1668-133 Economics, Development, & Real Estate 1895-1926 s'r i E& Boo K l 2-
4DUE. Com*/ R.icoeos
``: . that may be legally levied or imposeeltnpon said lend subsequent to the year 1913, and to {
keep the belldia6e upon said pseedees insured in some company ettiefaotory to the party of
,` Vis first part in a sum not lore than ` 1ollare durirg the term of this agreement.
i 1
And in cease of the _failure of the said party of the seoond part to m e either of the pay-
menta or bay part thereof. or to perform any of the covenants on his part hereby made and
entered into, this contract shall, at the option of the party of the first part, be ibr-
felted and terminated, and the party of the second part ehall forfeit all payments merle
ty him on this oontract; and such payments shell be retatmd by the said party of the first
part in full satiefaotion and in liquidation of all damages by him sustained. and said
% peaty of the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises
aforecaid without beirg liable to any action therefor.
-Irt,`is Jinderstood and agreed that upon payment of the second instalment ,716.66
deed,,will be furnished aid a mortgage taken for balance of purchase prloe.
IT IS MUTUALLY AGNi&D, by ani between the parties hereto, that the tine of pay-
m '. i
eat ehallbe en essential part of this contract, and that all oovenants end egreemente
herein oontaiaed shall extend to and be obligatory upon the hire. executors, administra-
tors and assigns of the reepeotive parties.
IN TITI:H.i.:. .a1i3.aa07, The parties tO these presents hare hereunto set the2lr hands j
end Beals the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered Albert C. Holmes (Seal)
in presenoe of: • '
Crystal Holmes (Seal)
J. Li Beroegeay. s
F. 3. Barnum (Seal)
J. I. Wilson.
State of Plor Ida, Dade County.
On tile day personally appea•ed before me, an officer authorised to take ac- j
knowledgmente of deeds, etc., Albert O. Holmes end Crystal Holmes ei r. S. Barnum to me j
well knoxz. and kno-xn to be the rereons dao exam ted the within agreement, and acknowledged
that they exeonted the sane for the purposes therein erpreared. And the said Crystal i
1 Holmes. (rife of the said Albert 0. Holmes, upon en examination taken by me, separate aid
apart from her said husbani, aoknorledged that she dxecuted the said agreement freely
sad voluntarily and without any constraint, ampule ion, ap;rehenaion or fear of or from
e her said husband.
Witness ay hand and seal this 26th day of i:aroh 1914.
'- (N. P. Seal) J. 1:. Beroegeay, Notary Public, State
r of F for ia's at Large.
My ooramisaien :xpires Peby. 17th, 1916.
Reeelved on within Contract the for owing sums:
Date Interest Principal BBemarke
• 1914. 3 ate Cte
Lar. 26. x700.
Piled for record on the 26th day of Mar.
1914. aid dul:• reoorded in Deed Book No. (.
112, on Page 83.
Witness my hand and offiotel seal. •
Z. T. Merritt. Clerk.
DP ell. i2 667,01 .4) IL D. 0/
B 1dIIti
THIS IIS JTUR3, Lade this Nineteenth day of March A. D. 1914, by and between �,
a ttH-n ALTON BRACH MALTY C4;FANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ;
the State of Plorida, party of the first part, and Carl 0. Fisher Indianapolis of the
County of Marion and state of Oecrgia, party of the seoond part;
a� WItNSSSHTH: That, the said party of the first pert. for and in oorideration of
the cam of One Dollars ($1.00) lawfhl coney of the IInited States of lmerioa, aid other
valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by the said part.,of the seoondpart, at or
before the annealing end delivery of these presents, the receipt Whereof is hereby
aokno?,ledged, has granted, bargained, Gold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed
end oonfirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, oon-
vey and confirm unto the eaidpart.... of the seoond part. Carl G. Fisher and assigns
forever, ill the following desoribed real, estate, situate in the County of Dade, in
the State of Florida, to-wit:
Lots n•'imbered 18-13 of Block numbered 66 of Fisher's Firl•t Subdivision of
Alton Beach, as the same is shown, marked and designated on a map of said Subdivision
reoorded in Plat Book No. Two. at sage seventy-elven, in the office of the Clerk of
the Circuit Court in and ibr Dade County. Florida. •
Together with all and singular the easements. tenements, hereditaments and
appurtennoes thereunto belonging. or in aiywiee appertaining. end the reversion and
reversions, remainder aid remainders, rents, issues end profits thereof, and also all
the estate, rights, title. interest, property, possession. claims aid demands edatsoever.
as well in law as in equity of the said party of the first part. of. in and to the same,
and every part end parcel thereof. exoepting. however. all Riparian Rights and sub-
merged lands adjacent or apputternnt thereto, which are hereby enq+resel.} by the grantor.
TO RATE VD TO FOLD the above granted. bargained. and lesoribed premises.
with said appurtenanoes, except as stated above, unto the said party of the second
part. Carl G. Fisher and assigns. to the nen proper use, benefit and behoof of the
said party of the second part, Carl 0. fisher sad areigns, aubjeot to the restrio-
time end liadtationo hereinafter set out.
IT IS UUTOALLT UNDR{tS7.00D AND A1R::dD, by and between the parties hereto.
that this oonveyanoe is made subject to the following restriotious and limitations
ehieh are intended to be ani shall be taken as covenants to run with the land, and
whioh are intended to be and shall he taken as conditions of this oonteyanoe, and
one of the express ooneiderstione thereof, vi::
1. No residence scall be oonstruoted or erected on said real estate unless
the sass shall be at a oost of at least Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($8500.00). and
said amount shall aetsslly be expended in the construction end creation of ench
building. and not for fees in connection therewith.
R. No dwelling house or houses commonly known as double dwelling houses. + .
flats or apartments. and no house,struot*re or building. to be need as a business `. .
room stn a homes sanafaoturi
. reg . ng establishment. gut+ge, machine shop or for any • ;,.4•.,:3,
business or oo:neroial purpose Whatsoever, except as hereinafter epeoified. shall be
placed,er erected on said real estate; nor shall any store. storage hones, manufactur-
ing establishment. garage. machine shop, business or commercial enterprise whatsoever,
except as hereinafter specified, be operated or maintained on said promises, or on
any other/Jots in said eubdividion except lots one (1) to six (6) both inolusive in
block thirty-one (31) end lots seven (7) to sixteen (16) both inclusive in block
fifty-four (54) of said subdivision, it being the intention of the /ranter to restrict
the business and commercial district of said subdivion to the lots last above referred ;
to, which abut on Lincoln Road running east and west through said subdivision= Provided,
however, the! the above restrictions Shall not apply to the praotioe of wedioine or den.
tistry by any individual 6a any •f the lots in said subdivision. bat no separate offlee
building shall be erected or maintained therefor on the premises herein conveyed. or on I
any other lots in said subdivision *swept those sleeve referred to as abutting on Lenooln
.. Be.';' nor shall any sanitarium, hospital or like institution be built. opitrated or main-
t, ,tained on the premises herein conveyed or on any of the other lots in said subdivision;
" nor shall
any strnotnre be erected or provision be made thereon fbrthie oars of horses.
