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Wadnaaday,January 18, 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGISTER
❑ ❑
F; . `ik, Miami Beach Casino Now Open for the Season
Daily Concerts at Roman Pools during following hours: I 1:30 to 1:30
Luncheons Noon Until 3:00 O'Clock. Dancing from 1:30 to 3:30
A La Carte Service Noon Until Closing
0' .
. ' 1 Bath Houses, Roman Pools and Sun Parlor Open Daily
, _ . , _.,
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4001111t1` \ ---
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.4';411;-"- yr, . 'Li; e- / -
r e I l 4 ,4•••,V-..,.'..r.,.�i '',1:ti
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' all 1
Corner Meridian Avenue and Eighth Street
Sleeping Porches—Guests' and Maids' Rooms—Two Private Entrances to Each Apartment
Tao r3looke From NOW OPEN FOR RESERVATIONS Three 13locka From
Flamingo colt Courae TO FILL IMMEDIATELY SEASON RENT REDUCED TO $500.00 Eitherner Oc wn or
Wednesday, Jar...7 16, 1920.
LI •
: !1
1 C
Today Miami Beach invites the motorist to its display `3' .
of scenic beauty. '`!'
The beautiful marine and landscape views with gor-
I geous coloring that distance mellows into a lavender
The sky sparkles with the splendid white and blue k
tat only a tropical firmament can su I ''
pp y—the alr
I hhas a bracing tang—nature is ate
t its best.
c''..-:r:r', r r As the shadows creep across the stretches of beauty
r .t•3f, ,1‹ k' , ' ---...%:,----":-..-.4-!.',‘"-q5
ti��• /.7.-12,? the scene settles into a deeper p peace and the sun
41 j�: � t J3 sinks lazily below the water on whidi it kindles an
I 'I -I l�r iii r� ( .;` % afterglow of surpassing splendor. �!
I1 t --eC•i F: .p
_— ,ti,;•, X11 To the enjoyment of such surroundings no other car
F L .^"�� 1� ff%.r, can contribute so capably as does the flexible, de-
* ti- I
�., ni - �v` pendable and luxurious LINCOLN. �'
I Where Lincolns are Sold
and Serviced l
1 l
�� , cul
I p c/Y.cleTyan .Motor pant
e _
' •�LI�NCO,LN�
Miami, Florida
I --
151'— o
i A Publication In Keeping With Its Community
The Miami Beach Register
i. Covering the Social, Recreational and Commercial Life of Florida's Greatest Resort.
Published Weekly in the City of Miami Beach, Florida
Volume One Vemporary Offices: 8 Ocean Drive rl(umber`three
Q 0
EVER ONWARD and city officials. sent word to Washington. have the comfort of knowing that she dream-
Miami Beach went on record last week as D. C., to the department of the interior, to ed a great dream through her loyal citizens.
a city always looking toward the future, the Florida senators and representatives. And as long as a city can dream such
through the vision of men who have the bet- Loyal citizens should get busy and do what
terment of the city at heart. they can toward using their influence. Tele- dreams,she cannot go backwards. "To have
It is a tremendous project that the city is grams ought to help, to show that the people greatly dreamed precludes low ends," as the
undertaking, to try and acquire the site of are behind the project. And since the auc- poet says.
the town of Harding for its own, to be used tion day is scheduled for February 12, a lit-
as a large park. To succeed means much tie figuring will show that time is short to do THE WORLD'S HERE
to the city, both to the present and to the much. Anyone who is the least bit inclined to be
future. But even should the project fail, Should the plan fail, Miami Beach may a hero-worshiper—and it's a sad time when
Miami Beach residents may be proud that —
the attempt was made, that she possesses a person reaches the state beyond that—can
the sort of citizens who will conceive such
THE KINDLY SPIRIT have a wonderful time at Miami Beach, just
ideas and devote earnest efforts to the ad- watching the world linger here long enough
vancement of the city. While such men Elishs A.
Ki to escape the cold of the north, to have a
dwell within the limits of Miami Beach, the Somewhere among my collection of scrap- bit of paradise on this side. For in Miami
city is safe. To such men of vision, Miami hook quotations is a sensible hit of advice. Beach may be seen in the space of a season
Beach owes her very existence, and her As nearly as I can recall it it ams like this:
hopes of the future must depend largely upon There Is so much good representatives of practically every nation,
such unselfish efforts. . in the worst of us, of practically everything worth while.
and so much bad In
Not only would Miami Beach have the the beat of us that it Just stop long enough for a glimpse
tremendous advantage of another city park— 4' it does not behoove any around, though the season is yet young.
of un to talk about the There is George Ade, ever solemn-looking—
one that could hardly be equaled anywhere • vi gest of us. That in but what a wealth of humor is behind that
in the world—but she would insure her- ,.',F much like Matthew serious forehead! Back of that massive
self against having some day within the city Vii. 1, where Jesus
limits, a district that might not grow up in .„', said, "Judge,not that cardboard,beneath the palm,is Clare Briggs
harmony with her own high ideals. That is ye be not Judged." whose "Days of Real Sport" and other Car-
a matter ofgreat im ortance. Then,the ac- Ott The New Testament toons are widely known. Then there is
P I \ bas much to say kindly Dr. William Lyon Phelps, who dons
quisition of a great park would mean much 1 about avoiding coo.
------- his golf knickers and plunges into the game
to a playground city. Although Miami serious criticism. The
Beach already-has two magnificent parks, fact in all the world's moral teachers have with all sorts of fervour, but who spares
earned mankind against cultivating a cru- some of his wonderful philosophy, his book
being steadily imp>bved, which for sheer
beauty of location, can scarcely be equaled, Seal and unkindly spirit. From the lowest lore, best of all, his personality, for Miami
join a third to the areas would truly be a possible motive It pays to he generously Beach. Dr. Jeremiah Jenks, noted econom-
to` great step in advance. Imagine a park com- The others day a friend In Richmond,d.
1st, was here for a brief period, but long
"-:, prising 54 acres—stretching from placid bay Virginia.sent me some reasons"Why Men enough to give the sort of a talk not soon
Are Successful." They state that the truly forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sedgwick
to turbulent sea! What an asset that would
successful men of the world won success Cooper, both authors, have chosen this city
be to Miami Beach—one that could scarcely
because they were cheerful when it was for their home.
be computed even in the big sum of money difficult to be cheerful,and patient when it
the ocean and park frontage would repre- wan difficult-to be patient,and because they And for those who admire physical ac-
sent! As time goes on and the surrounding pushed on when they wanted to be still, complishments the most—there is Jack
territory becomes more and more built up, and kept 'scent when they waned to talk. Dempsey. heavyweight champion of the
and were agreeable when they wanted to
the parks will be more and more appreci- he disagreeable. That wan all. R was quiteworld, needless to say. And Gene Sarazen,
ated. This is the time, too, for the city to simple,and always will be. chief of golf professionals, is coming back
acquire property of the sort. The kindly spirit in first a state of mind again.
and heart which expresses Itself through
Other cities have been able to acquire Well-known manufacturers, men of great
kind thoughts,kind words,kind deeds. Then
property through the government,because of it is the recoil or a well disciplined life and wealth, women high in society, statesmen,
the purposes for which they pledged them- a thoughtful self control. Living as we do are always numerous in Miami Beach. So
selves to use it. Philadelphia asked for,and in this commnity which we are trying to far this year it looks as though there will be
I received Arsenal Park,which is a showplace build up In every way possible we oughtto practicemore prominent people than ever before.
of the Quaker City. Surely Miami Beach awayall tevilkindlys put
thought,all bitterness, all un- Some day, if the migration of celebrities
has a good chance. kind living. Let us love one another and continues, it won't be necessary to publish
There is not much time to lose. Realizing help each other. "Who's Who in America." The Miami Beach
this,the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce city directory will be all that's needed.
PAGE FOUR MIAMI BEACH REGISTER Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
AQUATIC MEET, FEBRUARY 10 lance; Saturday 400-yard free style BREAKING COURSE RECORDS 5. Among the polo player.who an
and 440-yard breast stroke and this Smashing the records on the golf to arrive soon in Miami Beach is C.D-
TF f of the beet girl ewimmoro In latter with the 250-yard free style on courses appears to be the season's fa- Lancaster of Chicago. who is now ■t
the Cinted State,, all of them Sunday, include the only events In vorite pastime. for though the winter Palm Beach. He will be remembered
candidates for the Olympic ewlmming which no records are expected to fall; yet 1s young. two records have al- as having played on Flamingo Field
team, will leave New York for Miami,
Sunday 260-yard free style, 50-yard ready fallen before the onslought of during past seasons but after playing
February 1,and will arrive In time to breast stroke and 200, 250 and 300- young professionals.
polo around the world—the only player
take part in the longest swimming yard relays with four, five and nix Johnnie Rogers of Dayton, is the ever to do that—he had to give up the
meet ever held in the United Slates, girls run on the play of the Friday latest to do the deed. He brought game because of an athletic heart.
relays. In a 72, which Is par for the Miami ,Feeling
starting Tueaduy,February 5,and end- g the call of mallet and ball, he
Mg Sunday. February 10. An all of the swimmers to take part Beach Bay Shore course, with*36 out is coming to Miami Beach to purchase
In the meet will be Olympic team can- and 37 In. Rogers started out well another string of ponies, and to bring
Announcement was made by Ray S. didates, and as thin will be the only driving 310 yards on the first hole,re- with him "Calico," the only racing
McCarthy, spurts director Of the really Important meet to be held be- salting In a birdie three,and through- coach dog in the counrty. "Calico," a
Chamber of Commerce, after he had fore the national tryouts in May and out the game lila driving wan spectue- cross between a grey hound and a
received a letter from Charlotte EP- June,added Interest in lent to the con- alar,ehowing that he was ut top form. Dalmatian, has never been defeated,
stein, manager of the Olympic swim- testa. It Is predicted that every ono Jbnmy Donaldson held the record for and will be seen on the local grey -
ming team of women. She will chap- of the swimmers to take part in the the new course last your with a 76. hound track. Mr. Lancaster appears in
crone the swimmer. In Miami during meet here will lie a regular on the Willie Dow was Die professional the picture with his favorites, "Cal- ' I
their stay. The contests will be held tenni which will go to Europe. who shattered the Miami Beach golf ieo"and the mallet. •
In the Roman pools in Miami ]tench. comae recent with a 66, taking 34 out 6. Each year more entertainment is :t
Fred Spungberg, former Swedish and 32 In. Samisen, the golf
TO ENTER REGATTAprof., offered the visitors to Miami Beach,
champion. and who will go to the slonal champion, held the previous and the Miami Beach Community the-
Olympic games in France an a coach, ole record, havingmade a 67 three sun- ater on Lincoln road is doing its she,.
will come here with the team to give k'mile,l'speed boom all C1be en of over
60 an hour, will be entered in eenalve days last your. Par on this this winter by presenting high class
members Instruction in diving' course in 72. motion .r
the regatta scheduled for March bypicture shows.A number of Cl' c:.
While the whole team to come hem Oscar 13. Wilde, who recently arrived John Brophy. Professional In charge 0-active shops and offices are also lo- - ';i,
has not been selected as yet, seven at the Lincoln. The boats will be at the Miami peach gulf course. holds Gated in the building. s.
of the members have been chosen and std _j•
Deed from Peoria, Ill.,.next month the record on the Flamingo gulf course 7. Stephen Sanford, a four goal
the other thea will be selected after February 20th.' with a 68, accomplished lust summer man and Meadowbrook player has been
performances this winter. Gertrude The boats are Meteor VI.Meteor VII, when lie had two thirty-fours. showing some sensational playing on c
Ederle.holder of many of the women's Black Diamond and Elonor, all to lie Benny Weicttman and Johnnie Rog- Flamingo field,making 10 goals,near-
swimming marks; Henel Meant', nn- entered In the same class—that for cre beat Chick Nelson and Willie Dow ly a record in one recent contest.and
tional high diving champion; Aileen runabouts of a speed of 50 miles or two and one, after tying the first 18 Practically winning the
game himul/
Riga.. another diving titleholder; more. Meteor VI won the free-for-
Dorothy holes,and starling an extra nine, lust for his side-
Dorothy O'Mara, considered the most rill in the Ohio river last September, 1 hurstluy afternoon on ilia Alluml S- L• A. Young of Detroit, is wail-
prurnieing of the younger swimmers iieach known on the Miami Beech
topping six boats having engines doe_ •
Kul[course. N'eichmun wua ut polo folds.
and who is now 16: Adele Lambert, lots her else, and four having engines top form, while Dow was not up on In the summer he is captain of the
a Metropolitan champion; Agnes Ger-
uglily. another 15• aur- the same size. She made 16 'Mien in hes Putting. Gold Hat team of the northern city,
year-old star, and o •
ne second under 16 minutes, despite which always (finds its place near the
Sibyl Bauer, the only girl ewimmer to the turns in the river. The wale.Just south of the Walk- top at the close of each season. Mr. •
beat a world's record net up by a man, Mr. Wilde lowered six world's roc- ling bout slips proved a good fishing Young recently arrived inMiami
are on the team. Miss Bauer swam arty lastpluee for aquarium apecimene since Beach and is residing
the 50-yard backstroke In faster time year, the B1U, 725 anti 1100, on Bay road
both in the straightaway and in ran- ea"Herbert,anslnted by Capt. Hein- this season. •
than Stubby Kruger', world record. lag competition. His bents are ex. kel and Capt.McIver,managed to pull 9. Mrs. L.Schoen is residing at the
A. Kruger Is expected to come thispe
In by net an eight foot ocluMcAllister in Miami,but loves to cross
winter for the meet. a match race peeled to be a big factor 1n the re- peen,weigh-lta'x euecess. fag 40 pounds. the causeway to bask in the sunshine
may be arranged between the two. at the Miami Beaoh'ca.'no during the ' •
Johnny Weiernuller is another star Capt.and Mrs.W.A.Lindsey,swim- fashionable bathing hour, •
who is expected here. ming Instructora at Hnrd he's,are stag- 10. Jack Dam se
P y—a•you of Cour**
In writing to 31r. McCarthy, Mina • Ing a handball tournament, with 10 know, he is•quite a boxer—fa shown'.:'
Epstein announced the program of Instead of having the annual nth- teams competing. Mitch interest has arriving at the Wofford hotel,and
events. Each day,at least two major letic revue all In one tiny,Hurdie's en- been aroused in this sort of activit ing greeted bya e
sine will devote three afternoons to ft, y representative of the
swim. will be staged and In emetic- hotel, R. D. Bemis. In the car ie Ted:
ally every one,world's records are ex- 'acc0rding to Manager Davis.The(latex Key to Layout on Opposite Page ilie Hayes, his trainer. The heavy.
peeted to fall. In wuldltlon to the two are for Tuesday afternoons, a week 1. Capt. W. A. Lindsey shows his wieght champion is all enthused owe
metre with February 7, 12 and 19 se- skill by 'a hancing one of ''.is swim- Miami Beach.
major races. handicaps, novelties,
diver and other exhibition, will 6e Inched as the days, ming luei!c on the sands at Hardie'. 11. Fred Post, of East Williston,L
presented while the men's races will Although It Is too early yet for dell- casino. I., is a six goal man, coming from the
also be added. The program of ma- site plana, Mr. Davis thinks he will 2. Three in a row—t::e Brophy Meadowbrook club.Naturally it's quite
lar events each day will follow: have the little children on the first brothers, an golf professional• of Mi- a treat to watch Mr. Post on the field..
Tuesday 150-yard free style and 200-
day, then a week Inter the boys and ami Beach and Cincinnati. from left 12. Mr.and Mrs.C.M.Davis snatek<
girls,and everyone In the grand finale. to right they are: Jim Brophy, chief a moment's rest 'neath the shad..'
yard breast stroke: Wednesday 75-
Beautiful features will not count, for pro at the Flamingo coupe; Ed Bro- the cocoanut palm. Mn Davis is
yard free style, 220-yard breast stroke
and 400-metre relay race, four swim- athletic build will be the
item •
important phy,chief pro at the Bay Shore course, ager of Hardie's casino. and is
mers on each learn: Thursday 300 me- . and John Brophy,chief pro at the Mi- ing many plans for the season.
