1664-41 Hotels & Tourism em: 'lob Is the hero who, has loot n s.....,.• a V J%f LMa•1rttI £V A Mild i" fully entertained last night at the -star menta, making th lb in the conventional beliefs of his . N TOURNAMENT TOMORROWin Yacht club with a buffet supper Fifteen all, thlr re and stands u7 straight and Pro In honor of Mrs. Harrison Smith of game, and then c is an independent spirit. Though Cincinnati, who 1s spending the season Is a doubter In.the light of his time at the Flamingo• fatal break—Calc maintains that there ought to be a Trophies \Ylli He Awarded to the The moonlight night made the and Adams, 'the rd God in heaven who is reasonable, Winning Four After Contest. oa yacht club and picturesque surround- to the loft of the t, and friendly- Job's ideas of God Ings a drum of fairyland. The affair far to the side 'dually change. He arrives at last tie Flamingo Field. was charming in Its informality. Mrs. the conviction that his redeemer or Bullen was a dainty picture of. loveli- ) dlcatpr lives,, and If not on earth Four polo teams will participate in neve in a French frock of Alice blue my n in heaven he will be justified. In a tournlVnent tomorrow afternoon on voile. Mrs. Smith wore a delicat u end Job has his wish and sees God. ,Flamingo field, playing 12 periods. 'frock of pretty paetellshades. H( 28th chaper of Job records the Harfdsome trophies x:•iil be presented Guests wereMr. and Mrs. Fred 112111.3 elation and when God has done to the winning team by the club. The Gordon. Miss Marguerite Landini, Mrs. ,stioning Job he is speechless. .He time set for tIte opening chukker is M. Landini, Z. D. Berry, Mr. and ,Mrs. a, for the first time the great gulf 2:15 p• m. Howard L. Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. t exists between Infinite Wisdom The Reds will play the Blues, and Post, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Ahdre'r, -The cuisin( t finite wisdom. He feels humbled, the Whites will combat' the Greens. MFs. Cecil G. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs" in the grasp he gets of the uni- The winners will then play to decide Rbbert Hassler, Missi Julia Bliss. Mr. for Miami ) se and all Its wonderful laws and the the day's champions. and Mrs. Robert Ralston, Mr. and Ars. who have ;y who originates and manages it all The dine-ups: ,s, Arthur Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Clement finds much comfort. 'Ieis relieved First Match. Amory, 0, H, Atkisson. Ward Mea- he great strain that has been his. Red Position, Blue I gher, Alden Painter, F. Ferguson, Mr. Job•realizes that God is far greaterand Mrs. Lloyd Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. n he had supposed and his own wig- J. Fleischmann 1 C. G. Fisher Norman E. Ogden, Mrs. Kilgour Miller, a far less than he realized. He is A. D.'M. Cooley 2 J. C. Andrew Mr. Atkins. Mrs. liorrieon, Mrs. Ru- at we thought and is now willing C. Crawford 1 W. Post dolph Hecht, Mr. and Mrs. Myron let the universe rest In•the wisdom D. Young 4. n. Iisasler Spades.and Arthur Pixley. I care of God. He has one very great Second Match. tefaction 1n seeing :his three. 'tor- White Position 3. Green i r ntore' silenced. God expresses him- E. J. Murphy 1 G. Miler MR r AND MRS. J. C. PENNEY '• as displeased with them and their J- w. Rice 2 H. Shaffer tarl?s and he tells them to take Bac_ J. C. Cooley 3 II. I.. Platt GIVE MUSICALE- AT. SUNSET ces to Job and offer them up and L. A. Young : C. 11. Earle 111 YAC1 • prays for them. . This is indeed • on, for Job. We feel rather tattedMIAMI BEACH SUNDAY CROWD idffed at the way they are treated. 4Arfiar Hubesistein, Are and Paul Kocianack Violinist, Are Enter- The solution of Job's problem •of tamers at Bele Isle. 96-toot yes n is'not wholly'settled, but Job sees IS DECLARES LARGEST EVER and other t he"Is not suffering because of sin. dining sal, is mentally relieved and much com- • • One of the prettiest events of the ted He comes to'believe "stronger social season was the musicale given • Also have never in Gods wisdom. God's good- Pollee Officials Estimate Mat Number at sunset time yesterday at the man- rooms, dc, s, and In Clod'' justice. The poem .1 Persons,Tkere Surpassed j lion of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Penney on splendid t; dlcateel,God as well as Job. 