1631-4 Air Conditioning rhone 58.2662
-� 6iie Ioe;ner
1541 Weshlnxion Ave.
Miami Bench 39 , Florida
March 8, 1949
)fir. J. H. Singer
Hill cork Corporation
1225 S. W. 8th Street
Miami, Florida
Dear Mr. Singers
After comparing the merits of several makes of air con-
ditioning equipment, we decided that York air condition-
ing would be beat for us. Our Tork air conditioning
unit is really doing a grand job in keeping the entire
store cool and comfortable and making my cleaning
problem a lot simpler.
Although we are operating our 5 ton air conditioning
unit with city water instead of a cooling tower, we are
pleased to say that our total operating coat is low.
We are real boosters for Tork air conditioning and
highly recommend your system to anyone who is consider-
ing air conditioning.
Tours very% ly,
( ) (t .