1640-8 Causeways ,+ f ^�fl>o.,, ..,....i.,v__-,4,......y..._
4`'7-Vfittor ,-D K1 ••17117•. -V - ,._
,,.I fhb,1 F t ,.mac. '. Esq.'s-. t i l t1 1 1 M.1 I 1
, Its Best to
r PARCELS POST PILE DRIVING • IN FORTY-NINE pen at airy other°urof�byour 1
digestaill will chow It. An
in the world. Them
in the S'1'ACLF --}tUOSTFJtS GET BUSY liver and le,welc. They are
TEEN DAYS 'OF SERVICE.' ING BAY WITH OCEAN. 1'plls benefit every organ of r
the brain, tune the nerves .
Dade county has just one chance in
me that Inauguration of~the parcels post Ten days more will see the piling forty-nine of securing a $10,000 ap- Remove th
delivery on January 1 is going to be ;for the big Collins bridge that spans propriation made by the federal goy-
one of the biggest tasks Uncle Sam Biscayne bay all in place ready for ernment with u view to assisting in
. has undertaken for some time, if the the cape, stringers and plankin
-,Rtunovation is to be begun without die- There le now not to exceed 500 tet the construction of what is designated SI,•et•ldfr•slt,r/«w.m...0
arranging the present postal facili- of a gap yet to he flled in the main I in official parlance as a post road, and
tics right from the very start- That portion of the bridge, and after that,while that chunco is whittled down al-
much additional help will be required Is completed the pile driver will be will call a special session in enter •
is'a certainty, but out how much or towed around buck of the island and most to the vanishing point, if siren. present the nutter to his colleagues.
how many new clerks will have to be the short stretch between the main cons landbotheen and a continuouswillbenpulld !n view of the determination of ti
winter put on is a matter of conjecture, land and the island will be quickly can wi . plum theit chances
annexed along
the bays to once,repairthe ata lar,
��inter there being nothing whatever to base driven. forthwith. One of against along the bay at and that a tan
a calculation upon. • Owing to the lack of sufficient success ors iv that the county commis- sum of money will soon be avuplal
Postmaster lliorgan E. Jones has barges to properly expedite the work, sr;'ncrn may not feel like ',angling sir up through the sale of the bond issue
teemed the temporary allowance the laying of planking will not be be- 320,000 to apply on any specific stretch be devoted to the building of re
If ei el , that it assumed will cover the first gun until after the piling is all in, of the county highway m , although tthe tie
a it is believedon hpart will be I
fifteen days of the service, from but once it is started, with the caps contingency la riot much feared; the tic hesitancy on the off the bg:,
which it is believed a prettyfair idea and stringers in position, as they are other forty-eight eight r forty are repro- e comply with the demand pofr g,.
xmted by the other forty-eight coun-
�• may be gained of what may be ex- for a long distance out from the west Of $20,000,t 0to of local should
['coat pccted in the future. The matter ofonties in the state, eaah Dariof which has Of casetwill end if thate largely
ii t
arranging the delivery approach, pib ofang hold of the had the same anise anand will it will then become bu u t e g:
g: g is left entire- round and a big g make equally an strong an effort to ter of ,
ly to the judgment of the postman- spike sledges, the roadway will fairly connect with the money. ermine to look(with favorabnn to le eyes }
the ter. On the
ee16th he is
snto outlineeprt to of walk
lkiout over the
Itis for- In the last postoftice Appropriation Dude county's pretentiuns. u{
umber" Pkreadyhill congress voted X500,(100 to be rx-
the way the deliveries have been traffic about February 1. pendad in building what it designated
made and the manner in 'which the This morning a gang of men will as post roads, which sum has ba•en di- SUIT IN ASSUMPSIT.
business has been conducted. On be put to work clearing off the pal- vided by the postmaster general into
in great that showing the department will re- motto along the north tank of the equal parts between the forty-eight Samuel the Fitts yesterday a broo
I Y y •
port to congress, the aggregate be- canal and Leveling the dirt and sand states. Florida's portion will amount a suit i. county court against t
i rgthe iat on for basisupon
o year will be made.e appro- thrown up by the dredge during the to $10,40'2.OS 1-3. That sum is placed New autumn Steam Laundry for,1
Zea and p flow manymen will beput on at construction of the big ditch, prepar- in the hands of the governor of the sumpsit damages $500.00.
story to starting the gradingon the
the local office cannot be told until state, but it will Tx expended under
boulevard that Is to connect the bay the direction of the postmaster-gen-
It is learned by observation how ex- with the ocean and run north to the oral and the rccretery of agriculture.
tensivey theSnew
Iss to e oabe casino being erepted by the Ocean The selection of the real upon which
utilized. Ileath Amusement Company. the money is to be used is left with the
.50c to $2.00 stated they did not expect to send It is the intention of the company governor,and thus it may be any one
out many more parcels in the future to make the right of way forty feet of the forty-nine counties In the state
75c to $3.00 than in-the past, but it Is the in-corn- wide. A dredge with a long arm will may be designated.
