1639-8 Politics C�C1
j.®�-sing Site
MILLER the turnkey
units within the
By SUSAN South Shore area bounded
by Harald Staff Writer Miami Biscayne St. on Alton
Where to put approved First St. on the north,Wash-
sparkedof federallyuPP Rd on the west and
Beach'spublic housing ington Ave. on the east.
200 units of p debate
Mondaya two-hour work- He estimated thatn ern-
hop e at a council nation costs of private shop session• had a different nesses and hotels in the area
)e in mods would be about$300,000.
Hasite in mind.
Beach Plan BEACH Housing
ng an Director. MIAMI uing
ning and Zoning Authority Chairman Marshall
Wise told councilmenf hisie
recommended construction o committee favors use
comm city park on the tip• p
Aalnmen bayfront at the of
1� l the Beach.
Since the city already
Sehedu (� construction
owns the land, me housing r
of the land, construction
For Youths for senior citizenscould
if the
been set gin more quickly with
youths has city had to proceed Wise
Arraignmentroup of ning land,
who r a
28 after condem
who bonded out Dec.
being the first persons arrest- argued.
he Housing Authority site
ed on a new Metro anti loi- was backed by Councilman
ordinance. picked Herbert Magnes.
tering �► _
:Metro officers CollinsAve. >� all���e bay
persons at << to the
up 20 pSunny Isles, Fifth St.
and 163rd St., 27 after front from of Engineers
the night of Dec. gathering U.S. Corps Miami
at the g (behind theMiami
the the lost ins nightlwast property Kennel Club) forlaw was Beach arks. gardens
the Coit ke efe lic use with p Councin
to take effect. and marinas,"
OF those arrested Jerome Greene
said.provthe city
MOST $250 bonds soon Greene f dog
afterdedg booked at 'the condemn a portion to thehh of
being track parking which of
county jail. was Biscayne St °n using
The new ordinance or', build the public
enacted to r e p l a c e
knocked down by a federal units, n D Lee Pow
unconstitutional Council c outing
court beingas challenged by the also opposed pu He Economicrecom-
or Opportunity Legal on bayfront land.nation of
eOnP vague and mended condemnation
encs as ubstandard property
Services agency
arbitrary.Hry• north—between Second y ng
h H E NEW ordinance,$50fFifth streets. Cost of th
which carries inp jail for one the business land alone
days for viola- area suggested by
and 60 loitering 300,000, Powell tionn defines n in or exceed $
"standing or remaining, dieted.
about any public street, pub- Greene and Powell
lie sidewalk, public overpass BOTH of park
e, or any other that use
or public bird warned ruin of the ark
specifically lud enumerin land could Beach'sfe
placeloitering getting anY; the
withedandthincludes to chances of g ga .in f
s other beeons usingknillegal al matching grantsry wants to
future if the ace land for
possess or buy more open-space drugs. recreationaluymore purposes.e
MoreS than 3Is00 persoang�
Isles hang Official council action on
whenh Sunny called on site for the
deputies selection of a Wednes-
do Only before drug makingrhousing is set for
them to one arrest day's council meeting.arrests.