1629-2 Community Church vu Stave ever*Cell. - k,• ..-......11•41.
A e UnderaWof CI
Direct From the Booth Theater, N. Y. Being Organized
(erers of the Inuni
headquarters to New OUT—OF-TOWN BUYERS Opening Sunday—"THE MIRACLE MAN"
a forly•seven loot s
explained that fnrntl- tag.
b. sail huar ha IN BIG REALTY DEALnesaee river predicted
rabl•amountnt frei
of fght lotto,lot 8.block 3.Ocean Botch. (CENTRALIZATION NEAR night, and many of the
rte unexpected.can 1)5 - Cleee-In Transfers. of lhe'city aheadyy undo
a ginger traffic he had Odi.h end Steadman of sola to):.C. THE POINT OF DANGER offici flood moved tale w
S t.nn, wen 6o fret of {eta a and vi to sufferers. ere
rating a boat line Hickson Property, on West
and the tooth '26 fret of the weal so Flint,Mich.,April 2.-The tendency :,?:::::.,,,I11:7117:01
a avana, and his in. Twentieth St., Consisting O( fret of lot 10, block Yo nosh; h,1),,,,,,:,,, toward centraLzrliun in government Vl territory
a t the venture willwest of tM Intenrt.on of nlreul thnmtrned territory a!,
'i success. "This a- 70 Acres, Brings 5150,000; Y has rearhal the danger pmnL
po street• d Boulevard. Governor Frank D. Lowden, of Ill ■esti were warned to moa
ouch • line are Imply Other Transfers. Elizabeth M. Ii .1..11 to E. Y. Bose, no,. candidate fur the republican The armory mbernacl.
e said, lot 11,block 42 north; at the north sitee { t ;Wings heve been seat t
resof Fifth street Letwsen avenues lllnominatiun for pdeclared in the homeless, and flowI Bte•nlship Se tee. ' An outstanding Item In yesterday's end C. an address here tonight. Ruarlera
int on the f{gurcs On real e•t•t• news was the reported sale E. F. Bose to Elizabeth 4. Bro•dwell,l "The mUnicipalitivn are ceasing 10 have been.stn
I. 1i r. Crosby old the to sat-of-town In tarot• of the J. 4 lot 14,block 10a north: fronts north o functions well as they have in the office of Mayor sAt eW
,could be made•year. Hickson property on West Twentulh Tenth 100 feet west of•venue q' ant;' he >aid. Theyare cullingfor Railroadioaiiand longfil
Alen instead of •dx street for 1160,000. s I tints eo e- North•Ide Sal.. P JenwralixaelI a fill
eonaacvativ wdma1. Dasa IM• v t eres r more eY well. Mirnm•r Company to lltherhi ki<-Ihrlp from the states more end more tiro aailrnad near Tyne
I receipts from Paxson- laced land,rind bout half aro In 1rge, Dermot,. . nth half of lot to block 1, Anil the stats••aro leaning more and !upset this morning,rte.
, traffic for six month. bearingfor tnfruit or
tree•, but it is not Miramar, facing east on Obispo steers!morn heavily upon the federal gov- detour:rag of all traffic
prospect•of large crops between Ilaysne avenue and Prado. Ieminent. lauu.'gu and both Knox •
The activilira which a generation ration lama via a
0.140. This •sureat lees thth♦purchasers paid thio forge sum Ilirdia and E.S.Frederick to Mary b'.1 •• lln n. S
penting and incidental It I•understood that a new subdivision Watson for 16,600. lot 62 of Nelson.ago were•ivnu.ned ho everyone to fall ant bridges near the est
tis a wanes of $460,- will result front phi• pureha•e. I Villa.
d- Pan of the property hes•t the math- William Lanham to Morrie Plikansky,l Part icularly within the sphere of the away unJ the sl R•a•t cut
ock author Std b two east comer of Cttro• road and Twentu. lot 7,block 2.Garden of Eden.fronting state or municipality, ere now being villa, (ia., is tinder war
Dat onlyone million elk street,and paat the intersection north on Bougainville* Court. n Idiachargr.l in Washington. The ulev• Nuulerouo rnanufaci
of O•ctole Road and Twentieth •tree[, George I'hilhps to Lawrence T. • d iteble results, if the practice to cont have closed down and vi
now, Mr. Crosby_said. extending west from the southwest<or. Rohs A. Misner, lot 3. bioek IS. D..' finned longenough,will he the break•
a million dollars has nee.Some land lies between these tracts. highway Tract. R tire industry will have t
Another ter n err- ac .•q Sta rr fug dawn of local government in this tions L Sunday.
