1661-9 Seaport FULL ii1
Gout Railway Will Be Re-
••City of Miami Is Asked to Pound Sterling I. Now At Dia- wined Today; St. Joh n s Will
Build Island in Biscayne Bay WENT TO TURN ON A count of 33 Per Cent,Lowest River At Flood Stage. pa
to Aid in Big Development; Quotation Being$3.33; Drop Is
LIGHT IN HIS HOME Is Affecting Other Markets. i:ynvilir, Fla., Feb. 3—Atter Cr
W o u 1 d Require $500,000 _____ nine flays of wind anti rain the worst
Bond Issue. MAN ELECTROCUTEDdeluge in a skies has enge.f and
New ]'ark, Feb. 3.—Another sen• clearing; this morning gave Wu
national slump in foreign exchange promise of an earls' return of fair lutior:
WOULD UTILIZE ISLAND today unsettled prices on the stock weather. The St.Johne river at many Siler
SOUTH OF MIAMI BEACH William F. Tri exchange and the various commodity points in this aectk,n is over its banks Amer
ppe, of High.'markste, eepecidly thane trading,in r from one to two feet and .discos of crag r
• land Park, W a a Inatantl fuodstu Rs and rattan. 'f he decline I the burin-hese district near the water- \to
Blue prints showing the scope of - 5' was aha wort severe m the long-sus-I front hero been slightly damaged by detect
the development of the port of Miami Killed Last Night; Defective t•ineA inaction of international I axuu water. the v.
at proposed by Carl G. Fisher to- Transformer Responsible. credits and was attended by many die- No trains have operates on the outbr
wards which the city is asked to give __ quieting rumors, especially as.to the Florida East Coast railroad since yes• ter r
is 00,000 were given out yesterday probable effect on this a"untry'a for. ter.lay,due to washouts,but full seer-
and in •the mere outline of the As the result of a defective trans. cptn trade. ice is expected to be resumed. One
proposed improvements lies a picture former on the lighting system lead- There is no way by which the ex- southbound passenger foto loot night :eras
of Miami as the greatest commercial crag to his house, William'F. Tri a tent of today's operation, in the ex- wa,turned back-by spreading tracks. Th
port of Florida and a rival for any PP cent
market can be computed but Roods tbroughuut this section of
port in this country. At the name local grocer,lies dead at his home,222 the aggregate of malas probably run Florida have suffered heavy damage oluto
time the plans have been made so avenue R,in Highland Park. into hundreds of millions of dollars, from the rains and with few eucep- aRa"
that none of the scenic attractiveness The lighting system in the Trippc British and French bills providing the tior.,no small bridges have been left. the a
of Diacuyne Bay will be sacrificed. I bulk of the offerings. All large railroad bridges, however, beriu
Mr. Fisher and his associated in-
nee had been reported out of order Some deniers in exchange,probably have held nguinet the unusual swollen I"
terests have taken the initintive to• eorly in the day and a repairman had ns a measure of precaution, declined conditions of streams. ■age
w ard making Miami a port which can been sent to work on it. Ile left it in.10 accept bills un any European can• Through trains will arrive in this lion •
ba entered by craft of all sizes and supposedly ter,except subject to collection rates. city thin morning for the first tune part,
they will invest million in the en-
Y Hood condition. This policy was not Adopted by the in several d..ya, according to advises
=I[prise if Mian,i will contribute$600: teat night Al r.Trippc,on returning larger dealers anti baulking institu- from the JlSirittehcr fur the h9urols •
0•'0 toward the construction of an is-i from his store,entered his home and$500.-
thins, however, where outright par- East Cou+t nulroad. ho
Ir ISI of approximately :14 acres in' went to the bathroom, whore he at- chases continued the rule. trains hive been stopped because men;
a ea,which will be.city property and 'Today's reversal, which (stab lishe,l of the rnrnaunn which ties inundated Oder •
ur•ier city administration. to"'pled to turn of the light. The new low records for London, Poria, the the
pert of the slate. Much that
31 awl's share in the project con- light was highly charged and Trippe home, Antwerp rand many lex, in- moil is also raid to be hcld'up because Nil..