Ire free style, and 200-metre breast ---- ami Beach course. 13. Off the .hoots: Meteor Sir(
stroke: Friday 50-yard free style, 100- Not satisfied with reducing course 3. Tho Wofford orchestra waded out Just one of the four fart boats'
metre breast stroke and relays. In records,they are also making holes in into the ocean on Christmas day to Oscar Wilde will have in the r •4:'
one relay, tour girls will each swim one at the Miami Beach coarses these play, just to show that nothing could in March. 'Tis Meteor Six, she ....
lee yards. Then another girl will pick days! Fwl Iirophy, profeseional, is the dampen their musical ardor. the picture with Wilde driving,
up the race to make It 500 for another new member of the Hole-In-One club, 4. Glen L. Adams,golf secretary of made 15 miles in one second 4p
event and a sixth girl will swim un- accomplishing the deed by making a the Miami Beach clubs, wings a 75 minute•on the Ohio rivoe,i - d •
other 100 yards and this time will be drive 112 yarda from the seventh tee wicked club. During the summer Mr. the turns. The four boa:o ors
recorded for a 600-yard relay race, at the Mlamt Bench Golf course last Adams manages the Harbor Point club •o to Gee Meteor Si. means ft'-'
records being anticlpaetd In each die- week. in Michigan. good idea of the rest.
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PAGE SIX MIAMI BEACH REGISTER Wednesday, January 16;1924..
`_ 8 0 )'R( l ))( $(t
NAUTILUS OPENS FORMALLY Mre. August Geiger,Mr.and Mrs. Dugal ateVicar, Mine Margaret Frost aid in her party Mr. and
The nautilus of literature and art came to life Diss Ploy Horton, Mr. William Mossett and Mr. Mrs. John A. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. Jr.,
at the opening of its namesake, the Nautilus 110- unit Mrs. W. J. Grant. Mrs. E. A. Vogel,Miss Natalie Briggs. Miss Bates
and Mr. Walter Cook.
tel. to lend its beauty and romance to Miami James M. Fowler was host of Mre. Cecil G.
Bench. At the table of Mr. and Mrs. Ellett F. Shepard
Fowler, Mrs. Robert Hassler, Miss Esther Getch- were Mrs. Andre E. Rickmerro. Dr. Thonux Wil- 4'
Several hundred guests gathered at the hotel on. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Ogden, Mr. George non, Miss Anne Wilson, Mr. George Ferry, Mr.
for the formal dinner and dance. Before the doors Ade and Mr. Samuel H. Reynolds. Henry Strong, Mrs. Clarence Newman and Mr.
of the dining ball opened,the guests enjoyed wan- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Millen were Shenley Bennett.
dering about the magnificent lounge and lobby Mr. Ward Meagher, Mies Betty Allen, Mr. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Shutts were host and
with the typically Spanish furnishings. Emerald Ralston, Mrs. A. S. Schlesinger, Mr. Robert Ral- hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Worthington, Mr.
and orange are the tones used throughout these and Mrs.Roddy Burdlne,Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Mon, Mnd Fred Rand and M❑ Graham Batten.
rooms, lending much brilliance and richness. Canby. Mr. and Mre. Hugh Matheson, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dickinson had at their Mre. William N. Urmey, Mr. and Mrs. .D. J.
A number of artists united in providing high table Mr. and Mrs. George Bartlett, Mins Bertha Dooley. Mr. and Mrs. Crate D. Rowes and Mr.
class entertainment for the guests. Dr. Victor Evans, Miss Edith Evans and Miss Gladys and Mrs. Glenn McDfeeker.
Laurent of the Metropolitan Opera gave several Walton.
Goods of Mr. and Mrs. I. T3. Stevens were
selections in a fine baritone voice, accompanied Dfr. George S. Kron enterlalned Dir. and Dt rs. Mr. and Mrs. Claude 13. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs.
on the piano by Kennedy Freeman. He pre- Charles S.Kron, Mlss Kathryn Stafford, Mr. and James Hardwick, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peterson.
sented the "Toreador" song from "Carmen." a Mrs.Crandall.Mr.and Mrs.Klehnel and Mr.H.A. and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peters.
role which he has given many times, while Stern-
.Mr.and 'Mrs. Joseph Elsener had at their table
"Bright Eyes Beneath the Moon," by Coates was In the party of Mrs. B. F. Tobin were Corn- Mr.and Mrs. M. D.Swisher, Mr.and Mrs. Burton
hie encore.
modore C. W. Kotcher, Miss Helen Kotcher, Dr. S. }looker,Mr.and Mrs.Andrew Schmitt,Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Vail. Judge and Mrs. Timothy and Dirs.C.B.Boyd,Miss Lula Head,Commodore
The Argentine tango was given by Miss Gylixy Ansberry, Mr. and Dirs. George E. Nolan, Mr. and Mrs.J. I'erry Stoltz.
Rhoumaje and Dani Macarte, with the dash and H. J. Flynn, hire. K. C. McGraw, Ur. and Mrs.
(Ire needed for the proper interpretation. The O. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. John Murrell, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Meek Reardon had an guests Mr.
and Mrs. 1.. McAtee,Dir.and Mrs. Smoot and Mr.
team of HasonUu and Macarte presented an In- Dfrs, Alvin Bentley, Mr. L. L. Hertel, Mr. John and Mrn. P. J. Davie.
terpretation of a dance of the Greek gods which Oramling, Mr. and airs. J. Anderson, Mr. and
was well received. Mies Gypsy Rhoumaje pre- Mrs. Robert McGraw and Sir. and Mrs. M. E. Mr. and Sirs. Edward Taylor entertained Mi.
nested an acrobatic dance, and later In the eve- Warwick. and Mrs. Richard Boone Leonard, Mr. and Mts.
sing, a Hawaiian dance, with the black lacy Frank Terry and Mr.and Mrs.J. V. Daniels.
costume worn in the first a direct opposite to the Guests of Mr.and Mrs.Victor IL Ehrhart were
metallic costume worn in the latter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowry Wall, Mr. David Short, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smathero were host and
Mr. William Enochs and Mr.Joseph K. Dorn. hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Botts, Dr. John
With a red rose nodding in her dark halr, Miss Smothers of Waynesville,N. C., and Miss Natalie
Rosa de Corboda gave a group of three Spanish Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stuyvesant had at their
dances, appearing in turn as a Spanish gypsy dile J1 r. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pancoast, Mr.and
dancer with the familiar castanets and as a "heel Si"' A. C. Von Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Col- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 13odenwein were host
and toe dancer" in white costume lbs and Mrs. Hudson Campbell. and hoiden to Dr. and Mrs. William W. McKlb-
MIAs Flora Shaw directed the participants In
Mayor and Sirs. Edward Coleman Romfh enter- ben and Mrs. John A. Scott.
their series of entertaining dancers. turned for Mr.and Mrs. Robert L. Weed. Meand Mr. and Mrs. D. It. plead had us their guests
Dfrs. Jaynes H. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dlr.and Dirs. Phil S.Delaney,Mr.and Mrs.Vance
Congratulations were received during the eve- Pero,Mayor and Mrs. Louts F. Snedlgar, Mr.and H. Helms.
nine by the officials of the hotel—the president, Mrs. Calvin Oak, Miss Alice Ashhy, Silos Har-
Otis M. Fowler: vice-presidents Carl G. Fisher riett Whyte, Mims Elizabeth Lummus, Mr. D. C. Mr. and hire. John B. Orr entertained Mr. and
and It. K. Lelilond, secretary and treasurer, Ellwood, Mr. R. B. Curlette, Mr. Dante Leland, Mrs John Seybold and Mr. and Mrs. Montgnm-
Thomas J. Pancoast and by the manager, George Mr. Wallace Reilly, Mr. George Mathews, Miss cry Kidd.
S. Krom. Lucille Brady, Sir. Joseph Reilly and Miss Kath- Mr. and Sirs. Houston Wyeth were host and
erine Barrett. hostess to Mr. and Sire. W. W. Wheeler, Mr.and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham Fisher entertained
at their table Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Howell, Mr. and Dirs. Thomas Koons enertained Mr. Mrs. George W. Moore and William Wyeth of St.
Miss Eunice Emery, Dr. C. Frederick Roche, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Rampage and Mrs. Albert Joseph, Si'
Frank Dunbaugh and Mrs. Johnson. Cushing Read and Mr. Alfred Barton. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Osborn entertained Mr.and
The guest list of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eaton In the party of Sir. and Mrs. Charles W. Lee Mrs. William I. Phillips.
included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Mr. and were Mr. and Mrs. John B. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell of New
Dirs. William A. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Dean John Ciaueeen, Mrs. Everest George Sewell, Mr. York, were Mr. and Mrs.Zachary Taylor of New
Brown.Sir.and Mrs. Rollin A.De Wcese,Mr.and J. P. (:reaves and Mr. and Mre. James H. Moore, Orleans. •
Sire.Frank Van Andes, Mr.and Mrs. James Gil-
man, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shepard, Mrs. Francis
Dlr. and Mrs. Oscar Daniels were host and Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Katz had us their guests
Whitten, Mr. Fullerton Weaver, Mr. C. 1{. At- hostess to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lorrain Smith.
k lsson, Mr. Arthur lilies, Mrs. Sarah Wardlaw, Mrs. R. H. Clifford, Mr. H. S. Duncan and bliss
ale Lloyd Appleton, .11 r. George Frank, Mr. and Si. Martell, . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wetzel entertained Mr.
and Dlrs.John Morris Moore and C. Martin Lind-
Mrs. Harry Fish and Mre. Frances Flee, Col. and Mrs. George Welsh entertained Mrn, bloom,
Dlyru Allison, Mr, and Sirs. Frederick Kniffen,
Mrs. Ida Fisher entertained at her table the Dfr, and Mrs. WarrenBradt and DI r. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Villluni E. Baldwin of Cleve-
.R,•r. and Mrs. E. A. King, and Mr. and Mrs. Thrall land were greets of Dr,and Mre.G.DI.Smlht.
Otto \iereman.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Adams were Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Nugent and Mr. and Mrs.
Dir. and Mrs. Otte M. Fowler entertained for
Mr. and Si re. R. B. Adams. Frank W. Edlin were St anomer tails.
air. and airs. Charles S. Ewing. Mr, and Mrs. At other tables were: air. and Sirs. Clayton E.
Charles Abernethy and Mrs. A. A.SlubbiMr. and Mre. J. Arthur Panoeusl entertained Shappell. Mr. and Sirs. Michael Klemtner, Si r.
Guests of Mr.and Mrs. Richard Bullen en were Mr. and Mrs. John Buntline, Mrs. Ketone Burdlne and Mrs. W. J. Dano, Mc and Mrs. Ketchnr i.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kohlhepp, Mr. and Dirs. Crumm,Mies Margaret Law,Mr.Robert Davidson Mr. and Mrs. AllenN. Dfu run, Mr. and Mrn.
S. A. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stoms, Mr. and and Mr. Kenneth McCann. C. It. Meloy.
t "
Wednesday,January 16, 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGIS(ER PAGE SEVEN
In honor of Mrs. J. V. Daniels of Chicago.who One of the prettiest affairs of the early mason season, and are located in one of the attractive
l' has recently become a Miami Beach resident, was the tea dance at the Pancoast hotel last cottages.
Mrs. Frank M. Terry, whose home on Pennsyi- Thursday.with which Mr.and Mrs.Smiley Tatum
vania Avenue, adjoins the Daniels' residence, en- honored their niece.Miss Ada May Tatum and her Mrs. J. R. Jones and son Billy, who have been
tertained Friday afternoon with a pretty bridge. (lance.
JS r. Theron \I tiler. visiting Mrs.Jones'sister.Mrs.Frederick J.Onion.
The guest list Included Mrs. Daniels,Mrs. Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Smiley Tatum and Mr. and Mrs. have returned to Chicago.
neth Ashby, Mrs. Lawrence K. Cone, Mrs. John Parker Henderson were In the receiving line with
Stevenson, Mrs. Clarence M. Busch, Mrs. Edward Miss Tatum and Mr. Miller. Miss Tatum wore a Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Roser are their
Ott, Mrs. Edward Taylor. Mrs. Ray Burlingame, lovely frock of yellow chiffon,with gold embroid- daughter, Mrs. A. Grossmith and Miss Louise
f Mrs. Louis Le Baron Garrignes,Mrs. C.J. Felber, cry outlining the scalloped hem,an orchid hat and Boyd,both of Chicago.
Mrs. Blackman Dunn. Mrs. E. E. Washahaugh, a corsage of orchid sweet peas. Mrs. Tatum's
Miss Washabaugh, Mrs. Hollis Bush, Mrs. J. N. frock was n flesh crepe chiffon embroidered in Mr. and Mrs. H.C. C. Tippet had an attractive
Lummus, Mrs. William F. Whitman, Mrs. Reg- beads, and her picture hat born ostrich feathers party last Saturday night at the Nautilus hotel on
Maid Owen and Mrs. Ida D. Stewart. to match. the occasion of the second formal opening. Their '
Miss Julia Bliss, who spent lost winter in Pink and yellow roses and sweet pens In the guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Fowler,
Miami Reach, the house guest of her sister, Mrs. center with pink candles In silver candlesticks at Mr. James Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Post,
Robert Hensler, is studying music In New York. either side, made a picture of the bridal table. Mrs. Howard Platt,Mr.George Ade,Mr.and Mrs.
and will not be here this year. Place cards were bride's slippers. Robert Hassler and Mr.and Mrs.Jesse Andrew.
`' Miss Bliss was heard by several well-known
i critics who united In saying that she had an II. S. Vila and family of Atlantic City have ar- Mr.and Mrs.Frederick Clarke Sterling of Cleve-
unusual lyric soprano voice, with a remarkable rived at their ocean front home at Thirty-seventh land.and their house guest. Mrs.Henry J. Welch,
range. Professor Haywood, widely known vocal street.Mr. Vila owns much Miami Beach property. have arrived at the residence. 1127 Washington
teacher, was so charmed with her possibIltiee,
that he decided to have her directly under him, Avenue, which they will occupy thin season. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Daniels of Chicago, have Sterling is a member of the firm of Sterling and
not tinder one of his assistants as he practically moved Into their new home. 1021 Pennsylvania Welch, one of the largest furniture companies in
always does with beginners. avenue. ..a1►I
' the country.
In addition MIAs Bliss Is attending the Dam-
mach Institute to study the theory and history Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Howell and party went to Mr. Daniel Cl.McGowan, president of the Miami
of music and the languages. She Is very serious the Cocolobu Bay Club for luncheon Sunday on Reach Casino Company, accompanied by his
in the work. and plans her career with the sort the Howell yacht,Pauline M.Mr.and Mrs.Howell, daughter-In-law. Mrs. Arthur McGowan and her
of earnestness, that, added to her talent, should who are prominent Chicago people,and their two non, has returned to Miami Beach from Newport
result In great success. children,recently returned to the Flamingo for the for the season.
In the Golden Days of Girlhood
Photograph.by Coo
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Miss He:en Ramsey, daughter of Mr.Lee Rum- These three young girls, daun.`""tors of Mr. and Miss Eunice Emeryis
a popular member o1 the
say, spent the Christmas vacation at her home Mn. N.E.Bates,are of the vivid Spanish type,
g oun er set of Miami Beach, who has recent)
on Belle Isle,but has since returned to school at both in attractiveness and in personality. Miay
Dobbs-Ferry-on-the Hudson. She was a charm- Marie Bates recently joined her sisters. Miss returned after a winter in the North. She enter-
ing hostess to a group of her friends at the Zoila and Miss Mercedes Bates and Zrleparents, tamed a :ergo number of her friends with a de-
Miami Beac:+ casino at a farewell dinner dance. after a trip to Europe. lightful tea last Saturday at the Flamingo.
Wednesday. January 16, 1924.
Hill Distinctive
4 Ea
Carp Co.