•d by Messrs. Crosby [ deal i undivided • An to I' Ito Lo W'illum Il. Y Y Col
no hundred thooaand la age w••the sale of the ten••cro tact tl }:Dssry, sol. t And 6, hleek 3, of lot r'country- 'summand at Fort nrnty
thousand Dy Mr.Fi.M eh• northwest tern. of Two beth •dArlion,except the east lb feel of lot 6.I "In toy opinion them is on greater offered as many'army
10,000 l0 be raised in tree sad Citrus Road to other Jevel- Arthur Spa ing to B. F. Ellis, Iota,menus.• to the future of our it self
- to the city officials•s
oyy Thi• property is kenwn as the 39 and 40. Spaulding's subdivision. lions than the failure of local self- elates that he could
Maleoe.b.tract It t the iennon of George K. Merrick to Charly. u'.1 1.
was bought last year, tD• punch to plat this land end Rook,all of block 15,North slit'. Ks•'government. It is eoneetvu t ( u to aid in Ihr r.
me Steamship City of place the lots on the market. tats. you cin rule on empire from fito cal, The first fatality of
was anticipated that the Cle•e-ir and downtown business S•Iea n'ret of liver, itnl but Yuu cannot rule a republic.of I corned this morning w
e In operation this sea- •tri eni•s continued to alum the •t- Annie T. tiubler to 2. Monty Hank and the extent of ours from its capita L" )'ceroid boy named Wu
unoen of both local • d oat-of-wwn Trust Compare lot block 1: lot 13, ed when hie lather dru
.tions•t the BethlehemCompanyNOTICE a Man
I mon time than had Daren yule rti• thea turnover in block 7: lots cod lo,block 6: lot 12• k into the ...till
tA<•e cl ( ume,property.as of not in- block 7; lot 9. If lot 7,b10c4 1_, •
fatht'3n cog•creek neat
:acesaary. Seven Fun- conalderabl• volume, .Several hose ,nae 3 and 10,block id; lute le*and IL TO Owners of DOd v Bf Brothers
ionaand dollen was the lou in good buetneas lou I.tv•changed block 16, tint and second Westmore-I S father.John Ward, vel •
the craft,and it is in- Duda. I land addition.. - I' Motor Cars, tree, from which he w •
full amount. Mr. 0.- But the tide of Invest meat till •t E.1.\Yil•*n to lienee I..Smith,lot It, -- - men in a boat sevens:
CO questioned, that he strongly toward the residential neigh- block 7 south; faces south on Fir,nota I Be gmnino April first ire deem it Two horses ware draw
insure-the Cityof horhoods with the result that num rout bet.ren Avenue.I,and 31. advi ''.a to close our plate of Luat•I Reports from other
Y kende.se bungalows of the kind that Cuba Ae, and L. C. Began w C01 the'hot i'oursilay afternoons through the tic river show that 1,
malllon dollen. ha d Miami to be spoken of u a t II.Selden.a Ia.rencr Ems lot al Stir,
-foo plan contemplate. city of beautiful homes.have new own•(northwest corner of Thirteenth street Fol nominee months.
has been puasaxl al
of'no bonds or more- en today,old those th•l'budl and sold and ovcnue Qrn I Thin Is mainly fur the ret toil of our Charleston. above the •
an tan thousand shares era r on the ork•t for Iter , Beverly 1•e*coek to William Reilly,,Service (Department. Due the ma- F'I R•nn• and It R•aee
eek, which carry the which ate reel still other bungalows.on lot I.lock iii Lawrence F'statc; 100,lure of this work, w fres Ihel ourtChaltanoul;a.
