1639-16 Politics T
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EP 2 7 1971 '
Ciur es
Miami Beach-political lig• *:.
ures and others named by
•Mayor Jay Dermer as mem- °
bers of an "unholy alliance" •
of special in-
terests and Burnett Roth Chuck Hall
officials do ...'mudslinging' ...'independent'
not agree
with the •
��p�1.A *• mayor — to Mayor's Targets
r,,.. w put it mildly. g
t,,,�4 Denying
they are
members of • 1r
• any alliance,
POWELL the persons Fire Back, Label
cited by Dermer responded,
in most cases,with an attack
on the mayor's accuracy and
honesty. Claims Inaeeura e
This is what they said:
P wel "Recently I accused
Mr. rmer in the presence
of the press of being an un- matter of special interest. If anyone stands up for his own
mitigated liar,devoid of any, rights and Dermer doesn't agree,then you belong to a special
semblance of integrity, to interest."
which he did not reply. I BUILDER Robert Turchin:"I don't think it's worth digni-
don't consider such a charac- fying his remarks with a reply. Dermer is going to run for
ter who has been thoroughly --,j, higher office and it sounds like he's issuing
discredited sufficiently wor- • • , more steam."
thy to justify a reply.I might I.
say I've taken my record on FORMER COUNCILMAN Mal Englander:
eight difference occasion to "I'd rather read the entire interview before
the citizens of Miami Beach commenting on it."
(or evaluation, and in each
case have been elected to of- ATTORNEY and former councilman Bur-'
lice with a very high vote." nett Roth:
Weinstein: "I would rather ( "Dormer's mudslinging must be accepted
read the entire interview be- in the context of defeated ex-politician. His
fore I comment on it:' • TURCHIN professionally-taken
n poll convinced him he
• could never be reelected to any office,which is the real rea-
"- �• FONTAINE• son he withdrew from the mayorality race."
t BLEAU ho-
o (Dormer told The Herald his poll convinced him he can
`.. win election to higher office than that of mayor,and he never
'F tel owner Bert •
showed the results of the poll to Roth.) •
1 Novack: "I "Fortunately,he (Dermer)has admitted my expertise in
^,'- don't think matters concerning municipal law, which is the obvious rea-
• son I represent substantial interests seeking their just rights
there has before the council.
I'm.,:r• been a more "It is interesting that he failed to refer to my gratuitous
r*r irresponsible representation of the Miami Heart Institute for many years
mayor in the before the council,my involvement in the drive for doctors on
NOVACK history of ambulances to save lives, and many other council appear-
Miami Beach. I don't think ances for charitable causes.
he knows what he's talking "No one ever heard of Dormer until four years ago be- '
about. His diction is beauti- cause he has never been associated with any charitable or
ful, but it's all hot air. Mr. community service organization, and had been solely intent
Novack has lost everything on money-grubbing instead of devoting some time to the pub-
he has ever asked from the lie interests.
City Council.We had to win "He cost the city millions of dollars In procrastinating on '
approval of the new cabanas important projects.and his demise will be in the best Interests
in the courts, it was not of all the people of Miami Beach.For 38 years,my life has
given to us. His (Dermer's) been devoted to community service,including national leader-
anti-gambling program has ship in the nation's most important human relations agency.
been stupid and silly. More That record needs no defense from Dermer's maligning."
disruption, no man could
ever cause." MIAMI BEACH mayoral candidate Chuck Hall:
"Burnett Roth and 50 other people who have been openly
ASSOCIATED Resort Ho- antagonized by Mayor Dermer seem to be helping me because
cels president Morris Lans- they want to get Dermer out.Now that that's accomplished.
burgh: • regardless of reasons,these people are still anxious to see me
"I thought Dormer was my elected mayor.
friend.I try to do everything "I can't be responsible for the people voting for me or at-
I can for my industry and for tempting to help me.But I can say that Norman Giller is my
my community.I think-this campaign manager and he is the only one outside of my cam-
community depends on tour- paign treasurer who has an active role in my campaign as di•
ism,and what's good for the reefed by me.I have made no commitments to anyone—Mr.
industry is good for the city. Roth,Mr.Novack or anyone else.
I'm not talking about cosi. "Nor would they dare come to me to ask such commit.
nos. I've never had any ments because they know my reputation.I welcome all help
undue influence with any and all votes,but my thinking when elected will always be in-
lmen. ( consider them dependent.If there were no so-called special interests, there
counciall fine." would be no economy anywhere.Senior citizens are a special
interest group, and Mr. Dermer has always played up to
CARILLON Hotel lessee' them."
Herb Robins:
"When the mayor makes
his wild charges, I don't
k n o w what he's talking
about and I don't think he
does.I'd love for him to be
specific about where I've
ever been involved in an
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