Distributors - SPORTS SUITS
Hudson and Essex
MOTOR CARS = Lovely creations, wholly novel and original, that
arc typically appropriate for the sports of the
, Southland, while they forecast the fashion of
Sales and Service = springtide. Cyt
- = c
1055 to 1067 W. Flagler St. B URDINE (9'
Phone 7168 Q UAR TERMAN
The Exclusive Woman's Store
iiii 11111P1111111t11'II,mwilltimint nriliiIi llil!11111111:IIIIIPII'JItunt4111d111'JPd1111111I1111ar::
_I71IJIIIIJIIIIIJIt1IIII lIl I!I IIIJ:I�tl'JIIJIHIII III III III 111'111 ll'�IJ.II@IHIIJII I'I I�.I!IlllJll 111111 min 1 I I I LI LI LI I.11117.0"• '
The -..1.: Visit Miami's Most
Exclusive Drug Store
on the Ocean Front at 29th St. 7-7
225 East Flagler Street
The South's Newest
Ocean Front Hotel Exclusive Agents for Marie Earl
i and Elizabeth Ardcn Toilet Articles E
Superb Beach
J. Arthur Pancoast, Prop. = We will aim to show our
Wm. C. McMeekin, Managcl = appreciation of your pat-
_ ronage by superior service and merchandise -
III111111111111 GII!IiiI IIJIIIIII 11111 111111111'111III11111111111111.1'.1II11II111.1111'III 11111 111111IIIIII 11.1 UIIIIIt
�-- — — —
• Wednesday,January 16, 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGISTER PAGE NINE
. • 1e
Society �,o,4
FLAMINGO TEA GARDENS OPEN Agnes Egger, Mlss Minnie Ingram, Mrs. F. S. Mr. Neville Bayley has returned to his real-
Threatening showers of April nature Instead Rablllard, Mr. L. 1.,. Sertel, Mr. Haywood Hop- dence In the Slidgnlf section,after a 10 days trip
_ of the usual bright June sunshine caused the king, Mr. Hugh J. Flynn, Mr. Ike Hill, Dr. Mc- to New York.
• opening of the tea gardens at the Flamingo Ho- Cann, Mr. Douglass Felix, Mr. Marlin Lindblum.
tel on Saturday to lie held within the artistic Mr. and Mrs. John Benz, Mr. and Mrs. R. Earl Mrs. J. R. Jones of Chicago, Is the guest of
cloisters of the hotel with fragile purple bougaln- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Morrell Shields, Dr. and her slate., Mrs. Frederick Osius,and of Mr.Oshrs
vlllea climbing over the archways, rather than Mrs. O. F. Allen. Mr. and Mrs.John Murrell, Mr. at their attractive home at Lincoln Road and
in the circle of palma at the edge of the bay. and Mrs. Paul Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Mc- Washington avenue.
The tables looked very cozy, and everything was Caskill,Mr.and Mrs. E. H. Pierson, Mr.and Mrs.
very gay, like the opening of the ever-popular :luny Etheridge, Mr. and Mrs. Faye Barrett, Mn Mrs. al. A. Alter of Atlanta. is the guest of
teas should be. and Mrs. George Palmer. Dr. and Mrs. itascom Mr. and ars. Neville Bayley at their home In
Among the Pretty parties was that given by Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and the midgslf section.
I Miss Katherine Barrett. In honor of Miss Ada Mrs. Hamilton Hart and Mr. and Mrs Francis
May Tatum. fiancee of Mr. Theron Miller. Low MIller.
Mr.and Mrs. Irving Collins and dmrghter. Miss
baskets of radiant roses and larkspur were used Silas Katherine Stafford was a charming hos- Gladys Collins,alive arrived In Miami Reach,and
li the length of the T-shaped table, and each place less to a group of prominent people. The guest are slaying at the Pirnroust Motel until their
was a lovely pink rose. lint included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Montgomery residence on Pine Tree Drive north of the Mont-
Miss Tatum was very charming In an after- Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Campbell, Mr. emote School Is completed.
noon frock of cream net and lace over pink and Mrs. Clam Briggs, Miss Sarah Briggs. Miss
taffeta, with rows of narrow lace forming the Elizabeth Campbell, hies. E. Pllden, Mr. and Mrs. —
Charles Sorensen, production manager for the
short sleeves and edging the wide bertha, and Fred A. t'oor, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Gann. Mr. and Ford Motor Company, has returned to Detroit,but
rounding the full skirt. Her hat of orchid and Mrs. Sterling l'ostley, Sir. Clarence I'ostley, Mr. T4s. Sorensen and son are residing at the Ray
pink was drooped becomingly and around her and Mrs. W. E. Scripps. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick front home, and Mr. Sorensen hopes to Ire down
waist was a narrow sash of pink and orchid rib- R. 'Rampage. Mies Stafford wore a summery again before the season Is oven
bon with a flat rosette watching the ribbon ends. frock of white barred In orange with narrow
Mles Harrell was a pleasing hostess, wearing block lace edging neck and tiny sleeves, and Herbert Duckwall will leave Indianapolis, Jan-
;� a gown of creamy lace and batiste over orchid going around the very full skirt•in several rows nary 14, and then will drive from Jacksonville
taffeta,with tucks and Insertion alternating In the close together. With this she wore a lemon to Miami Iieach.
batiste,and crushed sash of orchid. The hat was colored small hat.
also orchid. faced with cream lace, with green Miss Eunice Emery was another of the after- Members of her bridge chili were entertained
leaves circling the crown. noon's attractive hostesses. wearing a frock of Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 9,by Mrs.Wm. Bolles
blue only trimmed with narrow ruffles, and hat
at the Pancrmst Hotel. }'tench fans were the
The guests were Miss Tatum, Mfr. and Mrs. y attractive
to match. Her table had wee orange trees at prizes n[ the bridge which followed
Robert Weed.Air.and Mrs. Harold Atherton, Musa the luncheon.
each place made through the use of kemgoats
Lnuls Ilankhead, Mr. Wallace Reilly, Miss Lucille In tinyIn the guest list were Mrs. Thomas J. 1'an-
green In and orange place cards.
Bendy, Dr. Wanamaker, Mrs.Sarah Wardlaw, Mr. Guests were Miss Alice Ashby, Mr. Graham coast. Mrs. E. D. Wehlan, Mix. James Chase.
Roger Nordello, Miss Elizabeth Lummus, Mr. Al- Bollen, a1 r. bred hand. Mn Alred Horton. Mr. Mfrs. J. Arthur Pancoast who were special gilesis.
Irert Watson. Sir. and Mrs. John Hallen, Mr. and atm. Kenneth Ashby, Mrs. A. M. Henderson. Mies:
Ralph CurlMte, Mr. George Ferry, Mrs. Frances
. Mrs. Edward Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frank O. Van Doren, Mrs. William Wallace. Mrs.
Wheeler, Mrs. 11. F. Hickman, Mrs. Frances Ta-
. Coleman!tomtit.Mr.and Mrs.Harry Hector.Miss Charles Hill, airs. Smiley Tat m, ars. Parker
Helen Jackson, Nr. Horace Lummus, Ur. and H
tam ',leer, Misa Dorothy Dean, Mrs. W. A. Web-
ster, Mr. and afro. Richard Moroni's, Sir. and endrreun, ltrs. E. P. sisals. Mrs. J. L. Billing,Mrs.James Hutson, Sirs.S. M.Tatum, Mrs. J. It. at roc. ],outs F. Snedlgar.Mn and Mrs.Robert Rai- ley' Mrs'William Briggs and Mrs.Charles Briggs.
Tatum, airs. Tom Bryan, Mrs. A. liarrtep Miss ston, Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Amory, Mn and
Harriett Whyte. Sir.-aand Mrs. J. i'ero, Mr. Rod- Mrs. Roddy Hurdlne, Mr. Thomas I'. Caddis, Mr. air. and Mrs. George Chahoon left New York
• soy Horton, MIss Elizabeth Baker. Mr. Jack }yank Danhnugh. Mr. Robert Gifford, Mr. G. H. City January 12 for Miami (teach, expecting to
Pogue, Mr. and airs. Freeman Burdine, Mr. and Atkisson.Mas.W.It. Emery, Mrs. Richard Millen, stay at the Flamingo Hotel, until their residence
Mfrs. John Iiuicline, Mr. B. B. Tatum. Mr. Geneve of r. Dante Leland and Mr. Ward Meagher.. on the ocean front Is ready.
Shilling and Dr. and Mrs. Basom Palmer.
A basket of bright field flowers centered the
■■■ Another very lovely party was that given by table of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Abernathy who en- Mrs. Robert Ralston has gone to New York
Mrs. I,. S. Julian and airs. James M. McCaskill. CITY. and will return with Mr. and Mrs. Clement
tertalned for Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bradt, airs.
Forces for teh women were corsages of sweet peas D7yra Allison, at r. and of re. Otis Dt. Fowler, Mrs.
G. Amory the middle of the month.
while the men received huttonieres of the flowers,•
J. M1eCalmont and Mr. R. Adams.
and these added much to the attractiveness of Mrs. Richard Belles and daughter. Mary. have
the table as they lay at each plate. Dainty box- The g'o eats of Mrs. E. Johnstone Wilson were
Mrs. Frederick J.(Mils. airs. W. A. Mentzer, Mrs. returned to Miami Beach and are at the Fowler
Sets of the flowers were tel also the length of Apratments,after a trip t0 Tenafly,N.J.,hecuuse
the U-shaped table. Andrew Schmitt. Jr., Drs. William Montgomery,
Mrs. Ellen Hetchler, Mrs. Si, J. McMichael and of the sale of the !fallen slimmer home. Mrs.
Mrs. Julian was becomingly gowned In a all- Mrs. Joseph Mermenforming an attractive group. Millen prefers 'Miami Beach as a permanent
very lace frock over pink with an adorable hathome.
of the popular lemon shade. airs. Met:wk111 wore Mrs A. A. Ungar and Mrs. H. Hammel were
Ia springtime green and white silk frock, with hostesses to Mrs. Si,S.Altmayer and Mrs.Harold
f Mcyerhefm. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sedgwick Cooper enter-
green hat wreathed with pink flowers of apple- tained Sunday afternoon. January 6th. with a
blossom time memories. Guests of Mr- and airs. Edwin A. 13ookmyer charming informal tea at their home,Sea Dreams.
. Those present were Mi. and Mrs. James I•'. were of r.and Mrs.E.S.Frlschkorn. The big living room with Its wonderful Oriental
Hardwick, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Roser hail at their table pieces, and its windows fronting the sea. proved
Mrs. J. F'. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Pre- Mrs. A. Grosamith and Miss Louise 73oyd• a delightful place for the affair.
vett•air.and airs.Dunaway,Mr.and Mrs.Palmer air.and Mrs. Edward Grusselli entertained Mrs. The guest list Included Professor and Mrs.Lyon
Rosemond, Mr. and hire. Robert V\'. McGraw, Mr, C. E. Grove, airs. P. B. Murry. Mr. Hal Leavitt Phelps, airs. Semple• Judge and Mira. W. E.
and Mrs. de Forest Christlance, Jr., Mr.and Mrs. and Miss Lela Long. Walsh, .lire. Isaac Gimbel, Mr, and Mrs. Gaston
C. H. Crandon. Judge and Mrs. J. L. Billingsley, Many other attractive parties were grouped at Drake. Mr. and Sirs.Van Alen Harris Mrs. Ken-
Miss Bolen Gratigny, Sties Miriam Johnson, Miss the tables. neth Ashby and Mr.and airs. W.A. Mentzer.
Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
Formal Opening Dinner and Dance
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Saturday Evening, January Nineteenth
Congenialitg Entertainers Favors
Ownership Management
Wednesday,January 16, 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGISTER PAGE ELEVEN
Thl rtt•-five girls have arrived at the
Montemare school located on- Pine A Jaunt Along the Sea
Tree 13Hve, following holidays spent
with their parents in the north. The
full teaching staff of 14 able instruct-
ora, with Mies Anna Ryan as princi- ,,s
pal, has arrived.
The girls have been attending the
• Montemare school at Lake Placid ,
where the spring, summer and tall Miss Lillian Sinclair,
sessions are held. owner of Si., We^t Baden .a
Miss Ryan is in full charge of (he
boarding school and of the day school Springs estate= in Indiana,
for girls located in the new building, takes :•er set de' out for
giving the pupils personal supervis-
ion. John Hopkins is In charge of a walk on the Wolford (�.,..e/
the boyo school on Lincoln road and boardwalk. Ti.. hots! she ^ ,•
younger pupils, as all girls shove the owns has 1,700 acres, in
. fifth grade have their classes In the y
l'ine Tree drive building. eluding its own coa: mine.
The school session will continue un- golf course. dairies. (aims, d
I •
til the girls return north fur their Italian sardenc and min
spring vacations then back to the
Luke Placid for the summer and fall. oral springs. Mr, Si"' i
One of the many attractive feat-
r _ -- flair wi:: i.e: at the wog.
urea In the school life Is provided by
p the uMuistlion of a 50 foot boat,mak- ford a:: sea^on.
F Ing boating vacaraivas possible.
Lloyd Boles, von of Mr. and Mrs. -,`
William Bolles, has been absent from The Chamber or Commerce building
ms •
s/. '
Miami Beach all winter, going away takes on a festive appearance this 'Y+•��"
a boy, returning a young man. He is week, with the walls lined with plc-
attending Culver Military Academy. tures for the annual art exhibit.
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Although Lorraine Daniels, dough• Kannath Barry,eon of Mr.and Mrs. a putt right into the cup. T. Roney, was a white rose at the
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Daniels, is John L. Barry, can make many an — fruit and flower pageant on New
just starting to play golf, it log. as older golfer sit up and take notice. It's hard to think of anything sweet• Year's day in Miami, dressed all in
though she is a "comer." Little Lor- This fourteen year old boy, who has er than a white rose. But a little girl white,within a graceful basket of fern
rains takes the game mighty seriously only been playing two years, recently dressed up to represent a white rose— and nodding roses, with a big tulle
—in fact as seriously as school which went around the Flamingo golf course ah,that is a great deal sweeter. Betty bow beneath her dimpled chin.
she has just begun. in 41. Here he may be seen trying for Roney.daughter of Mr.and Mrs.N.B. Photographs by Cox
Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
li __
., ,- ti. y
>�a b,
IA6 DELIVER a Title Policy— '. .+°•'f _ p '�
absolutely protecting you and .�'
•L ,sti *� - � + THE li UEED FROM THE STATE
your estate as to Perfection of ,S OR FLORIDA to the Bay Ills-
Title—as well as an Abstract ' . / t ,,,�I cayne Improvement Co.for a 100
with Deed. ` ..i_
�/� �; fGi ',,,ff. fart right of way acro"" Iffx-
ts 'r*a
cayne Huy—following the line of
WE RECITE IN THE body ofd` the Collins bridge was recorded
•� j( September 11. 1923, Ronk 366 of
our antes contract—Every ape- fl
Deeds, Page 113. Deed lumber
ciffe guuran.eed Improvement-
making It therefore absolutely
binding upon us to lettuce a An Unusual Announcement
fully completed and developed
property. It is not the custom of the Venetian Islands Companies to an- OFI•'1CIAl. APPROVAL of the
pounce an advance in prices. Rather,we have made it a practice location and plans of the New
to sell out—the various types of lots—at their respective original
prices—then place the advanced and proper price upon the prop- \'`neo Ik way which la to re-
WE SELL OUR properties a„i- erty, for the benefit and profit of our clients—and to do so place we Collins Hrldge, has
der a trust agreement—whereby without a prior announcement of such advance. been grunted to the limy Ris-
the monies paid by you for your cayne Improvement Co., by the
THE PRESENT SITUATION is,however,a most unusual one. We \\'n,' Department or the United
property is disbursed by o1O are just EIGHTEEN MONTHS AHEAD of our intended and ex-
Trustee [lank for use comple- pected sales schedule. Slates. under date of Oct. »,
tion of your property to the last 13'3, signed by the Officials ill
final detail. WHEREAS WE HAD 484 lots-300 waterfront, and 184 interior the War Department.
—we have today less than FORTY unsold lots (all waterfront).
