.
n1 ,'War a•r Co..d led October ler,• bonds to Improve the DIM* Highway, somber of the resld•nte of the city bar• ogasl.water levels. Second ,treat•
in, sad , - _ ' • Melbourne I. bulking a °ret.-•tate pnrlouniy lived is •tete• in that sae. Concrete mixers and other equipment •building for :
partici. COCOA highway to connect with Ktrlmme'• u.a•• lams arrived and work ill start the price of the lo
1■ the COCOA end Aar. )wt completed bridge and Through •Hort, of the•Chamber of end of the week. Both pools will hay of the bakery
,.whlcb • " road to the racoon beach opposite the Cemmeroe and merchant, of Miami • sew coat of white appied. The Be. from West P.
4f Na- .• • '(((•tial to T►•Mee.Y.) tows.Cocoa is working on the last lap Beach many cards of the beet grade lion Construction company has horn tabllahcd • ft,
.7 three COCOA,Oct'H,-Mn. C. B. King le of theft, road and bridge to C000a war .1.'1. - awarded the contract built op a laeg•
Aron expontel Ash,arrive today from AsDasa, end has jest completed 40 miles
vs with VIII,/1c, were rah.. . Dos-
hbavtelt- of asphalt.road• la and around the ^-_- `�'�•'�• '.-__���.,� --. .-- ._TM...--. .•
4 Alma, log Mr.';Il us
tag.lea. besot. tow, for oily, Tltrllle has started work on a LITTLE RIVER now thea water meads only In Dartl°- H. Jane• last
J.-Ino- the.peat throe weak• getleig th•tr road and bridge to Titusville breach ulariy low sections. Water has boas 04,11 but ret•
f•rmor home In r•adia.s, fur his family and and a road to Oralno on Merritt 1s- known to flow •cross Ever lade• eve- vacation, whir
I Mleki- baa added a number of Improvements land and have the bonds sold ld °nl•h (gp•elaI I TM Htrw 1./ [
h•yto, that will make It own of the moot a road twesty tee! wide to oonnwt •t LITTLE RIVER, Oct. hly-Lll•d nu• ralw•en West during Weimar and and .owa.
ebarmisg homes along (A• river, Just the Orange county nee with a similar uRiver country penes cleartto tghl7 dried lA• nllroad, but the Dressnt Mr. Stanton
irty eye aa- it Du always been dee of the most highway from Orlando. Brevard coon• Thterefor•,a eltthougb the t rainfall• has rainy season no water has appeared In N. Y., thief he
ss,pIt Pe. Mr. KligIa brolher•in- ty I. building road.. mid with • well been greatar than the normal amount Kver[lade■ avenue except In rues and very soon. M.
Harding.ladefined program for the tutor will for October, the ground.conttawM to worn places. their two eons
7d.hilt• et lh• haat Art lb• acee be known as the "good roadie swallow •very drop of water that fell Mr. and Mrs. If. H. Ode! of Coconut In their auto e
rift . . J-. .. pesle, ,.., r ..,y t.. ,e a. .r r.. . ,,. ..... , ,,. S. . ... ..