•r •ta merely of filling in the island 'you instantly killed. portant centers, plan look in one or of the notice ll Mt ion of the rut rood ()Lk.
t• idt will be south of the municipal more of the British drminipne. As an nchrdul''' tldrn
P J(r. Tripp, was 39 years old xnd inrlanec of the ramifications, ax- Storni Moving Northward. the r
t.^.cnnel and north°[the Florida East leaves a wife and two children. lie chonge on New York and \Inulreal •'A ashingtun, Feb. 3.—A cyclonic •
L cast Railway channel. On the cast• g• Y
ra aids of this inland there ore to Loa operated o store in colored town was quoR•d at n premium of 12'.4 disturbance is centra, over eastern sin
b.• slips at which vessel,of all nines eioev he roma here from the west cents, er one cent over the previous ="•"[gin I ul I. uw i K luwlyvn.th• fur
e:.n dock,and these will be connected high rate. nlward1 preonlirrtt' to weather Lu• ;heal •
by railroad with the trackage that is coast several years ago. I the reverse side of the exchange
[eau reports tonight. ng I
W be laid on the southern aide of the bW.Ii.Combs,who ties charge of the situation was f about$17,000,000
esented b y n with. Storm warnings have been ordered Viero
;allthe plans, is island,
hulliheoigested in was t,Y.�have�aeiryet beeno n mad.'. rage- the(trosub treneu y l fee ship gold pr,V�ma•luwn the
Ahi',s., to C011ntlleras TIAs •
the following way: 600 feet on the to N•
South America which tnnlinuca to lie inrhl
northern side: 1,300 feet on the west. 109 FLU DEATHS ARE favored by bade conditions. Advice. to the weather bureau to cit •
era side; 1,500 feet on the southern At the lowest rates,.issued after night ware thut the disturbance tins city
aide, and the eastern side where the the market, the Ilritish been attended Icy heavy ruins in
piers will be located is to have a pound was quoted at 83.3:1 ngainl southern Virginia, the Carolinas, FIR
fiontage of 1,000 feet. Chicago, Feb. 3.—Deaths from in. a purity of 94.814: or a discount of Georgia and Alabama. Warnings have •
All of this development undo[ the fluenza'in the,last 24 hours totalled almost33 per cent. been canard fur fluala in the rivers in
jurisdiction of Miami is included in 109,and 782 new cases were reported, french and Belgian francs and Ruh these states.
Health Commiaaioner Robertson an• The forecast indicates rein will f'r •
the bum of 1500,000 indicated us the nounced tonight. of bills, to quoted at the one price continue in the South Atlantic states e°,'",'
expenditure that will fall upon the ¢ 'Pneumonia caeca of 5.18%the to the American dollar be- and.will extend northward into the anal
ei.y. This will in resume mean■ fill
numbered 330,with 75 deaths. fore the war Latey fell to new lowJe(cl
of 265,000 cubic yards, bringing.the Improvement in the influenza epi- levels at 14.44. 14.60 arid 17.52 cc- Ohio vnlla•y.
elevation to five feet,•a harbor teen- Jamie•was reported today by health apectivrly,to the dollar. ^' whet
tage of 1,000 feet,and an inner her-
department o lcials with a consider- --_ AUTHORITIES SEIZE spelt
able reduction in the number of new Conference is Held. STEAMER YARMOUTH Jur, •
hoc bulkhead frontage of 3,3 feet. uses London, Feb. 3.—Austen Chnmbee. ---_ P
The railway extension thatwill be er'a
entailed is shout two miles in length
Announcement was mode that the lain,the chancellor of the exchequer, New York,Feb.3.—The Black Star mon)
leading from the causeway,acro,,the
l epidemic at the Great Lakes discussed with leading bonkers, po- steamship Yarmouth,which sailed for I licit)
city channel with a drawbridge,along training talion had practically Iiticnl leaders and others this after. Havana last month with a 84,800,000 lag
111 the edge of the spill bank of 9.9 spent itself.No deaths occurred there noon the• situation that tins arisen carP.o of wiiiskcy only W put back )Leto
acres which will also.have a bulkhead
during the last.21 hours and only 63 from the adverse rote of exchange. here for repairs, was seize) by the senor
line d about 1,000 feet. patient•were a milted to the hoailital Thar greatest secrecy was maintained mnry
Staled as a chronologydescribingin the last two days. government late today. *Supervising fend.