£ THERE ARE NO "IRS” OR bought over 90 per cent of this $3,000,000 worth of what they
than luny will always be the di-
fact in itself. I'A iv,t have been pura•hua.•d—
sect and short route between and will be planted :Jung lath
IN KEEPING WITH OUR USUAL CUSTOM, we propose to per- "ides or Venetian way—which,
Miami and Miami Beach—con- mit the buying public to purchase these few remaining unsold
heeling as it does the highest
lots—at their respective ORIGINAL FRICES, together with multitudeilof
class sections of the two cities.
other ornamentals,will mukt the
It serves the Flamingo,the of Pancoast
BUT WE ARE COMPELLED in this case to specify a definite Venetian Way the most beuuti-
time limit—for the reason that the present prices arc so far Iii drive anywhere by dny—
and Nautilus Hotels—and is five below comparative prices for similarro ert .
miles shorter on Um round trip p p- y while myriads of pedestal lights
to St.Johns Casino via Venetian THEREFORE ON FEBRUARY FIRST we will advance all re- electedalong t'¢natinmy de-
maining unsold waterfront lots $5000 each—which will bring signed viaduct" and boulevards
Way [hart via the municipal
them somewhat nearer their actual intrinsic values—as compared will cause a truly aruaec ami
causeway. This will solve Mi- with other comparable properties--location, specified improve- wondered effect by night. V,._
. ami•" moat serious trap"porta- ments, development program and building program considered.
nice at its I:eal cannot compare
tion problem—and the builders AND EVEN AT THESE ADVANCED PRICES Venetian Islands
with the completed. Venetian
will not fall to make it the most Properties will cost considerably less than other comparable t e t7 ro -
ty Way and \'¢netlun Islands.They
beaotiroi as well as the moat erty. Let's prove that statement to your entire personal satis- will surpass
convenient and efficient thor- faction. We are at your service.
of their creeators.
the fondest dreams
PHONE 3143
Wednesday,January 10. 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGISTER s. PAGE THIRTEEN
rillit"."—:::, '-
';�=� Society P,.,-7.,n
CASINO GAY AT FORMAL OPENING M:•. and Mrs. J. II. Krawso entertained Mrs. J. STAR ISLAND C'.UB TO OPEN
Softly colored lights, enchanting munte, pretty 11. Jones, Mrs. Pail Royce Dumont and Mr. John Opening of the beautiful Star Island Yacht clot•,
women In glitter-Ink costumes—all united in mak- Adams. located at the extreme end of the island, for the
Ins this year's formal opening dinner dance at the Col. ICelburne K Plimpton had as guests Mrs second stanon,5.111 occur Saturday night,January
Miami Beach casino surpass in brilliance even the Frances Wheeler, Mr. Robert Clayton and Mr. 19, with a formal dinner dance. The number in
bright affairs of seasons gone by. Itugh Davis. limited to 100.
Cesare l.a Monica and his orchestra of 19 noses- tie. and Mrs Raymond McCarthy entertained Last year the club proved a big success, with
clans staged a real triumph,giving such Inspiring Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rothschild, Mr. and Mrs. 0. luncheons,dinners and slipper parties vieing with
music that the guests hardly wanted even to stop W.Tiffany. Mr.Jack C. Barker,Dr.George Whit- each other in gayety.
for the excellent courecn of an elaborate dinner. more, Mins June Wilson and Mr.James Lochlin. The interior of the club house is very pleasing
Daniel G. McGowan, president of the cunlno At the table of Mr. A. J. Mills were Minn Au- with its cony furnishings.Mrs.Carl Graham Fisher
company, and Joseph Milne, the secretary and genie Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. James l'antorlun, planned the artistic Interior decorating.
treasurer.greeted the guests,and assisted In Pro- Miss Dorothy Cassidy and Mr. George Stanley. The committee In charge of the club has been
vIding a most pleasant air of hospitality, making Another party comprised Miss Beulah Whitney, fortunate In securing the services of George B.
everyone feel welcome. Mr. Howard Bloomfield, Mr. anal Mrs. Duncan leverart, who has a national reputation, having
Several hundred guests thronged the casino,fill- Donald, Mr. I..C. Bunnell and Miss Lydia Foster. opened Maxin's in Paris, and the Ritz hotels In
Ing the ball room floor Just comfortably, utilizing Sir. and Mrs. P. J. Davis entertained for Mr. both London and Paris. the Plaza hotel In New
every table. Hot house flowers on many of the and Mrs. Mark Reardon. York.and for the last 10 years.the Beach Club at
tables added to the general festive air. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peters entertained Mr. and Palm (Tench, thus assuring the club of a perfect
Mr.and Mrs.Thomas H.Howell had one of the Mrs. I.B. Stevens, Mr.and Mrs.L. S.Julian and culsine.
I. charming tables of the evening, entertaining Mr. Mr.anal Mre.Carl Meeks at a table decorated with Commodores are E.R.Thomas and E.C.Romfh.
and Mrs Fred A. four, AI r. and Mrs. David B. pink ruses. Mr.Romfh was elected to take the place of James
Gann, Si r. and Al rs. Lewis Zimmerman. Mr. and Al r. and Mrs. E. Wellington had at their table A.Allison,a commdore last year who resigend he-
Alra. Clore Briggs. Aliw..\verlll Tilden, AI e, Frank celiac of his recent illness.
Miss Katherine Hngglne,Mr.and His.B.D:Rawls
1 Fisher and Mr. William Gibbons. Sirs. Howell anal Sir.W.N. Raker.
was a most attractive hostess, wearing a frock of
gold and silver which suited her perfect blond
A number or slipper parties were staged late In Mr. and Men. James H. Snowden have arrived
type,with the bodice of woven gold rind silver nha-
Mr. Snowden is known as one of the developers
the evening. at the Flamingo hotel, coming from New York.
forint and silver crepe,and the full shift covered
with a pleated flounce of the silver crepe,beauti- Mra.J.Arthur l'uricoast anal Mrs.John Si.Bur-
of Miami trench, having built the beautiful Snow-
fully embroidered in gold motifs. dine will be hostesses Friday afternoon to 200 den estate, lately purchased by Harvey S. Fire-
_ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dickinson entertained Kneeta at a large tea to he given at the Hotel
Mr.and Mrs. A. H. Peterson, Mr.and Mrs.James l'uneweal.
Hardwick.Miss Bertha Evans and Miss Edith Ea+ Miss Marie Bates who has been traveling in
ane at their interesting table. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCormack may come to Europe with her uncle and cocain,has returned to
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Humpage
Miami Reach this.winter. .\ letter to the hotel Miami (teach,and will spend the season with her
were Mr. and Mrs. F. Lowry Wall and Mr. and i'ancast, Indicates the posslb.tlty. parents, Mr.and Mrs. N. F Bates and sisters at
Min.Thomas Koons. Mrs. Hempc, who Is a de- — their Collins avenue home.
cadet'brunette.was becomingly costumed In a crc- Mrs. J. I:. Ford of Deti ort, prominent society -- _____
• atian of beautiful red with touches of gold. vronan, loin ar:lcd In A!Iaml Beach to spend the aPIIIIJII11CRtl11,p!plpTiml7tlllp'I'I'lll lllltpYJ'pill'.CII111'.I1.IY'111610 pY'-
• Miss-Lela Long watt hostess to Mr.and A1rs le winter In the Pancoast residence at the head c( —
' C.Sterling of Cleo eland,Mr.Eelward 11rasselli and l.,alsc Pane cult. For a number of yearn she was E
• Alrw. Welch. Mina Lan, wore a feoe't of iron-e,a president of the City Woman's club. D1 r. Ford — —
av:ll come later in the newton. - b T
red flower in her dark hair and necklace of red. se 5LATER S Roses were acattcred the length of the labia / "
! In the party of Mr. Paul Salvin were Mr. Jack Mrs. P(Iward Coleman Romfh entertained with v c_
Dempsey, Mr. Sydney Falkenberg, Mr. Arthur charming luncheons on two successive days last E NEW' YORK —
J Kempner,Mr.Teddy Hayes. Miss M. Hunter,Silos week at (110 Nautilus hotel. On Monday,she hon- Y
Fay Colmer, Mss Dorothy lteldamess, MIss Wan- ureal Miss Ada May Tatum,a bride-to-he, with a a_
its Elwood and Miss Mildred Walker. luncheon at Ahich 14 were present. A tall basket —
Low baskets of red roses were used dawn the of roses and other flowers centered the table. On = =
center of one of the longest tables. In the party Tuesday idle honored a group of the navy officers
were Mr.and Mrs.T.W. Palmer,Miss Elsa lies, from the seaplanes visiting Miami. — _
Inger, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glen Caruthers, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Clifford. Mr.and Mrs. H. M. Carruthers, Mrs. J. B. Ford of Detroit has arrived at the F. AUTHORITATIVE
Mr. Lee Ramsey, Mrs. Claude Jones. Mrs. P. M. beautiful rosldence, 2626 Collins avenue, at the _•
Mos,re, Sir.J.W.Watson,Jr.,Mr.and Mrs. ((let,. head of Lake Pancoast. Mr. Ford, a prominent FOOTWEAR
and .tones and Miss Alma Whitlock. business man of Detroit, will be down later In , =
Mr. It. H. Darden was the host to Mrs. Osc:u the season. _
t Daniels, Mr. Robert Gifford, MrsBenjamin An-
drrw•n, and Mr.T. D.Armour. Mrs.A.S.Hinds,of Portland,Me.,Henry Hindu,
Sweet peas denn:ued the table of another littleJ1•.and Alun Hinds have arrived at the Flamingo )g
group. rnmprising Silos listen Jackson. Aliso F.a- hotel and are occuying one of the flamingo hon- I —
they I awls,Mins I:atherine Chadbourne, Mr.Rich- galows. Mr. Hinds, who Is the head of the HinNi s
and Mead, Mr. Budge Mead and Mr. Harry Hice. Honey and Almond Cream Products Company will
Mrs. Tatem Woffori had at her tabel Mr. andJbla his family later In the season. Community Theatre Building 3
Mrs. R. D. Bemis and Mr. Harry Cooper. _ 2
Mr. anal Mrs. M. J. McMichael entertained Mr. a
and Mrs. Joseph Esener, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mr. John Oliver La Gorse, associate editor of m 1013 Lincoln Road Y
Schmitt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnstone Wilson, the National Geographic Magazine, Is expected in 3 12
Miss Ellen Hetchier, and Dr. W. F. McKenney. Miami Beach next week, to he the guest of Mr. 3 MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA a
Sweet peas were prettily used on the table. James Allison in his apartment. Mr. I.a Gorce Is F.
Mr. sad Mrs. Edward Si. Kenworthey were en- an nomad Silami Tteach visitor, and has always
tertained by Mr.and Mrs. Harold H.Bailey. taken much Interest In Its development. fruni1J1111I111iilpiInIrirplplplpAilll frotlSIlfI'6Bl 1inIpmlel!RIMPBIIG
:•::�.. ::�:•.: „, '' Wednesday. January 16. 1925.
Are you op n for a bargain? We have a guaranteed 15% interest income ? '
proposition fora man or ••
woman wain $20,000 or more cash, and rcady to trade. This proposition will be withdrawn within a few .i.
days If int:restcd, act quickly. We also know of TWO OVERLOOKED UNDERVALUES ON ALTON i.
ROAD--$35,000 AND$60,000—I-3 CASH,balance easy. If Y'
y you will investigate these it will b. to your r
Ca Illl "Kelly" at 809 Sth Ste, Miami }_eacch, Filon*da
Where the Live Ones Go!
Beach Construction Co. y�
C. B. Floyd, Pres. ISI ardie S Casino
Phoa: MB-842—1730 Purdy Ave. ���"' ���=== MIAMI BEACH
General An entirely modern plant, with every new improve-
ment in equipment devised to add to the comfort and
Contractors and Builders convenience of its patrons, retains for Hardie's an ever
increasing popularity.
:..:..i o
The Miami GroceryCo. LUMBER
Fancy Groceries
Live Poultry of all kinds. .?.. LUMBER AND MILL WORK
FANCY HEAVY WESTERN MEATS 11w fact that we have furnished materials for the building of
i' most of the hotels, apartments and principal residences built
1 1 00 Lincoln Road Phone 301
1: in Miami Beach during the past season
Exclusive Lines of Imported Foods �:
? Our Plant,situated in the Heart of
R. H. ERWIN, Manager •:-
.,. Miami Beach Makes Quick Service
_' an added Asset.
•? 1740 Purdy Road Miami Beach, Fla.
rrippl.a...— . .
' r
Wednesday. January 16, 1924. MIAMI BEACH REGISTER PAGE FIFTEEN
i': • �Y
Briggs Finds Sport Here
-af3 s
AP, +
Rrtv A
e, 44. at:
�Q/ • 4Y •
the ,t
,s Yap I
Fla- - ' ,1. 41
mingo , '< fid:r ''a. ,
Gate- `�: , I
II _ I
way t i, t• +"
1 t , i • •
-- - a i -
+ ,. Just , goo:: around Miami Beat!: convinced
Clare Briggs. famous cartoonist, that a fellow
might have some "days of real sport" right
Miss Kathryn Stafford is the director of social activities at the Flam-
ingo hotel this winter. She has also organized the Kathryn Stafford here, though oast carefree boyhood. Mr. Briggs
Club for children which is proving delightful, with the gatherings in the And family are staying at the Flamingo, having
tea gardens. leased a cottage for the season.
T S. 7,,. ' _ —.If ^'••.. . -_.. ..:. ......... -+ ',I. e L
l ` r- t ••
� ;� • P • - 'ter• r4
I. . ->, _ , •'r
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�y ;, !O - ` •q �`a . its•' -,...o.,,,7 t
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'4 r- • l'•s .. "=1 .° f'
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"Can't find me!" laughs Louis F. Dimpled Sarah Chase is a little lady Sarah is the pretty little daughter of so she put him right out in pain view.
Snedigar, Jr., as he hides behind a who takes the best of care of her large Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Chase, Jr. A sunny disposition and undeniable
convenient tree in a riotous game of family. So Santa took care to bring winsomeness make Jane a general
hide-and-seek. This youngster is the her a lovely new doll. And that made Jane Krone, daughter of Mr. and
Adorable son of Mayor and Mrs. Louis Sarah so happy that she broke into Mrs. Charles S. Krom, wanted to be favorite.
F. Snedigar. one of her most charming smiles. sure her doggie's picture was taken, Photographs by Coo
PAGE EIGHTEEN MIAMI BEACH REGISTER Wednesday, January 16, 1924. ,
Red Cross Pharmacy For Real Values in Beach
"clfiami's Largest 'Drug Store" n
75 E. Flagler St. B. E. RAINEY
213 Fifth Street Telephone 537
o 0
VANDYKE DRAPERY SHOP Meridian Apartments
An Exclusive Shop For Exclusive Patrons THIRD AND MERIDIAN MIAMI BEACH
CURTAINS PANELS Attractively Furnished Apartments for rent by the
NETS SCRIMS month or season. All rooms and apartments
FRINGES—SHADES—RODS, ETC. with private bath.
Estimates Cheerfully Given Phone 7311
211 N. E. Second Ave., Miami
• El El
Id t11.1111111411,11A1111.1111111111111IU11J'11'l1III III IIIA 11I1'I'111111'111111'1111III III Ip 111111111111111'11A'.III III III III III'tIIIIIIIII0ItI'
TikG�\••� We aro Travel Speclallata —
losite,*<�Ar, � to These rteaorta. KING & GIFFIN
Miami's Most Exclusive Men's Store
�► sem Hotel, Steamer a n d
• General Travel Infor- = 40-42 N. E. FIRST STREET
nlation Gratis.
�ANRV1G — 144 Central Arcade Phone 5085
Green Tree Inn, Miami •
Phone 4822 _=
ffi til I1IIIIIIIIIIImfti 11t1I11.1 iIInimIII1'iri Iln'Iftil Ilmi I'.1RninIIIIIIIII11 mi1.11 I'. Ii IIII!IIii Ili.
