1646-9 Collins Grove ti, . :��� �I J 22 TIIE HERALD, MIAMI, I'LOKIL)A, lnui+ • • " 4 ' ,lvoiad0 was thnuglit In be quite Im• lowing year. and.they have : ' -'wI ,BAQK • • G0U -��Y rime from Insect t pcxln or dlae:uc uud angio a at. n lied by•\v ti of tto II ,i'�;i II'/��C`\\\"`^,111^^\ air. Bowers war the tint grove mrd in an the at. u[ Prr as ilii fr, i thy county to spray avocados. Spray- shipping coutalners for lung d ' C•Cl'NTo PAGE PAaIA EDITO lug. though ••xpeneiv,•. Is worth while. They are adapted to the s'• ♦1, '2 ` ' '711 Many thousands of dollars have been berries of all kluda a11 well +• "{• �I ) 1 np,•ul on thin gins for spray materials. dun, mnugu,•a, or+u Kan. grapes at A ,- :'..•=-4' r l/(1 told Ila .1.1m.•.thin Iuvulvea mite), h+• all kind. of (regi, vea.1.,1,1e, i ,'.,' ••• `\j 111 + U' //� bor. but Mr. Ituwern nay.. It nada `yell• crate Is unrd In the sill' sat ; 4._1 �t ,. y..wYt.• r"• I - r , The Infested gad rood)' fertilised I of the product o[ the hca, groves are those which Know minimum They ars• male Sia oda rd In sl, (} r �.4 .l . J• ` production ta'I.II: the reverse Is 011 iOet fr11lla and vegetables as w,. • A .• .' / universally true. ,•a partly. The 1111001e or 1,..•• 1 . '�{.• ' 1 1� �I,t .f te.1' • y�• >�.r.. •1'he b.;.rh Kruvv In n mita IunK 'Ind hohla 1,.111 a nlaod.1111 size ,•nl • • , / r\.'t'. Y'/ • r1.4" 0101- .,,crag,• .,boor :m/ feel to alai,),. it for 1:.0 u..Is. wMI, the end in .1'e:tied a,,pn,aluult,iy ,,:1,..111.1 ,.Illi 111..1101 have a rap:telly for to I i' to. ,.1. �t_J fes' :.0 ' - .. - - ..... . _ - . -. .-.-._.... .'anti 1.000 feel frothe Atlantic ...tit 1•o1 1 .,luta or 96 quarts 01 1 ' . - - beach. it Is protected by row*of Atte-• Ti,,.' (lector Supply ,' pan)' Fe' trailun phi., fr,rin lige null npruY which bnn the general 1.11, ugeu••) ,,,,t + LARGEST It! 1 RING 1 VOC:21)O i1N!) IIIAN6'0 In ..,,n,,,..0,i. to tl.n gra„111 •.1 the :h.felY Flet crate turn an wall un !heir fruit pruducllun. •one aeoeodu moil mango GROVE IN Ti�ORI,ll NOIV Al' A/IAA11 It!AG// 'file parking plant, rnaehhte and tool Mharlah hear), in tt might ll ,...? • -. shed, ail to un.• building In the center proJ,•.•1, Mr. Mow era. Ila 1 ' t I"I don't"see how you find so much to another 1n years at leant to solve some 1if the grov., tire conv.•nlently or. ti-.dent. In no less '11tereauo: f r, write about; I should think you would of the Important problems ,.hied are ranged and thus save -h labor, )IIx to the grove will 1.e atoll, run out 0[ In r!v�ial." This is the most y.•1 lit the way at0n nl to arrive at a few rrrrte tu11o d tu 1frame nodding,near- deal to ally man or company •i� Inure d.flnll.• cnnrluslon.r :.lune; the by afford r forluble, quarters for the In these fruits or ......11. 11 i i' frequent remark the back country man I lin,: toward a perfect tree and a utas- laborers required to take care of •the I eullun•. There are, urrurdlt. at. hears from men and woolen he meets in�Immo yield." grove and form. All tools and tl(U1(1• Mow'el'd' .LII Intuit-, as laa.l 2t)0. his perambulations throughout Dade During 1517-1x•19.90 (auto the nisch meat an: asap.. up to the uauxlinuna of of land uu the ruutticaat cuss .s county and south Florida. From the grove, says Mr. Mower:,. -we nh yryo•d efficiency under Superintendent Bow- Ida, uud n ,14tly W Dude c. average reader's standpoint such u 70 Per curl of the (laden 01111 Mulgob:t era' efficient direction. pra:lully favorable 111 Ilse pt •t' 'Lf deduction its quite natural since he or mangoes rained In I lade county. Dor- 'Tropical Fruits Ilene”: (lobby. of the avocado and Improve at..•• she as a rule are usually impressed that Ing thuso ya•:ar,. the .\lulgnba• whish (towers is somewhat of a tree wiz- tie'ala,. exp d the 01/111101 they could Derhrpa write a fair story has come to be regarded ly many of mrd. Ills operations suggest nothing Culture of either or both no, e about sonic oup grove. [arm or straw- the mute experienced grower. as 0 01 the, hupu lvi r.. but rather be Is de- plied,•rn method. of(.•rid fry. ' berry patch which hug particularly in- poor fruiter. we found produced about liberate. method Irol and thorough as ducenleuts fur profitable u terested them. as well as the Haden. The present to details roil seldom adopts any new "We have." he said. "preens. .t Naturally they don't see or understand outlook for the !laden promised a uuax- theory or pulley without careful cun• nopoly on the limited area 0 .how it is possible to find so much elate- ''nun yield while the \lulgrbit la not sideration. lila hobby Is tropical fruit climatic vondi(Iotrs adapted 1 l •• ' tial. And I often feel that same way nearly so promising, um in former)oars. tsars. Ito Is nothing if not preeU:alf----------------' ' about my friend and co-worker, E. L. From 60 to x0 per cent of our lindens and therefore takes little Interest In ��••l1 ••• (t flay, who produces a colunin a day six ire smith troll. There not more a ire. that will not yield fruit IwA is IaT- Jaye ill every week of"Miami Rambles." than four of wlhul I would .aril perfect pruflt. Ile hum a apiendld 111th' 11mlitti N1 1 have often marveled how "E. I.. If." fruiters'in the grove. These yIi:Id well gardr11 near 1110 10 0.1/10 for hour., ono kept front running bone-dry of ideas for and a fruit of uniform size, appearance and that of the help on the place. Four FOR CONSTIP� his column. -rho fact is, however, that uud qu:allly:' Mr. Itowera Bald that In acres of t'r vendlsh bananas gala• \Ir. • the resourceful and ente rtailling Mr. spite of popular auspi:loll agt Ina the Bowers' hon p., aro another feanire Hay has hit on the idea of writing about ululgubu because of Its limped bearing ,.Llan have afforded considerable fruit -Wot Solomon Forgot to Say;' and with many growers, he was nut yet mill aur11e profit though given co+npar- h quite willing to give It up as au un• .,lively lite attention until the past Science Discovers Cat despite the wonderful corner old Sol had on wisdom, he forgot • whole lot, and profitable variety. Ile thinks It aUll couple of years. Since thinning out HOW to Remove F:. I.. ll." has an inexhaustible source poualble to dfacuv.r fertilizer and col- and '.ore fertilization they lire show- k • to draw (ruin. But ut that the Miami rural care which wiit make It a prof- trig better returns. "-- Rumbles 1,ns'nothiug on the pluck Coun- t liable tree to plant. ' 'ro rats. fruit, especially ayseudis Chronic constipation. which t try fur things to write about. Foul Itrlug•Good 1'rlr.n. ilk,' re:urgo.a, Is nue 11.I+ag uud to get 10 many scnuun dietnnea nus • Largest Hearing Avocado (:roving. Ti,' mango as well is Ito- acoc:et,. Is thein to lourk,•t In 1,11110 ru101lti0n in Depart, itidigratiou, bilious'', Here's u Luse in point. In all the masa a most prolific bloomer. and Mr. P. it miner. 