1635-2 Anti-Semitism EUGENE C . STAHL
PHONE: 849
Mr. Carl.G. Fisher,
Indianapolis, Ind.
My Dear Fisher:--
I wired. you last night I was sending you 500
booklets of the Helene per express prepaid, but I was unable to
get them off until today on account of the necessity of shipping
in a box that I had not previously counted. on. The weight is
considerable and to insure safe delivery I thought it better to
use a safe container rather than merely wrapping the package up
in heavy paper, This letter will doubtless reach you a day or
so ahead of the express and I am enclosing one of the booklets
with the rate sheet and the "No Hebrew" card enclosed just as I
am mailing them out to my prospects . In the package you v4.11
find in addition to the booklets, 500 of the rate sheets, 500 of
the cards and al so 500 envelops to use in mailing them. When
you send them out please insist on your stenographer enclosing
in each one a rate sheet and the card. The latter you will un-
derstand as it is my intention to make of the Helene the very
best place of its sort and the most desirable among particular
people to be found in the state . Jews are no more to be desired
with me than they are at the Flamingo or the Lincoln Inn.
In looking over the booklet you will find two
liberties I have taken which I hope will meet with your approval.
You will note at the end that I include among my references by
permission the name of Carl G. Fisher. I should have asked you
for that privilege but had no opportunity. Also, you will note
that in speaking of the Flamingo Golf Course I state that while
it is for the exclusive use of the guests of the Flamingo yet
through the courtesy of Mr. Carl G. Fisher the guests of the
Helene will be permitted to en joy;• I understand the payment of
a green fee last season entitled almost anyone of the guests of
our end of the beach to play the course and I took it for granted
you would extend similar courtesy to my people this season.
The double page spread in the booklet will give
you an idea what the completed Helene vui. 11 look like when the other
two units are built, taking in the vole of the 320 feet I have
contracted from your company. I believe I wrote you before that
if this were the end of the season instead of the beginning I-could
start work on the other two units at once as I haves-- financial
arrangements all made ready to begin operatio the additions
just as soon as my guests have left inprang. I think you
will agree with me that the Helene all fi.ni she d will be some
bear. Nothing like it in South Florida and I doubt if its equal
can be found anywhere in the state. I rented my first apartment
PHONE: 849
yesterday to a New York man vio after looking over the place even
intor in its unfinished state said to me it was the most beautiful
and up to date apartment in the state and he grabbed it. It was
one of the middle apartments at X1,650 and he said he had looked
at apartments very much inferior for which he was asked X1,800
for the season and with nothing like the service I an supplying.
I do not exile ct to have an apartment that is not reserved by the
middle of December and will be glad to com4runicate with any of'
your friends who may want additional details. Let me have a line
from you as to what you think of the place and the way the book—
let is gotten up.
Yours very truly,
7 /
I '/(0
October 10th, 1921.
Ur. Eugene C. Stahl,
• 121 Northeast First Street,
'_'sari - Florida.
Dear Sir :
I have your letter of October 6th and Copy df the booklet.
I don't think it is necessary for you to enclose a card which states
""ebrew Patronage is not Solicited". You can usually tell by the
n^r!os of the people applying for apartments and their occupation
whether they are desirable or not - and I would advise if you
haven't sent these cards out with the booklets that you omit them.
There are some Hebrews who are very high class people, and it does
seem a share to injure their feelings unnecessarily if it can be
avoided. The average run of Hebrew trade at a Hotel is not desirable,
,)articularly at a resort hotel, and it is quite a question of knowing
;lust how to handle the undesirable ones best.
I think you have made one serious mistake in showing on the
back cover the location of the Helene as being on the Ocean front. You
right find this very serious if some of your guests arrive expecting to
be on the Ocean front and find toy aro several blocks away from the
dean. I think it would have been better to have had a_>picture of
the Casino and Bath-House on the back cover with a memorandum that its
only a few blocks distant to the Beach. However, it is probably too
late now for you to rake any change, but in your corres_:ondente I
would particularly call attention to the fact that the apartments
aro not located right on the Beach.
Yours very truly,