Durant and Star Cars PACKARD
Nichols Motor Car Co., Inc. At Your Elbow
J. C. Nichols, President J. K. DORN, Distributor
1301 N. E. Second Avenue 1714 N. E. Second Avenue
Phone 4692 MIAMI
_ ^� —'-- --•- — `— =nom►-�
PURCHASE GOVERNMENT Watching the Golfers Tee Off
I A` Request was made late last week to - s4y tgT1 - '(-GA. —"----- I
the government by the city of Miami _T
Beaten through the Miami Beach •
1 Chamber of Commerce and city olll- �S
'ic.al., that the site of the .jo/wn of I, , �e' •
u aiding Le donated to the city or sold
t _ •
to it at minimum valuation for park
/ •� purpaats. The land in question cpm- 1 . IIIIIIIIIIM
p:iscs 40 acres lying between bay and I
ocean just math of the city luaus. i I, A
• • Realizing what such an acquisition II 1 '14.V
1 would mean to Miami Beach,Judge\V. itVIC
C. W tah presented lila idea before a .410,4-
inerttrig of the hoard of governors of a 1 .1 I 1 /�
' the Miami Beach Chamber of Coin •
. / I3�
marc teal Friday. He mentioned the I 1 •` ,•. ; I {1
-__ fact that the government had donated ; ` kLlir
_ 999,
r\recast Park to Philadelphia,and ad- [l
p. vised action. without delay. 8.
i ! �+ r(, Quick to sec the possibilities for the - '! •IN •
r .1 � city's betterment, the board at once• \A.-.,V.1)1i
- set to work. Pres dent Thomas J. Pan- \\1‘
case: was appointed a committee to /./1
I see Mayor Snedigar and President of I _. 1
F j1 Council John Levi as to the -
and then to wire Washington. Mom- ) •
$ • •
l torn of the committee were: \V. IC -� "•1 "I M
t Walsh, chairman: W. A. Kohlhepp, R. j 4
� I.owry Wall and Van Men Harris. 1 (;,, t- r t .� C -i
� K•
As a consequence a telegram was f y • I. y
I.bE6' vent the r }
departmetn of the interior, r'1"� t
[• :inking for donation of the land or nor- ' '1 ,• QST.'I
chase at accessed valuation.. This was I ?rs, \s • -OFI
signed by Mayor Snedigar,John Levi. ! 1
Van •
Alen Harris, who represented the t9oll.l
t t • city,and by Thomas J. Pancoast and i , s �� rpS
C. W.Chaise,Sr., who represented the
Miami Reach Chamber of Commerce. • ,a
.\mong the men who hove done Residents of Miami Reach will vote. ,;itA _w
much for the development of Miami Monday on the question of teeming .—_ --- i._ "__-_ -- - _- " '_ e. `I
Beach Is T. 10. James. first mayor or bonds amounting to $*07,000 for city ----
the city.who served fortwo terms.Mr. Capt. and Mrs H. C.O. Tippet were •napped, with their favorite dogs •
Improvements, with the city hall as
on the lawn of the Miami Beach Bay Shoro Golf Course. Captain and Mrs.
James has a beautiful resld•lrce facing the polling place. •
the Flamingo Golf course on Lenox ,Included in this proposed program Tippet came here recently from Mead owbrook, where Mn Tippet was in
avenue. are the following: water works eye- charge of the welt-known club, and they have made nomeron- friends al.
tem,*100.000: sanitary sewers,$60,000; ready. Capt. Tippet is manager of polo and golf at Miami Beach, and i•
New offices, changes In the ware- fire station, engine, equipment, site a go:f amateur of much ski!!.
house and the installation of new ma- and fire alarm system, 8.10,000; street
chinery will be included in the $20,000 paring. $10,000: city park Improve. ---- - --_-
Improvement plan scheduled for the I. menta, $25,000; storm sewers, $20,000: The Sjoslrem Audit Company„with This company Iran branches In Miami,
E. Schilling Company. The big build• bulkhead along north aide of Collins offices in the Masonic building ad- Miami Reach,Jacksonville and Wash-
ing operations in Miami Beach made canal from Alton road to the west joining the Miami Beach first Na- ington. The latter two offices enable
, necessary the extension. Dudley Law- golf course bridge, $18,000; bridge Clonal Rank. ham made arrangements the SJoatrom Audit Company to give
rence is manager of the Miami Bewail over Collins canal at Meridian avenue, to handle all of Its Miami (teach bull. careful attention to federal tax mat-
, branch. 511.000, nems through lis Miami Beach branch. tens. '
xs } h •fir,- •
•+.,r.,, l�Rth se • t+ •1-40.0417,74, 4- r"I" 1- St
VIA,'" - _ rtT, i'kc r �ijA j�iy 1. • •a Y aaK; a. .Me•�, .�... • x..
.a.0;,..—..." w'• IA. 'i - k .r \ t > .t:r1 ;.c It ..w`y!, t 1-1... .
jEJa '•, i Irl ill• 'Air—esti 1 f,, .. `. Wks..1 - .ill ,L4 ati - ,
Rolling equipment be.onginq to the associated Miami Beach companies-the Carl G. Fisher interests,the Bay Shore Company,the Ocean View Company
and.the Miami Beach Improvement Comnany. The picture gives an idea of the mammoth development program carried on by the companies. Even the
elephants, Roles and Nero, seen 'n the foreground, help.
PACE TWENTY MIAMI BEACH REGISTER fWednesday, January 16. 1924.
211111111 I.!I',I l alaa laat tli11 nu a r:a at Irat mIII!1.tat lt111.1 ultimata ilia llaI ai1l1t1i111tam111.111146111911!111111181118190111119H1114111111171111.111118 111111tl31M1111111111111tlllt111311.131131.111111111I1111118111MB'IV"_
r .... ............. .
In the Purchase and Salt,
Reference: Any Bank or Trust Company in Miami or Miami Beach
Natioia.11 S les & li6vestme it Corp.
F. R. Humpagc 1110‘. A. Koona
1immossessonisisisortunitilitlimimil mniiluikamini nri unluumilu.lm uuuulnn.1,1.9,1.1 :w. ,., 1.1 1 1111uiffi lel;nlllnrr.nnniniimmlrfl,uuullulun;,:Inv
The Wofford .
bA.� �41 .�+7441 t 8 �
- .i.:,\• .1•X10. iso`.;.1:t
Miam 13eac il e • 1S^1C ' • x yf
• gip_'W 1 l f .. �.y
ca:: ,
1 JOHN 13. WOFFORD.Directing Manager
W. S. WOODFILL, Manager.
1 .. n Exclusive Hotel on Ocean Front
Music by CHAS.FISCHER'S EXPOSITION ORCHESTRA ENery Morning,on the Only Board Walk at Miami Beach
Dancing every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday night from 9 to 12.
_ .____
— ----..
a .
Hotel Life '
o o
THE FLAMINGO C. Arbuthnot and daughter of Pitta- THE PANCOAST A. W.Early and daughter, Miss R A,
Life continues in an interesting burgh; Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy and There are no dull moments for of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
round at the Flamingo Hotel,with the family; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Semon. guests at the Pancoast hotel for plenty Miller of Minneapolis, Joseph Hoot- '
Eric Semon and Mrs. N. B. Bordon; of pleasant social activity la provided. man of New York City. Mr.and Mrs.
formal opening of the Brent hostelry
W.D Morris and daughter of Chicago; with enough variety to please every-
one week, and the formal opening of Miss Margaret Collier, Mrs. W. R. John E. Carney and family of Ch1-
the popular tea gardens, the following Comfort and Miss Millicent Comfort • A dinner dance Is scheduled Satter- sago, Mrs. M. A. Gibbon of Ashur)•
week. and Mr.and Mrs. \V. F. Rutty of Tar- day night for guests of the hotel and Park, Mr.and Mrs. Irving Collins and
The guest list last week included rytow n, N. Y.; Mrs. Myra Allison of outsldere who desire this form of en- daughter. Miss Gladys Collins, Sir
v the following names: Mr. and Mrs. J. Indmnapolls; Mr.and Mrs.alcNauRhl tertainment.Four tables of bridge pro- John Crosbie and party of New York,
Estabrook. Chicago; Mrs. J. Ewell en of Muncie; Al r. and Mrs. E. John- tidedleaam»for the
stone Wilson of New York; Mr. and pguests at an in- and hl r. and Mrs. F. W. Henkel of
Gunn. Jr.. and Mrs. I. Conn, Little his. Parson and Miss Simonette of formal party last Monday evening. Winnetka, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Collins
Rock, Ark.: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Savannah: Mrs.W.Jarvis Adams and The attractive lounge and lobby are moved Monday into their new home on
Johnson. Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. D. d.- ghee of New York; Professor and proving daily more popular for Pine Tree Drive.
B. Gann, Chicago: Mrs. Corinne Mrs. William Lyon Phelps of New social gatherings, and many outside Two prominent hotel men came to
Schlesinger, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Haven: W. 13. Wilde of Peoria; Nd- the hotel are planning teas and other look over the hotel recent!)'. and ca-
H. le. Br, New York; Miss C. Het-, ward Mrink wliz of Milwaukee; Me entertainments [herr. hl rs. Estelle pressed their appreciation of its nt-
merle. Bonxvllle; 13o)•kln H. Darden, and Mrs. S. A. Bingham and S. A. ti
Crumm is a most delightful resell ernes». They were F.. M. Statim,
Savannah; Mina Martha Itahl, Cleve- Bingham. Jr., of Chicago; Mr. and hostess. Many luncheon and dinner whose string of burets is known w1Ae-
land and Miss(Betty Fleming,Chicago; Mix. Warren L. Bradt; Mr. and Mrs. lga rl les also to be noted. wide-
ly and t.ew \\'allick of the Westehes-
Ii. T. }[III, Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Swart; J. C. and Thomas Ma-
Arrivals during the last week at the ler-Ill it more. Rye. N. Y. J3 r. Bottler
Vicor Reich. New York: Mrs. R. Oh- honey of Detroit: Mr.and Mrs.Joseph hotel were as follows: 111 r, and Mrs. and party:are.here on a yacht
Intl and daughter, New York; R. M. F;Ismer; hi r. and Mrs. Isadore licit- --_
Jerianatl, Atlantic City; Doctor Cof-
fin. York; Ain New York; H. T. Nichol, ('hila N. Deafly and Mrs Jansen Mimetic. DANCED AT NAUTILUS OPENING
delphia: Mrs. H. I.. Coelom, New w
Rochelle: Miss Mary H. A. Newton. --- -Los Angeles;Angeles; C. Itlgdon, Loa Angels; THE WOFFORD
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Scripps. Mrs.
JMrs. J. .1. Downey.
Interesting guesln continue to ar-
rive at the Wolford Hotel. Jack v' t
ames N Scripps.
bliss Helen S)eare and Mises Jean
Cobb. Detroit: Edward A. Ward, Mc Dempsey, heavyweight champion of x
II and Mrs. R. W. Campbell, and Miss the world, who came with Teddle
Elizabeth Campbell.Chicago; Mr. and Mayes, his trainer, from Los Angeles, i -
Mrs. W. S. Lawson. New York: Mies was enrich heralded hast week, and heI
M. S. Waite, New York, Mies Vilma
enjoying surf and sand to the foil
I. Watt. New York; Mr. and Mrs.
Clare IIrlgga, Miss Sarah Briggs. Registered at the hotel at present {"
Norse and two children: Mr.and Mrs. are the following: Mrs. F. H. Seibert,W.
W. M. Camp. Franklin. Va. and Mr. of Waterbury, Conn; Mrs. F.. A. Glff- s ((N/`�' t •,,
and hers. E. P. Korkles, New York horn, Mrs. F. A. Hartley and airs. A. 4sl1I(0 r j i ./f�'r71$;�
City. P. Miller of Cleveland; Jack Dempsey `' )" _ .x•..i
Mr.and Mrs.Otto Miller.Cleveland; and Toddle Hayes of Loa Angeles; H.
Mr.and ales.C.J. Root,Terra Haute,
' Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ross. C. Williams of New York City; J. U. •,4
1 A. '
Auburn: ales Hugh L. Smith, Jack- Alley and mother of New York; Jo- r
aonv illc; Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Babson seph E. Packard of Ilronxvllle, N. Y.; • _
and Miss Doris Babson. Chleago: Me. Miss Ethel Jennie Kyle of 1'hiladel- t 4 - y .•
and Mro.Robert T.Small. New York: h -
phla: Al r. and Mrs. Phoenix I'ttgen- ".;a.,
Mr. and Mrs. at. A. Coolidge, Fitch- stocker and son of lialamaxoo, Mich.; ''....4.`�' '
burg, Mass: Judge R. Nichols, Mrs. Mrs. William R. Oates and daughter r • t • _ I�7„.,,;,....`
George R. Nichols, Jr., and Frank Miss Jane and son William of De- - �5..�� �j� •
Billings Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ar- trail: Ralph W. triter of Binghamton, aMn [ -•�•y
bulhnot.Jr..Miss E.S.Arbuthnot and N. Y.; Mrs. William Carlile and Miss 1t
Roswell K. Pratt, Boston; Mrs, Georgi Catherine Lemon of Columbus; Mr. t
Chuhoun, Grandmere, led.; Mr. and �� .'`
and airs. P. J. MCOteire and two chit- _ 1 5 v�`/
Mrs. F. W. Hnt•Ibutt, Alantic CIYt: dren of St.Louis,Mo; Ralph A.Sweet t \ :\ ' tip
air. and Mrs. Harry KAgerly, Boston: of Binghamton, N. Y.; Mr. .and Sirs. ]aJt"�`6 i 1 r
Mra. Alfred Hicks and Mrs. S. 9'. C4V :• \ \ -
P. A. Newton and two daughters of t
Mitchell. Pittsburgh: A. S. Hinds, Chicago; Mr. and Mts. G. Belmont of
Portland. Me.; Mr. and Mrs. Newton New York City; F. M. Howell and i i
J. Harris. Detroit: W. Blaine Patton. - a t ' -'
N. J. Nolan of New York City; hlnr-
Indianapolis: Mr.and Mrs. W. R.Oli- ray Jonas of Richmond. Va.: air. and .,. A - - 'r ‘"
1 ver, Baltimore: C'. S. Mills I-tarIford:
at rs. Frank S. Finger of St. i,ouls;
Mr. and hies. H. C. Brooke and Mrs. hfr. and Mrs. N'. (:, hicKechneY, of a fid--k _
E. H. Johnston, Toronto. — Philadelphia; Mr.and Mrs. P. R'. Da-
vid of Wnehington, D. C.; hire, Lee ';:a.$
THE LINCOLN Sinclair anti daughter Miss I.Illlan,and
atony familiar feces may be noted Harold P. Cooler of West Baden, A dazzling spectacle of graceful movements and vivid colors was offered
at the Lincoln Hotel for a number of Ind.; Mr ,and Mrs. M. J. Campen of for the entertainment of guests by this group of dancers on the occasion of
the guests show their delight in the Cleveland: Howard H. Reldridge of the formal opening of the beautiful Nautilus hotel. The team of Hasoutra
Lincoln by returning year after year. Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. A• M. William- and Macarte shown in the second row presented a marvelous tango. Rosa
The list of Lincoln Hotel guests Is non and Mrs. Winters of New York; De Cordoba et the left in the front row gave attractive Spanish dances.
as follows: Mr.and Mrs. R. B. Adams Mrs. Mack of New York and Mr. and and Rhoumaja was a winning gypsy. In the center is Florida Shaw,
anti Mr. ;and Mrs. W. I'. Adams; airs. Mev. Max Schwartz of New York. who directed the dancers.
Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
yCauseway Ice Co.
(II Pure Distilled Water Ice
Service Unexcelled
Phone 797
R. H. HOLLAND, Manager
1005 Lincoln Road If You Intend to Build
Community Theatre Building See Us for Prices in
<• "As good as the best and costs less"
GOWNS — HATS — CAPES Delivered Anywhere t
M:,nurnou"rem of "BOY I) BLOCKS"
SPORT CLOTHES Miami Beach Builders i
216 Alton Road Phone 428 M. B.
Miami Beach, Fla. •
O _ltl'iiirlllllllllltllititi IJ11tI711111illm11l.Ylrtl.1111111111n81ll1llllllllllllllliIllfl1l1rllUlll I'iItI1111111C1..11rr.
Service for Your Auto -.t. Our Miami Beach Yard is now com-
TEL. 445 = pletely stocked with Quality building
Material. The same "Schilling Ser- ii
is like the fire department—prompt, organized, efficient - vice" is extended to all. No order
and persistent until the trouble is over. A husky auto am-
bulance and service car and a corps of experienced auto = t00 small; none too large.
doctors at your call day or night. — c
Beach Yard
If you are worrying about those worn tires, better get on
Easy Street with a new set of DIAMONDS—the tire of =
"Longer service for a less price." All other well known = Purdy Avenue & Bay Phone 353
brands of tires always on hand. B =
o t111111117141UI5I SIlm01111 m'1ll's 11111lt1l11.l III 1111111111111101'-01131111II III III II I III III 11'n11111,1 III 1111111 llllll'.r
2nd Street and Ocean Drive M. B. Phone 874
(A letter from Mrs. J. N. Lummus, The attractive tea gardens of the A la carte service from 8 a. m. until I
continued from Mat issue.) Nautilus hotel are scheduled to open p' m.