in connection with the proceedings,a Federal Prohibition Inspector Stierlin
�.a blue print, the benefits to the city . Roanoke, Va., Feb. 3—Orae more report of which Is being prepared for formally notified the captain that the me°t
are not at once apparent. However,.death from influenza and '267 addl. Presentation to the cabinet. le
it is obvious to all business men that'Donal cases were reported to the Io- A^ official report of the financial vessel could not depart end an• aided
the shipping facilities in the city are y conference issued tonight shows that pounced that tomorrow he would be. Jam.
• not adequate for the routine needs of cal health department talo Chancellor Chamberla n convened the gin unloading the liquor for ■torege
Records of the department now Jefrc
the present and that the future needs conference for the purpose of discuss- m bonded warehousm' ed"I
can only rat met with■farseeing plan. show ■ total of 1,62.1 influenza pa- in the recent memorial of bankers Counsel for the owners, ■corpora-
Dents; 48 pneumonm; and'eleven R mitt.
With extensive docking facilities such deaths since Januar Y2. tion composed of negroes, announud lien[
u are proposed by Mr. Fisher,there The Y end others to the prosier in favor of that he would apply to the federal'
ill be no limit to the growth of definitely t'thatard bof Lr public alth has theiing calling an international finance con- court for nn injunction restraining dem,
Miami. 1 gathcrthe Shevlin from interfering with the ship in tui
In addition, the city's part is very places will-be closed because of the The memorialists explained that the or its cargo. A guard of 16 prohibi- ..I
epidemic, announcing that such a memorial had not been prepared with tion agents ha. been on board since
small In comparison to what'privateivate step"would neither retard thqro special reference to the exchange sit- workmen recently were discovered try- You."
interests will do. The share that prog. P sok•
private interests expect to do covers reqs of the disease nor unnecessarily nation, but was the outcome of a ing to make off from the ship in n
! an area of 122 acres,extending from endanger us hamate of series of conferences held int Amster• small boat with 66 bottles of whiskey. fe ,
A serious shortage of nurses atilt dam a month ago with n view to find- Captain Cockburn, the negro man-
the go,,4rnment cut to Norris cut, exist•here,health officials declare. Ing remedies for the economic colla milia
and north of the municipal'channel in man collapse err o!the Yarmouth,appeared before He
and south of the causeway. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 3.—When 39 y parts of Europe- Shevlin today to explain how 14 cam other
This part Is to be taken care of by now cases of influenza today brought NO RAISE IS GRANTED of whiskey got from the vessel's hold ore,
the Peninsula Terminal Company.The the total here up to 94, the 'local to an upper deck under a large tar. Ford
figures for this are proposed harbor health officials pronounced the dis- TO THE BUCK PRIVATES paulin, where prohibition agents Ford
bulkhead frontage of 2,300 feet; case epidemic. Only one death has 1 found it. Ile said it had been moved all eh
propose ed2 inner harboraubulkhead fsrou• occurred. Washington, Feb.3.—Pay increases so thetas passenger's baggage might in lh,
to an elevation of fire feet will co- Aa evillc. N. C., Feb.- -With in• nmri efor cers corm.,and men of the army,navy, be unloaded. When theship sprang lie,
• ll py coast Rpari and public a leak off the New Jersey coast,after •
The grand totalu,re 730.000 ic ofyar the of
cases being ill increasing here 136 new health services aggregating 869,500,- it sailed a few hours before prohi hi- onetiot
-• amounts to 995.000 cubic yards. hrnith officer enteral therted today, the rain city 000 for the next year are provided in tion went into effect,the captain said, one^
the emergencyP g•of a house bili passed today by the seri. 600 ruses of whiskey were thrown 1'riko
The arch of the proposed ,herltr hospital, aid at 0 ate. Conmia,iuned officer., will re- overboard to right a heavy Hereward Nclw
which has'been estimated, but not o'clock tonight the first pn Bents air- comae an advance of 10 per cent and list. lie said he came back to Now
surveyed,will be 140 ncyea. The esti• rived, 12 being taken core of. Dads enlisted men above the rank of private York inetend of makln wrap
mated amount of material,above rock, and equipment for fifty patients were will receive an increase of 20 per cent. ¢ for Norfolk, both,
to be excavated Is 1,600,000 cubic receival from Olsen government hos. Efforts to amend the measure ao as
as he preferred the northern port • "lax
yards. The cost of this at 16 cents pita)and 18 nurses will be on duty. to provide more money for privates •. berry
per yard will be 6225,000. The prob. . h:lidla Orphanage, on the outskirts were unsuccessful, It110TIlEItIl000 TO MEET. tient,
ahle depth of Water obtained by this of the city was cloned today when the paign •
• work will be from ten to twelve-feet. 28'Inmates and nuperintenrent, L. D.