1'+u•tl•ulurly 111 11111 true of lice, gall stones, roeuuiutisu of matter' which has:appeared in this de- ,ors ela1111M that nal more than nice per the avIIcII le.v,na0 of Ila I riai.ahi 'I'd many other i Uto•fituxi. I arUnrnt not until now bre it become emit of the blooms set Yount, ,.antic not nature, The more. 'sliperinl•:ode ill sow.known to be caused b)• r opportune'to write of one of the must ,0,'r three per rent of the fruit setting :totters early now that to make ibis if the bile and the intestina. �� r markable rove projects in the world, will mature. 'I'hls there ;lost of the grove enterprises there the result of Insufficient ser K P j pah rent, must be Morose meano of keeping the the liver and intestinal gland: ' though ated right here in Miami, or deals.et, however, will w:akc a big fruit sat a temperuur•• will.1t would Scientists have fortunately overt' so, since it hits been making pro- ••rap anti that in the .•axe of many ii01 Impair Be nutiinoI flavor during a combination of isI..s nt l l:re as, history and more recently, has h.a ey•heuri tg :tem.:tilos It is necessary .h 1pmr ul to rig ills to arca, cosy acting salts which in, [clamed sults handsome profits. This to lake off a part of the three per cont fluidity lord the flow of bit project is the avocado.and mango'grove for the 0 1 of the tree and to Insure Invents valuable +Dipping ('role, Of 1GU So he aerla,•,I a r,•tunhabi0 orals intestinal secretions, thus fl. Gree located just anal), of lho lucre uulform told ),attar !roll. alimentary tract and ret• t St. John's bathing casino on, Miami During lite years of 1917-15•19.20 alga), he calls the Safety First lie- natural ural healthy action ul .Soach, nut more than a stone's throw utile bea•-hu grove )Irided an average „r turnable Refrigerator )fox, provided so 1111 Ire aha eller and proper and bowels. This delightful t•• 1 - from the Atlantic Ocean Lerch• and now :me mates ur mango., per year, the p per von 11114• 01 calls is sold at IlfUg starte owned by the Miami Beach Improvement r....,y fruit netting Ili pee crate. The tion tvhle.la enable. 11110 to nhlp fresh company. min•Deer ripen In Ma :all June. ;and fruit, berries, or vegetables to any frau. name, "Jacobs' Liver S. I Y• b >' part much quicker, more ,,lesson There are.7,000 Avocado trees embrac- were shipped to Loa Angeles,San '•'ran- of U1,• 11111000 Stara aurc.•antully' Ile more effective than calomel,of • ing many Varieties and 1.000 mangos, rts.•o, Portland. Seattle. New fork city,•awl 1I r. .1. Is eoliths patented the crate'nauseating cathartics, and n .•i :about 50.5+1 Iladens and Mulgobas, the Chicago, itnston and other Large north. In Jul)•, 1919. It was so desirable and I is perfectly safe and hart .a beat varieties grown in this county. ern (lilt,, 'There are other vu:letlra practicable that 10,000 of these ship- our druggist for Jacobs' lay, These trees file froth seven to 12 years in the grove, however. The avocado ging crates or boxes were sold the tel-I t uy■ u generous bottle.---Adv ale. All have reached the age of coin• stip during the same period wait about ••.------- T ..tenial b0uring and,their gro*th and 6,u)n Cr.t,•3 per year. the fruit ripening — ---- - - .�_�----�-- ----'------._ .- . petfutlnance have been wotehed by train- all the way from July to lite following • !yrs and a technical knowledge gain. February and netting around $7 per oil through years of experience. Mr. T. ei'o tee Ail the fruit from this grove la +; Luther lin ea has been their zealous. 11111i-''1. on the Ul:a i<c and shlPperl dl- `'• ' - net well ns jealous guardian since 171.:, r••.'t. .. .I which means touch.to those who know .\itnirn the well-known and iependa• ' , tum personally, who have obeervcd his 1.1.: varlet.es of OVOC:uioa ll this grove ,'I' - c`.. skill and method.' of tropical fruit cul- are the It:adee, ripening in July; the I lure. x Pollock. In August and September; tits /9 r It is quite proper here to note that) Trapp. In uetuher and November, the OM% A Water Supply _ the grove was originally planned for and Lulu. Ill lice.,-mbar nhc January, the • set out by \lr.•1, S. Collin's,perhaps ono rommoiii a new Variety -In .hanuary et the must fur-c igDled and enthusiastic and F.ir,I ray, and the 1.I mita, ulsu rip• ilIlltill4opal Is cheap, simple and eonven lent le readily obtain or pioneers who hits yet come to Miami.,It ening. In Devember unit .I:unlary•. Itthrough the use of a Davis Cypress Tank un.steel (ow, wu.a he who conceived the idea and built win thus heseen that With mangoes �; \, Once installed, running ats-c may be earrie•1 tam t' the Collins bridge across Biscayne pay, r"luing on in May and Jou'. there are • P ` house,outbuildings and garden by gravity system. Nee • thus linking Florida's most illustrious'but two months In the year when this -:..--..f$:.:—.14,......