The stockholders on July 6, 1912, for the season Wednesday afternoon. Breakfast 6Oc—Luncheon 75c—Regular Dinner $1.25 ,,
were: J. E. Lummus, A. .1. Bendle, Located at the very edge of the bay. Meals delivered to all parts of the beach at any hour .)'
J. C. Gremling, R. B. TraCY. .1. A. with palm trees circling the marble PRIVATE DINING ROOMS WE CATER TO YOU
T McDonald, Dan Hardee, W. S. Gram- floor, and fascinating lighting effects
7 ling, J. N. Lummus, John Gifford, when dusk falls, the gardens are ex- .,:.{•.}:•.;•:•r,„s.s.s.;,••,rr•:«„•«,,;,,.,y 4,,,,.,,. w:„s„y.,»,«r
Avery C. Smith,James C. Narr, C. L. acted In be very popular. MIAMI BEACH HARDWARE AND PAINT CO.
Huddleston, C. H. Lyne, J. F. Olives, Throughout the gardens the Spanish
Idea Is carefully•carried out. This In- A. C. Bennett, Prop.
R. B. Anderson, Dr. E. K. Jnudon, J.
Builders' Hardware, Roofing Paints, Oils,
Nudes even the . aint design or the
H. C. Ralston, J. 2d. Jackson, J. C tea house. Varnishes, Stains
Bails, J. Roop, Mrs. J. C. Belle, N. T. The 'Miami Lucky Seven” ercnes- Phone 387 M.B. MIAMI BEACH 109 Collins Ave.
tra will offer the music for dancing. •'
Free Delivery to All Parts of Beach °
Days for the tea dances are Wednes-
So it is evident a large number of day, Friday and Saturday afternoons. $4".'" •:•+S••:•+++++++{ 4+++p
people were much interested Ile Guests are now arriving at Miami ++++++-4}}- ++++++++4+?+++++++.++++++++++++++
Ocean peach Realty Company. It Beach's newest of the large hotels, HOTEL NEMO
as time passed, J. E. and J. N. Li _ and reservations are rapidly coming In
mus Owned Inc companyfor the season. The bungalows, l0_ Corner Collins Avenue and First Street
They Owned a lot of land but needed cater] on Collins Island. which gives Close to the Ocean
more money. J. N. Lummus gave them Just enough pleasant seclusion,
away thirty-five lots on Atlantic Boul_ are completed, and reservations are POPULAR RATES
ever& now named Collins Avenue, •new being received for them. +
• with the understanding that the own- Saul Goodkowsky,Mgr. ♦+
ers would build homes at once. The ++++++++++++++++++++N+++++++++++++++++++H++++++}4}4
early residents that accepted thin The first ancted in nt of aa large I!1 111 t t 0 1 1 0 1:::•:•:••::••:;::; 4»,.}:—:—:,-{.:_:-:•,•-•„;-9„}•;-;_;—i• ••
hotel to he erected in Miami Beach for 4• •' c• :>•
prmitIon and n few that owned Iota, +proposition,
. were J.N.Lummus,A.J.Ilendle,E.B. thJ. next season was made when Com. I II:ADQU:IRTERS
J. Perry StOlis arrived on hla yacht
Lent, T. E. James, Willis 1'Ickert, Fleetwood III. The new hotel will be
For Ocean Front Property M1liama Beach
(leorge A. Douglas, N. R, Norton, L
known as the Fleetwood, n 11 story
R. Blackman, K. W. Brewer, Harry structure, f onting the bay en :he site
r, ()neck, Tom Frederick, Capt. J. H. ''
north of the aquarium. Cost of the
Welsh. W. H. Cauley (now owned by 822 Fifth Street
structuretwill bon . is and It will Miami Beach
Mise McS woeny),R.H.and U.L.Wil- contain 860 .�
son, Mrs. Philip Clarkson, R. B. Gan- 'comms. It. 1s 1924. ba co.n- - '
plated by December 1. -0•+i•irt:..}.;;.{..;..;..;..}{.{»}; .✓..{.✓..;.>.{.;-..;.:—:—:•i^:—}:.-i•_'.'••}:,•-:✓.•i•i
tier,George H.Booker,E.Ford Wells.
F. H. \\•harton, Dr. W. S. Gremlins, The contract has been let to the
t J. W. R. SicCennls, F. A. P. Jones, George B. Langford Construction
Company of Louisville,builders of the
A. H. Adams, S. A. Belcher, C. H.
Perry, L. B. Boyd. McAllister and )'once do Leon Hotels
One of the writer's most pleasant In 6Hami.
memories of Miami Beach's early The Ruggles Motor Truck Company, of Sagi-
days happened on St. Patrick's Day, Lots 11, 12, 18 and 14, block 106,
naw. Michigan, announces the appointment of
March 7, 1912. Captain John Welsh 50x150 feet each, on Alton road, Mi- The Miami-Ruggles Truck Company as Exclusive
furnished the fine..Irish liquor and ami Beach, were sold by Roy Wright Factory Distributors of their product on the East
• with the help of Mrs. Fred Hand and to Schirmacher&Hightower,for 156,- t
g Coast of Florida.
Others, we made Iced drinks, well 000,or 814,000 each. Mr. Wright pur-
spiked, that had a big kick ane in- chased lot 66, Point View, Miami
vited all the workers at the Beach to (teach, a bay front lot, 100x800 feet, The new distributorship has secured the mag-
come and enjoy It. After lunch little for.822,000. nificent building at 1043 West Flagler Street.
Helen Lummus hoisted the first Amer- where every model of Ruggles Truck in produc-
lean flag at Ocean Beach. She stood • ---- tion will be displayed and carried in stock for
on a crude platform and Captain Florida ellamte. The development on
Welsh stood near her. Ile was the the Penilila (It Is now an island. I the convenience of their patrons. A full line of
second agent employed by the Ocean believe), was completed In 1914 and replacement parts are carried in stock and trained
Beach Realty Company. Now In 1914 Is the largest development of Its kind • service men have been employed to carry out to
Ocean Beach was getting to be a thing In the state. Ocean Beach Realty the letter the factory service policies.
of beauty. Three years before,It was Company, the Alton Beach and the
a of almost barren land but we all Miami Beach Improvement, all Joined
know what can be done by the active In this development and I will say Truck users, both present and prospective are
mental qualities of master man, when here that Mr. John Levi was a faith- invited to inspect our plant, showrooms and stock
he is aided by the "Almighty Dollar." fol earnest worker for Alton Beach room at their convenience.
We saw lovely lawns dotted here and Company. He was on the Job from ,
there with exquisite tropical flowers early morning until night.
that can grow so luxuriantly in our (Continued Next Week)
from the Lindseys
Now at Hardie's Casino .!
1043 West Flagler St.
All Branches of Swimming Taught—See Them f
About Your Swimming Problems. Rates Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed •i•
JIIIIII II'IIII111111.1111111111'111111I11.II.1i11.11111 II I I IIII IIW I.Il1111'iIi11111141111IIII8111AI.IIII IJII III II III Ill'' ;.r,.,:,y,}:„},.:.In.,,}{,p{,,•:.4..:..y,.4n1.{•->.4-:-::-4-.)•.,:•:•.,:•,y:,,y:..y,,,y.-4-•:•-:-4,-_
amiBeac :j: Miami !Beach •
`,�' AT ` s Supremely Unsurpassed
Go where you will, you'll find nothing similar to
Week of January 20th. Miami Beach.
'..1: And just as Miami Beach surpasses other corn-
- --_- --_-- ---- — _ munities—so are there sections of Miami Beach that
are distinctively different. :
Sun. ) Nothing similar to THE CARL G. FISHER PROP- ::
i Mon. -DADDIES” from the great stage success. ER FIE;has ever been conceived and carried to such a
a completion. e
Tues. f t
You know what you're buying, when you pur-
_: A call at our office may prove well worth your ,..
Wed. ) -THE VIRGINIAN," featuring American a time. r
Thurs. f historical events. ,'. The /mar G. Fisher
. Carl' L
r Thurs. _
1 "THY NAME IS WOMAN." featuring Ro- Lincoln and Washington Avenue
E Fri. i mon Navarro.
:NA 111'1'111111111111IiiIt11.IIII:11111IMI1111:11.11!11I tiiiit11 ii11111111111.11i1111.I11 111111.11111111111I11111I11'..1111i1.1.1411111t- ':-0{••:v:•::..:{••:•v:•...:•v{,{..:•:.:.;;; ;
Free Mah Jongg Instruction
_"� "" _: Mr. Chu, a gentleman from China and an expert and
authority on Mali Jongg, is daily conducting classes 10 a. in.
::: to 12, and 3 to 5 p. m. Mr. Chu has a most elaborate
j. display of Mali Jongg sets and all accessories of the game.
Miami Laundr9. Anglers! .
Cleaners and Dyers ?. Smithy, who for years was with the Anglers Club, is in ;
charge of our Fishing Tackle Department. He can tell you
1109 FIFTH STREET : where to go and who to go with—what sort of tackle and f
bait will make them bite and land them. We are Exclusive •
(Two Doors From Post Office) selling agents for the famous Juliusvome Hofe B. Ocean
Reels, Leonard Rods and Wm. Mills Sons lines. A complete
workshop for repair of reels, rods and tackle.
Park your automobile at Burdines Auto Hotel and
shop at—
For Our Famous White Car Service
% l'. 0C. oQ
A Complete DepartnsentStore
— -- . — ,�
i .
HE Miami Beach Chamber of (
write to the Orlando Board of Trade f
(4'0 Commerce board of governors / '."".1. ,1 f , 1•. '♦r' ,, +'! relativelto advertising in the north 1
. •
, 1' A \`\ that Florida halt no Income or fnherl-
wants something to nay on , � tance tax laws. •the question of routing all Present at the meetin •g h-t°'., traffic over the ,Venetian ' ' -f s were Thom-
• Way and commercial traffic as J. Pancoast, the president: Vnl ('.
i Clt s and F.Lowry Wall,vice-terry:
over the present causeway. ) I' t t dents: C. W. Chase, Sr., secretary:
according to action taken at the meet- _' • {/N.�S • • , Mian Martha Harbison, assistant see-
ing of the group at the Cosy Corner �y ' .,, (4 retar Milton Farr.CityManager Van
Inn last Friday. Ernest Cotton,dlrec- {S' •
S y7 ge
for or public Service of Miami, went a e 't Alen Harris,Judge W. E. Walsh, Jos-
tetter to the organization, which re- r • i
eph �tonflle. R. L Ellis,W. A. Kohl•
\\ hepp.
nutted In the matter being brought rip ''k 1, : ,, * • �. y
•tor discussion. Representatives of the •t A $25 membership In the National
board will consequently be heard whent."
1 r \ .q‘.
Coast Oil Pollution League has been
the county commissioners meet to con- / i 1 t 1 `- r: ' 'i, taken out by the Miami Beach the question. SSS j _ CCt ♦p
- F; Fp �!-.,�_ ber of Commerce.Though actively in-
t r " I tereeted In the league. esyeclally
RIMS are to be encouraged to make 1 ' , ll jk 1 3 through Mr.Chase's efforts,the Cham-
, Miami Beach their home by action of — ,_•s g• «1. * .. , Ler of Commerce hnd never taken out
•hoard,which placed a ban on cuts •r t.. s. a card.
a Red residents to build hire:oun- -
taro. so that the leathered folk might • A healthy growth in keeping with Ito
have plenty of fresh water.
- • IctY has been shown by the Call of MI-
It isn't so long ago,so you surely remember the members of the first board ami Beach, official publication of the
City Manager Van Men Harris was of governors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. But just to re- Chamber of Commerce. A thousand
appointed chairman of a membership fresh your memory,and to recall the early days of the organization and the copies were ample when the first
committee which will put on a cam- good start made, here they are. Reading from left to right: Wit: Hardie, copy was produced.For this month 6,-
paign for new members for the Cham- A. F. Zoller, Avery C. Smith,Frederick R. Humnage, C. W. Chase, Sr., 000 copies are needed. and the pupil-
her of Commerce January 29, 30 and Lambert Rook,Thomas J. Pancoast,C,W.Chase, Jr.,and Line Marger. Mr. cation contains 32 pages In contrast to
31. Pancoast was then, as now, president, and Mr. Chase. Sr.. secretary. the four of the first.
Of Exclusive and High Class
Real Estate, Residence Lots, Apartments and Apartment Sites
Fine Homes, Hotel Sites, Business Properties
If you arc interested in high-class and safe investments—investments where property values are growing daily, it
it will be worth your time to call at our office.
Community Theatre Bldg., Lincoln Road
.. wi
PAGE TWENTY•81X MIAMI BEACH REGISTER Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
(Zile laenttissance cArt (battery
t An Unusual Selection of
of the renaissance
1234-1240 N. E. First Avenue Period
Paintings by old Masters
Dealers in Nash Cars (Fours and Sixes
Southern Import Co., Inc.
Good Used Cars Miami Office: European Office:
Telephone 3322 Miami, Florida Metropolitan Building 20 Via Cavour
215-217 N.E.Second Ave.
Phone 4820 Florence, Italy i
D.V. Leland,President
oniz imit11111111111IJ11111.II1.1'Iiiimi 171111111111111111111IIIIi111111111111.111111Illllllnlllllll'IlllliLL
BK1 , r IE y
��/� = Miami Beach Real Estate
Phones 6777-6778— 1222 N. E. Second Ave. _ 608 Fifth Street Miami Beach, Fla. Y.
When Better Automobiles are built Buick will Build them = —
11111IIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 1111111111111111111.1.1 I111B11':111111111111111L11lllllllltlllllllllll II 111'11111111111I111111G
CS. p p o
Why Drive an Old Car Do You Like Miami Beach?
When at small cost you can have one that looks like new? Like to live here if you found the right opportunity
We are specialists at auto painting. Let us give you an for a profitable investment? We are at your service
estimate on your car. and glad to show you around, with no obligation on
your part.
Automobile Painting and Trimming LUMNIIUS, COX & YOCOM
321 Jefferson Avenue Phone 535 Smith Casino Building
0 El 0 I
fill 11111119111111.11111111'111I911II111111111111,1111B1111111111111111111W111111111111111111,IIIIIIIIII.IIII1•
MIAMI TIRE COMPANY = Travel By Motor Stage =
The Automobile Department Store
The owners of all makes _ DeLuxe Motor Stages leave our office, 6 South Miami =
of cars will find it de- r _ Avenue, Daily at 8 a. m. for Jax. Overnight stop at
cidedly advantageous to I A l! , 1 s Cocoa. Fare, one way, $12.50, round trip $24.00. _
deal with an old estab- t' �I-� = This is the only way to really see the East Coast of _
lished firm such as ours. /',—'~ Florida.
Tires, accessories, sup- U� 4 '.0-71
f –
plies. We have the best �p l_._ ,,-,.,iii‘--; = Florida Motor Transportation Co.
of everything. I`r�.�.zw ate. l►.
'� ' = South Miami Avenue
13 N. E. First Street = Phone 3430 for Reservations
Phone 6559
a11.11IIIt'IIIIIIIIIIi1III1.1.1111111IIIIII111I Ill1ii1:lunti1.1Iiiill IiI11IinuI.I.IIi1unIII III111111.111 Ill III III Iii 11111.1ii111'1n:
Wednesday. January 16, 1924.
•ii the 5EAC1-F&SEEI II
MANY LOVELY GOWNS was worn. The glimpses of delicate lady, made In various
AT HOTEL OPENINGS pretty Colors, tents,blue,green and red,dotting the
pink In the lining of the cape as MI.s with a trio of three always worn at sands of Mediterranean resorts,during
Oraten danced was most fetching and one time,
Gorgeous gowns were plentiful at reminded one of apple blossoms. her European trip. And she decide
de each a tent would be Just thee
Mrs.the openings of the big hotels,adding . EdwardGraeselll who Is a de-
nota little to the general air of lux- clded brunette, looked verPlayingadspirate proved nameprofitable for thing for her private beach, since it
Y pretty In two lads who possess a familiar was both attractive and useful. oFor
Dry and the exotic beauty Of the her Spanish type frock of white,with in Miami Reach. Inside the tent may be placed a cozy
scene. a red rose caught In her dark hair. '
Milton and Holden L'Ecluse,sons of couch chair, and this may be drawn
When the guest. danced In the at- Mrs. Cecil G. Fowler's frock of Mr. and Mn. Milton L'Ecluse who out for a delightful son bath, with
tractive lounge of the Pancoast Ho- white and silver brocade elaborately own property In Miami Beach, were the head kept within the Shade of the
tel on the occasion of Its opening, It draped, was very becoming to her.
digging In the sand In front of the tenteif s shielding the eyes from
` was possible to note a member of ex.