CLASHES OCCUR. The monthly Langwt o[the Da tint
The'cent of excavatbig one foot of Compton,and two nasistsvte were all Brotherhood of Miami will be held at ramp.
rock over the entire proposed bar- taken down. Beirut, Syria. Feb. 9.—(Ilaves.)— the Firs[Baptist church at 6:30 p,m, waste
Gar, approximately need at 21,5,900 • _ Following In the wake of extremist today. The Ladles' Aid Society will �w.'
cable yards,kit iLTT per yard is art propaganda in Anatolia, Asia Minor, eyes. ' in.N•
at 8100,000. The cost of excavntinK SALE OF SS. MERCURY dashes hard occurred in Cilicia. Ir- All mde members over IG yeas old, I'ed^g
•one toot of rock over one acre of her- HAS BEEN REPORTED regular forces from the mountains at- whether residents or not are invited "such
bar area at 81.77 per cubic yard In _ tempted a euddrn attack In regions oc- to attend.. M•mtun of the Baptist that 1
11:212, Wnehingtoe, Feb. 9.—Cnineldont-
copied by the French and a band at• church choir Will give ■everal sales- 'Pri.
. tnrkwl a station on Iho '. I-, .,..,.i.will ail.t r...,..;.1 many
env in the mere oathne of toed :aa u,r laud of a ae(ca,a. trona. "nj" Uahr. it egos.nu., ec romc.n. ,,.
proposed improvements lies a s'''hore is no byp og patron
picture former on the lighting system le•d•I wry which the rx• southbound passenger lata last nl�ht sena e
of Miami um the greatest commercial ." i tent of taluy's nperatio^a in the •x- as turned beck•t spreading truck b.
port of Florida and a rival for any ing to his house, K'at F. Trip...e222change market can be computed but FloridaJs throughout this section of The
port in this country. A[ the acme local grocer,lies dead at his home,22e the aggregate of a mull" pnbaLly run Flohave suffered heavy damage olution
time the plans hove been mete au avenue R,in Highland Park. into hundreds of millions of dgllars, from the rains and with few *seep- ago ns.
