1635-5 Anti-Semitism • • I VECTOR J. MILLER.MAYOR N L.MESTON,SECRETARY MAYOR'S OFFICE SAINT LOUIS l` ) ......-) i _S . I Mr. Carl G. Fischer, Miami Beach, Fla. Dear Ivr. Fischer: • - One of the best friends I have on earth, Mr. Wm. Lewin, is staying at Miami Beach at €349 West Avenue. He is the first person that I ever played golf with in my life, and he is anxious to make some connection so that he can play golf at the Beach. I realize that on account of his nationality there maybe some objections but if you can possibly get him the courtesy of yo golf club I shall be everlastingly grateful you. Sincerely yours, 'igkr — 4. w!ayor. February Thirteenth . 1 9 2 9.