Minn Harriett Whyte who has a L'F.clune estate on Long Island, pre- the tropical sun.
qufsite costumes. stately type of beauty, wore a lemon tending they were seeking buried
Mm. Thomas J. Pancoast wore an colored chiffon,and the bottom of the
imported gown of unusual attractive- film Skirt was deeply edged In gray rusty when they Cnmo upon a Three very floe chow dogs, all reg-
yrusty tin can.
nese, that also perfectly stilted her fur' The boys'eyeslaterad In the New York Fennel Club,
Y ) grew round with in- are owned by Mr. and Mn. Clayton
sweet appearance and manner. The
tercet an they noted the heaviness of Sedgwick Cooper.
Lunt of the big hotels to open for Per. Themale is excCp-
the can. And they grew bigger and ly splendid. Chows originally
creation wan elaborately embroidered
` and bended with mother of pearl.with the season formally, but not least In rounder still as the reason became came from Manchuria, no they fit in
the skirt particularly fancy since the the number of wonderful costumes apparent. For precious atones and well with the beautiful Oriental fur-
shown, was the Nautilus. Jewelry flowed from the rusty can In nishings of the Cooper home!
petals of the flowers were mother of
pearl, and the centers heavily em- Mrs. Carl Graham Fisher was par- shimmering quantities
hroidered. The body of the gown was titularly lovely, wearing a close fit- and The lads hastened to their mother. Life in Florida was simply too fast
a see Roma. and the headed R gown, reflecting the Egyptianpoured Into her lap, the
m s brought out tones of orchid type, with color of a beautiful blue. for a four-footed beast—and an this
pirates Rut less of a believer In Mr. Alligator about whom we N-rlie,
and rose.
trimmed only by narrow bands em- pirates than her young:Sera, Mrs.
Another attractive frock wan that hmidered in Oriental colors, made I;Eciusc recalled that thieves had en- grew an extra foot. '
of Mn. Richard Hellen, who wore n
with severe straight lines. toed the rooms of Henry C. Wilcox RDt the freak did nut prove fast
rich black velvet with long brusque
Mrs. It, B. Adams wore a lovely and had taken diamonds, sapphires extra appendage.ugh for hla enptora. despite the
waist and full long skirt that suited frock of rose and silver, prettily and rubles valued at $10,000. Alligator As a consequence,
well her slimness and also the sheen draped. with a great cluster of rosythee. fireplace
tar now the It In front of
Mr. Wilcox\VllIdentified the Jewelry, fireplace at H. H. Bailey
of her auburn hair. No trimming em- fl°wers an the corsage. and RmtMullY gays the boys $1,000 '
hrllinheA the (rack except that around Mrs. James ti. Snowden looked like reward. > home In to Reach, And there he
the hem was a very deep border of
a French doll,wearing a frock of pink Jl r. L'EclunC In identified with the can display to advantage the extra
painted roses, taffeta to which were shimmers of firm of L'F,cluse, \Vaahburne and Co., claw at the base of the tall.
Mrs. John BrMlne wore a Pansy gold, with tight bodice and very full which handles sales for the Carl G.
crepe with long bnaque waist and very skirt reaching to the floor, an stiff Fisher Interests In New York City, HOTEL MARLBOROUGH
foil skirt,with a big black velvet and full that it looked as though It and has latelyopened ) The formal opening held the Hotel
would stand alone like a an office here nightMarlborough Invitationswill be out for
sy at the waist to the right. Overgreat full In the Communit• Theatre.
the full skirt was a blown flower. Touches of night. have gone out for
Pleated flounce gold lace
of pansy tulle and this was finished were lined an Inserts on the bodice. the formal dinner dance.
Norman Yancon»t, eon of Mr. and The Dlarlborongh orchestra will Pro-
al the bottom with black Spanish lace. Mrs.Thomas J. Pancoast,has won the vide music for the dancing in the pret-
The Parisian gown of Mn. William later and later grows the bathing coveted letter at the University of t-v blue and
E. Walsh was nino Of popular pansy hour at the Miami stench casino, fol- Pennsylvania, gold lobby already
the sing
lowing out the old ornery rhyme of gaining It . The his Hing. Rahe¢penin are rnm(nR
shade, heavily--beaded with the motifs work on the soccer team. The men in for the °
In the shape of flowers, all hand the lad who"Deed to come at 10 o'clock De^Ing•
motored all bat one of their games. Although a dinner dance was given
work. cd a and now you come at noon." Last Each member of the team was award-
Mrs. J. Arthur Puncoaat's attractive
most liked which was somewhat later winter II o'clock seemed to he the lune at the Marlborough New l'ear'n eve,
small gold soccer boll as a me- this was on the on of the in.
frock was a silver metal brocade withmento of the many victories.
than the year before. .This year most formal opening, andrad the affair thin
style with the narrow ruffle at the of the crowd arrives at noon. week will be more elaborate. Reser-
blue and orchid tones made In barque
On the bench In front of the Shad- vetlone are coming In for the dinner.
top of the skirt faced In a deeper Some of the women have expressed owls, the Carl G. Fisher residence, P. J.Davis,builder of the big hotel,
Dnrple, themselves as preferring the earlier stands a gay red tent,facing the deep has taken over the
Mrs. Dean Brown wore a stunning hour, because the later makes the at. blue sea. place himself. and
Rook of black velvet, with the skirt ternoon so short. "It's two o'clock Mrs. Fisher noted with interest the class in every wl operatenwayatCl r>• thxt is high
wide and bouffant style,and the waist. briars we get luncheon,and than time
basque. The unusual feature consisted for polo," in the way one winter reel- — --
of a Mg basket of flowers In colors dent expressed it. But everyone likes The Beautiful Nautilius Now Open
embroidered on each side of the skirt to be on the beach when the crowd
where the fullness of the bouffant Is there,and so most everyone In corn-
' style came, making the haskets stand 1^g at noon despite ' r'ira \_-
Pcraannl prefer- -�--"
°arts encs. However, that May change be- �•.-"� -•
As metal the opening of the Elam- fore the season In over and the In- ---K-' _ t., L'T
Ingo Hotel on New YCRYA eve was qurgente, or rather the adherents to '•` ',• �• ,Y I,
R t
the signal for beautiful women to vie the hour of Met season, have their �- .-
in charming frocks. wily. Y -Alf, r _ q- 1 rbc .+-'h.
The (rock of Mrs. Edward Coleman K'hltc, so popular Inst winter, will �s .7• E `fIS t —�'—F ,ai` �'�`
Romfh was white, with pink flaw- again be "the color" most worn this _ ,t • f s er . 2 a 1] - -
en scattered over the surface, made year, according to fashion's forecast, "�Ir - 9 t l/ '
holera style - 1:' ro 1' „ f
hot yellow, blue and gray will nisei be , !
Miss Jane Oates wore one of the much seen. �_- j '� �� 9 ti.
prettieet frocks of anyone in the Straight dressers are"the thin butSlil, ` �h, .i- at 14 'w�
younger set. Her's woe an apple the long smock over blouse allied will ef' .. e, ba .1- fize .,-
green taffeta. lined with pink chiffon, also be mined a great deal. Hats Prom- `•s ' rs , '} .J , ' . -.
with full isklrt. quaint rape and tight lee to be small and sweet. -' " 3 " 4, '"1
hrolce. The foil collar M the cape �l
sun caught with loops of _ �' , g;•..
Dgold brocade Among the novelties are Rnnel^n N� p - - `'�l
and a corneae of bright color flowers bangles for the rounded arms of ml• •' b,..' �'' — µ-
-...7=."t` _S7ej
closed cars
• As well as open are at your service and without obligation
to you. If you wish to look at a piece of property, phone us.
We'll give you our best judgment but the decision is up to
you. We never annoy clients and we will not annoy you.
M. B. PHONE 517
Twenty-third St., at Collins Ave. Associates Are
Miami Beach—across from Casino J. II. Proeger H. H. Coburn
. ' 4,: i2� For a Few Days—or the Season
`�z... ".",4'.40 The HOTEL MliRID
R Dorothy Br
. Jade Tree
413-415 COLLINSE
Thiricjs Chinese ONE BLOCK FROM EAN
A New Hotel, Centrally Located, You Will At All
Distinct and Unusual Beads and Earrings, Embroideries, Times Feel at
Mah-Jongg, Ming Toy Suits, etc. OPEN FOR RESES
Fancy Indian River Oranges '
Pecans Cocoanuts Alligators �� r'
Shipments Guaranteed. Special Parcel Post Boxes
277 East Flaglor Si.
20 S. E. Ist Avenue Next to Paramount Theatre MIAMI, FLORIDA
JIIII ililtiailitnIIIIIIIFiJitl 1:11'!U161.11.II.IIi111111i II Illldliitiiil'.4Jltilit lilt 111111!Id I till IILt 111 111!III I_ =.i llltll'J111111111991l.IIITIIIlt9111111111!IILI;ILIIlt!I!ill IIII I'11111'4111ill 1111111111111 I IIII lb 1111IIII Ill ill ii 1111'
Arnold Glove Grip Shoes = = . '
_t'' – • .� NU r
-I "For hLn and Women" –
B. WEAR ASA PAIR _ _ szs N. E. SECOND Avls Ce
:2_ _ Exclusive Hahciaashery—•Street and Sport Shoes
OF GLOVES == Linen Sults and Knickers f.:
=_� White Flannel and Gabardine Trousers
------- - — = ISathlnK Sults -
= Sole Representatives For —
The Glove Grip Shoe Store = SLAZENGER'S
133-135 CentralsiveAgents.Arcade E Z.' Stewart Golf Clubs with Hickory and Steel Shafts
_ Always In Stock et
id111141l'.II'.IIII1l11III.1.11111111141,11'1 I11111IIIIII1111I I1i11111111.1111.111411l1111I I1 111'CIII91WIIIl9561111 111115 l tl1111111141N11.Ulit.l61!tI11.III.11151'PIIB@IUII6191MIIIIIIIlIlI11111:frlltllU19n1'GIIIIIIIIItlIl11intr9.tIdIH111',fII11111IHIpINI'41 th.:4
.- -. ,...
Wednesday.Janux ry 16; 1924. a MIAMI BEACH REGISTER PAGE TWENTY-NINE
SITUATION. . .. Three hundred guests were entertained with a
Dr. Jeremiah Whipple Jenks, one of the coon- i private Showing of the paintings exhibited by the
try's foremost political economists, who has Just .........444 ` ,4 Florida Art Longue anti a delightful tea Tuesday-
' returned from a study of monetary conditions •-•' • afternoon from three to five at the Miami ]teach
•abroad, gave an interesting and instructive die- "- Chamber of Commerce building.,
course on the situation before an audience of 60 .. -
Mrs William Mrs. 1•:. Walsh, Mrs. Itnv G. []urlin-
guests from Miami, Miami Beach and Coconut game and Mss. William F. Itasco Whitman were the
Grove,at the home of Mr.and Mrs.Clayton Sedg- 4, ��11 _ charming haste»sea. Mrs. Bascom Palmer and
wick Cooper, "Sea Dreams" on the ocean front. -;�!.' i' atre. G. O. Palmer and Mrs. F. A. Roser presided
Although[the picture
painted was a rather dark at the punch bowls,while Miss (tatty assisted y,Mrs.
one, nevertheless Dr. Jenks stated that he was
Dorothy dainty
nn,Mins Helen Dolan in eery-
optimistic of the future, partly however because • Ing the dainty cakes and candies. Pink roses were •
the conditions were so bad, the nations could not
used to add their effectiveness to a room of lovely )
stand up against a reasonable plan. •
P¢In The en •tire
enafternoon was filled with pleasure
In prefacing his talk. Dr. Jenks said that he �; y
would take the point of view of the different for the Rucets,who wandered informally about the
nations,and try to show what they were thinking. rooms, and admired the works of art, or Binned
Some time ago he was invited by the German gnu- with friends. Everyonerstfelt that the exhibit aur •
ernment to come to Berlin and try to work out a and that las[yen is first effort.Rood thoughcredit It was, •
plan for stabilizing the currency. A plan was pro- and the palating» were a dlrtrai t etc to
the young organization.Scenes,portraits,sketches
duced that seemed satisfactory to Germany but —all showed talc Inspiration. The paintings were
the reparations committee decided not:to meet the carefully placed too, to obtain correct lighting ef-
111 I
Because he felt that the opportunity to study the facts.
vagaries of a falling paper currency were best in Judge\V.E.Walsh, president tit of the league,de-
Berlln. Jenks spent most of his time In that voted much time toward making the exhibit a sac-
city. ce several examples of the fall of the cess, and the artists co-operated with sincerity
mark, t ng of paying 24 millions in the Ger- and effort. C. W. Chase,Sr.,secretary' and treas-
man currency for a post card, and that thin wanurer,was another officer to whom credit Is due.
worth hut one-fourth of a cent, while the aid of •+ The exhibit will be continued through the week.
four ladies was needed to hell+IL and how hotel open to the public.
Artists exhibiting were Enoch Vognild, Michael
6111» were finally offered every day to keep tip
with the fall of the mark. When Dr. Jenks left ktundaltzo r F.Woolley, Lucy Lowe;Mr. Haase, DI r.
Merlin. the official figures were that four trillion manna."Get Germany and France together on this Tinnier, Mr. A. Wilson, 5i r. Span-
two hundred pillion marks equaled one dollar. propisltion."said Dr.Jenks."And It will do much car, Mr. Kenyon, Betty Rachel La unn Twltcheil, Dew-
while the speculators often would pay an high as to stabilize the whole European situation. But Inn. \food M. Benjaminnznrua, Cordae John-
seven trillion for a dollar. By the use of a multi- feeling la so bitter,It Is hard to oto that." eel L. Francis,leKFelix,nIrvine,
Kelman, Rob.
however,Dr.Jenks said that the system was art Zoll, L. Moeller,'Alison Irvine, N. Netts.John
not en complicated as it sounded. Dr.Jenks touched.too,on the French situation, Bryan and\f r. Palet.
The German government in trying for a sound saying that the nation was In danger of bank-
currency, and attempting to meet obligations by ruplcy and that this made the situation more FROM SAD RUSSIA
each somet hada to its own people nn cut- hopeful In a way, as the government would besolo.,
glticker to lend an ear to the efforts ut an agree- A man waw nrrIn his eyes the vinlone of
ting down the number on the pay roll and the sal- days gone by in his beloved Russia, but who
pries. A little more gold is coming In each day, ment on reparations, looks forward to a bright future in America
and possibilities are strong that the budget will An for the attention of the United States forglrr-. through the medium of his ever-busy paint brush,
be balanced within six months, without however, Ing debts of the allies. Dr.Jenks said he ttelleved le Michail V. Rendaltzoff, formerly academician
attempting reparations. that the feeling in Europe was general that this of the Russian Imperial Academy of Fine Arts.
Speaking of the living conditions,Dr.Jenks said should be done, but he thought the feeling of the now an exile from Russia. Mr. RendsItzuff le
that they were Indeed had,and that many kitchens thinkers here was that thin would he alright if staying at the Beach Haven Apartments, and has
had been opened up in Merlin to feed worthy there were only assurance that there would he his studio in the Miami Beach Canino.
families. At leant half the school children are tin- building tip for peace. not for war as it seemed During the reign of the Czar, Mr. Rundaltzoff
der-fed, and disease Is on the increase. would be the case at present. wan court painter, and he made three portraits
"I have often been asked whether the deprecia- of Nicholas 11 and the Empress and nix of the
lion of the mark was dune nn purpose to avoid
Following the talk, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were frail Csarevitch. Some persons believe that the
reparations, and again If it were not done for host and hostess at a ten,with punch,sandwiches royal family still lives,but Mr.RondaBeeff shakes
speculation,"said Dr.Jenks,"int ever county•le- and cakes aerved on the wide veranda fronting
y > his head and Indicates that he had Information
niu•s paper currency to meet the hills during and the ocean, an the conclusion of a delightful, and enough to
worth-while`evening• prove that theirlnIRIC end wag as
after war time. Take for example the fall of con- written.
tlnental currency and its final disappearance at Dr. Jenks is leaving in a short time to return 'rite late iheaident Harding twice ant for Mr.
the time of the Revolution, and the trouble after to Europe to continue his Investigation of con- Rnndnitzoff, and the result was a portrait which
the Civil War,.As to speculation—the currency de- dltlnns.
preciation was not forced by speculators, but greatly diplen's the tuneexecand. The picturenow
Mr. HgrdlnR's signature and appreciation, now
some took advantage of the opportunity to spec- HUBBELL SHOWS PORTRAITS hangs in the Miami (teach Chamber of Commerce
Mate as the money depreciated, and that hurt. building.
