1640-11 Causeways .._ T ..,••-- -••- xad the relative 1 '/ V L V L num �n ' appropriation made by the last con- rivers and harbors committee, and I grses, which requires that the Flor- once the condition is removed the materials ng of v i ida East Gast shall dig a.chan- appropriation will be made available last metering oo t • rel and basin before the $150,000 immediately. the intention of :�l .\TARP f 0 T II E sent his mass of set aside may be used. An absolute Another matter of great interest gather with a u YALE' SCHEME OF TIIF. divorce between the city and the rail- to Dade county and practically the 1 i•; WILi. BE CC�MMENCF.D A W 0 R l D WIDE road is insisted upon, us the former whole of i'lorida attended to L fir. once along those y ttely a quorum INCE 131' EVERGLADEShas no power to compel the latter I Boggs while in Washington was the the matter was p to carry out a contract that the otli- presentation of the resolution passed regular meeting. AND SUGAR CO. THE • dials declare has already been abro-Iby the Miami Board of Trade to According to ti AS PROPOSED.D. gated. • Chairman Underwood, of the corn- engineers and s O CAMPAIGN• ON So well did Mr. Boggs present the mittee on ways and means, relative there are ten qi case that the. board saw the truth to the proposed reduction of the possessed by nn • occupying land on what is • of his assertions as to Miami's pre- thrill on citrus fruits, pineapples and terial before it . p) HOOK WORM to submit andthe members decided vegetables.ugeNo argument was in- ore up toi the st the Davie farm will be to submit the mdtter back to Captain Bulged in by the Miami represents- by municipalities to learn of the intention of Slattery with a request for a recom- tive, he leaving that for the dole- paring and mai: glade Land and Sugar,Com- mendation. Being thoroughly famil- ration from the growers now in ways for general which company Mr. Davie is iar with all the circumstances of the•Washington, but from what little the .been set out as f lest stockholder, to proceed (ByAssociated Press) case, the,captain did not hesitate to chairman had to say on the subject Its initial cost P suggest the withdrawal of the rail it was evident he was favorably ire- as to make it tin rith the mammoth diking and Washington,Jan, 17.—A world-wide way contingent clause, and the mak- pressed with the representations that Its durability plan determined upon as sup- campaign to eradicate the hook worm lag of appropriations in th'e future the present duty should not be Bis- make its nitimat ry to the drainage scheme oPwill be one of the first uses to which without reservation. turbed. Its surface nu thus affording their people the hundred million dollars endowment --' afford sufficient protection against any fresh- ■ N 0 It must rben a that may everasection such of the Rockefeller founreceives will be R M 0 N T N AC C I D ENT C U S E poiih`e predu. a farmers of that section out applied when it receives its charter traffic. as last May and June. from congress, according to Jerome ® It must he so fore the return of V. W. D. Green, trustee for several Rocks quickly laid and Chicago, Thursday evening it must be nt nstructions to Chief Engineer feller philanthropies. O N T N E PLAN K l i or RUD DY S DETU give off no Bus to proceed at once with the Urging the passage of the enabling creation. . ip and properly'grading the net, the house votes Monday on the It must geese ,t are to surround the farm measure creating the organization cleansing, such acres. These dikes are for which, under congressional control, TO COLLINS' BRIDGE—S' F, VERDICT OF•CORONER'S JURY, L must be part in-place now, having would be authorized to spend the purities. • rwn up by the ditcher in Rockefeller millions for the advance- CREW NOW WORKING ON THE THOUGH THE MANNER IN It must prese the double line of 9-foot ment of civilization by every humani- EASTERN SIDE OF DRAW— R'IiIC1! IT WAS CAUSED IS illi- fers no resistan rut there are places where tarian act. It must not i 2ressions occur and where ABOUT 1800 FEET OF TilE KNOWN—SISTER IN• PIIILA- hoofs, nor be in has not the slope intended, BRIDGE ALREADY PLANKED. DELPHIA WIRES FOR INFORM-, . With the Bali work will have to be done WILSON VISITED GOTHAM ized streets in The dikes when completed BOULEVARD GRADED. A•I'ION OF 1115 DEATH, cities years ag yr feet wide on top and have that theymould of four feet above the gen- ' ' "LITTLE 1/ 9. of the surrounding country. FOR A LITTIE TIME traffic, experrm With the end of work this evening After hearing the evidence of train- a half dozen )n the dredging of the gath- • about 1,800 feet of the eastern side men and others in regard.to the death the hope of find els that are to run parallel of the Collins' bridge will have been of Ed Ruddy, the coroner's jury de- est approachedstate canals and just inside (By Associated Press) granite•blocks r of the latter, they to be Planked and made ready for the aided yesterday morning that the dc- for a long tim. harrying the water from all New York,Jan. 17.