and one share of ChiaSI y Bales Repotted. fee: net of the southeast corner of •dent'employee:, can prate we
more it. __—_ •
famed with each .haretakenNo
nal estate brokerage nem has avenue Q and Twelfth etre.. ient in their work, which in turn Aponte, G3., April
take •an n sett.pm the sale of Lawrence* Estate Land Company to J. will la• agreat benefit to uwm•rs Of the Southern railway
'ock. The latter carries city d suburb. property during the L. Pringle. lot 1n0 !ret roil of lie r r
right per cent.The coat pr..ent season than the Realty Scene- ortheast corner of Eleventh .trent and Podge'Rrnthern cera. I A.itu(n and Chattnnot.;
p m $40,000 working an Grpontian,which reports the fol- avenue U. •
o fin. s ono of the see{.. which we,points is near ('hal tanno e•I
0,000 leaving $250 000 Io wing sat..n the past few day•: ' Snuthalde Sales. I nrr lnku,g to improve our orgy mea•I hineked by high venter `�
'k to be retained by S^utheest caner. f It{ekmer,street 5t{Ilud I'.Fr.,•man w w.ii,i F.1:.1-Ilion In order Mot we may rurni•n ugaiu late today, it v
and •vertu•'D to C. L, Finney of Can- holm tut 20, block 71 Seed., facing more protest and efficient service in•herr tonight. Nanhv 111
y and Osborn for their ton, Ohio,and 100 feel on •venue D a ...tit' on Twentrth i rd street, helm, l future to those who have favored Iia l and St. Louis trains,s •
nay.expended in main- short diet...,.sosth.•f.its intersection a rnu.. U and FL I with their patronage and feel cure it ed over the Southern
imitation this season with Waddell street to Mr.. Ella M. ...nu.
I'.Sawt elle to II.J.Peacock,lot. I. will Meed with their approval. tworn Dalton, Gcargis
!an for the o ration'oiL Eaton of })arbor Spring., Mich. There 2 and 3, block 74 south. at the south- .1,.A..IDNF.S, moo;n,
<City of Mimi woul.T e•• bre • notiee.ble •ctivIty In thio east corner of tvenur U end Twenty• adv. D,Id a Brothers Motor Cars.
a to Havana and to MI- eishborhood recently, d several second •beet. g
months end to to Nva- other sales hove taken place. •e still m, Bonk red Trust romnn1 -'_ "- )lurk Uame•e to
would be A vacant lot drarlbe'd th• north trustee,to John hi. Roger.,Into a,,•„u1 SPLENDID GIFT MADE • Kttoxvd h•, 'f.an., .Ni\ n
17 feet of lots II end 12, block lout lo,block N..D•,n, Suburban Acre.. I MIAMI BEACH CHURCHi"hlo".rltg anutt s'y lir
'are to Naaaau $35, the ooh,to A.J. Cushman, for Dr, E. M. - '”-- wldr3pr<aaadmoa•ic in 1 V
e seemingly exetaalvo Jones; 335,000 was the consideration. MEXICAN INCIDENTS -----`- night Anil t0.I p 'Paan
:hat.the City.of Miami This property lies 113 feet north of the During the past week the fns
it,eahployingR Daimon leo nott6.ut cornu of Eleventh •Steel and REPORTED YESTERDAY church mite, 1G0 by ^,ND feet Ste Ihr track River K iLna '
:en and a Garrard sir- ar nue B, • J •dloand 0 lhe lot on earner of Lincoln Road nn.l Drexel a•I-I tracks :n the muunUar• •
D which T. Q.•Wilson and u•ociates In• Washington,April 2.-Two new in- viler were cam Pleta•I
luxuriously equipped. tend the ultimate erection of • Arleen. Chien('involving American citizens n joining the Lincoln Hotel has urns from 16 to 20 miles m. C�
.me from the operation story*trim budding. Mexico were.reported toddy to the Jcedol to the Cninth a oriel Church I \
Miami between Miami Gr•pstand lou and lou In SruUk• elate department.
Budding Society. and ■ rash contri- we have artificial ns)
,Isl:M4mj and N•awu Park•re moving freely,according to T. One of the attacks resulted in the bulipn of receiv0 toward the building'!ng. Garrett If.l.r. Co
be$450,140,which,leas O.Wilson,president of the eerporation' killing of II.A.Jnfrcd.on,nm Amer, has burn recrivcd from \I r. Carl C.