• eons, cattle, hogs and poultry. nor shall either of these. singularly or collectively.
'� be kept. harbored or raised on the premises hereby oonve:yed.
,'r , 3. No residence or building shall be erected on said reel estate, so that the
front line of mob building shall be closer than twenty feet from the front line of the
b above described lot.
4. The party of the second pert Carl G. Fisher or assigns. legal representatives.
or the owner or owners of said real estate by virtue of any judicial proceedings. is not end
shall not be perr:itted to sell, lease or rent the said real estate in any fora or manner,
by any title. either legal or equitable, to any person or persons other than of the
Caunasime Race: nor to any firn or oopporatim of dhioh any person or pee•eo.-e other than of
tD the Canoaslan Race shill be a member or stou'rholder.
5. No spirituous. vIncne, malt or other intoxioating lignore, shall be mann-
r factored, sold or bartered upon said real estate or any ..rt thereof.
6. Tiblatton in thole or in part of any of the above limitations ant reetriotioea •
', by the party of the second part, Carl 3. Fisher. &Feigns, legal representatives. or by the .
owner or owners of said real eetate, by virtue of any Iudioial proceedings, shall cause,
• the said above described real estate to immediately revert to the party of the first part, ,,
,its successors or assigns, and shall entitle the party of the first part. its successors
or assigns. to immediately enter upon said property. without notice. end take possession
I of the same, *lith full title, in fee simple, together with all improvements thereon.
It is farther stipalated end agreed by the party of the first part that initeble,
proper and convellient water. sewerage end eleetrie light oonneotione for said real estate,
herein described, and oement pavements along the streets abutting thereon, shall be 31ly
ahiel completely constructed on or before the 31st day of January. 1915.
AND The said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said la
land, and will defend the erre against the lawful oleime of all parsona, whoseoever. except
as to the above limitations and restrictions. f
IN 'd1TNr.S3 31 .$S01 the
party of the first part has hereunto caused its corporate
name and Beal to be set and affixed, by Carl C. Fisher, its President, attested by 17111
J. Doblvne, its Sooretary, the day and year first above written. -
Signed, sealed and daliverid Tiffi ALTal IRIOR R_iALTT COMPAN7, •
in the presence of:
By Carl O. Fisher. President.
James Ropkine.
- (Corp. deal) Attest. Till J. Dobyne, Secretary.
L. A. Davis. .
(S5. •
Before ms, a rotar:, Public, in end fur the State Cif Florida. at large, this day
. pereorally appeared Car1 ti. Fisher and Will J. Dobyne, wellknown to me, and known by no
to be the President end Secretary, reepeotibely, of :113 ALTON B:.ACR REALTY Co1I ANY, a cor-
poration of Florida. and aohmotdedged before me that they executed the foregoing Deed of
conveyance as such President end Secretary, respectively, for the uses endpurposes therein
entreeeed. for and on behalf of said oorporetion, and with full authority so to do.
,TI2133S WIX:8101, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal.
at Miami, t said County and State, this Nineteenth day of March 1914. �??`
i' �
(II. P. Seal) W.
Bebinger. .�A.
notary Puhlio State of Florida at Large.
p'y oormiseion euq ires 1E/17/14.
Filed for record on t he EGth day of 1.ar,
1914. and only recorded in Deed Book No, y:
l£E, on Page 84.
Nitneea q,• hand and official seal.
Z. T. Merritt. Cl,*.
1By ,7 // /✓fit e`•tt c cD. C.11
TSIs IIt7P.:ri'H, btadethla Nt:uetcent): day of ?larch A. D. 1914, by and between
THC: ALTON B.:AOR R1.A.LTY CO1iPARY, a corporation organised art existing under the laws of +;�>
the State of Florida. !arty of the first cart, ant Carl C. Fisher Indianapolis of the
County of Clarion and State of Indiana, party of the eeoort Tart+ ..
WITHESSRTii: That. the said ?arty of the first part. for and in ooneteration
of tin sun of One Dollars (il.00) lawful money of the United States of America, and
other valuable consideration, to it in hard paid by the said party of the second pert.
at or before the ensealing and delivery of theee presents, the receipt whereof is
herby acknowledged. Ina granted. bargained. eold,aliened. remised, released, Conveyed
and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain. sell. remise, release. convoy
and confirm unto the said tart.... of the seoond part. Carl G. Fisher, and aseigna
forever, all the following desortbad real estate, situate in the County of Dade, in
the State of Florida, to-wit:
Lots numbered 8-9, of Block Numbered 55 of Fisher's First Suhdivisicn of
Alton Bench, as the Same is a own, marled and designated on a map of amid aubdivieios
recorded in Plat Book No. Two, at Inge seventy-seven, in the office of theClork of the
Circuit Court in and Thr Dade Ccanty. Florida.
Together with all and singular the easements, tenements, hereditaments and
appurte:nnoea thereunto belonging, or in anywise arpertatning, and the reversion and re-
versions, remainder. end reruindera, rents, lesuee and prof!te thereof, and also all
the estate, rights, title, interest, property, posseacion. claims and demands whatsoever, •
as well in law as in erpuSty of the said party of the first part, of. in and to the same
ani every part and parcel thereof, excepting. however, all Riparian Rights and submerged
lands adjaoent or appurtenant thereto, whish are hereby expressly retained by the
TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the aboveranted, bargainedlr
g end described premises, with
said appurtenances. except as Stated, above, unto the said party of the second part,
Carl G. Fisher art assigns. to the own proper two. benefit, and behoof of the said •• •
party of the second part. Carl G. Fisher and assigns. subject to the restrictions and
limitations hereinafter set oat.
