1640-21 Causeways 0. . •
. t pan.
' 59IT 'loved
By VERNE WILLIAMS would give the north end of the relief. But we're just giving the The commissioners voted to
• and PAUL EINSTELV county relief from traffic conges- bond houses a choice pluyn in the limit traffic on the causeway to
tion,adding: malecon.I think we ought to ask passenger cars and other light
The Metro'Commission today .
authorized construction of a $49,- "I will do anything to get that them to take the rest of it," vehicles.
640,000 i)4rtb-Sellth toll(Causeway
down the. middle of Biscayne
`RN'o over projects a 24 mil-
lion dollar ocean route from Mi-
ami Beach to Key Largo and a
Homestead-Keys link for $3,440,-
000—were approved in principle.
' The vote of the 11 commission-
' ers was unanimous,but Commis-
sioner Ralph Fosscy declared:
" "This is a poor substitute for
the job that could be done."
The plan approved by the com-
mission represented a drastic
whittling down of the 75 million ;
dollar causeway and airport pro-,
gram approved by the old com-
4 mission.
Commission Chairman Walter
Weiss was authorized to negotiate
immediately for employment of a
bond founsel and fiscal agent to
start'finp4chn6:of'the raid-bay
The 14.7-mile project would run
from U.S.).north of,0jus to the
MacArthur Causeway. There
would be interchanges at Sunny
Isles Road, and at the Brpad,
79th Street,36th Street and Vene-
tian Causeways. ,
Paul Conrad,representing high-
way planner Wilbur Smith, said
he believed the project could be
paid for out of tolls.
He said the best idea probably
would be to have a halfway toll-
gate. A motorist driving the
whole distance from Sunny Isles
to downtown. Miami would pay
two tolls possibly 20 or 30
cents, while one going only part
way would spend 10 or 15 cents.
Conrad said he did not believe
it would be possible to market
bonds for the entire causeway
system, including those linking
the Miami area with the Keys. '
"Are you saying there is not
a hope?" Asked Commissioner
Edwin Lee Mason,
"Yes, I am," Conrad replied.
Commissioher .Joseph Boyd
pointed out that the bond deal
could be amended later, if con-
ditions warranted, to finance the
other jobs. ,
Commissioner Ben McGahey
joined Fossey, Mason, Faris N.
Cowart and John McLeod in argu-
ing for the whole causeway
McGahey said the mld-bay road