1640-29 Causeways 6-A Friday, Jctober 2 , IYbs
Or Propped Up?
rPoppingYJ In laid-Ba p y
c ofits land,
t�7 WE HOLD in our outstretched hands a need a master plan for the use
.-,. yard or so of map and data described as the and in most aspects this is an excellent
" ' "general land use master plan for Dade one. If the community grows unplanned
( : County,"courtesy of the Metropolitan Plan-• to a population of 2.5 million persons by
r :, ning Advisory Board and Metro's Planning 1985, as predicted, it will have missed the
Department. greatest opportunity of any American city
r ) It's a pretty map, and it is crammed to grow in civic grace and municipal use-
with fascinating statistics and projections. fulness.
One of the most fascinating of thes is the But filling Biscayne Bay with concrete
firm projection of the Mid-Bay,causeway`, according to an under-financed and esthet-
or drive. There it runs, from Ojus t roug ically offensive causewplanis
uite ean-
Interama down Biscayne Bay, sometimes other thing. Who is pushing s
hugging the shore,to MacArthur Causeway. and why?
You ask, we thought this one was a u
goner? 1 •
We thought Metro Commission and its
advisers had dropped this highway pie in
the sky, you say? I'ershte.nee
But, no. It's almost as large as lila.
And this despite the fact that.Metro Com- IT'S TOO BAD that would-be operators
mission overtly has renounced the thing
and has engaged in costly litigation with of a.seaborne shuttle service between 1 ia-
its proposed builders. vana and Key \Vest aren't using t h e i r
If Metro Commission can get itself back persistence to Netter purpose.
in the investigative mood from which it They have been foiled at every turn in
shied last Tuesday, it ought to invite the. the past. We trust their continued efforts
planners in and ask why this discredited will also be frustrated.
project keeps bobbing up again. The go `crnment of the United States
According to the papers, the causeway
or drive is the Biscayne Bay project which has made cicai that the venture would not
• figures in the bribe of $10,000 allegedly be in the interest of this country.
We recall that Harold Derber,offered Commissioner Robert Brake. yet spring the hnterpa of said he held a
it simply will not go away. contract from Fidel Castro's Communist
The strange fact is that the causeway regime to provide the service. Thus, he is
has no noticeable constituency. No one has acting provide
dictator, who will be
petitioned Metro to build it. No one openly ce only forbthe
Redy ofi such stuntswoase
has extolled its virtues in many 1 o n g tattempt to make a test case in
months. And, to our knowledge,no one has terday'sWest.
ever rallied a body of the public to buildKeyThere was a false report several days
On the contrary, public opinion has ago that t
it. he vessel which Derber is using
been strongly manifest against it~ proved untrue.
had sunk off Cuba. We regretthat the re-
Metropolitan Dade County does indeed port