1625-17 Various Miami Beach I
Out or that distress came the dl.eovery These fields will not be opened until the ABROAD WITH O. 0. _ Figuring on flow to Land flim
5 that the stralght-laced lohabltant of Ilea- present over-production has ceased. es.MAANTrea
trop end the Inose-Ilring 011e. of Mor The long reported (allure of the oil HAVR1. May 1T.-Barre, like Cher-
_ Rouge, once divested of their acquired supply does not materialize. Instead,we boor[. has eternally weeping sale..
fooliahnoe., were pretty much the same have an oversupply. Yet the oil eltuatron Alway■ achill, clinging drizzle, with
fellow. is not one to regard with cull „twee. (leeks of nun now
and then on the bill-
,. .-_._-_-=________--,, (ion. True,OIl I.being found In quantity side and quay. But our wretched and
- Lest We Forget sufficient to meet'the present oxtranrit- wan voyageur.cheered faintly when the
r Sir Philip OM.'po.t.war book."Now nary demand. It I.being found in such barque w arpe to the doral After
_ It Can Re Told." has been republished quantity that supplies ■rtudly go to all,It wan tend.
by the Garden City Publishing eomDaey .este. But the supply of ell In the The Intrepid passenger who, en
e. at ■ low price. This book, It will be ground i.limited. There is no doubting ■ccounl of a wide Dat and wide eloquent- -
t. remamb.red, was Gibbs' sigh of relief,•
mouth, looked suspiciously like a con• C.k.:e GOT TOthat sooner or later tAa effort■ to tap VD SGHtTnwthe outbunl of a pent-up soul,When tDe now fields will fall. Wben That da rreesman abd Dad left the Oar but twles \ tY't•l. 176 \
crop In -oath time tenderlyON,
war w•.Over and•nawaD•Der reporter semen there will De many n regret for n g carried-
_ ,E1
could begin to toll the truth about Itswas the fleet to lurch hewn the gang• \t{l`•
the Improvidence which dealt no .onto- plonk, Great bags of white-sacked mail
B we. Kitchener'°Idea,at the begin- fully with oil when oil was plentiful. were being tossed over the elle. "Folks,
Hing of the war,that nothing should be _ - ` ,..,... ....a....--7....:...-.--,-.:
t• my laundry,"he cried,pointing. \ � ...--• •
told about It. Newspaper men were Miami Beach's Ambition In the great train sheds the dInky am .,I
unable to get passports t0 the front. The interesting suggestion that a new 11We hetet trains with their doleful pea- r 4..,,,,„
{f P a '
Their reports,It was zearad,might Inter- tounty for Miami Reach he created nut stand whistles were wetting for the awe �'
fere with the military operations. Pub• F: : 1h
erits serious consideration. It laleer-hour nleh t0 Parl.. Mnrehant•with /fir ��7::)..4 .4:\';tic opinion, the people whose soon were Portable■undo lined the way with mem- +z /'l�1 'c
de•Dtalcto the people home to from 22 miles south trolled along,drawing two-wheeled carte r:'- � �,.� � :
• Watt at the(root. NewsD@Der mon ware �'•'::'.
of the Rroward county line. with the of trunks. Bicycles, pedaled madly. ,.„3.,:Z..._______..,'�' l-,:I� T�lx Jr,AJt fi ^r+. rr 4.44 j1III'�U
permitted then to go with lh. armies. center of the Inland waterway through whizzed by. Profenakmal gulden,cs art- . P 'rrlirgit?:;i^-.f::,dfnw fJVa
, nut lhoy were not permitted to tell :.li F v'"'' t^��'.ns:-g*•' a•--. .e• _ o ri°-•:
Biscayne Day adjoining the ry•ml city eoned like major Aomoa in gold rope., — __ Y�l -
they maw. By no means. linin a. the western boundry, as far offered their senility for the trifling --J`Z- __-_ - -
pomrbois, -----
1� �
Why don't they Iron[ their IeaA south•a Cabe Florida. Withered and bonded old women -�� R '�--a's
' ere•"asked the army chief.. "Why The city council, risk clubs and (ho --
don't they leave It to MO- rank and file of dtlerna of>I lam( Beach hawked the Part. herald and Trlb unt. --7 "."°''-- ----: "- - ---
"We do trust you-with some NlneaoR[eA porter., bent double with -- "^+�- --- _ __ __ veto"`
nileR mien°." thought the people, declare that their dnnlro for a county of luggage. did their customary haggling ----,..-----7 '��__ - —�
"and w•do ieneo 1t to you,though their own in prompted solely by economic for larger tip°. A piratical crew that a -----_ p-- 6--�_
you seem to be making a mess of motives. They point out that the prob- -` -=T
things, but we want to know whatgenuflects at a Vrenchman'a eing!e franc " - -- __-•. .-""--7"-- O
lame of Miami and Miami Beach differ tip and sea run at the Amerlcan'n ten - , """� a -=-
we have a right to know,and that Is -- -- _ - --- '
the life►rad progress o!this war In greatly,that Mlaml I.•commercial city franca. ._ .� - 'r p,� 3-_
with local and Erer •'�='w'�'•�*'�- i._ffi♦9 ter:-
...which our men are engaged. We glades problem.and A stream of passengers promenade ��ss
way[to know more epees[their hero= that ,flan( Peach Is essentially ally a .fetor forward and back alongside their coaches � -.a
lam,.o that It.hall De remembered resort with Its future abeolulely dep.- in effort to regain their land leg°. Rut - - � [)-
by their Deopie and known by the 1Dn away remains for several hours- - -
world;about(heir agony,so that we dent upon ocean front protection. In --- - _
fact, the proponent. Tor countysometimes for days. DOg@ leap and yip —r
shall snare It In our hearts; and i the 000 with joy over release from their plunging - i �,_
about the way of Ih•ir death, so contend the county taueeway is the one and clipping environment • �'�awl r�'L that our grief may be softened by and only common Interest from a countY Regular trains, like nn mantoy " " "