—President-elect guard rails. On Monday the spike ceased came to his death from the great and as t he farm to the.pumping eta- Wilson came to New York tonight for p p g an eveningof diversion. He kept crew was transferred to the eastern results of an accident, sustained in edges disappear be begun not later than the p bcrame 1. ger, f February. There will be intended visit secret until his depart- side of the draw, the western side some manner unknown to the jury,the ure from Trenton this afternoon, havingbeen completed, and an av- immediate cause being internal bruises laden carts pas he gathering canals, one on P g lags aide of the state canal and lie went direct to the home of Col- erage,of nearly 300 feet a day has about the abdomen. Asphalt, vitri r on the south side, each a noel House, who was associated with been made all week. As the distance The sheriff received a telegram yes- },locks and a , a half in length. Not to ex- WtLon,in the campaign, and attended from the draw to Bull's Island is a terday from a sister of the dead man, were tried dor onth will be required to corn- m. a theatre in the evening. He will mile and three-quarters it is esti- Miss Mary Hamilton Ruddy,of Phila- years. and now spend the night at the House resi- mated it. will taken another month delphia, asking that brief details of experimenting ut the same time the gather- Bence and will see no callers. lie will to complete the planking• his death be wired to her in I'hiludel- return to Trenton tomorrow. are turning to s are being put In and work Quite a quantity of the material phis. The information was'given,and seem to nnswe egun on the foundations for for the drawbridge is now on hand, the body is now being held awaiting quirement.' Th e and pumping houses. They KEY WEST FIRE CHIEF and the crew is expected from the instructions from her. er than that c iassive affairs, as the pumps. factory next week to start construe- Ruddy was injured near Goulds but the expen• iuth sideof the main canal Lion work cn the caisson that is to Wednesday night in attempting to practically not a capacity of 30.000 gallons he used in the building of the pier climb aboard of a Pullman car when years of tra(ti on the north side 20,000. PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED for thr�bridge. the doors were locked, being dashed boulevard in ingenious arrangement work- Work on the grading of the boule- violently to the ground. lie was have been foun v the engineers the pumps yard leading from the eastern ter- brought to Miami for surgical aid, be in just abou rble to do twofold service, (ByAssociated Press) minus of the bridge to the 6cean but died as the train was crossing when first Alar water in should a drought beach is likewise progressing .very the Miami river Thursday afternoon. Good paving mrequiring irrigation, and Key West, Fla., Jan. 17.—Chief II. fast, the grade being finished to the property owne. pi g water nut kn case of an G. Fulford, of the local fire depart- bridge crossing the small canal, SENT TO CRIMINAL COURT. spells a financ v ainfall: The ientire plant ment, was probably fatally injured which is only a short.distance from of well malate nr. ed and ready for opera- this afternoon when he was thrown the connection that is to be made with Three negro gamblers, arrested by property front he middle,er last of May. from his buggy on the county road. the continuation of the boulevard ex- Constable Hodge Thursday night, uable than it i Another occupant of'the buggy was tending on up the beach through the were sent up to the criminal court by payed, the in( Fork state savin¢s banks re- ce also seriously injured. Both were un- property of the Oa t. : h Realty the county Judge yesterday, after the ,urcee of $•1,366,697,806. conscious when found. • Company. judge heard the evidence. (Continue ' m14 1118 113 i;;�' + •.d1ikLiliiFyClr ltiLi- ci: st i• + . . . . . . . ate;.:... .._