1665-12 Pre-1915 PAGESTHE MIAMI
t ' 1
MEANS III ; � � , , tRICES
. ,t ...
, .
Destruction of Citrus Fruits In FIRST CAR OF TOMATOES
Western States is Bound to —
BEGIN TUE WORK BU1 (From he tom day's Daily.)
ect the MarketOpening the tomato season with
a flourish, the A. C. Marshall Co., of
NOW DOUBTERS ARE FEW; iia°1a shipped the fleet car of to_
Or Asetioa Aad Bern Feared ��'aoea out of Dade county for the
( 1.113 season on yesterday, the ear
ter a 'Tlase. bat Commisason Men ItihR loaded at Pompano from the
1 ' farm of Mr. Carleton Marshall, one
Now $ They Will Have a Strug- Rock Road Now Being Built Which of the most successful growers of
i the county. A striking feature of
11141 to 1%1,07 Demand. it C°14Will Connect With Bridge and the tar was that every crate out of
the 4l;2 was of the grade of "fancy."
Wawa 1Does Not Come Here,
• City of Miami `o perfect did the fruit run that
I when It was all packed it was found
S ••••
-- that every crate was either a "108,"
(Frejm Wednesday's Dally.) "120" or a "144," all. fancy Tacks.
' O1tru> fruit shipped from Dade (From Wednesday's Daily.) This is thought to be a record that
county ow on the road will reach Conditions are changing rapidly I has yet to be beaten ,
i. a ntarkak greatly advanced 1n price'on the ocean beach, three miles i There will be another car ship-
ae a rmrnk of tbm terribie ireetcs os the bay from Miami. It in ped from the same farm at the end +
whisk Wis. during the past three ' beginning to assume theof the week, Mr. Carleton • Mari
ishall's 'farm contains seventy-five
bays, destroyed four-fifths of the,of a seaside resort. What the imdg- acres, and it is all set out to tomo-
eltros frtttt of California, is the opfa-! !nation of the Incorporators of the toes, The A. C. Marshall Co. has II
los of local commission men. And Ocean Beach Realty company (IP- farms at Dania and at Colahatchee
the priole will gradually advance, pitted last summer is beginning to I ae well.
they believe. as the extent of the take definite shape. It took faith
damage I suffered In California be- to undertake •the job of making the I k.—
Comes better known. waste of sand and the mangrove assistance as modern sanitary
Whiles the bulk of the shipment swamp into an attractive and habit- science can give in making the beach
of ettrul fruit from California Is able place, but faith marches at the a health resort in fact as well as
composed of oranges, the effect Upon head of progress, and there are now in name.
the grape fruit market, which la the few doubters as to the ultimate out- Building Operations,
oils of .host Interest to Dade cadunty come. Miami is to have a suburb Ju•
dge John C. (3raml1nR has the
growers inasmuch as that is the on the ocean and its development is distinction of building
principal crop of this section. will coming rapidlyt home on the Ocean Beach tract.
' eonsidlerable, it Is believed. The Ocean Reach Realty company contractor, Mr. J. 1'. Blackman, has
9 look for the market on all eft- was incorporated last summer and been in charge of the building o
me frt1tts to advance materiailr! the plat of the tract directly across enation and is now finishing a mod
!within the next four days," declared the bay and adjoining the bathing ! ern seven-room cottage. It will Lost
Mr. P. H. Jandon, a member of the pavilion was tiled July 9th. Since j about 12,.00 and is a model of con-
,, landau Tiros. commission firm. 'It that time the site has been leveled, ' vPnlence. Resides the home. a gar-
ney eve* advance to one third more the tangle of underbrush cleared off,
than is at present being received. g dock erected. a boardwalk built ±age and servants' quarters have also
;+ I 11` fact. t b impossible at the ; been built. and coAmple oanut alms ire
Po Drys- to the beach and along the front, the house cocoanut palms are
mist Urn to tell just how great an and other improvements made. But numerous on this lot. When th
intim �ruM a loss of fruit will this is only the beginning. Q
, hatch far as 11 know that is the grounds are graded up, Jttdg�, Oram
A The Hock Road. ling will at once be dwellingIn the'
# , larveet liras fruit damage on ret- One of the most important tea- midst of tropical foliage while fao-
►l` ' ot!d, a$ thet'e is no history to CO R
b la as !mating the •effect neon terse of the development on the ing the restless waters of the ocean,
b? in •ti Or
beach I. the rock road which it has The contract has been let by the
*, I � � TK. been planned to extend from the new I Ocean !leach Realty .company for
iACo111tts brldtre down to and through two concrete cofferrem ,,.. s.,..,.*T
' across the bay from Miami. it to 1 t" tee Dewe 'e.m a
N a 'lank of the terrible freeze beginning to assume the appearance l of the week. Mr. Carie
whieit has. Aurin fisc t threeshall s farm contains se
ideys, destroyed four-fifths of the 'of a seaside resort. What the 'max-i acres, end it is all set out
ditto fruit of California, is the opin-I Mallon of the incorporators of the I tops. The A. C. Marshall
of heal commission men. And Ocean Beach Realty company de- farms at Dania and at Cc
u ' the prim will gradually advance, picted last summer Is beginning to as well,
they believe. as the extent of the take definite shape. It took faith ii
damage !suffered in California be- to undertake .the Job of making the I
comes better known. waste of sand and the mangrove assistance as modern ._
While the bulk of the shipment swamp into an attractive and habit- science can give in making
of eitruis fruit from California is able place, but faith marches at the a health resort in fact a.