_ little attention. A Davis Cypress Tank also furnish • City on.the mainland with the Atlantic a rove is not .slipping the most note'. *it / fire protection, • nee .lty for all buildings. • i which has since. developed through his' florin and delicious of known tropical Davis Cypress Tasks ars bulk la any size, from 1, r• extended influence into the notion's fruits. \tor ,uvt•r. \tr. lioa'era asserts to1110,000gallonesaclly. lotWknoweineoftankr1 that fila beach grove Is the largest lt_ . rcatuirc-you will be planed W tarn how little it will era most wonderful winter play ground for • • the enjoyment of the country's noted .I tdu1.1 Alantinb of the same age in I _ ' glen and women of wealth, fame end the' world.s it is one of Ihr.allow• places �l i�! G M.DAVISD&SON culture. of \tlanll Mooch anti In Vlslt••4 by'hou• b l Laura Street Palatka Florid ! o_r, Many Fine Mango Trees Also. s:: ls of tourists rush se:.s•.n. I of `sr igloo s• W•• " \Vhilu the 100-nCre avocado and mango whom went to crone :,gain and ugnhl. ;�� • (:rove has•since passed into the hands I t' I Span)lug la.>r. .7•• •. .I. of a corporation-in which its original, Tile fly, that„, arae and red spider I ,, • .an• the peons which Infest the avocado J ' ,,tauter Is still interested-:slat ofthese Collins'•1.101 man-0 groves and n.,•rsxltao ire• G - early vision of the possibilities these rl,i.nt spraying to keep them down ur ` ' tuts most wonderful fruits the world under control. For nom.: years the has yet developed,and his native genius '. hove lost none of their lustre.For when --- .- ” Le shall hove PnxatJ un the he ritugt Iw - ... • -�--'--- ----------- -- --.-- --- will leave at Miami Dead' will be re- - • • in as a splendid contribution to ' 'South Florida's Lurie and industrial j achievement. ' The trees of this grove were of the Lest known varieties similar at the time. They Q� ` were planted with aimilnr carr. But with NON-HEADACHE NON-FREEZTN( the multitude •of duties drawing upon F qgo tat -t,,;' S -1•91 �oWtiTDW0 t 0. Q>)c`�' r V-(h NA% LIR • I I was e,w .+,�.. •fly ,e a an "viii ilia"' he s•vn hilt with nu.t.goer Once InwI lied, running rals•r may be crrrir•1 to t6, was he who Cunca:rrd that idea and built I, - the Collins bridge acres` Biscayne 14ay, ori log oil in May :am, .login there are ff0 ,` hou•r,outbuildma• hod garden by gravity•ystsm. gleed, thus linking Florida's Must illustrious'f'li't two hale mho In 1110 year when this `,:� -"'-'""'"..,-...„:04a.72' IRue all.albn. A Ilust. Cypress 'leak •bo fur.ashc, ,t city on.the mainland with the Atlantic ^rove is out shipping the l [mid- llre protection, a veers.fly for all buildings. • which has since developed through his U"ua :nal delicious of known tropical ,�' Davis Cypress Tank• are boat In any elle, from 10+ • extended influence into the nation's fruits. Mora•uver. Mr. 14.•w•ers asserts • I to 100.000 gallon caracpy. Let lea know Are of tank r+•• • most wonderful winter play ground fur that this b•yu•h grove i+ I lir l.•rap•st In- • ralulrr—You will be pleased to logo how little it will cast • • the enjoyment of this country's noted 'Iia Mimi pLuiting or 1h.• a:une ago in 'r 11lt sato and women of wealth. (sine and II''' arurid. It Iv ouu..f Iii.•sl,var places wt I I/! G.M.DAVIS& SON culture. • of ,ilium! Hegel] nod Is fished by:lion• i 1 4,� Many Fine Mango Trees Ala°. .•sols ler tourists eI11•1. seaIi M.O.i nr „ i/�i'�i Laura Street Palatka,I IOrillt • 1Vhile the Ido-acre avocado and mango 'II"' want to ram•• again and again. • (:race baa•since passed into the hands I• • Frequent Spraying Pity ti. ^ of a corporation—in whirl its original, • Thr• fly. thrill, scalae toil red solder t ',looter is atilt holt rented--A1 r. Collins' or,' hhr pests whlrh infest the avocado J •• - . early vision of the possibilities of these 'i t'u.ga gruvrs :Ind n.••.•..wale ane- • 11 - k t i,u most wonderful fruits the world!'111,01 spraying' to keep them down nr - • - lies yet developed, anal his native genius 111'da•r control. P.M. wain•: years the have lost tone of their lustre. Fur when ._.__ Lr shall terve passed on the heritage he . .. _. _. - - - '-----.. -- - ------._.. will leave tit Miami (leach will be re- mernLCrcd us a splendid contribution to • ' • South 1•'loridta's Lune nod induatriul I • achievement. I The trees of this grove were of the List known rn rirtira at the time. They •• Ojj,a ere :,tilt red with duties carr. ng with NON-HEADACHE I.T.IE • the Ills biotic• 'of duties drawing and llen- NON-FREEZING the Illustrious caths is time and altcn- thou in other directions of development work, including the construction of x '' transportation canal of a mile or mere' ca•nnectiog Indian Creek and Biscayne I • Bay as well as the completion of Col- lins Bridge, the attention of the fine grove became lax rind leas efficient until0. . . in ION. schen Mr. I o���..i,wWw•s came on the " • • scene following lila htIIIII1 ig of the beach gulf links for the Fisher interests. 'Mr. Bowers brought with him a fund% ler he stein experienceesIli and knowledge I more u( citrus culture guinrJ farther north I ' In the .tate besides Ile unusual native i • taste for tropical fruit culture. Ile is a native of Sanford, North Carolina, where lie grew up in the tobacco, des•- i.••1ry and huckleberry acct and sins • ter engaged rntheir Florida, he Coining e lis Sum!` / ' \v *.....• •......,.._frr county, F'lvrida, hr tulluwrd general ll a egctubie growing for 13 years during I a %+arch he set out and brought to rine I /ssa��Iruitun nut• of the most perfect citrus' 1 hat�til /Ay��'( groves u( flee acres w !hat eouuly, godI ,' i �� I`/5u similar grove of eight acres near•_ nneala. II• hail read and stulied lha• two- �\ j ,.,,�� cad. and mango extensively prior lis 4:0 taking charge of the Collins grove .t �- ah. beach acss conversant a i far I AT OUR STORE I.,pussililc With their culture aadrtfrom • the Settee handling of the trims and their fruits. It was a new load Inter.•sling - field. Ile talked freely and ultra with I Your the inure experienced growers. studied Y dynamite -is now worth hie soil, the clintntac conditions, experi- aacnted nail watched. Superintendent llurera Able Grower. dollar-- S !t was but n few year.' until J(r.I 1.3 ,.ij- Bowers had learned nanny new things •_•i ubuut the culture of the avocado and 1 �. the mango, their fertilizer are•le, rte. WFwill sell you 135 to 140 sticks of Dumorite for the Ile early C111.1.