1665-13 Pre-1915 SALE 1 COME EARLY AND SU ammiummiummommomm- tx•. . • Popular Magazine. A waiter name, . ' IN EBESIING OEVEtOPN ENT �lF EABOBING MEN Reno, su m.Leake knew, fiv paidmiab T A,,,eteiy nu at eafs,oh to the gUtat but consumed at least five minute. TO START TEMPLE o UeYeh dn you co arcusu u.ocx ticker in the corner. ou MIAM1'S OCEAN BEACH BESOBl� asks sL etertwhenn1 ealledmyoue?' I was detainsr,ty,by a little priva-t will, within a thort time oe a beaiuti- REFUSE TO SELL LOT FOR$15,000 Pusu,ea;;' aaaa the waiter mysteri ful, park like tt eidentialdistrict. • i pasty. :WORK OF CLEARING, GRADING in carrying out its plans the corn- AND INSTRUCT DIRECTORS TO "But I insist on knowing," Leak, an will fill in a largeterritory PROCEED WITH ARRANGE- came Baca at him. s1 don'a see how a AND FILLING THE PROPERTY pany aon waiter can hold his ane bay front, taking the material job and don't atci BEING PUSHED WITH VIGOR— from the bottom of the bay and thus MENTS TO ERECT THE BUILD- the way you do. if you atel • ,IS DESTINED TO BE ONE OF creatine a large deep water basin for lNG — FINANCES IN EXCEL- sharp now, you'll get no tip." all manner of boats. Sewers are be- tars seemed to bring the waste MOST POPUIlliR RESIDENTIAL ,ng excavated and water mains.are LENT CONDITION TO BEGIN- to his senses. SUBURBS. being laid over the entire tract, and "Well ,D1 r.. Leake," he said, wit: arrangements have been mae_e to re- great humility, "1 was celebrating ' • ceive water supply from the city Following the progressive course little. I just saw by the stock rs o waterwo.ks. Electric lights will also that The tferald prophesied Sunday that I had made a thousand dollars o, One of the most interesting develop- be supplied with current from this morning that they would, the stock the short side of the market. What': menta connected with the growth of city, holders of the Miami Labor 'fempleYou have, sir?" Miami is that of the property being 'There are many delightful suburban etssociation at an enthusiastic meet- rapidly opened up for settlement by residence districts around Miami, but mg held last night in Carpenters' hall THE FAME OF CAPT. the Ocean Beach Realty Company, none except that of the Ocean Beach turned down the offer of $15,0000 for THOMPSON'S FIST Not all of the people who are watch- company affords the unique advantage,their lot on the corner Of Avenue i) Ing events In Miami are aware that of close proximity to the ocean on one•and E,ghth street, and instructed the That the fame of Captain Cha on the peninsula opposite the city is ;ids, with the bay on the other. None'board of directors of the association wasson's big fish .'s abroad in th being built up one of the most beauti- of them is capable of being made more,to complete all necessary arrange land shown last night when Car, fully located suburbs of the city, and beautiful eauti tla with tnoneopical fl whas tad ments for starting actual building op- ta,n^Thompson thereceivedailieselofrth that manyof our people are alreadyerasions on the site of a labor temple. °r making arrangements to build homes splendid bathing facilities possesses The plans for the building have been north, as follows: "Pittsburg, Penn and reside there the year round- ! by this att,active district. I drawn and accepted and bids for its up. n Chas. Thompson The Ocean Beach Realty Company. When the improvements were well construction will be advertised for up Miami, Fla. May ae, print in .ou of which Jos. A. McDonald Is presl• started, the company discovered that I until June first, your copyrighted photo dent, purchased a few months ago, a it was unable to supply the great do- Shares of stock in the.association, graph of sea monster being exhibits tract of land of about one hundred ,nand for residence lots that sprang which can be held only by members in Miami. C. W. Danz legy Editor acres on the peninsula onpoeite this up as a result of its improvements, of organized labor, have been sold at Pittsburg Chronicle Teelegrapp h," city, The owners built an extensivand it tractf forced dtt40acquire acnes lain much150150 per share, the shares having (a.i EYES iNJURED dock on the bay side of the propertyglying par value of $100. But it was voted and excavated a temporary lbaein for the north of the original plat, last night to sell no shares after June BY FUMES FROM ACII the accommodation of boats landing at This was done, and the Bork of ' er.