1645-6 Historic Markers T ..
r Markers are trip • MARKING HISTORY
The 12 sites for Phase One
of the Beach's
's Historic Marker
Program rethrough history 1:Captain Carney House.
he marker
will be located
south of 10th Street Auditori-
Beach programMiami Beach was incorporated in um on Ocean Drive.The 1915.With the help of trans-Allan- prop-
erty,now known as Lummue
tic cruise ship and airline service. Park,was purchased in 1882
commemorates the Beach gradually evolved into an by Henry B.Lum for develop-
international resort. ment as a coconut plantation.
old buildings Kurlancheek said the markers will 2:Charles Lum and J.N.
make residents and visitors more Lummus Homesite,1200
By ANN SIMMONS aware of the "historic value of the Ocean Dr.In 1886,Charles
Herald Staff Writer city"and will provide an interesting Lum—the son of pioneer
Miami Beach residents and tour- tourist attraction. Henry Lum—lived with his
ists will be able to take a self-guided The city does not keep statistics wife on his father's coconut
tour of the city after markers are on the annual number of tourists to plantation,now Lummus
erected this month at 12 historic Miami Beach, but according to the Park.
sites around the island. Greater Miami Convention and Visi- 3:John S.Collins Home-
"The purpose of the program is to tors Bureau,7.1 million people visit- site.The marker will be local-
identify buildings which are no Ion- ed Dade County in 1988. Many of ed on the Lake Pancoast
ger in place and to provide some his- them came to Miami Beach. Walkway at 24th Street.Often
torical background to the site,"said Identifying the sites of historic referred to as the"Father of
Jud Kurlancheek, director of the buildings made famous by the city's Miami Beach,"John S.Collins
city's planning and zoning depart- pioneers is the first phase of a two- farmed much of the land that is
ment. phase project, Kurlancheek said. now Miami Beach.
The Historic Marker Program is The second phase will be marking 4:Collins Bridge.The
g historic buildings that have not been marker will be located on the
dedicated to the pioneers who built tern down. The Beach Historic south side of Island View Park
Miami Beach. Big names include Preservation Board will pick those on Dade Boulevard.Replaced
Carl Fisher, John Collins, Newton sites. by the Venetian Causeway,
B.T.Roney and the Lummus broth- Kurlancheek said the $13,000 the Collins Bridge was corn-
ers. project is being funded through pri- pleted in 1913.
ttra Each marker will have a written vate donations and money provided
history and a photograph to show by the owners of buildings located 5:Thomas J.Pancoast
• the original building on the site. where historic structures once Homesite and Lake Pan-
stood. coast.The marker will be lo-
"It shows our appreciation and cated on the Lake Pancoast
MONTANA'S pleasure with the heritage of the Walkway at 26th Street.
Featuring city," said Historic Preservation 6:Carl G.Fisher Home-
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Board member Russell Breiner."It site.The marker will be locat-
7702 N.Kendall Dr. acknowledges contributions made ed at 100 Lincoln Rd.
Greenery Melt by the pioneers who established Mi 7:County Causeway and
596-4044 ami Beach." West Avenue.The marker will
liew belocatedonthenorthshoul-
"LOW cc SIMMONS apeam,,Electric.waterbeds s HidtA Beds
BEAUTYREST aCompete lurnairngs fo ye Consult our ASID design Stan a WelcomeSLEEP SHOP interior designers•Se hath_espaIo Z "FREE DELIVERY AT ONCE" 8:Star Island and Bis-
4350 S.W.75th Avenue toll the Pavnedo Exp. cayne Racecourse.The
{,i.- MIAMI Sr 0,0 Road) y
(305)264-0717 Call n Moe. marker will be located in the
IsL OCNAPGErI9 to T 5 Star Island median next to the
' water tower.Created by Carl
J 0111111
NOS13O W •• r� , : r Fisher in 1917.Star was the
i-- ` "` 0 'k't.a first artificial island•
L h ; i construct-
ed in Miami Beach.Fisher de-
veloped a race course for
r speedboats in Biscayne Bay
4i� ♦ between Star Island and West
Make � � ; Avenue.
9:Newton B.T.Roney and
Ili the Roney Plaza Hotel,Col-
t �La�u,tc"p g)quare linsAvenueand23rdStreet.
�/ �c_ CCC... Roney began acquiring Beach
� one of your �� property in 1917 and con-
Halloween Haunts" structed the Roney Plaza Ho-
P�� I I tel in 1925.
Costumes 10:The Nautilus Hotel and
. CN. * Cards Polo Fields.Now Mount Si-
:.........5 4, Captivating decorations mai Medical Center,4300 AI-
,�nl ton Rd.Nautilus Hotel was •
Lookingfor a
� 4s1� constructed by Carl Fisher in
iiigreat costume Idea? 1924.
9s P �_�
Visit the Consignment Shop, 11:Allison Hospital.Now
1 Jo Lynn's Collectibles and St.Francis Hospital,250 W.
63rd St.James Allison devel-
oped• the first hospital on the
1'"�'-= Enjoy their fine selection 11 Beach in 1925.
Si� of vintage clothing • UV 12:Millionaires Row,Col-
s r j '7 tins Avenue at 46th Street.Un-
Cauley Square til the mid-1960s,enue the section
5181 A 22400 Old Dixie Highway of Collins Avenue from 14th to
r♦ 9 Y i, 59th streets was the site of
3 • 258-3543 258-0011 t se4 fabulous estates on the ocean.
1'0 va c_ two miles south of Cutler Ridge Mall_ ell Ir�`4I Source:City of Miami Beach