• to II,ciuu cllimo !hal the tiers .needed to be fed fertilized with sane money you now pay for 100 sticks of 40% ` the kinds of fertilizer must conducive .....? to their healthy giowth Ulla Inx:an.i,n dynamite. I ruition, (lough` lie dvclurrs lie ueva•r T�,�� r��,,,,,,,,� Iles had what he would call u full mild- Du.rnorite, the new Du Pont Farm j�.. ilium crop since he look charge u[ the Dynamite, has approxi- (_. • mately the same strength as regular 4Q( Miami p sin Improvement took.ch ge of he gs ill dynamite and gives I aim grva'e nail farm prlbieet. Il'' l.a e.iie to you equal work, stick for stick under ordina conditions. e'er regard barnyard campus! as a Ilio..+t MI. ry • - portant and efficacious grove fertil ,ser, Thus Du Pont engineers have found a way to give you almost C)r euro though it may not be esteemed su 1/ more dynamite for O highly by various other grove erne. In •'•; Yna your dollar.' • .': the county. I "dynamite One other important deduction he has You won't get a headache" from using Dumorite; •••x'::• made is that litany avocado groves •:.T throughout the county have been sutler• and it will not freeze. "•• tug or at least are deficient in two ' 1 respects. Either orally of the !gees have Think—this year, with Dumorite you can clear nearly I ' a poor root system or pour bud wood ' /:f ' y- lar burn used, bull of which Conditions more acres of stump land at the same cost you paid last r4•.._-L+• may be attributed target,- to lack of •Alosledge. Among has deductions ars I year for dynamite, or you can clear the same amount as in •e that no hod wood should be used from1921, at a saving of approximately one-fourth. II tree that lois not let least illicit cu.- ;•ocutve years of good (rtnt produdl.on Let Dumorite help you make 1922 the blgge:;t land clearing 4•4y'q'i ocitind it. Not every tree lel nay ire- 1 • eeptable variety will be a heavy or even• • year of all—and let us help you figure the cost of your season': r.; fair fruiter, 'This fact should be rer-I blasting work. We know that we can save you about one- - -• ignited, say's Mr. [lowers, in the select Alti, tun of buil wood. fourth—maybe more. float nail Ilud Rolla ImDorinnl. .it t mi.. lassos I. equally ilusiste:ii ••u frequent rpr.aylug and cultic:it,�. ..s i. 1 he IS ler aavuraag g 1 riot sloe:, sad . de fr pr•.vea Ire.•`. Ile i;ceps I ',$.../1..4! everhavtiogly lifter Ilse p••.Ia Ia aro ilei t W m. Tuzzard & Son nprxy sig app:O.0 u+. hrnm Un• t:.r6 Ill Novrnaber to the first of June he 11.111, •' •r •:e- r ^. Ialns ai :ibsulut•'ly clean callus,. mot i a two or thritch dust muh lcby Ire- 100 t.,.ant t{Ilag.• With ;1:- Aei"e ilarrow,� S. Miami Ave. Miami, Fla. Phone 9555 and Owbrash grove shows the 'Ogle' it�' of lila mothuJr. Nor has he slopped _ experimen Ung. Mr, (lowers ala•el.ue.l i that oohs• xeoc:do tuna mango industry 1 E.I.DU PONT or.NI[MOURS&CO.;MC..BROWN•MARX BLDG.,BIRMINGHAM,ALA. is about :v yealrs oldall the atlimise I �, ji. • coast of Florida but it will require, • .:r+°" ,;f7 _,.die-,s '_, •�! �- - . • Tilt; 1Y15LtAL11, MIAMI, 1'LunUn•.)Littt, a Ulutt, • Ata , .l altl .,, 1./........ - s nus. ....el • ^ - IgM to be quite im- lowing year, and,,they„they have rine. be-' airy, Hint the palne:,bllll)• as well as try N. Paneonst, 'rim property belongs! --.--_ pestle or disease and r • recognised by•wholesale shippers 0011 value of the fruit are atom that'to the routed Ilen,•it improvement cool- •BIGGEST TIRE ho first grove man in as the acme or practical fresh fruit there Is scarce possibility of 11n over- sY uvoa:adus. Stirs)'•' Aliipping containers for long distance production nt any time. Doth the nvo• ('spy. The 20-nevi trn•t In question NOW GOING .slue, Is worth while. They Lire Adapted to the ail i lingI cede Ind nuulgo of Primo quality are hen Loon ,•moped to mixed vrgetsblen j of dollars have been berries of all kinds us well an evoca. bound to command u profitable price rather so a practical demunetratlon of National Tire & Ru' for spray materials. ,toe, mangoes, oranges. grapefruit 51111,for ycnrs to r As a fond fruit whnt may he done on the soil so near •n Involves Innen Ill. all kinds of fresh' vegetable.. Thiel the avocado Is without an equal lo• tit.• .11!,Alba sranhorr than for ;nuns• Phone 351? 160 W. .ars says It ;ways well. crate Is used in lite shipment of mulch tiny.” 1.11)' H11.111. Ilwu;;h tootle of Ulr urge- Miami, Fla. .1 poorly •fertilized of the product of theLcarh grove _ tubi.a grown have returned a good I whir! show minimum 'l'hc)• ore made nuumin rd 111 size fur all '1•III•: Itl:.t('II i:. •: i-iii i. profit. • That Mllnul Reach, In spite of nil its \I r. 1':uu•uust, III.. uffic Lal gardener. Wo reverse in almost fruits and vrReulLles as veep as leo In a brother of \Ir. T. J. I'aneu:lst. ser.• ='7l - \il capacity. 'rite middle or Ire chamber splendor of urchllect •oro,pa lanai hpnt,•s In a mile long and Nelda half a etnndnr,l size cake of ice, relury :unl tn•unurrr of •the \Il:unl pRl NTI I 00 feet lit width. It Lir ISO iloil lids. while tile end r Part•,nnd grounds. bathing raninue and no-I Maisel+ Impruvrluelt enuipan)•. aril one .11111114,1y parallel Nett!Inlrnls have a (-apacity. for four crates elol gul,•l)', In not Lit nue a pora•nnl.,l tot lhr Iradt ug tunes In the r:rnr rat -t 1% .1 IT L,1•I III the Atlantic ocean of tomatoes or bg quarts of berries. Phlygruund, ocy b1. Jincl,r mei front'drvi-lo lit of Miami lint ,t a:.,l Its rViu a brief visit for the 711-sere gar• carlou• so,•il.i, civic sod Ihdustri it en- E. ilaeosros •r1wJ by rows of Atm- es Healer ~apply �oml lIm of \11111111 E.K.�AHLMANN e) R.1 li the salt spray which has Ito• general saes ageency for thin'd''u farm about a mile north of :':anloo lcrprines. hire of the 20 ucn•s ore hot fl S.W.EIrst Ave. Pit 'Ito growth nt the Niar,•t)• Fleet cru,. SI. .IOhn, aehlr! Is unac tinder the p.•r- -... . ._ Acam•II a.ts.c.• w••.. :heir fruit production. The avocado and ..cute,, grove at I annul curl,olid noperviniun of Mr. ilei• ii'out tour,, ,o. Iu.g, 6-.