IOa company old ten lot. in Swnt.k• I-adv.
"'fir-red• tock leave P k ;•steed. can,and the wounding,probably fatal. Fisher. •
iividend on each share F. C. Wbii.she • 1}L{no a investor, !Y.of Alexander()berg,whose nation- Work is proureaeing rapidly on the
etc. bought 7a•foot lot on Ray!street from *lily Was not stated,at the Amatlao church. 'fhe oral to will not he cont.
moment of the plan to •Hrs.Chamberlsla for 111,000 and R.K. camp of the Intern•liond Petroleum plated for several weeks, but the au-1 ALL AB
aamahip company, Mr. Hail a lot a the Int...lion of Second company by whom both were em- ditorium will be in good condition fort
d to time for Miami street and•eenr/ilB, Yr,Whitakr•old pplayed. The altrck, which occurred the Easter xrvice tomorrow.
res gvft talking. He through thl• to• Mrs.Costig•n J1arch 30,i•slated in the Jlsputel Io A large attendance is expected •s�
IDflitles•for'such • lot t Yum1.Beach, have been made by Mexican fellow ntfnny ill went to see the new build-
The Realty Securitlea 'CorporationnI t4
.7t to Oahe;to Owe Ba- elle reports th•iaal•of a valuable grove enlptoyeE foga Rev.charge,will II.reach the mill•
.er .st Indian Islands, on tb• Fifth .net ...ton to.J. It. The department inatructe the rm.,inter inntIappreach•r.l num-
It this boat line would Otto of Pennsylvania. Gassy at Mexico City and the con- sermon and appropriate mums•(num-'
egtnning and D{�salbly Bays Neat.the Gutler. .ulalr al Tampico to urge the Mexi- titre will be rent erect by Mr. II•mib
biggest thing that iter Mn.eeed I.rt Coyne sold through can government to inntitute measure. tun Hopkins. ' I QUICK TRIP
way. Y4c•r and lams tAe lot•dloynl n[the to • rehend and tunfsh the Next.
"It 1 time'toapprehend 1
f C llsr ADanments on the eel. It I
' M.aid.• w. bought by C.B.Hob. of A•hevnl•, c■ns men''`d' NO REPRESENTATION ON
r the $240000'1%sub- N.•C.,as n Inv•tolent. This property ,The second incident wan an attack selling'rne.de r, !n
ml.or noI the boat will Re• on the south side f Ninth teej , g COMMISSION TO RUSSIA air....I tr.Iae,
on a tram on which Major bd ear W.
oth'Mr.Fisher and Mr. between mea we C end U. Burr, military attache of the Amari- l soden.April 2.-A reply has leen
• Pays It S,NO For G can ember. ■t Mexico Cit Mie. received through the American em-
d their hearers.. Mr. Y y
:ted,.-'when questioned, a``eAen[nub hf•bought the can av gar- Burr and two other Americrns,Werlie.e hssxv 10 the effect that it will not he
.(ready arranged for a K•and L;Twelfth street
was.316, t v tin Ilaile and a Mr. Hurd,mere -
$100,000 to provide lb• 000. The din wanegotiated by Wolf- traveling• All escaped without in- possible for the United States to he /
to.prey out hlgblaru, son sod Wolfson, who •Ito sold to a fury, The attack took place March
re'eeiul hal In any Stich th.on ilio GO\
g,to Hw•na end meet- Yrs Storm, owner of lb. Hotel Joyce, 2S near Teen Marisa on the Mexico specsnl commission which the council
e a7r`anthwlutk ,...mast-
ep New York,two 104 belw•se vent). N CityCuern•vara Iiye. of the League of Nations recently rte and poor eyeglasne,
had Deem►Dardoead„� and P.baring•frontage of f00 fact on The department was.fnformed from tided to send to Russia. wilt sped the Lot.
•adtaa•be,•Caarsa., Twelfth•treat Std•depth of 160 feet. Calexico that Calixto Ruiz, charged The way to Ret
Mtar,l Beach Raum • with the murders of Lieutenants Con- heal are made.