that none of the scenic attractivenessbulksh•he French hills providing the time no small bridges bore been left. the en
The:lighting system in the Tri
of Biscayne Buy will be sacrificed. per of the Ings. All large railroad Unusual
however, 1»n°^
Mr. Fisher and his associated in- borne had Lttn reported out of order Some dealers in exchange,probably have held against the unusual swollen
!crests have taken the initiative to. early in the day and u repuirmun had ^° a meuure of precaution,declined c°n,litionn of streams. °°Kr
• w sal asking Miami a port which can barn sent to work on it. Ile left it in lac ae ept bills on any European chs. 'Through trains will arrive in this tion v
ba entered by craft of all sizes and supposedly, good condition. ler•except subject to collection rates. in this morning for the first time part, •
they will invest millions in the en- This policy was not adopted Ly leo in several dwyx, according to advices
h fprise if Miami will contribute Ee00; I•tl°t night Alr.Tripp.,on returning 1ar;cr dealora and honking inetitu- from the dl9I 1tchcr for the Florida
0•'0 toward the construction of un is- from his store,entered his home and limns, however, where outril;ht par- East Coact nal rout. Lou •
lead of approximately 33 acres in went to the bathroom, where he at. chushs continued the rule, trains nave btcn stoop., L.erhae meat
a ca,which will be cityra nert and faluy'n reversal, whiadn ealublishiel of the ruin:dorm which Iwo inuudutcd Odom°
uada•r city administration. 1 Y to noted to turn of the light. Th pt.c low retorJa fur London, Paris, the northern port of the stale. Much that •
Jliami'a share in the project con• light was highly charged mei 'I'rippe Rome, Antwerp nod many lase im• 'nail i.also avid to he f Chep railroad Nikoa
a'•t:n merely of filling in the island yes instantly killed. portant centers, also took in one or of the cancellation of the railroad Oleos
• a ice will be south of the municipal mu.re of the British dominions. An un achrdul'' Odes,
ruses nal said north of the Florida East Mr. TripPo was a9 yenre old and in tench of the ramifications, ex- Sturm attiring Northward. the ml
f.,ax; Railway channel. On ler rube- leaves u wife and two children. Ile rhunge on New York and llnntreal \V ushingp +, Feb. 3.—A cyclonic
e n side of this inland there ore to lies operated a store in colored town was quoted at a premium of 12'4 disturbance it central ar tern alba
U. slips which vessel, of all sizes since cents, or one cent over the revioun Georgia is , ad s moving slowly north- (°eco,
Phe came here from the west P eaatw■rd, uccunlirre to weather leu•
:.n duck,and these will be connected high rate- the l
coast several years ago. res.'re ports tonight.
by radroad with the trackage that is w 1{,Combs,who has charge of the situation re Vwua• �reacntt11IC of the+ exchange torm warning" have been ordered ing
W be laid on the southern eine of the body staffs that no funeral arrange- I Y dis do ed on the Atlantic coat from
eugnew'ay. The island, as suggested x dnnvel of shout Y17or sh1 gold from 1 Y A
in the plans, is to be bulkhredcn! 'n mento have as yet been made. the aulmrennury for shipment to N. c. ectown, Muss., to Hatteras, 71 0•
the following way: 500 reet on the - South Americawhich continue.to be N' L' laths
Apt ore to the w•velher bureau to-
•nu4hcrn side: 1.300 feat on the oust- 109 FLU DEATHS ARE !scored by trade conditions.
ern side; ISO fest on the southern At the lowest rutcs, issued after night were that the disturbance has
side, and the eastern Bide where the REPORTED IN CHICAGO the clone of the market, the British Larn atlandv,l L• heavy ruin in
glen will be toasted In to have • pound was ranted at f3.3:1 u ainat southern Virginia, •let Carolinas, FIR`
Chic■ o, Feh. 3.—Deaths from in- u Parity •of • s- , us. r dint uu nt of Georgia end Alabama.Warnings have
floatage of 1,000 feet. K Leen issued fur floods in the rivers in
All of this development under the fluenza in the last 24 hours totalled alnrost 33 per cent. •
j 109.and 782 new cases were reported, the",states,
jurisdiction of Miami in include) in Health'Commissioner Robertson an. Drench and Belgian francs and Ila)- The forecast indicates rain will Cr.
the limn of X500,000 indicated us the nouneed tonight. ian bills,all quoted at the one price continue in the South Atlantic states ovale'
•expenditure that will full upon the k Pneumonia cases of 6.18:6 to the American dollar oe• and will extend northward into the triol
ci.y. This will in resume mean a fill numbered 330,with deaths. fore the war today tell to new low defer,
of 265,000 cubic yards, bringing the jmprovcmcnt in thhee influenza epi- levels at 14.44, 14.60 and 17.52 re- Ohpo°°II°Y'____• when
elavatlon to five (eget,a harbor fron- `It'"'tt was reppooreed today by health npectively,to the dollar.
