1631-2 Air Conditioning • titan s-mps � i NORMAN DII RESTAURANT :w nts xAnf s msoo+tt MIAMI 11LACII 41. FLORIDA December 2, 1947 . Florida Hill Tork Corporation 122.5 S. W. Pth Street 1'Seuai, Florida Gentlemen: We have used a 'fork Fiaklce Machire at the Sherry-Normandie r since July 23, 1947. We are very pleased with its operation and the saving in the coat of ice resulting from its use. We use ice in many ways - in cur bar, for drinking water, for keeping lobster and fish, and especially for keeping our Fre- �� made salads and appetisers cool and fresh. F1aklce has met • our every need to our complete satisfaction. In its lasting quality, cleanliness and freedom from foreign renter, FlekIce has proven superior to ordinary orecJ:ed ice. It has excellent ability to resist congealing. Cur ice bin is always full, autonptioalt without. worry to us, insuring all %ie need always on hard. We highly recorreri the -York FlakIce Machine and its product.