IT IS MUTUALLY Ult7 5700D AND ;AGR ND, by end between the parties hereto. that
this oonveyanoe is made subject to the follow ung restrictions and limitations, w1:ioh
are intended to be and shall be taken as covenants to run with the land, and which
are intended to beAtaken as conditions of this conveyance. and one of the express eon-
siderations thereof, vie:
1. No residence shall be constructed or ereoted on said real estate, unless
the same shall be at a *oat of at least Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2500.00), art
said amaart shall actually be expended in the ooratruotion and erection of ouch build-
Seg. and not for fees in connection therewith. 4,7
E. if dwelling house or houses ooinonly known ea double dwelling homes, nate
or apartments, and nn house, etruoture or building, to be used as a business room, storage I
house, danfaotering establishment, garage, =Mine shop or for any tusinens or eor®eroiai
purpose slat mover,. except se hereinafter specified, shall be planed or erected on said real
estate; nor shall any eters, storage ho nse,mannfacturing establishment, garage, machine
shop, business or oommeraial enterprise whateoever, except as hereinafter speoified, be
operated'or maintained on read premises. or on any other '_ot or lots in said subdivision
exoept lots one (1) to six (6) both inclusive in block thirty-one (31) and lots seven (7)
to sixteen (16) both inolurive in block fifty-:our (54) of said subdivision, it being the
intention of the grantor to restrict the business and oo:entraial dietriot of said sub-
division to the lots last above referred to,•ntnioh abut on Lincoln Road running east and
west through said a:bdivielon; Provided horever, that the 'stove reetriotions shall not
apply to the prsotioe of medicine or dentistry by any individual on any of the lots in
said subdivision, but no separate offioe building shall be erected or maintained therefor
On the premises herein oonvoyed, or on any other lots in said subdivision.exoept those I
above referred to as abutting on Linoola Read; nor shall any sanitarium. hospital or like
institution be built, operated or matntained on the premises herein oonveyed or on any
of the other lots in said subdivision; nor shall any stricture be area ed or provision
be made thereon for the Dare of horsee, °owe, oattle, hogs and poultry; no,shall either
of these, singularly or collectively, be kept, harbored or raised on the premises hereby
3. No residence or building shall be rreotod on said real estate, so that the
front line of such building shall be closer than twenty feet from the front line of the
above desoribed lot.
4. The *arty of the second part, Carl G. Fisher, or ensigns, legal representa-
tives, or the owner or owners of said real este' e by virtue of any judicial proceedings,
le not and shall not be permitted to sell, lease, or rent the a id real estate In any
foam or manner, by and title, either Baal or equitable, to any person or ransoms other
than of the Caucasian Raoe; nor to any fins or corporation of which any ierso:.s or persons I
other than of the Caucasian Raoe shall be a member or stockholder.
5. No spirituous, vinous, malt or other Intoxicating liquors, shall be menu-
featured, fold or bartered upon said real estate or any part thereof4
G. 7iolation in whole or in part of any of the above limitations and reatrioticns
by the party of the seamed part,Carl C. Fisher, assigns, legal representatives, or by the
owner or owners of said reel estate, by virtue of any judicial prodeedinae, shall cause
the said above described real estate to immediately revert to the party of the first part,
its successors or assigns, and shall entitle the party of the first part, its enooeseore
or assigns, to immediately enter upon said property, without notice. and take possession
of The same, with full title, in fee simple. together with all improvements therreon.
It is further stipulated and arreed the
Pu by party of the first fart that suitable,
prover and convenient water, sewerage and electric light connection for said real estate,.
h erein described, and cement pavements a1on.> Chs streets abutting thereon,shall be fully .1
and oompletely oosatruoted on or before the 31st day of January, 1915.
AND the said par ty of the first part does hereby fully wer.•ant the title to
said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons, whomsoever,
exoept as to the above limitations end restrictions.
;T1 $‘!1
IN WITIIh::S '.77,3EOF the party of the first port has hereunto caused its oor-
1 pornte name and peal to be set and affixed,by Carl G. Fisher, its President, attested
by ',Till J. Dobyns, its Seoretary, the day and year tiret above written.
Signed, scaled and delivered 211.' AL:'OI: B:iACH B LTY CO/PA/71.
in the presenoe of:
By Garl G. wisher, President.
James Hopkins.
(Corp. 3.1a.1.) Attest. 7111 J. Dobyns, Seoretary. 1,i
L. A.Davie,
Before roe, a rotary Publio in and for the Siete of Florida, at large, this
day persona:1; nrreared Carl. 1. Fisher and Will J. Dobyns. wLll known to me, end
known by me to be Pr ai dent and Secretary, respectively, of Tim AL^0N B_NACH ':;.L:7 t
CO2ffAflT, a corporation of Florida, and aoarowledred More me that they exeonted theF -•
foregoing Dood of ooave:anoe na such Preeidont and Seoretary, respeotively, for the I
uses and purposes therein expressed, for and an behalf of said corrortt ion. and with t-
full authority so to do.
IH WITAJSS 7H i' OF I have hereunto set my hard and af.ixed my official seal.
at Mia i, in said County and 3ta.e, this Nineteenth day of ?isreh 1914. ,
(N. P. Seal) E. W. Bata:.ger,
Nota Public Ste.to of Florida at Large.
';, commission expires 12/17/14.
Filed for record en the 26th day of 14ar.
1914, and duly reoord.d in.Deed Book No.
122, on Page 87.
Witness my hard and official seal.
. /.v.. 2. Nderritt. Clerk.
By -i_'(/ 64'Irture r'' D. C.i
MIS EIDEN:L-2.E, };are this nineteenth day of l.nreh, A. D. 1914, by and between j
THE ALTON BEACH Ri•:ALTY COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing unser the laws of ,
the State of Florida• , party
rty of the first part, and Ida G. Fisher Atlanta of the County
of ✓ and State df`Georgia, party of the second Tart;
�T7NESS::^.H: 'hat, the geldrorty of the first part, for and in coneideratim
of the sum of One Dollars, 01.00) Lawful money .rf the United States of Aneriba, and :1
other valuable conaideratiora, to it in hard paid by the said 'arty of the "soma - ;p.
part, at or before the ensoaling and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof -`i
is hereby acknowledged, has granted. bargained, sold, aliened. remised, released, oon- , _
♦eyed and confiremed, and by there 'resents does great. bargain, Bell, remise, release.
oonvey and confirm unto the said 'art.:. of the second part. Ida 0. Fisher and aesigre y
forever, all the following described real estate, situate in the County of Dade, in >;
the State of Florida, to-wit: ;-:1
Lots numbered 9-10 of Blook numbered 27, of Fisher's First Subdivision of i`.
1 Alton Beaoh. as the sara is thorn, marked and designated one nqr of paid Subdivision
, I •
recorded in Plat Book No. Two, at page seventy-seven, in the office of the Clark of the s z
• Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida.
• Together with all and singular the "•asenente, tenements, hereditament' and 1''a
I ,,ri
appurtenances the.eunto belonging. or in anywise appertaining. and the reversion and
reversions, remainder and remainds:s, rents, i:eves and profits thereof, and also ry
P T'
all the estate, rights, title, Internet, property, poesoeeion, olat-ue and dements
whatsoever, as well in law as in equity of the said party of the first part, of, in
end to tip ear,e and every part and parcel thereof, exoepting, however, all Ri+'arian
• Rights and submerged lands adjacent or appurtenant thereto. which are hereby expressly
retained by the grantor.