tnl;e of 1,000 feet,and an inner her. ale Pennant °recial, with a consider- AUTHORITIES SEIZE �PTrc
utile reduction in the nbmbcr of new Conference la Ilrl�. par's
Lot bulkhead !rootage of 3.300 feets STEAMER YARMOUTH
Tho railway extension that will be net■• London, Feb. 3—of the exchequer,
_ •
.entailed is about two miles in length •announcement was made that the lain,the cwith floe of the exchequer, New York,Feb.3.--The Bleck Star in.imo`'
lciding from the causeway,across the influenza epidemic at the Greet Lakes .... st<I with leading Lunkerx, po- Btu. ship 1'nrmoulh,which atilcd fur •
naval training station bud-practically lineal leaders and others this utter. }tuvana last month with a 84,800,000 ens
city channel with a drawbridge,along ➢ Y ilelm
the edge of the spill Lank of 0.11 Client itself.No deaths occurred there noon the situation thnt lin, arisen cargo of whiski•y only to put hack
■cies which will also.have a bulkhead uring thu last 14 hours and only .53 from the adverse rate of exchange. here for repairs, was seized by the mars.
line of about 1,000 feet. patients wee admitted to the hospital Tha greatest secrecy was maintained government late today.seized
Stated as • chronology describing in the last two days. in connection'with the proceedings,a Federal Prohibition Inspector Shevlin
�.a blue print, the benefits to the city Roanoke, Vs., Feb. 3.-0. more report of which is being prepared for formallynotified the ce tain that the aidemeal
are not at once apparent. However, death from influenza and 267 addl. presentation to the cabinet. vessel could not epart and •n- lea
it is obvious to nil business men that tional caacs were reported to the lo• An official report of the financial pounced that tomorrow he would be• d
the shipping facilities in the city are cal hearth department today, conference issued tonight shows that gin unloading the liquor for storageJam,
not adequate for the routine needs of Records of the department now Chancellor Chamberlain convened the warehouses. ed"I
thepresent and that the future needs P in bonded fo aomit I
con nl be met with a farseeing show a total a 1oni influenza pa- conference for the purpaof dbankers
Counselmfor the owners, n announced
']Vith extensive docking facilitieplan.uch dente; 4In January 2; and eleven ing the recent memorial of bankers tion composed of my tos, announced liana
as are proposed by Mr. Fisher,there laths since January health
ay 2h. and others to the premier in favor of that he would •juncy n the federal
will be no limit to the growth of The board of hep public gathering
th decided f{cin c•
an international finance ton- court for from injunction restraining demo
definite) that no gathering t in th
Miami- places will be closed becnuae of the The memorialists explained that the or itstsin go interf
ering dg f with 15 prohie bi-
In addition. the city's part is very epidemic, announcing that such a memorial had not been preporeil with toagents hu been don board since
small in comparison to what step"would neither retard the prog. special reference to the exchange nit- workmen recentlywere discovered try- You,'
interests will do. The share that mess of the disease nor unnecessarily nation, but was the outcome of a Y °U1 k'
private interests expect to do covers endanger the inhabitants." aeries of conference,held at Amster- ung to make off from the shipwin a
an area of 122 acres,extending from A serious shortage of nurses still dam a month ago with a view to end. small Loot with 56 bottles negroof whiskey. fen In
the ¢ovlrnment cut to Norrie out, exists here, health officials declare. Ing remedies for the economic cella ne Captain Cockburn,the edmu- milia
and north of the municipal channel P ler of the Yarmouth,appeared before
in many ports of Europe. Shevlin today to explain how 14 cues other
and south of the causeway. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 3.—When 39
This part is to lie taken rare of by new cases of influenza today brought NO RAISE IS GRANTED of whiskey got from the vessel's hold urea
the Peninsula Terminal Company,The the total here up to 96, the local to an upper deck under a large lar- Ford
figures for this are proposed.harbor health officials pronounced the dia. TO THE BUCK PRIVATES Paulin, where prohibition agents Ford
bulkhead frontage of 2,300 feet; ecce epidemic. Only one death has found it. lie said it had Leen moved all II
proposed inner harbor bulkhead fron- occurred. Washington,Feb.3.—Pay increases so that a passenger's baggage might
rage of 2,800 feet. To bring this up for officers and men of the army,navy, be unloaded. When the ship sprang 1k
• to •n elevation of five feet will re- Asheville, N. C., Feb.'3.—With in. marine corps coast guard and public a leak olf the New Jersey coast,after
quire 730,000 cubic yards of material. fluenza still increasing here 136 new health services aggregating $50.500: it sailed a few hours before prohibi- oneion
, The grand total of the two fill" ease, being reported today, the city 000 for the next year aro provided in. tion went into effect,the captain said, ,
amounts to 905,000 cubic yenta. hcnith officer ordered the opening of a house bill anstd tole L the nen- 1°'
P g p Y Y cone. of whiskey were thrown I I.'