-enseneev dock. The company then clearing, list for less than $100 per share. Tho laid out the tract into commodious grading and filling'the prop. or of the association were found Some of .the workmen who hay city is being pushed with vigor. to be in excellent condition, and no been employed in the attempt to anis lots, laid out streets, Prepared for the Streets will be laid out and paved, and difficulty rat all is anticipated in fie the ill-starred British tramp eleoma excavation of sewers and the laying lots in the new tract will soon be on ,nncin the bigbuildingt "undertaking neef a, which went ashore on th of water mains, the market, g R feet seven miles below Fowey Roc which will involve an expenditure of p Through the tract or addition or One of the delightful features,I of not less than $35,000. P lighthouse about a month ago, hay returned• foot avenue which andot, runs, north will south. connectfithfe the new residence district is a mag-I The whole of the matter of the inflamed eyes dueom eto acid fumeswreck with baa im nificent casino which is just being building arrangements is left in the Y property with the road that will be :omoleted. and which will be opehed hands of the board of•directors of the ng from the hold of the vessel. I built from the eastern end of the Col- to the public within a few days. j In I sccnciation, composed of A. L. La-lis not known that there are any case line bridge. Arrangements have been the casino are a large number of finely so serious as to finally destroy th completed and the contract let for sur- !Salle, chairman; T. A. Price, secre-'Sight.of those affected,but several fin entire finished dressing rooms for bathers, 'ere; E. A. Braque, treasurer; Johnl the ailment distressing nn.l extreme] with Miami avenue rocits that arlength with all the necessary lavatories end i Mann, Jas. II. Ryan W. A. Otter, F,. painful. P shower baths.' There are rest parlors, A, McElroy, J. B.Ryan, and R. L. • the work Is finf•hed the ?Verne will dancing halls and dinin' rooms and elevens. it is the intention of this be one of the finest drives anywhere in'a roof -arden to attract the pleasure board to have the building completed THIS 13 "EX'HiBiTORS' DAY'' the vicinity of Miami. seeker. When the casino is finished, Along the ocean front, the length it will not only add to the social pleas- oefore the end of the summer. New York, April 8.—On th of this treat, the cmmnnnc has laid ares of the residents of the new die- WORK PROCRF.SSING strength of a resolution recent: a wide board walk. Between that and trict, but it will be an irresistible at. 'ON HYDRAULIC WAYS adopted by the national vice-.rev • the lots em the west is a thirty-foot tratcion at all times to the residents dents of the Moving Picture Exhibit street, also to be paved at en early of Miami. Satisfactory progress is being made nes Lea•u e,exhibitors ruing th date. The ocean front with Its wide, Within a short time new and fast. by the force of men at work on a set United States are observing today a beautiful sandy beach gracefully slop- boats will be put in to make regular of hvr'raelic wave being installed at Fbitorn' Day," ' Ing to the water's edge Is reserved tot trips between the city mil the Ocean; i the boat yard of W. I. Huffstettler, Fve ser cent of the gross receipt the use of ail property owners In tam, Beach Realty Company's dock at the I across the river, east of the•Avenue of moving picture shows will be give particular Slat- other side of the bay. insuring con-,1D bridge,and it is believed that with- '^ the proper state or¢aniza•lon an. No,rooner were the lote platted and venience to tourists and pleasure seek-lin a comnaratively short time the °•'e per cent to the national organlzt the plat on file,than eager purchase-, ere as well as providing certain trim-I ways will be in readiness for use.This tion. ' began to demand to be ennnlied with munication between the city and the i, a na-t et en extensive scheme for lots and every lot was quickly disposed home sof those who will become resi- improvement being instituted by Mr. ILLINOIS LAWYERS IN SESSION of at enlendid figs -,•s to purchasers. dents at the ocean beach. 1 liefe,tettler, which will call for the many of whom will hnild permanent expenditure of several thousand dol- S'rrintfleld. ill., An-ii R.—A, grat residences end make their homes near 1 lays more than has already been spent .f"inely lereet nttreennce marked th the ocean. Several of them have sl- BENEFIT i'OR DOYLE'S WIDOW. recently. •hietv.reeerth t.nruel mnnt°ng cf 'h ' • ready.finished cettao'e- among them I lien• Sante Per Aasnc'aNnn, whir` . being Judge John C. Crawling, who Chicago, April R.—The Cubs And engined hese reday. P-nxrtneet law • lies a deliehtful residence, just corn. White Sox play an exhibition game WHAT WAITERS REALLY DO. -n-s and ter-jets from ell sections o • pleted, facing the ocean. here today for the benefit of the wide -- 'he state are n t. Th• annual al It was no small lob to clear off the ow and son of Jimmy Miele,wile pity• Stuart C. Leake, the railroad man '-•ss wit hn tnliv•-•.4 te—ine-raw l thick,tropical underveowth which rove -d third base for the Cubs and dyed dropped into a cafe in, Phila•selnh:a "•eerereeernen Peery P. Clavten. n • tared this tract of land. but the mar, last year, af•er an oneretion for ap- one day for lunch, and signified by +'she-4. galenas el' the indicter • pony has dont the week well end I. nendicitis. in rase of rain the ga,tne "nrnn and gestures that•he was in a --'----,..^. -t. the national house n • now there are the beginnings of what 1 will be' played tomorrow instead.j terrific hurry to be served, says the representatives. •' t e. r'Y �•�•.� ♦ t I