\.1 it. machl110 and tool \IInnd Beach Is It Atom Inl,r:nllnif .ulldlog In the _•.. ...______. ._...._ - _. .•enter ptoJrct, Mr. flowers, its sol"vin- '_. ---- - --- ---------- re rmlvrnlclitly sr- tendenl, is no trse Interesting. A visit farm ulu iI inglabs Rix to I tredve will br worth ta great frame �I' IAT framo buildings near- dein to oily mon Lir company Intwre•xfrd 'Attu quarters for the In thea, trolls or contemplating their to take care of the I culture. _There are. nrcordlng to Mr, • ' All tools and equip- Dowers' estimate, about 200.1105 acres 6♦ 1, i to the maximum Lit of land on the southeast coast of Floe- ` en- Superintendent Dow- Ida, nod mostly In Delo county. enTIHIE MAN .MAINE - "lion. pedally favorable to the propogal Ion , FROM is Bawer.' Ilekky. of the avocado and Improved Menge. .,what of • tree Wla- He'ulso expressed the opinion that the :ons suggest nothing culture of either or both accdrding to. but rather he la de- modern methods offered favorable In- cul and thorough a ducenleuts for profitable Investment. Si' • Worn adopts any new "We have," he said. "practically a inn- without careful con• gopoly on the limited urea of volt nnd I promised to tell you of u.solid, Safe, SQUARE DEAL LAND AND here we have a cliulat, cabby is tropical fruit climatic conditions adapted to the in- profitable business through which YOU feet as Cod has ever give htng It not practical .-_ - .. — .. - ---- cnn secure all the speculotive•possibili• DEVELOPMENT COMPANY of the earth. Nothing u kes little Interest In ,ties of oil-if oil is found-without risk- growth of Miami. nod yield fruit w ing a dollar, and I will make good, •Dr• Organized Under Declaration of Trust apt ndld little mixed RELIEF AT- torr doing this,as there are many visit- at Miami, Dade County, Florida, A POSSIBILITY THAT fi e house for hommine ors now in Miami who did not ream! my Having become convinca alp e11 theplace. FourFOR CONSTIPATION articles published a taw weeks since. ill 500,000 Shares Authorized. vestlgatlnn, the gathering .h bananas near \I r. one of which I gave a sketch of my past _ of circumstantial evidence .err another feature ,history--•that the readers might know to 0 tied considerable fruit - my experiences of the past, my standing l'ar value of Shares $1.00 each, issued sent you a bit later- hough given cool par- with my fellowmen in m)' home city,and full paid and non-assessable, and with- only oil swilrlr, but allege •ntlon until liteout petaonsl liability. thattics in Florida, it became past Science Discovers. Cause an thus be assured they were nut, listening Since thinning out How to Remove It. to a fakir--I will, us briefly us possible, ter of good business l0 I. .,tion they are show. give' you another synopsis. As its name implies, its broad decile• •chase the desired Amount s - rut 1011 i11tlrnwera it to conduct slotist the wave of excitementv: utidal especially uee Chronic constipation, which leads to FARMER, SAILOR, MERCHANT. any line of business connected with ibe sprculsllun eurnee tala „Ian thingIIIId li,V get e0 anally serldl(esx Iharsilt! as Ilya- 1 lim'gali life as a (Dernier boy 111 Lincoln, imlrch:iae, lease, holding, and develop. ht prhno itlpftrue Is i+•Pian, indigestion, biliousness. Jalln- Iurly Is this true of lice, gall stones, rheum•tiam, acidosis ItLline, I wxs early in life introduced ulagll of IunJ, its products and resources. A SQUARE MILE U n s.: of its perishable old many other so to•i ntoxieations, ilei to and became intiuhllrly acquainted In ro nlrmplal{ng an Inc estm e,, In the with work, end a:hen about U: viol old sharer of this company. there are two With this end in view, ore, Superin make time lout known to be caused by a drying out ) which covered the entire 1 left the form for the sea, railing the Important fa:lorr for •)our cons) era-iv that to the )f lite bile and the intestinal contents.tlriels of Al irmi, we succ eve enterprises there the result of Insufficient secretions of ocean far nwurl)• five yearn. \,•�t I filo, built UP our of the la WOO 1..•111, first, its business manager Is a man chasing A SQUARE Mil. '-roto of keeping the I the liver and intestinal glands. and retail whose records for success In handlin agricultural and grove la. .•rata ro which would Scientists have fortunately discovered. carriage businesses in thea just on the border of u State of btnine, corporate fntereets, Ir unequaled In lite sutural flavor during a combination of plaaaent lasting and annals of New England, and who has al- within a comparatively itanceip easy acting salts which increase the from • subdivision when fluidity and the flow of bile and the POLITICAL HONORS. ways guarded the Interests of small ble 9klpping Crrfe, atltuatinsl •siert,ions. thus flushing the I wins nominutwd for Cnoneilm111 on shareholders. outlay ever made in a II rrturnuLll, erste ■limenlury Iraq and rc-celublishing the lir •rnlic ticket in n Itpulhlioun Serold, every share will be Issued Florida Is in rviJenrr, the aafoly F'irrt Re' natural ar.d healthy action of the liver city, my first plunge Into political life. "full paid and non- . ble." There It ha therefore rig:it ill nater )fox, provided anal bowels. This delightfuh.combination and I woe elected. the-next•yrur I was can be no assessment on these shares as development of a city gra and proper venlllr• of 'Mita is sold at drug stores under the elected Alderman. Vi'hen, however. I there can he on'any stock sold fur leu and boulda, and this twin, rs him to "IP freah trade name. "Jacobs' Liver Salt." It is was nominated fur Mayor, my Itepultji• titan par. - questionable ■dvaneemeni •vegetables to any part much -quicker, more pleasant and far can friends considered it very pre• this tract la today pre. ,tea successfully. lie more effective than calomel,oils or other sumptuous, "the idea of n Democratic meet follow. • Ins patented the crate•nauseating cathartics, and in addition, mayor in x city overwhelmingly Repub. Ques. In situp Lux{nets will the com- vvue so desirable and is perfectlysafe and hurnllcsa. Ask pony engage? PROFITABLE IN\'EST\IF: licimn." Believe me. the campaign was Alis One of the mist• rofltalrle 10,000 ofe sold e the Ito,_ Your drugRist�for Jacobs Liver Salt. SSe a hot mar. I •curried four of the five stile in Dade count>-, andoneof which Here we have every clef. sea Buys a generous bottle.