TO NAV. AP TO ^TO the above granted, l+argalred and described premises. with
said appurtenances, exoept as at•.ted above, unto the paid party of the second part, Ida
0. Fisher and assigns, to the own proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of
the eeoond Fart, Ide G. Fisher and assigns, subject to the restrictions and limitations7
hereinafter set out.
IT 13 MUTUALLY U1TDS-:3T00D AND AORF.ID, by and between the parties hereto, that
this oonveyenoe is made esbjeot to the following reetriotione and limitations, 11-.1ch are
intended to be and shall be taken as covenants to run with the land, and *Joh are in-
tended to be and shall be taken se oonditio a of this conveyance, and one of the express
considerations thereof, vis:
1. No residenoe shall be constructed or erected on said real estate unless
the same shall be at a cost of at least Twenty-five Hundred Dollars (a250O.0O). and said
amount shall actually be expended in the oonstruotion and erection of Flu oh building, and not
for foes in oonneot ion therewith.
L. No dwelling house or houses oa::moenly ;nam as double dwelling hooses, flats
or apartments, end no house, structure or building, to be need as a busine::s room, storage
hon se, menufaoturing establIshrent, garage, machine shop or for any hueinees, purpose whet-
Roemer. except as hereinafter specified, *hall be placed or erected on said real estate;
nor shall any store, storage house. manufacturing establishment, garage, machine op,
business or commercial enterpriee whatsoever, except as hereinafter epeoified, be operated
or maintained on said premises. or on any other lot or lots in said subdivision. except
lots one (1) to six (G) both inolusive in block thrity-one (31) aril lots seven (7) to eix-
Leen (16) both inclusive in block fifty-four (54) of aul d subdivision. it being the intention
of the grantor to restrict the business and oorrceroial district of enid subdivision to the
lots last above referred to, shioh abut on Lincoln Road running east and west through said
subdivision; Provided however, that the above restrictions shall not apply to the praotioe
of medicine or dentistry by any individual on any of the lots in said subdivision, bpt no 1
separate office building shall be erected or maintained therefor.on the premises he•ein
oonveyed, or on any other lots in paid subdivision except those above referred to as abutting
on Linooln Road; nor shall any sanitarium, hospital or like institution be built. operated
or maintained on the promisee herein conveyed or on any of U. other lots in said subdivision;
nor shall any structure be erected or provision be made thereon for The oars of horses. crows.
Settle, hogs, end poultry, nor shall either of these, et ngulr.rly or oolleotively. be kept.
berbored or raised on the premises hereby oonveyed.
3. No residence or building shall be erected on said real estate, so that the
front line of such building shall be oloeer than twenty feet from tie front line of the
above described lot.
4. The party of the second part, Ida G. Fisher or assigns, legal representatives.
or the owner or owners of said real estate by virtue of any judicial prooeedirgs, is not
and shell not be permitted to sell, lease or rent the said real estate in any tons or men-
nor, by any title. either legal or equitable, to any person or persons other than of the
Otuoasien Race; nor to any firm or ooporation of thick any persons or pcsons other than
of the Cauoaaian Race shall be a rember or stockholder. ;1
6. No spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors, shall be menu-
faotnred, sold or bartered upon said real estate or any part thereof.
91 '
6. Violation in whole or in pert of any of the above limitatione and
reetriotions by the party of the eeooni part, Ida 0. Fisher assigns, legal repreeen-
tattree, or by the owner or owners of said real estate, by virtue of any judicial
proceedings, shell cense the said above described real estate to immediately revert ;- '`
to the party of the first part, its euc.,pseore or assigns, and a11 entitle the
party of the first nut, its su000seore or assigns, tb i.-mediately anter upon Bald
property, wit hout not toe, end take posseseion of the se ., with full title, in fee t
simple, together with all improvenente thereon.
It ie further etipuleted and agreel by the party of the first part that suit-
able, proper and ocaysnient enter. sewerage and electric light oonneoti one for said .,
real estate, herein described, and oemsnt'pavements along the streets abutting thereon,
shall be fully and completely oonetruoted on or before the 31st day of Janmsry, 1915.
AND the sal4narty of the first part does hereby fu71y warrant the title to
said land, and will defend the sane against the lawful olains of all 7ereors, whom-
mover. except ae to the above limitations and reetriotione.
7r_ss =7'RF.OF the party of the first part Ire hereunto sensed its •
oorporate nems and seal to be set and affixed.by Carl O. Fisher, its President, at-
tested by Will .7. Dobyns, its Seoretary, the day and year first above written. �{
Signed. sealed and delivered 71E ALTON 3'rACH !SALTY COMTANY, *�
in the presence of:
By Carl O. Fisher, President.
Jams Hopkins.
(Corp. Seal) Attest. Will J. Dobyne. Secretary.
L. A. Dade.
Before me. a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida. at Large, this
day personally appeared Carl 1. Fisher and 77111 .7. Dobyns, well known to me, and known
by me to be President and Seoretary, respectively, of :`ICC ALTON MUCH REALTY CO:;PATY,
a oorporatioa of Florida, and acknowledged before me that they •xeouted the foregoing
Deed of oonveyenoe as euoh President ani Sooretary, respectively, for the uses and
purposes therein expre:aed, for and on behalf of said corporation, end with full
authority so to do.
L'. '.II7Nr:3S Wipiia}:OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,
at 'Rant. in said County and Stets, this Nineteenth day of March, 1914.
(N. P. Seal) 7. Bebinger.
Notary Public :i'.ate of Florida et Large.
Filed for record on the 26th day of Ear. 1Sy Commission expires 1E/17/14.
1914, and duly reorded in Deed Book No.
12E. on Page'09.
Witness my hand nal official Beal.