The area of the proposed hurter the emergency hospital, ■sad at 9 ate. C«nmi:hiont I officer. will re- overboard to right a heavy starboard N e v
which has.been estimated, but not o'clock tonight the first patients ar. cove an advance of 10 per cent and lint. Ile said he came back to Now
'' mated!amount ed,will be 140 material,rs. 'I above rock, and equipment he esti- rived, 1bftakencare of. Beds enlisted men above the rank of private York instead of making for Norfolk, both
fifty patients were will receive an increase of 20 per cent.
to be excavated is 1,500,000 cubic received from Oteen government hos- Efforts to amend the measure so as a°he preferred the northern port. a ..L
yarde. The cost of this at 15 cents Vital and 18 nurses will be on duty. to provide more money for privates herr,
Per yard will be 8225,000. The prob. • Midis Orphanage,on the outskirts were unsuccessful. IIICOTIIF.ItIIOOD TO MEET. tient
able depth of.water obtained by this of the city was closed today when the pang,
work will be from ten to hvelve'feet. 26 Inmate.and superintendent, L. B. CLASHES OCCUIL The monthly banquet of the Baptist tam!
The' pat of excavating one foot of Compton,and two naaiatnnts were all Beirut, Syria, Feb. 3.—(I1•vaa. Brotherhood of Miami will be held at weal-
- rock over the entire proposed har• taken down. )— the First Baptist church at p.m.
boa, approximately fixed at 255.900 _ Following In the wake of extremist today, The Ladies' Aid Society will 6w
cubic Yards, t 11.77 per yard is put a-- propaganda in Anatolia, Asia Minor, serve. in N
• at $400,000. The cost of excavating SALE OF SS. MERCURY clashes have occurred in Cilicia. Ir- All male members over 16 years old,• bels/
one foot of rock over one acre of har• HAS BEEN REPORTED regular fortes from the mountains at- whether resident. or not are invited --
bor area at 11.77 per cubic yard i° tempted•sudden attack in regions or. to ettend.a \f of the II•elee. that
$1.242, Washington, Feb. 3.—Coincident cooked by the French and a band at- church choir will give ■everal setae- I's.
On the area between the govern. with the ex lanntion byBrigadier to°ked a station on the Entailed rail- tions and a guests will sit at•special mon)
I• Pwry. Troops sent from Aintnb re- three
went cut and Norris cut there will be General I[ines, chief of the army pulsed the latter attack. table.
extensive warehouses. railway and transport service, to the senate corn- •.--- Arthur Ihistorical will es one of that)
storage yard. These will be connected meree committee of the war deport- LOCAL SWIMMER TOSSES his clover hechurcheke!fair of hap- that
be railway of course,with the island meat's attitude toward the vale of for- inning■ in the ■Rain during that
fill that the city is asked to create. mer German passenger liners, the for-
HIS HAT INTO POOL the year which have Leen fratu lee of by 11
With the equipment for work of shipping board today announced the
past banquetsb womb
this kind that is already in Miami, it stile of the Mercury,one of the thirty
Warner Ring,•local swimmer,has After the banquet the meeting will the
wooed Mks only a very stout time to former Germ an ships for nvhnch the made a challenge which is drawing be open to the congregation and visit- the p
make a reality of the entire plan. board recently received bide.The Mer-
interest among water fans here. ing friends who will occupy seats in
However, that a not of as much im• Corp.however,is not one of•the vas- It seems that Eddie fine who did sonic the a tertorium for the remainder of
portance as the popular.realization of sola against,the sale of which the war good work ine the water o weal ago doe T.