-Advertiaemcnt, wards and won. From a barefoot boy 'probably not one in a hundred has given through the development _____________ ------.--- -. -.--..- -.-, wniking the streets of the city, I hod ,.a•en a thought', yet it bus the 1•rcalext to bring unquestionably rip now rr,ched lit, hfgh.'nt "fife,' within future of any husiness of similar char- to every atorkholder, eve,. the elft of ivy fclluw-cillxerts• a:tt. herr. found, for in a xrmi•Iri,pic Il• elfuat'prospered. I kept taxes low, Ques. Will the company enter into thnl which Miami rnju• •• • got new industries, filled every house the wore! for oil? and store in town, Ans. No. semi-tropical products. u.. But if oil is found.{t will that are tropmcsl, and m , he prepared to reap rhe be.efit to the temperate zone, can he P �'•._ I WAS ELECTED MAYOR TEN TIMES, to a city like, Miami Oil limit, without delay. Oil, if fount, will At the urgent request of the Governor, be merely an additional profit producer. and water, the production • Are profitable. if ro I accepted a nominulion for Senator. My Ques. Is the principal business of P p' A Water Supply. district always gave a large liepublican the company now being conducted by cannot fail become a a, majority. yet to my surprise I von with any parties in Miami? -a profit'tile Inveetnent. the Inrgext majority ever given n caidi• Ans. Uy a few who are gathering here we have a Brest • that Is cheap,simple and convenient Is readily obtained dile fur Dint office. wonderfully large profits, unit whit are square,"think of It. Much through the use of•Davis Cypress Tank on.steel tower.-' • positive that under Improved conditions fur the.plow, mid dcairul.i . 111Once Inst ailed,;running water may be carried to the FOUNDING A BANE, much If profits than they are lural purposes, such us i (\ house.outbuildings and I:arden by gravity system. Mawts In two hours and forty minutes I sold making are assured. We will tell you Ing• and more esperi■IIy m little attention. A Davis Cypress Tank aloe furnish. • the capital stock for the Peoples Na- later where you can see and learn all of a heavy bearing citrus . fire protection, a necessity for all buildings. 1 liontil Bank, served on its directorship about It, right here In Miami. wealth-producing Avocado. Davis Cypress Tanks are built in any size, from 100 I until I went west. This bank is now be- ta 100,000 gallon capacity. Let us know size of tank you ing operated as'the Waldo Trust Com- IS TIIF.RF. QI1, IN LOIt1DAt FITNESS FOR THE t'llltl' require-you will be pleased to learn how little it will cwt. pony. That is a question that intervals thou- We are-not dependent . R. R. PIt SIDF,NT, He to fitness of our land, t. sands-interests you and I. the proof, G.j'�•DAVIS&SON • when a young mil I shoveled gravel The uncaring increase o! w• ealth lhnt ce,s(ul dalryrhro4 andJlw 902 Laura Street • Palatka,Florida severalon e ?terms last Preach enl�ofe that r I served has followed the discovery of oil •in thrifty growth of • gel .,, other avelions, accounts fur the great ell trees demons!reit EDITOR AND PUBLISHER.- • interest manifested In the possibility of ability to the purposes m I published and edited the Herald for finding oil in Florida. If it is found, Thia tract of land, if P history will be repcated here. Now mints were placed Inion it ten years, and this paper had the lal•g• prospecting for oil in a new field is ax' growth of \I cot circulation in its field. pensive, The pioneers.stand to win or throe Rh time - - - lose ell, rapid and positive po itive advance. • • Mi GREATEST SifCGF7.4S' Under even the most favorabl: condi- Moreover, while the Stole • _.--_.,._-.—_.-__. My greatest success in buniness wit lions, prospecting is too much of a mitlnerul it nd oil rights 00 • in the conducting of the 11U/ilia-es of a -gamble" to be called u business in- this land was weld before r orslim in Itclfnst, Maine. Smalltaons, and we own every( QA P vestment. It is just a "flyer," like buy- the center of the earth. xtockholdcrl, principally working poo- fog o lottery ticket. It is a"hit or miss" pie'•-+unong them sevrrnl widows-took shell where you bet against the field, shirrs to the umolnit of 125.000, and I taking your chance of winningaor losing. EASY OF .?CCE built up a_ business from practically If oil is found, things move rapidly. Our land does not lie I. f •b4 nothing so rapidly that I paid a 20 per Values jump, adjacent territory goes up glades,waiting for•road, a la-NE'T f NON-FREEZINGrent dividend in six months, 100 per In value like a skyrocket. It is no time by • hard rock road Alun Icent In 12 months, and In la months I to buy then unless you are prepared to divisions have already bee ,,:.• , thro•.rt, ,t,, ',elf oat „t,ld ti .J other~ and with the c.,,..m, .• iLl.iu-x1 IJyn LIVE, --••--- ------'- . -.-- -- ...,.,......,�.,.: ..�.,., AND AVOCADO GROVE IN a�` ' .; r• � CLUB ENTHUSIASTIC WORLD AT MIAMI BEACH hlarrluge lhcenays Ireued by the ' county Judie yesterday were r■ f..1- •� �, t,'••t .+, „ . .mml•sloner R. A. Coachman Tells of (eontlnued from Page 1•A.) --- Iowa: ' e Work Being Done on County now .1•11.11.• A. ()riffle, 4111, 141111 011,111, M planted. The remaining 16 mu.v heed, to. Calomel salivates! It's mercury- Calomel Roads In that District. embrace eight acres of potatoes, re. Johan W. Hplres. 