N. T. Merritt, Clear.
By e,f! 'l/ �i�it. �...a�i/( T). C.V
THIS I'iiDitpilil , ?.lade this ntnettonth day of 'Lash A. D. 1914, by and between
THF. ALTON BV,.CH Rr:AIGY CCIERANT, a corporation organized and existing :miler the laws
of the State of Florida, Tarty of the first part, and Ida 1. Fisher Atlanta of the
County of..V......Georgie arty of the seoond part;
7I7.17HSS3TR: That, the said party of the first part, for and in ooneideratica
of the sum of One Dollers 01.00), lawful money of the Cnited States of America, and
other valuable consideration„to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part,
at or before the ensealLng end delivery of these prenente, the reoeipt whereof is
hereby aoknowledged. bee granted., bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed ��.
and oonfirmed, aid tC these presents does great, bargain. sell. remise, roles.., oanvey
and omfirm unto the said part.Y..of the ideooid part, Ida G. Fisher and wacigns forever,
all the followlrg described real estate, eitnmte in the County of Dade, In the -Ante of
Florida, to-wit:
Lots numbered 13-14 of block numbered E7, of Fisher's First Subdivision ad• Alton
Beaoh, as the Brune is shown, marked and designated on a reap of said Subdivieim^in Plat
Book No. Two, at Page seventy-coven, In the office of 3n Clerk of the Circuit Court in aid
for Dade County, Florida.
Together with all and singular lie armaments, tenements, hereditament, and ap-
yurtenano.s thereunto belorging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reverelons,
• remainder sal remainders, rents, tissues and prdfits thereof. and also all the estate, right;,
title. interest, property, poeseseion, claims and demands whatsoever, as well in law as in
equity of the said party of the fir.t part, of. in end to the same and every part and parcel
thereof, exoepting, however, all Riparian Nigh a and submerged lards adjaoent or appurtenant
thereto. which are hereby expressly retained by the grantor.
TO HITS AND TO HOLD the above granted, bargained and described preraieee, with said 1
appurteranoes, except as stated above, unto the said pe-ty of the seoond part. Ida G.
!idler and aeeigne. to the own proper use, benefit, end behoof of the sail ?:rty of the
second is rt, Ida G. Fisher, aid aseigns, subjeot to the restrictions and limitations herein-
after met out.
iT IS 1111TTAtLY Lirrir STOOD ATD AG_ , by arra between the .parties hereto. that thio
conveyance le rade subjeot to the following restrictions and limitat ions. ab ioh are in-
tended to be and stall be taken as oovensnts to run wawa the lard. and which are intended
to be and shall be taken as oonditi me of this conveyance, rd ens of the expreea ooneidern-
tions thereof, vis:
1. No re.idanoe shall be constructed or ereoted on said real estate unless the
same shall be at a cost of at least Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($E500.00), and said
amount shall actually be expended in the construction and erection of soh building. end
not for fees in connection therewith.
E. No dwelling house or ho.Bee oom:,only known as double dwelling houses, flats
or apartments, and no house, etruoture or building, to be used as a business room.stozage
hones, manufacturing establishment, garage, meohine shop or for any business or oo-meroial
pprpose whatsoever, except as hereinafter specified, shell be placed or created on said
real estate; nor shall any store, aterage,houae, ruenufaoturirg eatablieheerrt. garage,
saohine shop, business or oomneroial enterpr'ee whatsoever, exoept as hereinafter epeoifiod,
be operated or maintained on said premises, or on any other let or lots in said subdivision • 1,
except lots one (1) to six (6) both inolusive in block thitty-one (31) and lots seven (7)
to sixteen (16) both inclusive in block fifty-four (54) a said subdivision, it being the in-
tention of the grantor to restriot the business and oommeroial district of said subdivisim
,to the lots last above referred to, which abut on Lincoln Road running east and west through
said subdivision; Provided however, that-the above restriction shall net apply to the
practice of medicine or dentistry by any individual on any pf the lots in .rid subdivision.
but no separate office building shall be erected or maintained therefor on the promisee
herein conveyed, or on any other lots in said subdivision exoept those above referred to
as abutting on Linooln Road; nor shall any sanitarium, hospital or like institution be
built. operated or maintained m the premises herein conveyed or on any of the other lots
in said subdivision; no? ,ball ahy structure be ereoted or provision be rade thereon far
the wire of horses, oowe, cattle, hogs and poultry, nor shall either of these, aingnlsrly
or oolleotively,be kept, harbored or raised on the premises hereby oonveyed.
3. No residenoe or buildirg ohaLl be erected on said real estate. so that
the front lane of such building shall be closer than twenty feet from the front lima 4
of the above deaoribed lot.
4. The party o1 the second pert. Ida G. Fisher or eseigne, legal represent—
tires, or the owner or owners of said real estate by virtue of any tudioial prooeedirgs,
in not and shall not be permitted to sell, lease or rent the said real estate in any
fora or saner, by any title, either legal or equiteb'.e, to an7 person or preoas other
than of the Caucasian Race; nor to arty firm or corporation of which any persons or per—
sane other thm or the Caucasian Race e1n1l be a somber or stockholder.
6. No 'spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxio.ting liquors. shall be
mannfa/tared, and or bartered upon eaid real estate or any part thereof.
6. Violation in whole or in part of may of the above limitations and re—
striations by the petty of the second part, Ida '0. Fisher, assigns, legal repro—
aentattvee. or by the owner or owners of said real estate. by virtue of any judicial
.tri.0 r,r10(
prooeedinge. stall oauee the said abovekreal estate to Smnediatley revert to the party
of the first part, its suooessore or assigns, and shall entitle the party of the first
rt, its suooe'>eors sr assigns to immediately enter upon seta' property, without
notioe, and take possession of the some, with full title, in fee simple, together
with all improvements thereon.
It is further stipulated and atreed by the
Ian party of the ft ret pert that salt—
able, proper end convenient water, aowern-e and electric light connections for eeid
real estate, herein deaoribed, and oesent pavements along the streets abutting merest
shall be fully and completely oorntruoted on or h‘forethe 31st day of January, 1915.
APS the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to
said lend, and will defend the same rwainat the lawful olaims of ell perecne whomnoerer,
except as to the above limitations and reetriotions.
IN ;7ITRESS MEMO!, the party of the first part has hereanto caused its
oorporate name and Beal to be set and af:ixed, by Carl 0. Fisher, its President. attested
by Will J. Dobyne, its Seoretar;;, the day and year first above written.
• Signed. sealed and delivered THE AL?ON Bi::.CH Ar..ZTY COLIPARY,
in the presenoe of:
By C-.r1 O. Fisher, President.
James Hopkins.
Attest. 7111 J. Dobyne, Secretary.
L. A. Davie. (Corp. Sonl)
(SS. t
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida, at large, this day
personally enpeered Carl G. Fisher and Will J. Dobynn well ;mown to me, and known by La
to be President and Secretary, respectively, of MIR ALTOrt B:ACH I ALTY COM.rAfiY, a oor-
poration of Florida, and acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing Deed
of oonveynnoe as euoh President end Secretary, respectively, fbr the twee and Al rpoees
therein expreeeed, for end on behalf of acid corporation, and with full authority
so to do.
i7 PITNI:.35 :7H .R-30F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official reel,
at /Awl, in said County and State, this Nineteenth day of Larch, 1914.