.talion.appointed,Jaek Numerous sales of Miami Beach prop- i •
.ieduy,T.V•Moore,'W, •.y ws• reported yesterday, some of molly and sWe oAmerican ave*• ('(
',ut,the request of oth- them felrlow: ton, who.. bodies were found in John Hendry 0
a a,eommittee to canvass
E.W.Itching. d J.P.Simmons to Lower California,, had conlenaed to
George E,McCaskill and M. E.Shields, the crime •nil wouhl be tried at Tia vrapani... Wrench Posuhing,
mea•of Waml for sub- a*true*.•f 1M•I/lael Land Company, Juana. Vphule•rng. Art Flmahing,
hr twalt wID.be. made • sore.eatlon In peon..• of formation, Another dispatch said orders for ca.bion•. Shades. neo.na. JF:tV F:LEit
t.r,i Crosby atkd.Osborn the 'stoat Arty feet of lots 6. 7 d 8, the return of the airplanes of Lieu- !It 1:I.EVF7\TH AT..PRONE II77 7 LIEF:N 1ErI
tuns Miami ib inn.five block 101, third addlllon to Ocean tenants G. L. Usher and L M. Wolf, tel
'y_ '''''..?a,____:'"•:-_,''
v ,K„_ Beech. arm aviators, who recent, were
• 'ttit•reat�,}dlaeu.don, August Calpr to Gladys Y. Edwards Y y
for 33}60, lot 11;"block 33, neat Ocean forced to land in Sonora,had been in •
xlared he I.tot partk- n...,wditbn. sued. CHIEFS OF THE AL1
ato.dlg a hob to dock • Th. Altonmart •
Beach Realer CaDy to
tithe truth fs that It an George,R. [line, lot t, block 36, Golf INADEQUATE FORCES AT +ewau err
hay," He-tnsl.tadithat Course.subdivision of. Alton' B.ch; FLETCHER'S DISPOSAL
Miami-attanpta teen. wraid•ntlo■f3,00D. ^, rife"-iT'' • .
Ides of the bey,with ton- Yum! B..h Iepror*mmt Cam Wehin$tan,April 2.-Reports from e,.fy, • t
std ttds,dt'wlll men to Daniel J. Costello, lot 6, block L Vice-Admiral Sims to the navy de. 4
gas YI•N Beach Improvement Company's p•rtment declaring that the convoy �s� -b','.
other,tesN1'ha,.dons Oewa Peons pre •ear• - f c. under command of Boa Ad- ;" r is e •
.•t•twe.n..., -':44... „ .James T Chri.l• to Mignonette B. marl William B. Fletcher at Brent •.tom Vii+ ' F !i �>'
na 11•never'b•At!for Ruby,lets 3,a sad 13,block 14,second were .'wholly inadequate"•to the ,ya' w` 4v�jtr_,k a ser' r;i
L mend three,ard:a,hal ate iii', ...• ,an Brach; prim •Dour aervlee required were introduced by J A. v r
-a•On tt, Yr.:Fiber de-• Anal T.'ini'Mee"Dobler to Fidelity counsel for Admiral Fletcher today :,a,. s •. ;kF
.oteted out.that:the toe- Morgan axil•0aare•toe GsmDaay,•lot before the nasal board Investigating "•` `a +cif
•h&his0T 1 the`eagt.aWis 6,bleek 4,Oeea.Bea.. • - • that officers'removal from the Brent y' 'F 4:4,•A,,,!... .. ...) •y •
s!mBr Ithr trrmepa•a7 i lidera A. RI*km*n u YaMI-Y. G•..command by Admiral S{ms. They •t „ {.' r ti .
,through mud•and wan•prwonted'diming cross examine• i:., ."-:' •a �,.
4�u'° 'r �r l Ba•atiful'otinaete',Bmralsw,_�at than of Gptel's B on T. Long,,aide ,$ ` ry,,} g'• >!;
:- "r - ,,:ry�; ' $ ret..fl. bta for.ale oa toy terms don to sue nportn the contention that k ' 4 n` '. OJ.. s a 4,•.
•aAater,v'Mlatel Floral by,cwa•r.• Address box.1143 or call vt.•.h.".1-0,-.a...."-. .d.._...•, .hk+ J a