'In fact. tie 10,000 Mark. Belle Isle. Two noted musicla_se who We have a s shown that Eternal .Goodness does are to be here for a short time, Arthur - e the world. The following para- ' A'crowd estimated by the police as Rubenstein, pianist,. and Paul Kocban• ". Ph •-ezpresses the lesion that. Job the•largest ever in,Miami Beach jam-.ski, violinist, gave, a moat attractive rned. Putting it, Slen our language med the casinos yesterday and crowded' program. ' - say we sic 'the immeasurable dig- in seemingly never-ended liner on the Two hundred and fifty guests filled ce between finite and beeinfdin-ite. streets and causeway. Thousands en- the great rooms to enjoy a two hours' 28 N. B implies the a man could com- joyed the bathing beaches, easily run- program. The music room was bright hens the that iflous, tela- ning up into five figures in numbers. with colorful gladioli in tall vases. is of all things, If he ultimateoUld rel - In the late afternoon, when the cars Mrs. Penney, who wore a handed-me e governing this limitless universesesthe started to go over the causeway, two gown of canary color, was assisted in the light'of infinity, then those traffic police,of the Miami Beach sta- receiving her guests by Miss Bertha cgs,whish by reason of finite point from becoming an intricate tangle. crepe. ,etion were needed to keep the jam Foster, whose frock was a silver gray . -.. - _ view must now seem to him unjust ' a aid appear infinitely just and wise: A line of cars could be noted from Miss Foster played 'the wonderful t fact is thoughtful Job it driven e,tone end of the three mile causeway organ In the Penney home, accom- •elterttae of faith in an all-wise and to the other, passing In constant sue- panted Mr. Kochaneki who Interpreted d God and this faith gives' wi corn- cession. It was necessary for the police his selections with understanding. Mr. t'and peaces • to have the cars'-coming down Fifth Rubenstein, who has just returned There Is another solution to Job's street and those' cooing both ways from a successful series of concerts in Diem, but one Job could not so well down Alton road tak turns In getting Havana, gave a number of beautiful as we can, It I. Job himself. He on the viaduct._ _ piano eelec_tlona. -_ , ii g 1- passed through the struggle to be `•^ lded and shaped, mellowed and Miami Beach Tourist Accommodations ' . ietened. This has happened to many usands of people since the world TOURIST AND WINTER VISITORS: Before you decide definitely upon your R :an. Job realized that disease and season rental—SEE MIAMI BEACH. 11 i i*,were not sent as punishment, butTake any Miami Beach trolley or bus to Miaml'Beach. Drive over and see for S ling himself In suchiA condition he yourself. ' '" filled at first just as other people do. , in •'he chafed. and agonised and This wonderful city, built on the ocean's edge with its sandy beaches, ocean is - -- tight. • Finally his mind was set at bathing, polo, three golf courses and three casinos, offers you every recreational 1 ( -7"` t. Out of it all his soul grew. The advantage. - 4 . ....4A nit'was character. This can not be Miami Beach has ample accommodatlons---the best hotels in the South; twenty- IA fight and cannot be'received as a five apartment houses, $260 to $1,200 for the season. Houses and cottages, $700 up. ; ' t. Tt is wrought out in life," said See Miami Beach before you decide. You will be Shown accommOdationa with Lf :King in conclusion. • courtesy and without cost. - __—_ _ Information gladly given at our office, Beach end of the Causeway. _r_ • FREE ! Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce ' e first person sutkfering from sugari • betel, who applies at•the'John F. Telepllo .D.deli a' es Mineral Fume Health Sanitarium -- - --- --- ------ -. 1 be•treated free of charge. • - • 111ST N. W. I�`'� .' °"r` MIAMI BEACH -LOT SALESMEN , LEON DE'LEON, inc. '1 $1tEAKFAST• - 'LUNCHHEONr i kieken,' Steak and Shore Dinners a s We are -ieach a salesman who is convinced,` . • CaterCooking,under personal . as we are, regarding the future of`Miami Beach prop- • upervisf.■'of Lean de.Leen: • -rsivets Dining.tameness. Open ndtll •'erty. Pleasant environment, with the aid of a high-class, 1'w`M•. red-blooded superintendent. :Good big earning possible4 . iso Ocean Drive, l.on: Every p Beads Phone It. D:824Evcoo eration known in .the-business is the ;aim of . - the Company toward their--salesmen:= See Mr. Randel, " ' Tatum Bros. Company, 154 E.Flasgler St. _ ' I- • •• ..