(N. P. :;e8.1
J. Bebingor, Notary Publio State of
Filed for record on the 26th day of Mar. Florida at Large. My commission expires 12/17/14.
1914, and duly recorded In Deed Book No.
1EE, on Page 91. Witness my hard and offieial seal, L, T. Merritt, Clerk.
---- —— _ BY , i/. .,_ r D. C.
• 91
THIS IIIDITURI3, Sade this niaetsmth da,• of b:aroh A. D. 1914, by and between
THE ALTON BEACH RSALTT C011ti'ANY, a corporation orgainsed and existing under the laws of the
State of Florida. party of the first part, and "ill J. Dobyne Indianapolis of the Counts
of Ilaricnard Stets of Indiana,party of the shooed pert;
7ITLB.,.iEmI: That, the said party of the firut part, for and in oonaideratioa of'
the etnn of Ons Dollars, (41.00) lawful money of the United States of Aiarioa, and other
violable oo::rd teruticl., tc. it In d ,webs the said party of the aeoond cart, at or
before the eneenling and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby aoknow-
ledged, has grunted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and cmt.firmed,
and by these ;resents does grant, bargain, sell, rtnice, release. oorrey ani confirm unto
the said part... of the enoond part. 1111 .7. Dohynn and areibrra forever, all the following
described real estate, situate in the County of Dade, in the State of Florida, to-wit: .
Lot numbered 7 of Moak numtorod 30, of Fisher's First Subdivision of Alton Boaoh.
as the same is shown, marked and deeignnted on a map of said Subdivision recorded in Plat
Book *.o. Two, at page seventy-seven, in the off'te of the Ciei of the Circuit Corsi in and
far Dade County, Florida,
Together with all and singular the easements. tenement's, her diteneats and eppur..
tenanoea thereunto belonging, or in any wise app. rtaining, and the reversion and reve..elms,
reminder and rermindgrs, rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate, rights,
title, intense;0,dea os1on, shims arra deeande whatsoever, as wellin law as in equity of
the said party of the first part, of. in i d to the sa.:.e and every part ant parcel thereof.
exoeptirg however, all Riparian Rights and aubmarged lends adjaoent or appurtenant thereto,
which are hereby expresely retained by the gre,ntor.
TO HATS AIM ro HOLD the above granted, bargained and described premises, with
said appurtenances, except as stated above, unto the said party of the second part. 711.1
J. Dobyns and assigns. to the own proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the
second part, Will J. Dobyne and assigns, subject to the restrictions and limitations
hereinafter set out.
IT IS MUTUALLY UNMRSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties hereto, that
this conveyance is made anbjeot to the following restrictions and limitations. whioh are
• ' Intended to be and ohall be taken as covenants to run W th the land. and which are intended
. i
to be and shall be taken as conditions of this conveyance, and one of the express carreiderattaas
thereof, viz:
1, !o residence shall be oohs:ruoted or ereoted on said real eetatw unless
I the same shall be st a cost of at least Twenty-five Hundred Dollars (°P.600.00), and said
amount shall actually be expended in the construction and erection of each building, and not )
for fees in oonneoti on therewith.
E. No dwellibg house or houses commonly known as double dwelling houses. flats }
or apartments. and no house, structure or building, to be used as a business room, storage S
house, manufaoturing establishment, garage, machine shop or for any business or oaanerotel i
purpose whatsoever, exoept as hereinafter specified, shall be plaoeaor erected on said real
estate: nor shall any store, storage house, manufacturing eotabliehment, garage, machine
stop, business or commercial enterprise whatsoever, exoept as hereinafter apeoified, be 0
operated or maintained on nail practises, or on any other lot or lots in said eubdivieim n
exoept lets one (1) to six (A) both inclusive in block thirty-one (31) and lots seven (7) +
to sixteen (10) both inclusive in block fifty-fournof said subdivision, it being the
intention of the grantor to reetriot the busineoe and oornnorolal district of eaid sub-
division to the lots last above referred to, ehioh abut on tinooln Road running east and
. kl
west through said subdivision; Provided however, that the above reatri otiona shall not
apply to the practise of medicine or dentistry by any individual on any of thelota in
said subdivision, but no separate office building stall be erected or maintained
therefor on the pre:^lses herein cmvoyed, or on an,7 other lots In mid snbdivieicn
axoopt those above referred to an nDhtting on Lincoln Road; nor shall any sanitarium,
hoepital or like institution be built, operated or maintained on The preedees hernia
o::moyed or on any of the other lots in said subdivision; nor shall any structure be
emoted or provision be rustle thereon forthe care of horses, cows, cattle, hogs end
poultry, nor shall either of thees, singula$y or oolle otively, be kept, harbored, f'
or raised on the premises hereby conveyed.
3. no residence or building shall be erected on said real estate, so that
The front line of such building shall be olosor then twenty feet from the front line •
of the above described lot.
4. The party of the eecond part, Will J. Dobyns or assigns. legal repro- }y
eentativee, or the oxer or owners of eald real estate by virtue of any judicial pro-
' h
ooedinge, Se not and shall not be permitted to sell, len:+e, or rent the said real
estate to any form or manner, by any title, either legal or equitable, to any person
or persons other than of the Canoasiaa Race; nor to any Erse or corporationof which
any pareone or pereons other than of the Caucasian Rao* shall be a member or etookholder.
5. No epirituone, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors, thail be
manufactured, sold, or bartered upon said real estate or any part thereof.
6. Violation in whole or in part of any of the above limitations and re-
etriet ions by the party of the second part, Will J. Dobyne, assigns. legal representa-
tires, or by the ower or owners of raid real estate, by virtue of any judicial pro-
oeedinge, shall care, the said above desoribed real estate to immediately revert to the
party of the first part, its sacoessore or assigns, and shall entitle thi. party of the
first part, its eteoeseors or assigns, to immediately enter upon said property, without
notice, and take poeeessicn of the same, with full title, in fee simple, together with
all improvenante thereon.
It is further stipulated art agreed by the party of the firatpart that suitable
proper and convenient water, sewerage and elsotrto light oonneotione for said real
estate, herein described, end oorent pavements along the streets abutting thereon, shall
be felly and completely oonatruoted on or before the 31st day of January, 1915.
MID the said party of the first part dere hereby fully warrant tine title to
• said land. and will defend the :xuae ageism t the lawful olaime of all lereons, whomsoever,
except as to the above limitat ion and restriotions.
LS ,TT*^^S TitIT..:CF, the tarty of the first part has hereunto caused its
corporate name and seal to be set and affixed. by Carl O. Fteher, its President,
attested by Will J. Dobyne. its Secretary, the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and delivered THS ALTON 3::ACH R A.LTY COMPANY.
in the presenoe of:
BY Carl O. Pieher, President.