Ing mall that will make the most Le used in the building of the four The conditions imposed by the gov-
...uJ 'O $6.00 work for the office,and that is purely dation for the grading and the rock ernment aro that the road selector]
a.matter of conjecture.as to its ex- that Is to follow, taking the material must lie one that Is traveled by the to -e
1.000to $6.00 tent. Mr.Jones states he will put on inane the bottom of the anal and de- rural deliveries, It must he about fifty
J new men only as they are needed poslthig it wherever it is required. miles long end an appropriation twice l5'E CARRY' E LARGEST
66C to $1.00' The imperative necessity of using the Getting the sand and other filling in the size—approximately $20,000—
y Tit
distinctive stamps for the parcels such manner in not only cheaper than must be made either by the county in
poet is again emphasized. The or- It could be procured in any other question or by the state to be added
Binary stamp: In common use cannot way, but a double purpose is served to that of the government. Then the
be accepted. in deepening the canal and making it whole sum of$30,000 is expended un- g
Indicating the rapidly Increasing of use to bents of greater draft than der the direction of the federal author- QUIDS, BLUE FISH 1
business at the local office incidental lyes originally intended. idea mentlomd, the ides being, fmm I DF:S
to the beginning of the season, an O❑ Indian creek a auction dredge is n national standpoint, to eo Iu,tterf the
extra man was put on at the general be Installed at once that will 811 public highways than en imp rove-I OAKUM, WASTE, CAII[Ji1"
delivery wicket yesterday, and the in the low places along the creek, meet can be made In the mail service.
clerks were kept on the jump all day.
which la to be used as a mooring The logknl mad in Dade county to Snip CHAN
/ At.the stamp, register and money or• I lace for the marry launches that will receive such assistance, and which
V I, Fla.- derdereputta onher the lerk would right man have ave require a berth. could be tronaformed into an ideal
boulevard, is the county road leading
ac' •
available. In the department of the heavymm Detroit on the smith to Palm $1 .50--Pi
postal savings bank a very EASTERN STAR CHAPTER Beach on the north,and it t.a suggested
business was done. Five additional that if by any piece of good fortune
clerks for inside work will shortly be ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR the windfall should come in this di- CANNOT BE FXIUALhF.
he tourist business soros-
taken on, trection end that stretch cf the high-
���� !Rating an extra force every year way should be chosen, no better way HARRISON'S TOWN
during the winter months. of employing a portion of it could be
LIVESTOCK SHOW AT LEWISTON Fort Dallas chapter, No. 17, Order made than etto rtrnlghten nut some of �. O C
of the Eastern Star, held its annual the kinks between Miami and Fort �"
CAN AUDIENCE Lewiston,Idaho,Dec.9.—The second election of officers, at its regular
Lauderdale and eliminate those death
annual Northwest Livestock Sho meeting held last night in Masonic traps known an grade croasinga. In
opened here todayin the new build- baR• the fifteen mike between Buena Vista FLOOR ANI
The following are the elective of- and Dania the road crosses the railway
logs especially constructed for the ex-
/leers for the coming year: only seven times. $2 00 PE
, --Dec. 9.—Stirring hibition. The exhibits include more North Matron—Mrs. Lillie Hous- As soon as It became known to land
neae}}iatoryfiveeer than 50 carloads of•bteeding cable, er Yday that there was a chance land
sing portrayed 1n a raking the finest showing of fine beef Worthy Patron—John T. Knight, the state's ahem of the money here,
• in an opera. house cattle ever seen in the northwest.Ore• Assoc. Matron—Mrs. Pauline J. "overal ofet the most persistent boosters
v of Spokane, and non,Washington,Montana,Utah,Cot- got together with the idea of doing
.y little brown folks. orado Idaho and portions of western Taylor, thinlrtp at once. A s oris] meetingbof
e C. S. Benton Pal
,undrleq, ,poolrooms, Csr� are represented One of the 'Treasurer—Mrs.LBeatrice Smith.
Gram- P
the Merchants' Association is to be
etatrrants, general leading features of the week will be lin held this afternoon and the matter will Cor. Ave. D.
icy houses are great the livestock judging contests for pu- g be brought before that body. It is
•Ir 0.0 +to v,ntnro pile of the various UV?et, *choola Condo 4fr f wvnne Mills.