1639-6 Politics I • •
1 Council Voting Ban
Gets Beach Support
By SUSAN MILLER :; that the council should act as
Herald Staff Writer /, an appeals board on all zon-
Miami Beach Mayor Jay . sew• '' ing decisions. '
Dormer's plan to remove the x ft ',r
Final action was deferred
city council from voting on ;41:,-?;,,4`4,'.:
until Sept. 3 after the council
zoning issues won approval directed City Manager Clif-
from a majority of residents
ford W. O'Key to find out
s,� `�
who attended a public hear- • • how Metro and other Dade
cities handle their zoning
ing Wednesday, but received appeals.
lukewarm response from
fellow councilmen. $ • O'Key also was asked to —
.:Q '
get recommendations from
Dermer wants a Nov, 18 the Beach ZBA members,
referendum on his proposal r none of whom were present
at the public hearing, and
to abolish the five member
Jay Dermer City Planning Director Har-
Beach Zoning Board of Ap- ...want.,change old Toal. .-,-
peals, composed of laymen
appointed by the council. Dermer's plan has been
know of no area more sus- endorsed by architects Mor-
He would replace It with a pect of corruption than zon- ris Lapidus and Isaac Sklar
six-m e m h e r professional ing. AU G 2 81969 Associates and "in principle"
board consisting of the city's by the Beach planning corn-
planning` director, an archi- MIAMI BEACH'S zoning mission. It was opposed by
1 tect, an engineer, an attorney variances are currently being the city's charter review and
and two persons engaged in investigated by Assistant revision board.
real estate development. State Attorney John Orr,
who has charged that 95 per ADVERTISEMENT
IN ADDITION, the plan cent of the Beach variances OCCUPATION
would require that appeals of granted in the past two years
any zoning board decision go were illegal because they HOUSEWIFE.
directly to the Circuit Court. were based on economic ■
Under the present zoning rather than legal hardship. Trap or
code, variances approved by Most dealt with decreasing
the ZBA may be appealed to the required number of park-
the council. Variance re- Ing spaces. qie, Opportunity?
quests denied by the zoning
board are not subject to Councilma D. Lee Powell
council appeal. objected to a ... . com-
posed solely of professionals.
D e r m e r contended his He proposed an amendment
plan, which he has been requiring that zoning mem- •.,ij`
trying to get adopted for two bers be "men with proven _'
years, would "take zoning business executive experi- >•
out of politics and politics ence." It was defeated after—
out of zoning." councilmen Malvin Englan-
der, Norman Ciment and ----- .. \;`
F o r m e r Mayor Melvin C,_,tir
Richard concurred with the Vice Mayor Joseph Malek
argued that Powell's wording
idea, saying it would inspire was too vague.
"investor confidence in the
city and help the public im- Ciment and Councilman '_
age of elected officials. I Leonard Weinstein also said iliti1