James Hopkins.
Arline Davis. (Corp, Seal? Attest. Will J. Dobtns, Secretary.
Before me, a Notary Publio in and for the State of Florida, at large, thts aey •
personally appeared Carl N. Fisher end Will J. Dobyns, well known to me, and known
by ar to be the President and Seoretsiy, reepeotiersly, of THE ALTOA BOACH RRALTY C(3LPA1R,
a corporation of Florida, and acknowledged before me that they executed the forgoing
Deed of oonveyanoe ao auoh Preei dent. and Secretary, reepeoticely, far the uses and purp®es
therein expressed, for an bn behalf of said oorperatton, and with fall authority so to do.
IN WITIESS 7/HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at •
Miami. in said County and.tate. this Nineteenth day of ,Larch 1914. 1
(N. P. Coal) p W. �oglnver. ?
"otar,- Rnrlio State of Florida at Large.
Piled for reoord on the 26th day of Mar. y co niasi on expires 12/17/14.
1914, and duly recorded in Deed look No.
122, on Page 94.
Witness toy hand and yf dotal seal.
Z. T. Merritt,
By -e(' 1/ Eifr.eh.�e�it�- D. C.‘
This Indenture, Linde the twenty-rixth day of June, in the year of our Lord nine-
teen hundred and thirteen, between Fred. Einely, an unmarried ran. R. I. Finely and wife,
Pearl Hinely, of Dade County, Florida, parties of the fi rot rert, and Ivan S. Jaudon, of 4
Dade County, Florida, party of the second part:
Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration
of the sum of on DOLLAR and otter valuable consideration, lawful money of the United
States of Aierioa, to them in hand raid by the said party of the second part, st or before
the enameling and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed and confirmed and by
. these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and oonfirm unto the
said party of t:a second part, and 'r is Noire and assigns forever. all the following piece •
parcel or tract of land, situated, lying a:.d beim in the County of Dads, State of Florida,
desoribed as f,llowe:
Lot sixteen (16) of Block twenty-five (25) South, City of Miami, as per plat or
map thereof made by A. L. Knowlton, C. K., on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in and for Dade County, ?lorida.
Together with all and singular the tenements, haroditaments and appurtonanoea
thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder ,
and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate, rights, title,
Interest, homestead, dower, and right of tower, separate estate, property, possession, claim, t
and demand W ttsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part,
of, in and to, the some, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances.
To liave mid to hold. the above granted. bargained and described pre:rdses. with
the appurtetxnoes, unto the said party of the second part hie heirs and assigns, to his
and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever.
And the said parties of the first part.•- ''or themselves and their heirs
do oovenant, promise and agree to and with the said party of the e000nd part, hie heirs
and assigns, that the said parties of the first part, ` at the tine of the seal-
ing and delivery of thee. presents are lawfully seised in fes simple of a good, absolute
and indefeasible estate of inheritance of and in all and singular the above-granted, bar-
gained and described premises, wit). the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. end h•ye good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain. sell
and oorwey the Bare In manner and form aforesaid. And that the said party of the e000nd
part and his heirs and assigns. shall and may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly
have, hold, use, occupy, possess and en5oy the above-granted premises, and every part and
parcel thereof, ndth the appurtenanoee, without oriel let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction • /
.128 J EAttK
E_ Cfl'-j RE Co .
do restiee,releese and r:nit-c1:•.ir:. unto tine paid lart,t of the second i-lrt,snJ her heirs uid
assirne for•'ver,all the rirht,title,tntereet,c'nim and do..xtnd which the paid Int-ties of
the :int ?girt h!Ye in and to the folloainr dercribod lot lteeo or lare.l o: hap:,to-•r't:
:'':o Eolith null of the ::orti•.-..act g'.zrt.er of the cartireert quarter (S 1,2 N 1/4 .: 1/4)
Sect Ion twenty-nine (29) To.+r.shil lift;-four (L4) south of range forty-one (41) °est,con-
taIntl:r twenty acres,more or lees and lying and being in the court; of •wade,4tatc of Florida.
deed le given for the purpose of ratifying the deed .ode by S.'c:.Taylor,my trustee,
dated ..oveznber 1hth,1697,and filed on Dec. 9th,1697 nd recorded in the public records of
Dade County Florida in Deed hook "S" at pingo ifE,eaid dood being .made to .ohn J.:iuden,then
of Dude County flora?•..,who has s ince died leaving pip widow Florence l..uiden as orator of
acid property under hir ,1111.
SO HATS BOLD the ca:.ne,together with all and airgrultr tine appnn•tenancoe thoreunrto
belonging or in anywise thereunto aIlertainir.r•,and all the cntate.right.title,intereat and
claim air•t.tever of the said parties of ti:c first part,eitirer in 1•=w cr equity,to the only
• proper usc.beneflt and behoof of the maid part:: of the second part,her heirs and assigns
said pr_rties of tie first 1.srt innve hereunto set their rrande
end scale the lay and year firm above written..
Signed,realed and delivered in presence of
• 1. .i.h.Urmey • Jar
2. Archie S.:itch i:enriotta W.Grahan (3.:..L)
I ..: T3'L c.,rrTIFY ,:hat on this I day February 1914 before ;::e Archie S.
Fitch liotery public personally appeared James I:.Grah :m end tre.iienrictta 1,:.3ruha:.,inis wife
to ie known to be the persons doccribed in,and .rho o:.ecuted the foregoing inatru.ncnt,and
severally acknowledged the cyecution thereof to be their free act and deed for the uses
and purpoe•a therein ocnt ioned,nnd the said re.lionrietto ::.Gr••.ham,the wife of the said
James :.t.Grahaa,on ant examination taken and :mnde relarately sod apart from her arid husband •
did acknowlod,e ti: t oho made herself a party to said deed for tie purpose of renouncing
and relinouLching her doaer,or right of dorer,in and to the lands,tenements and heredita-
merts t:.rein doecribed and thereby granted and :-eleasod,ond that sine executed said doed
freely and aithout4�calulEion,conetraint,eyjrairenoton or fear of or from her said huskynd.
JITh.hS cry hind and s 1 at ffiie:ai too date aforesaid.
Archie S..itch,Ilotary Iubl Ic
State of ?loll da r.t large.* CozrnIeeion
(i:.l.S :.L) ext fres Feb.rr,.1917.