eomposed of oranges, the effect Upon head of progress, and there are now in name. .
the grape fruit market, which it the few doubters as to the ultimate out- Building Operation
sae of +>dbst interest to Dade county come. Miami is to have a suburb Judge John C. (Iremlini
growers,1 inasmuch as that is the on the ocean and' its development la distinction of building
princips.1 crop of this section. will coming rapidly, home on the Ocean Beach
' be considerable, It is believed. The Ocean Beach Realty company
"I look for the market on all eft- was incorporated last summer and , beenein c, air.charge oof thJ. e
tris teens to advance materially the plat of the tract directly across I a bas'
oration and is now 'Mishit'
'within the next four days," declared' the bay and adjoining the bathing
Mr. P. B. Jaadon, a member of the ern seven-room cottage. It
pavilion was filed July 9th. Since about $2,500 and is a mod
Jandon Bros. commisefon firm. "It that time the site has been leveled. I .sentence. Besides the hon
may even advance to one third more the tangle of underbrush cleared off, i age and servants' quarters
than is at present being received. A dock erected, • boardwalk built
of fact, t is impossible at thebeen built. Ample porches
1?o Prue- to the beach and along the front, the house and cocoanut
eat tial to teU just how great an and other improvements made. But numerous on this lot. V
in*uen slick a loss of fruit will this is only the beginning. grounds are graded up, Jur
have. .figs far as I know that is the The Rock Road. ling will at once be dwelli;
largest ditrtis fruit damage on rec-
ord: RAO there is no history to go Ons of the most important tea- midst of tropical foliage '
by in estimating the •.effect upon tures of the development on the Ing the restless waters of t
p>ldaM. r. beach is the rock road which it has The contract has been i
been planned to extend from the new Ocean Beach Realty .coni
P liotiee.Chaa .ge As Yet- Collins bridge down to and through I two concrete cottages on
Mr: John Graham, superintend- the entire tract. The road is now avenue and the materials
Ali °Mr, eompety plant being graded and when completed construction is being i
• to this ity, agreed with the senti- will be as level as a floor. The sand Mr. B. Sutton is the man
manta expressed by Mr. Jaudon. The hills have been cut down and the have charge of this work.
i S, market will surely advance, be says, low places filled up. This road will tages will be artistic in a
f but just11lhow much no one can tell run fSom the company's dock on the and modernly equippe
i 'aa yet. tie had a letter from Mr. J. bey to Atlantic avenue, and thence will Include the instalime
O. Chase; the- president of the corn- north through the center of the ave- Jennie gas system In each
' easy. today commenting epos the nue and the unimproved land beyond which ,will he used for
(rest freeze, and is expecting fuller to the Collins tract. It will con- heating and cooking. TI
lnformatllon tomorrow. It is be- Wine through the Collins property venlences, together with 1
Mitred that by Friday the market to the bridges, making a continuous sewer connections, will tri
quotatiod will begin to show a take, road from the dock to the. city of home conditions on a beat
'be •wireis today Showed no change Miami by crossing the Collins will command a view of
yesterday• bridge. This will make •a s vea-mile and ocean.
