1616-12 Various Miami Beach IWWW. miami .00m F WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2001 SECTION
'STEINBACK Ant..st. h . hit b d
„,...,,, 20 apply for schools superintendent 13 of whom tossed their hats into the tract during Stierheim's tenure.
ring in the past two days. Penelas and phone company offs-
Fellow board member Frank Cobo cials strongly denied any involve-
_ BY CHARLES SAVAGE emerged Tuesday on the eve of the also said he had been pressured by an ment.
alherald.com csavage®herald.com Miami-Dade County School Board's anti-Stierheim coalition. He said the The School Board meets at 1 p.m.
meeting to fill the post. campaign originated among lobbyists today to choose a temporary replace-
Allegations of a behind-the-scenes Board member Marta Perez said who have been stung by Stierheim in
;e to leave effort to derail former County Man- she was threatened with political ret- the past,allies of Miami-Dade Mayor 1 PLEASE SEE SUPERINTENDENT,2B
ager Merrett Stierheim's bid for ribution if she supported Stierheim, Alex Penelas and officials at Bell-
behind interim schools superintendent the best-known of the 20 applicants— South, which lost a big county con- a LIST OF 20 APPLICANTS, 2B
ay,the current IflI/e O
,,crisis is an oppor- f..
eople to take a giant `
perceived racial bar-
ar pore genuinely intot
can family. ,
Iwithin the psyches 1K tI) . Clit
tericans is the belief
f race,our path ,r • `�
tty will always be a \..,.
for others. I
nericans,even some • maybe
elieve they will - 8
ed from the Ameri- p `
Chet'feel America's
Ck delayed
Americans will ' '
at,grudging and �'
bple use this mind- 11
Io work harder and
oftenit lulls young
Legislature called
s into underper-
too soon,veering 1, ,,
Inging endeavors or , i r for budget session
values altogether. ' --,--,.--;.%,5
histrated by this d„. .
king so often is self- a'n e2, BY PETER WALLSTEN AND JONI JAMES
ar we won't be i t� a,: a,, $ka
e effectively with-
— e, s'' vet -'tS e 2 pwallsten®a herald.com
..:_r__ _____..
price,the most ADVOCATE:Miami Beach Commissioner and mayoral candidate Nancy Liebman visits the Bass Museum on pledged Tuesday to consider delaying
lent of personal suc- Tuesday.Liebman led the drive to renovate and expand the museum.The project was approved four years ago. a tax cut for Florida's wealthiest
investors to help ease the state's$1.3-
s general mind-set billion deficit, but his proclamation
reality:America is calling the Legislature into a special
etter faster than
Beach upset
session to balance the budget won't
ling to acknowl allow the issue to come up.
s relevant,but it's The discrepancy drew criticism
ngly apparent that from Democrats, who said it con-
an indeed rise as flitted with Bush's pledge that"every-
S will take them. thing is on the table"when it comes to
woof the top five ®veryproblems at solving the state's budget crisis.
µiding America's
"He said that in front of me,and he
—one,a woman. said it in front of the press. This is
Colin Powell and really very disingenuous," said the
Advisor Condo- Senate's Senate's top Democrat,Tom Rossin of
.t earning the , .. BY DANIEL CHANG West Palm Beach."I don't understand
respective of race. dchang(a)herald.com why he issued a call that doesn't say
is moment for par- � what he said it was going to say."
to promote a new It's four deadlines and 18 Bush acknowledged Tuesday that
merican dream for months past due, $300,000 over his call to lawmakers was narrowly
budget and unprepared for one of drawn to exclude debate on the cut to
ave Americans been the biggest cultural events in
e that we're all in South Florida's history. 1 PLEASE SEE BUDGET,2B
Y'' Yet solutions to the construe-
who destroyed 5,000 '� .; 11 i '1,-.'i tion problems that have plagued
bout the race of their the Bass Museum of Art in Miami
rica will be avenged kBeach for more than three years Regioilgets
led members of our !� are nowhere in sight.
Lary—again,irre- ,,,-, The Bass launched a bold rend-
' `E / vation of its historic Art Deco its
ps have a key role to quarters off Collins Avenue and ro ove
Dv-minded Ameri > lOE
21st Street in February 1998,with g
d to vilifying Mus "' , plans for a spacious new gallery
:Arab descent. to house blockbuster shows. But
Ivo had long experi- '' now,instead of exhibiting world- back with
favorite pariah. -- --• .
` �
__. class art and hosting throngs of
arded as uneduca- cultured patrons, museum offi-
ages,mere beasts of SHUTTERED:An outdoor sculpture stands near a wall of the Bass JjJ summit
lured reputations as Museum's new wing,which remains closed because of various problems. /PLEASE SEE BASS,5B
d,morally deficient,
ior and lazy.Our
;been reputed to BY EVELYN McDONNELL
lues,ruin neighbor- -
emcdonnell( herald.com
the drug trade. __
relieved that the +
FRUITFUL DAY , . Hip-hop is alive and well and living
once,is not focused in Miami.
icans must seize the After a packed Memorial Day
nut against all cases weekend shocked South Beach, and
ping.Doing so will FOR CHILDREN K, •._
t # The Source Awards events in August
e America's ended with a co-owner of the hip-hop
ace,but cast black y magazine arrested and organizers