Filed for record February 6t1:,1914
Recorded in Deed hook 12paee 127
..itz:ese my :and and .fftclal real
itt,Clerk C ircu it Court
\ lY til\ r L.0.
r.rrrr. ... , t
no.. ..L1. :' Lihbh ?:;yoi :.' .£hat 1.C•rr1 Catcher, :f Indian:lo]ir�,ln.ifan�'r,do Li
hereby .ua;;o,cour•tit:.te and 01Icint ;he :southern lank :.: :runt Coanlny,a corkorrtton organized
and esi tin.1- &neer and by virtue o= tue lass of ti.e Strap of :'Dori .a,and d.;;.Luanur,of the
City of :.swat in the State of ilerida.my true and lawful attorneya,for me and in my mice,
pl ce and etead.jointly to algn,ern'oute,d.liver and tike for public record a nnnticitrcticn
or satisfactions as to any one or more of the lots and blocks enumerated thorein,of rn oer-
tain mortgage executed ,by The Coe...n Beach Realty Compr:n1 of eu7I, lo:l J ..to the undersigned,
1 !• . ...eiseimumiummen..............rommemaimumpuireponounimmuniummislommull 29ii
r-- on certain late used blocke in "Ocean Berch,:'lortda,..ddition ::o. 3",e".id mo,•tree being of
date i ehrte•.ry Gth,1914 and filed for rublic record on :el•ruery Gti:,1914 and recorded in ort
gore Book NNo.40 at la_e 17C,cf the public reoerde on file in the ofilce'of the C1erk of the •.
Circuit Cowt• in and for i,ude County dlorida.
I:i .:I!':i::SS .;h..vC' I have hortunto set my hand and coal the :.a; and year :trot-above
.n•itten. Curl G.e'Loher (3:AL)
STTAS: 02 .Lt::Ii.L. )
CCU::_Y 07 lt.iei: )
1'orconally spgeared before me the undo.•etrn d,e ::otrry lablle in
and for the State of :lorida at larec,the above aaaed Ctrl c.:'ieher,to me reraorally
ino'an,aho aclaeowlede.ed the execution of the foropoing Tomer of Attorney for the ucec and
purposes 'horoin set forth.
I:; ..IT::.i:iS ..:•_:.?::C_ I have hereunto set my hand a..d affixed my official cc^1 thi:: 6th •_:y
of Pebruary 1914. h....cehin:cr,
(I;.r.Sal.) liotary labile State of =lorida,at laree.
Riied for record ebruery 6tb,1914 1.!;/ com:e.c ion expires 1%/17J14
3ecorded in Leed look 17.111-are 1 .::
.Vitr.ess my hand and official seal
9..T.:lerr�2fitt,Clerk Cirou t Court
23' )71' Pt $:t i,,i ,.,.c.
* ....•.v.rrrs..r
S:A.: _ :LOaID:.)
1 u.•h
CC":11:1" n ,t•.' T1 ) ~
1•:::0" ..LL .. ... .?Y ..u.t I, L. :'nnt.or of .ae.ml, :,:de Ca:.r t; , Rloridu,
for and i:. 331F li Orb tlOrl of t•.c uuu of 3.:e Dollar to ::.e in T.uni .•old, end the further
oo:.tlidorution heroi::e.fter set forth, hunt, 'rented, bart,ained, leaned aee,1 de.:.iued, and by
these 'renenta do grant, bargain, lease and de::Sa•e unto :. ::. :1rc.-:. of I:iaui, rade County,
lorlda, for a nerl.••l of five ye:.rn a certain citil in:: no: bo:...t; eructed on the .mat half
• '' (1 1/:'1) of Lot .,,er:...on (14) "loot: ne !;::: : .I .:c:t:.ty-six 9176! .:or tit, Cit; of .iiumi,
Florida, bel.:.; the rrt*,ort;, 1;c1•..t i:•r:ud1- 1,1;• ....:t o: to ..:ite ...laen .?)tel no's. host-
euer.rt ot: ':r:olfth ::trent i,: ::i ni, :loridu.
' `LD lint:: •..i , t'... oe.l:l .. Jr... , 'r•irs ...i u;.•1,,..a .:r
loriod of eivo ;van; from t'..: t-te ::ern amid b'cI1die. ' Cr. 11 Le re,.';, for oo.:up:,::.:;:. And
the sal d Leccoo in •a::t;oro.ion of the ,ee an: oc.e:e;c:n,, of ...16 buil.ii,. _ o1:11_:uto8 ant
1:1:x16 ?e i.:coif to •a; u :...uthl; rental o: 'h:e .::ueitoil L- 1':a•:: ... ti:, -1.'10 :.rthly
in ad:'anoo, bo:-1. .i..• on th0 .- I. the t c 1-: 'tti f i:._ .9x:'1 t. r"a.• for o..m:_v:my us
eti-;eve doOi' ato-i. �rovidcl, ::a.::'r.'r, t'. 1. ._.!.c.-•�r said itttllai,.;r . ..'_1 h :.1.1,cted, with
the exce -.I or. o: t;:c .anc; fro:. :,i.1ch 1.7e, .,..o:: F'Ionto I b: t', 'c..:e,l, ., mo .. all then
br .n t:ri.ierod !gaud;.• for ce°ult.::e,. u:ti •ny •1. :.y t'... ce., be a ....•e.i i,, }se tti .:: Le t,:e
fe.. ., ievt.t c.01..:ote.I b„ t10 lot co: :1.1..t1 tt.t 'u•. e'. r,o.• to tilt 1::.::•t:/ 0. tir• f.r;t ::tat
het"in, teithor e•'all .n .c ee s-:.:•i3ercd such a dola. as tr :a:ti:, ti:e ne:.-p:;;:.ee::t of ,
re::t aa• re.e. a: t:1 r, ::u b dor o: ts:ald buillt:.- it t'i:.I< 'c an tet.: •r:+1 I, Cul i tersee
but the lereeo :•;al1 t:. :.. ia:'eli•..•..o1,' be i-.ty. :or tea . e trco ..b. :o doe:. e.utod
rents' gam of .1 rr _o t.i. .i saidlei I. Jc 't:.. :. t: ..ac. .. la-se
t,:.1 :. I .to ..-,• . •.otel r : 11. b•: tI." I:-to of bc':.u. i.. . ti:" r ,.I, .1 ,grim herein
.:4 t'-', c:., 1 e..gee. 1.:. a_.e.'I. ti i.e: , . t,bl i.ato a . bl Al.; ..i rel.' '.o r,, for
the ::..ter :. Ii ;. t'.::t. •,,.;; i••. se.• L. t,.:1 .0(111.: uuri. t.•.. - ntai !'orlod above
deciputcd; to t 'te c:•1 e:.re of tic "r'.•ert:: a: .t t,. rc ec.1r :11 ia;ury 1111.1 du:nuee to eaid1/4