what the development-would do for department hu protested. ago witnessed a race two weeks ago S. Meek, presidenti' thaof the T°'
in which Icing was a contestant. Brotherhood announces that on Murch,juror
Numb The Mercury, ■ vessel of 10,3:0 Pine slated that night that he could 10 the organization plans to hold • when
THAT NEW SI'EF.D LIJIIT, deadweight tons,the board nnnounecd,:beat any of the men in the race.Bing, cityoPeni
was sold to Charles C.A.Fitech of the mann a r on the municipal and Wool
Traffic olTierea hnve received in. American International bureau of sac who op and •J fourth,immediately took manager furan of speakers
govern• bee,
ntruetioos to be a little more lenient Plias of New ]'oak. Th" purchase hitlr up offered to meet him last meat. Prsp•red speakers will open bee,r
with speeders as the new rcculat.on Price was not made public,oBicials ex- Friday night in a 00 yard match awirq the dcongregation
and the members of other
regarding speeding hen been changed Planning that it wan subject to modifi at the Royal Palin water sports°how, the rongr<gath will join in an in- with
. and will allow motorists [o "step on cations. Pine did not show uD• formal talk. en n
'lir"a Lit more. Bids for the 29 other former Ger- Swimming fans are watching de- The Brotherhood does not intend to 3917.
The new ordinance inflows the mo- ^'°n passenger ship, poll are being elopmenh as the race will,they be. clarifydecidtho qn but merely to Wo
liree,be hotly contested as both boys
It to those who will be Interna Irish
-torist 1G nil an hoer while within connidered'by the board.and Chair- are expert swimmer.and cell find no ed in attending• nappi
�n zone bounded by Tenth street on man Payne add tonight that,it was explanation why fine should Lack {wan
the norlh,/aarteenth street•mn the unlikely that any decision wduld be down.. Icing desires the race to be CLEJIENCEAU°TIfREATENED' ns. 1
south, the railroad'on the west and reached for a day or two. held.Frida night at the water's ort. y
the Bay c the east: Outside of this . Discussing with Choirnun Jones of program..y ¢ p Geneve;Feb: One of the Egypt- wiAlt
zone the speed'.limit has been placed the committee the disposition to be Ian nation•Ibt leader,here,De Abdul Alt
at 20:miles an hour. made of tho army terminals acquired HAWAIIAN STATEHOOD
forsaid,hos•Jdrrssed • telegram to whom
at Newport News, Vs., and other mer Premier Clemenceau or some
Fancy'KING' ORANGES, retail pert", during the war at a cost of BILL IS INTRODUCED Franca, requesting t lnQ elm not to enter dspoe
fault, mixed •boxes. Fault Palace, $192,000,000, Gsnhnl Kinn said this! Egypt or One to leave the country as depor
907 Ave.C•—adv, woe a matter of which Secretary dl gfo¢ton, Feb. 9.—A bill pro- soon as possible.hie
the ■ori
,. - • Reiter had token personal cognisantc. viding for the granting of statehood telegram eeys, hie life would be In end.a
FRUIT LAUN DRY. - to the territory of Ilawall, under d°hit.Abdul`
qualifications to be determined by De.ASaid accuses N.Clemens era o
STOP YOUR COUGH tonMondayby coal let oinlng began
• Would You send soiled dothea to gross, was Introduced 1 ¢the British a ■loaf hu-
No. Nor'would By taking Father John's Medicine liawdlan Delegate Kalanlanaol.. inanity and ag°inat Egyptian liberty
No, now.—utas - 1
you sand tolled fruit. We wash It. and also condemns els foreign policy Ft.
�• .,., P011.0 while prembr. has 9