"Thera is nv_doubt but that the drive from the heart of the city to The amusement compar
ns$rkst ball be profoundly affected the ocean suburb, and it will be a big pavilion under way,
. by' the elormons loss of fruit," said delightful one at all seasons of the trete walls of the first ate
i Mg. Graham. - "Of course Markets year. Its popularity Is assured at ready up end the floor of I
are Peculiar things. and It is not the outset. story laid. It is located d
sate to drake any predictions as to A big force of men is now at the beach. between the
what degree they will be changed, work on this road under the super- and the water's edge. It
but it lacertain that they will be vision of Mr. Frank Hardee. Look- bath rooms on the first fie
higher trent now on. It is a most in- lag northward from First street it the second a dance hall
terssting situation, probably with- There will be amuseine
s met pars) et in history, and commis- presents a long vista flanked with kinds so dear to
aids msnj and growers alk over the cocoa plum and other forms of wild ipleasure
shrubbery. The. completed plan seaside resorts,
United States will watch with closest calls for various kinds of'palms and The Boardwalk.
'attention; the developments during ornamental trees along the high- Starting at the newly er'
the next few days." way, How beautiful it can be made of the Ocean Beach Rea
The citrus situation since Christ- can be appreciated by those who party on the ha side of
basis has been discouraging to local have seen the improvements on the a strongly built boardwalk
puckers omingrowers, the suply of island at Palm Beach. laid to the beach. Hers
tt, seeming to be always in The roadwayis being
vanes t the demand. Prices eon- graded northward and follows tl
'' • .—„„fenny,_L have been kept down, and twenty feet wide. It is to be rocked Bart of the land to the E
"'fewer,rP several fasteners have not sixteen feet With six inches of rock present plat. It is to its'
• ref/Wedewerunerattve priers. There which will prgba.biy be secured from extended several miles fat.
'was use talk of 'bverprodnctlon •• the Everglade Adratnage canal and until It meets the Collins,
mod leer as bees expressed lest the carried across the bay in lighters. walk is ten feet wide ai>JE
, • ' whole ofthe crop could not This will make the road cost more of heavy Florida pine. B
,, ' filiated.- TiTui tear, however, has van- than the usual rock roads of Dade boardwalk and the shone'
county, but the company has agreed wide stretch of beach--/t'”
oft ilio the mist,uafter the hewn to bear half tie cost of the rock- playground for children at
oft toe >it!Mt destruction of fruit l that ing if the countywill bear th eribg place for old and y
Csalfot•ttf *se 1t V certain 4
''-: fres now on the demand will greatly other half. It is figured that the The beautifully colored
waived supply, and hence the county would get back In increased of the tropical seas are h
tsuirket will take to the elevator, to taxes the amount expended in a few In Abundance. ?here is'
.. QQrr PATS and:wotrld therefore be a good tonal plea, of an old wreet�'
k- ass epinibn of local oonstatftaelon
Mal ,410- was luw[yvfawU Tae. ruwwc• "' been In charge of the hill
rns tr'glts to advance materially the plat of the tract directly across !
within the next four days," declared' the bay and adjoining the bathing ' ernn seven-room erand is now ag t
Mr. P. B. Jandon, a member of the pavilion was filed July 9th. Since cottage.. t.
vgelence,n Bros. commission firm. "It that time the site has been leveled, about E2,u and is a moth
may eves advance to one third more the tangle of underbrush cleared off, andee the ham
than is at present being received. t dock erected, a boardwalk built age and servants' quarters .
¶I feet, t Is im sstble at thealong 1 been hu1 a Ample porches
r l� pre.- to the beach and the front, i the house and cocoanut
cent lintel to tell just how great an and other improvements made. But numerous on this lot. W
influent such a loof fruit will this is only the beginning. grounds are graded up, Jnd' ._ss
hare. far as I know that is the The Rock Rom, ling will at once be dwelllf1
largest nitres fruit damage on rec-
.the most important lea- midst of tropical foliage a
Ord, aid! there Is no history to go .
by in estimating the .effect upon tures of the development on the Ing the restless waters of t4
prhwbeach is the rock road which it has The contract has been It
i been planned to extend from the new Ocean Beach Realty .coml
,$p P . aage As Yet. •' Collins bridge down to and through two concrete cottages on
_ M[r, 3 hn Graham, superintend- the entire tract. The road is now avenue and the material
. qs et-the chase:snd eompsty plant being graded and when completed I construction Is being ai
n this diiy, agreed with the sent=- will be as level as a floor. The sand ! Mr. B. Sutton Is the man
ments expressed by Mr. Jaudon. The hills have 'been cut down and the have charge of this work.