In the end. it is the poor who stiffer from the
speculation." Among the artists who are exhibiting at the
annual art exhibit of the Tropical League of Fine AUTHOR OF"IRENE"HERE
Suggestions to help the situation were made by Arts, is Henry Salem Hubbell of New York, por- James Montgomery, author of "Irene," "Going
Dr. Jenks, Including the granting of immunity to
those holding money abroad unlawfully, and glv- trait painter of national repots. Two high key IID." and other musical comedy hits, is spending
children's portraits,,"Rogers"and Virginia"are his some time In Miami Beach,In the attractive Min-
ing hope to the Germans that they might meet contributions. gaiow, 1025 Collins avenue, Mrs. Montgomery ac-
their obligations within a reasonable time. In May, Mr. Hubbell had an exhibit of his companled him south.
In speaking of teh Ruhr situation, Dr. Jenks work at the Springfield Art Association. He plans Although Mr. Montgomery is said to be work-
said that both Great Britain and Germany felt to come to Miami Beach later in the season, but inn on another production, he spends much time
that the French were going too far in their de- expressed his works of art. enjoying bathing In the *turf.
PAGE THIRTY MIAMI BEACH REGISTER. ' - y. /•.Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
_`NIIWI4W'Id111b1'J IJ LIIilll,lllluluillll!ILII LIIIIDI III III I11111!11111111lllltlnld I11111111111iIII1IIIII11JYJW�'jl ""«
9' 'asino Soda Shop
-_ Oceanic Construction Co. — That Are Better
Fifth and Collins Miami Beach = CIGARS AND CIGARETTES
Exclusive Line of
Architectural Designers and Builders TOILET GOODS
4 74
John L. Pope, Manager = Hunt & Pitchers, Inc.
5.41.IIIlI 111111Ja1.IiI11111t.InILIII IIII1IiIFnLna14II1111 1 1111 I I III'i IIIA I I at I I.II l i1611i
{•.:«:••'rri•C«'.••:•{•4•:•+r:.}+}•rr•}43d68{•fVOr''h-: y.
See— •_
Perry's tiseway
For REAL VALUES Pharmacy
IN Beach Properties '_ "A Complete 'Drug Store"
: Near Postoffice, Miami, Beach
213 5th Street Telephone 537
Miami Beach ?:
l7 '"malt ri In 1111111III�III I I I I l t1111111 anal 11111 I'I I I I,I tl'I III III III 111.0!111.111111161 1111'1 I1 II111/1111 II.IIJ'IJiuiIIL
Aiontrmar6 ` ZtnOI
Telephone 710 General Contractors
718 Fifth Street —
A boarding school for girls to college entrance. =_ Wm. F. Brown, Associate Architect =
Also day school through all grammar grades. = Phone 511 Miami Beach, Florida2.7 s
17 11.111.li1 1111111 1111 11111 I I III I'111111 II I I I I I I I I I I I 111111,111111 x.1.11111 1111 I rI L1111111J II I I II I i Ii 111.11 =11
0 0 0
Does this vexatious question bother you when preparing Miami Beach Properties
your dinner menu? If so, why not Telephone MIAMI
BEACH, 533, and ask us to send you an order of fish? Embodying a safe investment with an ideal
We are the only exclusive Fish Market on Miami Beach home site.
and receive all our Fish FRESH EVERY DAY. Free delivery ROSE & OSWILL
to all parts of the Beach.
630 Collins Avenue Phone 415
Sanitary Fish Market MIAMI BEACH
805 Biscayne Ave. MIAMI BEACH Telephone 533
"Just West of Smith's Casino"
0 0
Wednesday,January 16, 1924. •MI BEACH REGISTER
IS• 4
r I•exingtoI Avenue
Good weather to the north delayed Physical culture classes on t Ind R'
some of the polo players from leaving are mighty popular at Smittoo North lake 'frail
for the aouthland, but within a week PALM-BEACH, FLA.
this winter, with 90 append •
expectations are that a number will day. Frank Weir and l.leut. Wl&
arrive, insuring regular games. Koenig are the Instructors.
Latest arrivals are Howard L. Platt, Miami Beach Casino
An Innovation has been offered this MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA
4 four goal man, Julio. Fleischmann,
year In making the trip to Smflhb
one goal man, and James Cooley. six casino by an express cruiser, "Elk"
gra!man.J.S. Phipps,and his broth- which leaves Miami daily on the hour ORIGINAL
Cr Howard, both rated four goal, are and Miami Beach on'the half hour, GOWNS
expected soon.They are \feadowbrook WRAPS BLOUSES
making the run in nine minutny
I men. •
POLO PONIES TOTAL 118 - Silas Lillian Tyson has opened her
Polo ponies now in the stables at shop fn the 611nm1 Reach casino for O
the third season, showing afternoon F,'• • ' '' ....
Miami Beach member Its,belonging to
14 different owners.While some of the and evening gowns,sport wear, mllli-
ponies were here last year then° are nery and wraps.Tyson shops arta also f•
located In 1'ulm Beach and in Ma ?; •t
also a number of newcomers. g-
Two of the ponies In the stables of "°"" ''"rk ••':• LEARN TO PLAY GOLF AT OCEAN VIEW GOLF SCHOOL `
f .:
Stepson Sanford are valued at$14,500. • r
They are "Pura" and "My Girl." COMMUNITY THEATRE PROGRAM
"l'urti•1s the pony for wnom the high. Another week of interesting
eat price ever paid for any pony was grams In promised at the Community •i
f given, as the cost of the Argentine Theatre, with variety enough In the
Steed woo 87,500. typeOf plays presented to please ev- '•
Owners and number of ponies aro as
en•nne, ?; Prof. Frank D. Hill, corner Fifth St. and Collins Ave. The
follows: Carl 0. Fisher, 16; J. C. An- "
Eternal City" will be shown 'j only out-doorgolf school in the south.
drew, four; Robert Hassler, 14; Ste- od nesday and T4
'Thursday. January 16 g
and 17, feahrrin •
phrn Sanford, 14; Cecil G. Fowler, g Barbara La Marr, •_
four: W. Gates, four; L. A. Young, Lionel Itarrymore, Bert Lytell, Mon- '.
•1 Day Phone M.B. 825
seven; E. C. Romfh, three: Hal Tal- rugae love,Richard Bennett. Twenty Night ne M.B. 382
last,Mx; Fred loot, 16; Howard Platt, thousand persons are In the cost, and ••tt••
six; J. S. Phipps.six; Howard Phipps, the luxuriant background Is that of 'i
Mx: Julius Flelechmann, 12. Rome. The screen version comes from '.••••:••:••:
In addition there are two large rid-
the story by Sir Hall Caine. and ties •» •'••'^^':•9•POSti^:»::::
ing acudcmles, that of Keith Line of producer was George Fltsmaprice.
Chicago with 16 horses, and that of Harold Lloyd's production. "Why
Lombardi with 12, while Sample also Worry?" claimed to be the funniest
fur horses, ever produced by this laugh-maker.
Most recent of the ponies to arrive will start Friday, and run through Out-of-Door Portraits
were those belonging to Mr. Fllesch- Saturday. A seven-foot giant helps
mann,coming from Macon.Ga.,where to add merriment.
he has been playing, and those of Phi, Comedy in followed by "Dad- Exquisitely Handeolored
the Phipps brother's dies," from the succeaaful sl ge play,
and will be the first show f the
a TENNIS EXHIBITION SUNDAY screen version In the mouth ay,
Launching of the tennis season in Monday and Tuesday are the mates to
Miami Beach will be staged Sunday keep in mind for seeing the piny.
afternoon, according to John Collom. "'The Virginian,' from the novel by
professional In charge.with a merles of Owen Winter, will he the offering
Interesting exhibition matches on the Wednesday and Thursday. Jatluary 23 APPOINTMENTS
Flamingo courts. and 24. The book is considered un-
Amateurs participating will be Carl usually fine, and the film Is said to •
portray vividly the well-remembered BY
G. Fisher. Robert Gifford, Searle Bar-
nett.James Calder.Mike Dolan,Jarvis incidents of the novel.
Adams. Bob Davidson and Mr.McEid- Then on Friday and Saturday will
den. wane William Hagemnnn, John be presented "Thy Name Is Woman,"
Collom,"•and Mike Dolan will be the featuring Ramon Navarre. in his first _ TELEPHONE
peofeysionals to play. starring vehicle.
I Tire Nautilus courts will also be Performances are continuous from
shortly opened with a group of exhlbl- 2 to II, with the programs starting
lion matches. at 2:00, 4:16 and 8:45.
Interest in tennis continues, and A special musicale feature Is offered
Collom and Dolan are husy giving lea- In the evenings during the week of Robert Lawrence Cox
roan. "The Eteranl City,"and"Why Worry."
Frank Phil boy soprano, who and STUDIOS
Streakingma all records for paid admis- Interested many by his strong and
Mona 540 persons panned through the clever performances, will sing.
gate into the Miami Beach aquarium
to view the wonders of the deep last The Casino, Hotel Royal Palm
Sunday. S. Jarvis Adams, president of the
Miami Beach Tennis Association Sr- Miami Beach Miami
And 'tin said that rubber earrings rive Monday from Pittsburg for the
and rubber.bracelets are proving pop- season, accompanied by Mrs. Adams
alar during the swimming hour! and two children.
• PAGE THIRTY•TWO MIAMI BEACH REGIST ,'k t �.`�` Wednesday, January 16, 1924.
• 111th RV v ?w,l'15.' _�Ii1111181111111,111lIIIIIIIIII.11111,iIiI'III111Jd1,111IIIIIIIlil1Gl'I.II.H I_
Third Annual Meeting of = � /'
The Community Church .-?,•;i:::._-...,':'` g
Business House on the Beach—Still First in
`—. Everything
{� On Tuesday evening, January 8th. Sunday School Superintendent: Mrs. - >
the R'oman's Association served a de- Mucha A. King. -
Meting banquet In the west cloister of Assistant Sunday School Superin- p =
the chorea. Attar partaking ng of file tendert: Jcel H011ingehead. Smith
*'Yf1t• 's Casino Baths
feast of good things members and Sunday School Secretary: Harvey H. _ \Jilil<L�»>ttt iii —
friends of the church assembled in the Shaw.
auditorium for the business session. Sunday School Treasurer: F. Lowry
There were more persons present at gall, Miami Beach Find National —
both dinner and business meeting than Hunk. ! A PLACE OF DIGNIFIED EXCELLENCE. =_
were present last year. The minieter, K,otnan's Association First Vice Cpp#
the Rev. Elisha A.King. presided and President: Mrs. R. L Ellis. y -
the clerk,C.W.Tomlinson,made rec- —
theord of the proceedings.
WomaRs Association Second Vice- r.
The annual reports all showed that President: Mrs. Elisha A. King. alyl� ylIIMIMWIj99119111111H1.11.1111J1�.II.I.lUillllI111111111111,I11111df1111111.1111.111111Ii11111'1111.1LL111.1,1111•
the church had prospered in every Woman's Association Treasurer: yrylpM19116'IA!511t81'I''l 1.111!II111111111111111111•!I'Illlfil'.Ifd 1'II'II'.11111111111111.1.I'.PI1111'11111,tiII@,'
way. The outstanding features were Mrs. C. S. Knapp.
an Increased membership.a complete- Young People's Association 1'resi-
ly raised budget,a thriving and grow- dent: Margaret ltnmbneh. =
Mg Sunday School, with a Woman's Morning Ushers: F. H. Henning, _ ��
Association and a Young People's As- George W.Dickens,John L.Crust,Joel
eoehrtlon efficiently organized. Iiolllngshead. The Opening of
i An interesting report was given con- Evening Ushers: F. H. Henning, z,2 I
cerning the membership. Two years Jeremiah Reid, H. L. Kills, Joel Hol- _ 1 f
ago,there were twenty-seven active Ifngahead. = Claude C. Matlack 73
members and during the two years the The trustees presented a budget fol .
membership has increased to seienty- 1924 amounting to 910.000 and this will _ Incorporated 7,
two. Since last Sunday It.has In- he raised in February when the third = STUDIOS OF PHOTOGRAPHY =
creased to eighty-four,fowl/ins a live financial canvass is put on.
interest In those things which the = and LIGHTING FIXTURES =
church stands. Fr Henning. •
chairman of the tees, re-
; 323 Twenty-third Street Miami Beach
ported that the. of 1923, Excellent
amounting to j4 was fully provision has been made v
by the Southern Import Company for —
pledged. Something more than that,t heir patrons in securing Imlwrtatlons P t •
amount actually received. He k151111n41.1.11110111'1111111'111911111111111'111111111.111111111.111'111111111.l11,11.11111.11.11111.It.11d1111811111111.11.11111117L11IIIII,11r
also Ira.that eight new pews had of genuine antiques and works of art
been ctased,a new carpet ordered, from abroad, according to un an-
new church hymnals placed in the nouncement made recently by Yresl-
pews, and an emergency fund estate-
• Reheat, one thousand dollars paid on Every work of art that is purchased EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL AT A NOMINAL COST
the church building debt and five •
b> the Renaissance An Gallery,which A THOMAS AWNING
hundred dollars given to benevolent la ulcerated by the Southern Import
and philanthropic societies. Company,for individual patrons or for Made To Fit and Satisfy"
stock installation Is to have the per- —will give protection from the sun and rain and at the
The work of the Sunday School was somal inspection and Indorsemnet, as '
explained and it was shown to be same time lend that artistic touch that marks the difference
to authenticity, of Enrico Bodmer,
thoroughly organized with graded president of the International Ineu_ between THOMAS AWNINGS and the ordinary kind. There
classes and departments. using the trite of Art. The agents of the con- is a color and design to harmonize with the architecture
beat system of instruction. which In- cern, it le pointed out have entree to and exterior color of YOUR HOME.
keludes the teaching of missions. The practically every private collection of Investigate today! Call, write or phone
enrollment for the past year has been art In Italy and have the cooperation
more than a hundred with an attend- of such personages as H. It. H. Prin_ Thomas Awning and Tent Company
once nearly equal to that amount. cess Alicia de Bourbon. The main oh- Daytona, Miami and West Palm Beach
Mr.King stated that the church eves ject of the concern It is stated is to We Rent Tents and Camping Equipment
a success because of the cooperation of provide the people of this section with
no many interested people. The fu- that type of articles which would bo _
lure is bright lend the place of the eminently suitable to the Italian and
church in the community assured. Spanish houses which prevail general-
As a result of the election the rot- ly in this portion of the country.
lowing officiary of the church has
been announced: PLAN OPEN AIR THEATER
Minister—itev. Elisha A. King. _ Landis Composition Fixture
ltecording Clerk—Walter D. Payne. Frank It. Yadkin and William Vie-
Treasurer: F. Lowry Wall. Miami curdi who have been engaged for 12
Company First National Bank. years In the theatrical business in
Assistant Treasurer: Milton H.Farr. Now York, will open an airaome on •
Deacons: L. V. Martin, \5'illfam Ocean drive adjoining Hardie's casino 1104 Lincoln Road •
t. Tomlinson, T. J. Gillingham. J. Ii. about January 15,expecting to run the
Hamlin. latest releases. WE BUILD FIXTURES TO FIT
Deaconessee: Mrs. George Dickens, The open air theater will seat about
Mrs. J. P. Chyna. 2.000 people and will have graduated
Trustees: 5'.H.Henning,J.H.Bow- seats. Open air boxing will be pre- Your home, both in architectural and decorative features.
ling.George W.Dickens.Jerome Cher- sented one night a week by means of
bind,William Bolles the fine of a portable ring. The area "Have your fixtures decorative"
Choir Director: Mrs. Ruby Showers which the theater will cover comprises
Baker. 250 feet on Flirt street, and 50 feet
Organist: Frank Stanton. on Ocean drive.