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Hampton Arcade .building, Lincoln Road at Michigan, occupied by Peck & Peck, Kerman's, Inc., Maynard's, Inc., Ida Mae
Shop, Charvet & F4:s, Anne Sullivan, Natalie Wells Shop, Jacob's Linen Store, and the Miami Beach Public Library X
oto 31 6/ 3o
City Council Takes l nofficial Ac-
tion On Proposal For Frec-
- OF NEW LIBRARYtion of $100,000 Unit.
t Calls For Structure Piens are being made for the erection '
dark Donated to City of a $100,000 main unit of the John
Hope to Raise $100,000 for S. Collin$.Memorial Library and Art
B yFounder center this summer in Collins park,
Collins Memorial Miami Beach, provided that sufficient
pr Building money can be obtained through public
With•the Beach council on Members of the Miami Beach council
Wednesday morning unofficial- unofficially approved the plans present-
ed yesterday by the officers of the pro-
ly approving plans for the
erection of the John S. Collins posed library.
MemorialTiiltr try and Art Pets- Sketches are being made by Russell
fir in Collins pork, officials sponsor-
thePancoast for the construction of
the first unit in the western half of
ing the civic movement announced Collins park. There will be reading
through Joseph H. Adams, president, room for adults and children, an art
their intention of proceeding imine- its rooms aro fon crowded for coin gallery and a museum as well as the
din tely with the project. fort. central library and reading room.
If enough money can be gathered Mr. Adams said several Beach cit Dr. Joseph H. Adams, president of
hX public subscription, through minis izenR were a°ntempinthtg contributing the library, said that More than $20,-
ns small or as large as the citizens large numbers of books to the memo-
es 000 already had been raised.
ran give, work will be started within rial library, and that he himeel Other officers Include Thomas J.
the next two months, Mr. Adams an- planned to give about 2,000 books, Pancoast,president of the Miami Beach
ticipated. No organized drive will be adding to the 1,155, he placed on th. Chamber of Commerce and Realty
made for the contributions. The or- woman's club shelves. Board, vice president. and C. W. Chase,
sr.,secretary of the Miami Beach Chain-
ganization has in cash about $20,000 Besides Mr. Adams, officers for the ber of Commerce, secretary and tress-
as a nucleus on which to build, library include Thomas J. Pancoast urer.
The council reserved its official president of the Beach Chamber o Directors are Mrs. Thomas J. Pan-
sanction until the library officials ob.. Commerce, as vice president, and C coast and Irving A. Collins, daughter
tnined the request of Mr. Collins' W Chase, secretary of the Chambe and son of.Miamt Beach's founder,who
heirs for the site and received a deed of Commerce, as secretary and trcu- deeded the land to the city as a park;
for it, Mrs. Thomas J. Pancoast and surer. The board of directors include F. Lowry Wall. president of the Miami
Irving A. Collins, daughter and Ron these and Mrs. 1'sneoast, Mr. Collins, Beach First National Bank; W. E.
of the Bench founder, who deeded the 1". Lowry Wall, W. E. Walsh, C. S. Walsh, Clayton Sedgwick Cooper, M.
land to the city as a park, are mem. Cooper, M. D. Swisher and Dr. B A. D. Swisher and Dr. Elisha A. King.
hers of the board of directors, as well King.
The city of Miami Beach will not
asked to contribute to the erection
as Mr. Pancoast. The
project was given an enthusi- or maintenance 'of the library,. Dr.
The plan now is to spend about astie start in 11125 when publi. Adams said.
$100,000 on the first and main unit pledges from adults and school chil "If this is done, it will be necessary
of the building, sketches for which are dren raised a fund of nearly$100,000 to hold an election and to place five
being made by Russell T. Pancoast, Most of these went uncollected Burin., councilmen on the b5ard of directors.
and to construct it in the -western the depression which followed th The officers of the library desire to
half of Collins park. The building will hurricane and collapse of the boom keep the project out of politics. Of
face the ocean. When it is complet• Mr. Chase and Mr. Swisher, repre course, councilmen may serve on the
ed, after additional wings are toll- senting the Chamber of Commerce board as individuals and the city may
strutted, it will contain reading rooms which was responsible for starting th. frbm time to timen contribute to the
for adults and children, an' library as is daleeh e cities."
gal- movement, solicited most of the earl� All Miami Beach residents and v1R1-
lery and a museum, as well as the subscriptions. Interest in the move- tors are invited to participate in the '
central library and reading room. meat lay dormant for a time as the erection of the library but no cam-
It is expected, Mr.Adams said, that members of the organization concept- paign for subscriptions will be made.
the present Beach library, operated trated on• the establishment, of the Donations-as small as $1 will be ac-
in Hampton arcade by the Miami University of i► mini. cepted, Dr. Adams said.
Beach Womau'a club, of which Mrs. Several ye ago, the city of Miam Several residents are planning lto
Pancoast is president, will be absorbedBeach askeket utilize Collins parka make large donations and to contribute
by the newer library. It was pointed a site for tho new city hall, but the books to the 0brook.Dr. Adams said he
out that the present one was started terms of the Collins' agreement woul will give present books.br
with the intention of havingpermitThe operatedpin Hampton ar-
it grow not this. It was said, how- cads, which is by the Miami
into the memorial library and that it ever, the Collins heirs approved i . Beach Woman's club of which Mn.
now has expanded to such an extent'use as a library location. - Pancoast is president, may be absorbed
by the newer library, tt was said.
"There Is a great need for a larger . ,
library and an art gallery," Dr. Adams
• explained.
Mr. Chase and Mr. Swisher rep-
• resented the chamber of commerce,
which started a movement in 1928 for
i..s... r "r:..r._..... - r.- ., rr•.,c,. the building of a library.