17, and Mar l' -envy dug; two acres of lomrto•s. two Roberta, 17, y acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When Tb. first regular night meeting of erre, of eggl,lul u. u quarter of .n -. calomel Conies 11,10 Contact with sour bile it erre or e Allapaltah Improvement association ter of Ilam Lea na�three id a n•aodlfrwliar- r• `lull• filed :.t,,. ii clra'u It court yea. it, new community hall since the melon,and the balance to mixed vett- Irrvlu)• Ivor follu ww: attltlC3 into it, Cal13if1e cramping and nausea• rural opening entertainment last week,'tables. Fred Meta uy;alml Die any. for ublsn Neeurlly In.... leen! , ml.+ny. the lily reflected the wide popular inter. It Ila. Deets a Dry x411.0,4. H144,164. per(nrucln.r of 1 •,ttti:w1 i.. Take `tDodson's Liver Tone' l ■limulated by that notable event. air. I'ancoasl said In en interview convey little 11 ,cul estate. Reber d e attendance et Monday's business one day this week that this llyd been Ka•It.llvrn (n1' Ihu ....mule leant, it y.•u fret bilious. headachy. eunatl• ,.nrss meeting was double the usedIt. V. Dwaine la.,,, l E. I'. Orhnrs Dated and I.11 knocked mit. lust Ong ;.,11 .irk. )., a very unfavorable vegetable .east's i and W. A. 411' 1 Ku In art tuber and many new faces were pres• Illlam x, urllon sl I,,„., rear A,u/,glwl nod art 1,1Lu11 ..f Lo41- if ...,I �..g,"" t front everyhero use of the extremely dry weather. du 11111 N,•s wou'a L,ver'thee for few cellist. wbmb .irk :u.d , , ., quarter of the district, 19.100, A. IC Small, plaintiff's I.,.a i aulting in a eubstantisi gain in mem- The beach garden wax a 11111. below rllonlry, Is a harmless irgetalda 1'u Lst 11 ala fon It n1'..)' n:,ni•..1.•,),. • sip. pis r. loo. 11. nuld, brew esu of u Sall 1V• 11. !':nal r>' al'nhul the h • Jane.roue calomel. 'rake,r 110001(111 I Ur,.Is"u', I.1r1 T., It... 7.: t• end If 11 Aoesnt start )•4.111' liver a111 Ie,1.em 1:1.'..1, to the outstanding feature of the eve- start-fully a moot I. later than pl.11l- )'• 1'11.• .111.1,.N,•a fl,,"n. .11,",•H af. •11 n I.11'n )'011 110 b•Ilal ,n,A 4111 irk w1' •lii a',, h•, ,..•1'k . ,,g was an address by It. A. Coach- log should have begun. As a result of /'"1'aon, a1111,11ev for the pl•letlf( than toasty rel I a11d wll tout bark• 11 In eid1�1•n. t.•. .n, Jr., county commissioner Tepee- the dry Wet,ther many needs (riled to Du.:, 1'utherl ne "SI.' .01.11 i ,Ming the Hurd diatrirt of Dade germinate.nte. 111x: stand Was pour 11:141 In I Tllonnls 11'lllb,u, Hoyle. ...Don for dl, _ __.__.__ ._._.._._.. • anty. Mr. Coachman, who was pre- snm., instance., replanting,. were net, vnrre. 1'. 1.. Drown. solicitor for the . rated to the association by W.S. Max. rosary. The soil here In for the must '•0111.haunt, JI of the Highways Committee, made part a black sandy lulus, but under Orhuldo A. Qoartermao a Kalo.l �cE IF 1'Olf AItE 11:2:. 1 IN/ (1F CM)n, (': excellent and Comprehensive report normal rondltfunn--nufficlenl imitators. Ilrnrlell-5 Quan renal, sell for dl• 11':1TEIl ICE ECA 1.1. tilt 1'1111\-: AS11 111(1 hi, activities in behalf of better and rt r.-,•upable of prod uring au 14111111- i,,,yore, W. 1,....i,k Manton. ro:lrltor for der streets throughout the district dance of all klnJa of vegetables. complainant. COLD SIIlKAl 114• see new in punliou in of f.' der his jurisdiction. 1'otutur,. this year. a porton of the Ruby Dailey against South Ali utir. Me members present were surprised field at least, were aTelephone :u.d •I'ele'ra b ur,idm.l id orege s runm a 11 learn of the numerous difficulties .pour.. mond.porta '"'r ,, 1 p.n,y• r tut nes. We ran ■Iso onion• 111. alar, 1'l that and ii s fair cru.. Moine • Pon'ullo,l. „'ll ui,,ii,,. , ,Ia d:un. ge spare (,tuts ,t beset their public servant in pro- u1' the new proboet.4 op to _OU bushel,, NKr". Iluher 6 tirb,llm u, Plaintiff's [his rrvrluad InMnl11Q 11 our rwubnnaliou ruunu,by Ihr IL,. ling new roads and maintaining over per acre. WI, other part" when. °alt"r11ry• FACILITIES e hundred miles of existing roads, in for have gailroad siding, ta•ce.clug , i Ina ma wan pour would xe.,rr.,t). William T. Mincer and Mary 'g (arm •vef•rmgr two of Sid a. district, in good condition on the Sft iter. lits wire, ,:111 mill,gC provided (or the purpose yield IOC bunhelw. They w,•1'.• ph,0ted aNnlual .Ln11es ,i, the first of nrrnnhrr nd there was Huai Nellie H l:. Koper. loll It, r"tart.... LOCATION Our new and u0•lu•scr0 Ire sed Ilr(etri a community growing at such an i,lis rain until In January. a mortgage. t•, I.. 'grown, cern• office statiod )use ■dors the radioed 1 orinou. rate. Many questions of vi•I 'I•umutues set out In December aro pluhuiii,l ...11ellor, office slsUon A. interest were asked the speaker from•doing fulrly w,•11 but "how the need K. A. ifonlr HKair,xI .I t Sin /r�1 e floor, showing how keenly alive to of iolt,'urr. With mol"tor,• mlun they a'•llon HI Law, dO urn N.•" t.'.i•Illi Royal Palm Ice & Rcjri err cur public business the members of l Hob,. .s new league ■116 should produce TOO l0 300 Cralrs per & Kehallcrn, allornry'a for the plain• )I r, Coachman are.enumerated the streets acre--a light yield. Two m•res of egg. I fr. N. W. 4th St. and First Court. the oac ullah district which are to plrnls nearby are doing "plenAldly rad I.0ltlee N. Knuth al:uiiiat 'rllnulr• sill pnnlurn 111 11ve11go yl..w. 'I'h,. Slott I.. atilt for dlv,r,e I', I. For Central Information Inquire for Mr. I' widenedand improved under4 the quarter of nn acre of peppers are also for the r phn lu:.ut. 11010u rthcoming road bond issue. and I rest• needing rain but will int Gear urged all to register, pay produce some u, iii onh mull .o;r e.1 Stepp .1ntn. ---_-______- fancy stock. The wutornlelolla-Tom sun, netion for divorce. NIt,Pp -.. '. _ ..-.-----__.___..._-__ ,r poll tax and vote intelligently on Watson, and i(a•rkley Kii'eeu-ort up 'lig. a•otnpl,iu:n,l's xollolturs. Vito- nor e mutter. On motion of Secretary W.1,0 Stiller, Commissioner Coachman wase io the HlunJard and SI r. )•:ulroasl le •I•:1nrr E. Shaw against Annie 1. unllier, y elected to honorary mem• look lig for a good ylrld if weather Shaw. snit for divorce. Worley' w Sou. ',hip in the association. tuudltluua run Uuue. rryrtexrn n„K the .•„rola luau`. 