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Boycott-ending hotel is set for sale
■A white-owned company is poised to buy what was million and pay back city sub-
the nation's first black-owned convention hotel,which sidies requiring black owner-
was created in Miami Beach to end a racial controversy. ship. Industry experts said
the price would be the high-
BY DOUGLAS HANKS III contract to sell it to a white- est ever paid for a Miami
AND NICOLE WHITE owned hotel development Beach hotel.
dhanks(aherald.com company,according to docu- The tourism boycott
The owner of the Royal ments obtained by The Her- began after local leaders
Palm Crowne Plaza Resort, ald. snubbed South African Presi-
the key concession that The deal,which could face dent Nelson Mandela during
ended a three-year black significant hurdles, calls for his visit here in 1990 because
tourist boycott of Miami- R. Donahue Peebles to sell
Dade County, has signed a the oceanfront resort for$128 •TURN TO HOTEL,5A
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hotel set for
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of his support for Fidel Cas- i
tro.Eager to end the boycott, Miami
Miami Beach in 1993 invited Beach Royal Palm
black developers to bid on 16ST. Crowne
building a large,convention- Plaza Resort
headquarters hotel on city-
owned oceanfront. Peebles,
then a Washington-based 15 St. 3 f
developer, won the contest
and spent a reported$84 mil-
lion building the 417-room
Royal Palm,which opened ins
2002. 14 ST. �o o iz)-7 i
Now Peebles is poised to Q
sell the resort to The Falor
Co., a Chicago-based com- �YNNOCCHIUzzO/NERALDSTAFF
pany that has bought a num-
ber of South Florida hotels in to pay off Miami Beach,lend-
recent years. The Royal ers and Clark.
Palm's lease with Miami But at least one major
Beach allows Peebles to pay roadblock seems to remain
$10 million for the land and before Peebles could sell the
lift most restrictions on the Royal Palm to Falor. He first
property, including the must close a deal with the city
minority ownership require- to let hini convert a portion of
ments,city officials said. the Royal Palm rooms to con-
dominium units—an element
crucial for Falor, which spe-
The hotel's sale would cializes in such conversions.
mark the end of a high-profile Peebles and city commis-
venture touted as giving sioners had reached an agree-
blacks more of a stake in the ment to convert 160 rooms to
region's $17 billion tourism condo-hotel units as part of a
industry. The city lease settlement over$16 million in
required that at least 25 per- construction overruns that
cent of the Royal Palm's exec- Peebles partly blamed on
utives be black,and the hotel structural problems with the
became a magnet for Magic city-owned hotel site.
Johnson,Will Smith and other But Peebles'disputes with
black celebrities.In 2003 the his lenders and Clark have
NAACP picked Miami Beach delayed the final paperwork
for its national convention. on that settlement. And City
The Royal Palm project Manager Jorge Gonzalez
also raised Peebles'profile as raised the possibility Monday
a star African-American that Miami Beach might scut-
entrepreneur; Black Enter- tle the agreement if it wanted
prise magazine named his to oppose the sale to Falor.
Coral Gables firm, Peebles "Perhaps we would say,
Atlantic Development, its 'Wait a minute — this
Company of the Year in May. arrangement was made exclu-
"Selling an asset is a part of sively to settle a dispute with
the ordinary course in the [Peebles],' " Gonzalez said.
development business,"Pee- "That situation has now
bles said in a statement Mon- morphed into a different situ-
day night. "In the spirit of ation."
equal economic opportunity I The wave of condo conver-
should have the same rights sions in Beach hotels has led
and opportunities and be to worries that major conven-
judged as any other business tions might have difficulty
person; the right to make a booking large blocks of
profit from my investment, rooms.
dedication and hard work." While hotel-condo rooms
H.T.Smith,a Miami lawyer are generally put back into a
and chief architect of the hotel's rental pool, owners
tourism boycott,praised Pee- usually have the right to stay
bles Monday night and in them themselves.
endorsed the property deal.
"The Royal Palm was a SENSITIVE ISSUE
symbol of what could be The issue is particularly
achieved with the collective sensitive with the Loews
perseverance of the black Miami Beach and the Royal
community," Smith said. "I Palm—two hotel projects the
never expected any business Beach subsidized in part to
and certainly not any hotel serve as convention-head-
business to remain perma- quarter hotels.
nently in the hands of the In two interviews Monday
original owner. I'm very night, company head Robert
proud of the fact that Don Falor seemed to tread on that
stepped forward and broke a prickly ground. While he said
barrier." he only wanted to convert
Peebles has faced increas- about 150 Royal Palm rooms
ing pressure to either find a at first,he did not consider his
new lender for the hotel or company bound by that
sell it.The contractor on the agreement.
project, Clark Construction, Asked if he was planning to
won a $12 million judgment convert the entire hotel into a
against a Peebles company in hotel-condo property, Falor
May, and original lender replied:"I am."
Union Planters Bank recently After speaking with Pee-
sold the hotel's $54 million bles,Falor retracted that com-
mortgage to a New York corn- ment, saying that to convert
pany that is now trying to more than 160 rooms "we
foreclose on the property. would need permission from
Peebles dismissed the the city."
problems, always citing the Falor said he is negotiating
hotel's value on the real estate with Hard Rock Cafe to oper-
market. He said he has had ate the hotel and the condo-
multiple offers for the hotel hotel units'prices would start
—most at prices high enough at about $450,000.