• market will surely advance, he says, low places tilled up. This road will tages will be artistic in at
• but just how much no one can tell run from the company's dock on the and modernly equipped
'as yet. ile had a letter from Mr. J. bay to Atlantic avenue, and thence will include the installmer
• O. Chase4 the president of the cont- north through the center of the aye- Jennie gas system in each
psgsy. -today commenting upon the nue and the unimproved land beyond which ,will be used for
great freeze, and Is expecting faller to the Collins tract. It will con- heating and cooking. Th
information tomorrow, It Is be- tlaue through the Collins property venlences, together with w
halved that by Friday the market to the bridge, making a continuous sewer connections, will m:
quotation will begin to show a false, road from the dock to the.city of home conditions on a locati
R'!It -wire' today showed no change Miami by crossing the Collins will command a view of
from yesterday. bridge. This will make a seven-mile and ocean.
"Ttiarel Is no doubt but that the drive from the heart of the city to The amusement compan
m rket *til be profoundly affected the ocean suburb, and it will be a big pavilion under way.
bT the eiortnous loss of fruit," said delightful one at all seasons of the trete walls of the first stor
Mt. °rehabs. "Of course Markets year. Its popularity, is assured at ready up and the floor of ti
are peenttar things, and it is not the outset. story laid. It is located di
safe to shake any predictions as to A big force of men is now at the beach, between the b
what degree they will be changed, work on this road under the super- and the water's edge. It 1
but it isl certain that they will be vision of Mr. Frank Hardee. Look- bath rooms on the first floc
higher fr m now on. It is a most In- Ina northward from First street it the second a dance hall E
Wresting! situation, probably with- rThere will be amusether
d with
+ out paralIet In history, and commis- cocoars
and other long tforms eof wild kinds so dear to pleasure
Sias men and growers all- over the shrubbery. The. completed plan seaside resorts,
United States will watch with closest calls for various kinds of`balms and The Boardwalk.
attention, the developments durinx ornamental trees along the high- Starting at the newly ere,
the nextew days."
The el a situation since Christ- way' How beautiful it can be made of the Ocean Beach Rea
etas huDMn discouraging to local can be appreciated by those who, pany on the hay side of i
packersha a en the Reply of have seen the improvements on the a strongly built boardwalk'.
It, se.ming to be always in island at Palm Beach. laid to the beach. Here
t►atlae df the demand, Prices eon- The roadway Is being graded northward and follows tb.
4 segnetttly have been kept down, and twenty feet wide. It is to be rocked part of the land to the of
growers in several Instances have not sixteen feet With six inches of rock present plat. It la to be !1
rssetved Tnnnerative prices. There which, will prgba.bly be secured from I extaended several mites fart)
eras eve feta of "overproduction," Everglade drainage canal and until it meets the Collins t
avid lair as been expressed lest the carried across the bay in lighters. walk Is ten feet wide and
whole oil the crop could not This will make the road costsnore of heavy Florida pine. Bet
' moved. This fear, however, has van_ than the usual rock roads of Dade boardwalk and the shore
tubed like the mist, after the news county, but the company has agrees wide stretch of beach—a
• of the great destruction of fruit in to bear halt Elie cost of the rock- piayground for children an
California, and it is certain that ing It the county will bear the, erieg place for old and ye
from now,on the demand will greatly other half. It is figured that the The beautifully colored'
exceed the supply, and hence the !county would get back In increased (of the tropical seas are hF
market will take to the elevator, in taxes the amount expended in a few In ,abundance. There Is
tlfi opinion of local oommi,mlon Mrs and:woald therefore be a gobd ( looat piece of an old wreck
` MM. , Investment. The cost of rocking In the sand and the floc
1 4 this road is estimated at $8,000 to ' jetsam that are brought I
f $10,000. � waves can be picked up alt
$ - fle.oreew Reins id. - !time. There are always b'
S ATTR �R��M S Five carloads of selrer pipe were ( In sight out in the gulf
rereired a few days ago and the I which comes close in ahor
a; <
SIStIR balance nes-papery for the comple-
I point. The fishing fleet ea
y' WOULD BE tion of the work is on the wa The I nearly every day cruising
contract for the installation of the forth in search . of tbe,
t! I sewer system has been let to Mr. A. !grounds of Ittng fish and
KISSIMMEE P. Mn K. Smith. who has had large expert-
--, . I The whole make's • dello
enrol in thla class 1 of work. lie tare of sea life Without lb t' i guarantees a first clam Joh in every forts of cold weather.
respect. The entire plot is to be Cawlht the Popular
��� . sewered so that every lot will be When the sale elf lots
B>eeII Wynn Mme. Well connected. The Reveler pipes a to summer the proposition
+ te poRltlogtll
r be laid 1n the alleys, an .that here l attention at enter. hues �I
.,iso flubs emintrr a easeM• will never he any neep•ei i r•R roe r- ! >,...... „