1'l 1 2 9 C e Il t r it Another in inc incident, was the Limo Demons have Dune 'D'ell. .Slave A. r, •-- -• 11'htie we rill be pleased to alert ,chase of a piano and its riffle of .I:u ksonviIic and presents- Lima bruu. have been the banner I'mllue M. herd of .Haunt were mar. looters. See our new prier" oil Ii •n to the association by the Woman's crop on liar beach garden tract title l 141,1 In Iioi 4unuty ju.Ig,•'a o fflr, yrs• platinum Jewelry. Our Repair D xilis ry. When the president men. season. From on acre of ICr,.0 rad life- iiniay afternoon b• serve you. F. A. µ et that a few hundred dollars for V014,11 lis 1111a popular Vegetable 111111 Ilh,nlnn. ) Judge \Y, 1•'. mot •era material still remained to be paid worth of beano have itlrrnly been sold. IMF their 11.000 hall,the ladies promptly SI r. I'anrv.ast Is expecting 10 Battler Cl ••.------ _.___. _... :d the mea to "Jig up" for their own I toast 1:31.10 worth more. while another -----` -- ` ligation.; that the women had been quarter of an acre of hater planting In -_----_ omitted a "social hall, free and clear now coining Into bearing with a prole-1I debt. to'fix up, furnish and operate Ise of ween a heavier yield then the •• r their own benefit," and they pro- earlier puich. The fleet picking off 1 • . keep the social end of this work the ;uric patch brought111 per hamper. v.: vc and by md booming usicales,dances, The price is now downnto 16. The[Ira` Final A nn0unce m terluinments,box parties and the like. Welting from an acre of string bean.l ' e men "laid downn" an<I .ceepted the sold for 10 whom •r heavy rale put ..,no with thanks, and toluic. these not of 1,1111111,1111111111141011loentirely. 1 With regard to ■nnexallon, the Areal- air. 1.1ucu at . 0 111141 4/111 1.0111.0111.e • nerrs final rat said: "They want to lake u■ in, season on the west bide of the road •) f t we don't propose to be 'Wien in' from the Nlrdeo lie bas tended tide :f you get what I loran. Mut we do y4•141. WI114•11 was :4 picture, he says. ®� '..it to hear what htu)or Leffler and Conditions were inure favurabls and WithdraWal:y ay f a an age, terve to ere, ie Ile get rn cthat dart. 11, rai.ed e `-^,I e way of advantages and we therefore mlxcJ crop that srlaxun to supply the • V °pose to invite them Out here and Flamingo hotel and In some Hoes pro- ve them tell us in public just what I dyeed more then the Lotti Could con- may gain by becoming a part of i mime. It W1a. a 1`r a City of Miami:' prof`operations g',nb•n. • _�__.______ whereas this seaaun's operations on a WORI/l ` ` larger area will not show ao •11 ,f ��, .1),S NEWS a nal prof II. Mr. I'rlle11t,xl d'.lun•H.I huwrv,•r. that when the M4.11,."11 IN 1'u v-l' ...ruble cropping of the :o••ere tract Wln,ton•Paiem, N. l'.--tenger Moore would pay a haudsunle net inch re- .s ele:Ird unanimously Aistrlel turn. l. •vernur tit the conference of (rotary Tourlal, View f:arden With Interval. �' .bn of the seventh dIntrlet. ' �l4/ut etz, ua. 1:a.-Fire 'of under 1'r• .Sir. Pancoast Is u ua11i•e of New Jer-I -..•. tic t orlgln Whi ou' almost 1'n en- Rey. where fur a naII II u1' you. hal .]• •.fp:: e Murk In the bud Wean eea•tlln of WHO engaged b, flour u.111taK. Ile w•a. .•y *' ' reared On n faro,. Ito came down(to: <r • 7 ._1, ,mtemlon, causing a lure of 371.009 l:� 1..":- 1100,000 with wllh smell lusunuu:e. Miami In November, 1917. lite wasa�'li til I %" '1 In the bra( of health ;old did no "hatlanooga. Tenn-Junars D11Ig1HH. }Itip-j y�-.:" ,) r . argrA with the murder of 511.14(( A. plug Ihr first winter, bol We ;foul. .s :41 r" r ti` •Ii; . ,!; ('CI run. of Walker County. .riff h1. „„„.....ding Meal,-, r oftii pulalo..s and. - luiuy Cl, 11:1. when he attempted other vct;rlabh•,. profitably an land arrest Uuu►law for nu11-runuu,K, farther 111,111. 11111 year he ".1.114-1,11 4 .a convicted of murder In the first ounprrn of p1 a so "f1' NIX u..Per I ON APRIL FIRST WE WILL TAKE CO NI M I of ground which he ,.Old al fY Per I arta and given a 11f' sentence. hamper. 'yerka. Ark.--WIIII Sinununs old \Ir. Pancoa"t has ulmomt ful;y re-1 more Janneun, maw mill world•,., around lois health, and thoug;l now I. BILTMORE OFF THE MARKET I N D E F I N I -r• burned to death w)Ille sleep around Ga years of rxr 1, Beta OM 1111 .(4n fire destroyed the \Scat brook tl,e field and work, through the sea-i ,' tel.The los. In the building was ea- eon and-enjoys It. Ila bus breonle a• nate,' at 36:000. fixture I.1 most it Florida. memoir.. his 1.•:, We have announced that fact noAv for several d: l'ooland.--Mrs. Atlee 1{. Shields. In realty iluerrsts req"Icing Hor a ,aIle,.if. I here ehrrged with the murder he Ilk's to farm 11111 Is 111,144-! • •11 1 her husband. William A. Shields. paling not ,arty start on Ihr tev • rach: e w1 seep to our error-] ,earl week, ago, attempted to corn. Imre thin ,:all which will augur forI • t, lA in the matter, 1)414141 1 suicide by taking a hoe of nerve hotter r,-turns. next mrasun. ,.] •.leu. She was reVived with dlffl• The garden tract north of Ito Cu I any further advertising 'ly, al.o St.John ham Leen viewed the purl of that fact. (turps.-A Inas was slightly Injured two or three months by winter tour- .1 damage eat limited at 110.000 was Irl, with morn than ordinary Intermit.I .•ed when an Atlantic forst Line The great variety of vrg«tabir, grow. •light•train jumped a truck Iii the log on eeunhy mull not Ai morn than art of the downtown section. bucked a quarter of a mile front the Allantlt'r I roan a street and went Into a store edge seemed heats,,Alble to many. More! the Momtaln lintel b1111ding. ruin would have greatly eon:1111.041 the.I e �e Aepla, tie• report That a dirigible built Plr Ulr. pr well 1'n the 'ash rrturnal •+ ss WereVlrce the Ito was bring bullsfrom the Operations. lint wvuth.•r e re wee denied by efflchJo of lhr condition". fhr grower hen to contend' rnnsulleal department of the Good- with everYwherc at, well n• In 1401Illl1 r Tire and Rubber company. Florida. The marvel here le what cult -sn.ington.-S.nmelnrY of Leh,- be raised with the 1111111111111111'u nlfull Ancil. 1.:.•11.-nm new until Anc '.' I. 41,,, (n1' :4 i e