1640-9 Causeways T
le or • Army Giving -Orders
:: . . CDIIINS BBIDbE��\4 h-/v_z,,� • .
er calling at my store I.
as a Christmas present NIGHT—LAYING OF FLOORING :`IV..
;ome Souvenir FEB. 15 GIVEN AS DATE FOR �, s .� .'
idar ■ leposMonday night of next week will see ' ,,
the finish of the pile driving on the
Collins bridge, the big, two-mile-and-
a quarter 'structure that spider-like Rr i
spans Biscayne hay. The middle of
the week the last one of the pins on 'r lie«{
the main partof the bridge. had been i'" ~ye
early as the supply Is lire- sent home, an.l the work the driver "«` ti
now is engaged in is back of the is- -r.
Land—the narrow channel that se 1'
ly one to a customer. P- AI
arates the island from the main land. ,,,,,,
That stretch is small in extent, but l".''"8 .ee
it is slow getting it done, owing to 1 `- � .
the shallow water that precludes all .i'.,,'-.
operation except for an hour or two :'{ .. ,
HARPER during high tido It wasnabout half 'r� e
finished lent night and not to exceed �s 4
two days will be required to complete w... ,.•„ ',
it e
Phone 175 With the end of the pile driving,
one of the bargee will be released and (.0.!.
the laying of the three-inch plank
that is to form the floor of the bridge • •
– • begins at once, the barge being em-
• // , .�. ployed to carry the lumber from the
•-- ` terminal (lock to points along the
bridge where it is to be used. Before
/- leaving the dock the plank will be
-•' sawed to perfect size and trimmed,
In •.,.., e ,rt bored for the drift bolts and each
ppiece numbered in such a manner that
p }0 I
`. it can be laid in position on the
.. ,,'ti:(I \• stringers ready for the nailer, just
as fast as it can be removed from
YOU THE OWNER OF THE the large. The plank is to be laid
,NCE AND INVESTMENT ` diagonally across the stringers, and . . . -
ION OFFERF�D TODAY . at regular intervals it is required that
one of the sticks must be long enough
(( to stretch across three bents. A ' .��•
peeial Features • special wird is•being strung to the r
dock to convey power for the electri- T .2
I with fine lawn. cal boring machine.
From the western terminus as far MISS RO SALIE JONES.r Eieponurea. out as the draw the piles have all been
' trimmed, capped and the stringers Mian Jones bolds the military record for rapid-fire promotion.
Jock from the Boulevard. , placed in position, which will enable the loyal band of suffrsgettee atarte d on their march from New
the laying of the plank to proceed Albany she was a high private. Now she is flkv
the commanding o
1 f of Biscayne Bay. • ' with incredible rapidity. That once general, high mogul--any or all. The suffragettes expect to reach
rel businesson of the city. In position there will be yet to be in time for the inauguration of Governor-elect Sulzer and present
i done the erection of the guard rails a petition for "votes for women.”
•e eection►txf Miami. and the bridge will be ready for traf- — --`— `------ -"'" - -
reaidence with more than 12 dfinishedr. The planking as far out an the DYKES PETITIONS TO
draw must be nrehcd by the end of
next week In order ta accommodate
ch Miller Dunn C
the erection of the drawbridge, which
it and in good condition. leaves the factory at Roanoke, Va., CLOSE AN ALLEY
i ry
rniture and fixtures. on the 24th inst. Must be Doing
In the construction of the draw-
"THE BURDINE HOME" bridge the greatest time will be tak- --
en in putting in the pier upon which Fine Wor.
the big steel structure revolves. A ( M. Dykes, by his attorneys, At-
steel caisson will be sunk through kinsoii, Gramling and liurdine, yes •
rchaJselprice at exceedingly low the Rand to bedrock and as far in the terday petitIonwd Judge Bethel, of
bythe Eleventh judicial circuit court, W Because They AI
ad Exclusivelyrock as possible, after which the
water will be pumped out and the in- allow him to close an alley extending
- ----------- tenor driven closely with piling, they from Tenth to Eleventh street. The Kept So Busy
being sent into the rock to the last style of the suit is G. M. Dykes vs.
sal Estate it Invest Co. pO6s' nch. hbe J. Wolford al.
savedblea Riat the Tedgeen ofthey bedrockwill and t13.he land adjaceetnt to the alley had
the whole space inside the caisson at ono time been the property of the
08 14 Twelfth St. filled in with concrete, extending the Miami Loan and Guarantee Company,
pier up several feet above extreme of which W. W. Trout was president,
high tide. and had been reserved by the tom- Why Do Y(
Engineers hold such piers are prac- pany as an alley when the land was
.._., tically indestructible, as the solid sold. DO '�
_ _.. __ _ . ._. .. concrete is all but imperishable, oven By virtue of an execution issued
--- --• should the steel rust out and (limp, from the county court in favor of the '
—� pear. Where the pier is to be placed First National Bank, on the thirteenth
is nine feet of water and the bedrock day of December, 1911, the alley was Madam?
3 L,AN
\ D~ will lr penetrated likely to an ad]i- said,the purchaser being G. M. Dykes,
lienal six or seven feet. Bridge men owner of the lot adjoining, the pur-
from the factory will closely follow chase price being four hundred and
CO. FLORIDA) the departure of the Ripon and with fifty dollars.
', tU 1T ' GROVES the pier once completed but time MrDykes has decided to erect a
will be rebulrccl to assemble the building on the site of the alley, but Why do you persist in ape
trusses, girders and lay the floor. finding that there is a cloud on his U- your time sorting soiled clot},
ars old are worth February 16 is given es the time for tie, has applied to the judge of the save the time of the woman
thecompletionof the bridge, but it circuit court to have it removed. Pay fifteen cents an hu:to do
I`0;40 PER ACRE is not unlikely the date may be nearer washing?
February 1. heartburn is s symptom of Indigos- And do you put the white el
Grove for $1600.00, payable 10 per cent. tion. Take a dose of IIERBINE in to soak over night to save
th,capable-of plrodueing an income of such eases. The pain disappears i,.- of her time? And buy her a"
It begins early, ends late, and is scantly. The bowels operate speedily "
0.00 Per Year full of work. She often has kidney and you feel fine, Nlgoroua and cheer thecess to make the work ea
'OR'FREE BOOKLET. trouble without knowing it. Her ful. Price 60c. Sold by Red Cross Yes. And honestly did You
beak aches and she is tired and worn Pharmacy. Adv. have a waahwoman Who 'loll
TING` EROS out. Sleeps poor'y, is nervous, no ap- directions?"
• CO.■ pedes. Her bladder gives her trou- PEACE CONFERENCE , s.,