1616-21 Various Miami Beach iii-
ey talks, be TECH Q&A
Peebles sells Demons
1 rsa or,ti
Put your ad in Sunday's Money section.Call and
Michelle Ionescu at 305-376-2694 in Miami-Dade
II or 954-764-7026,ext 2694 in Broward. not al 1
'7'I I ; II :. ' IN I ' 01 ` . , : 1 el Nuevo Herald
portion, errors
.,4. , thenderson(dherald.com
r D:When I run Spybot,
an anti-s
' .� •_ . pyware program,
''• ■Don Peebles sold the aged by the Falor Cos.bought it tells me I have some-
;, , 4 j. ., "' ir' t Royal Palm Crowne Plaza the hotel Friday for the previ- thing called Z-demon,but
' hotel—but kept part of it ously announced price of it's never able toet rid
li g of
4 - for himself,too.He will be $127.5 million.Peebles said he it.Iget some kind error
444 partners with the Falor and the Mitchell Cos.,Falor's message in German,too.
Cos.in converting a primary financial backer,were ANONYMOUS,
portion of the resort to also part of the deal, though Miami Beach
Av -.+ss . condo-hotel units. the ownership stakes were not A:Many y people have
"' ' .1:4'..: � disclosed. complained about a bug
The sale let Peebles pay off in Spybot that produces
dhankso herald.com the hotel's an error message in Ger
The long-awaited sale of $54 million man.It's supposed to be
,z the Royal Palm hotel con- mortgage to a fixed in the next release,
�' .01„ eluded with a twist Monday: New York so watch for it at
• ". Owner R. Donahue Peebles hotelier who www.spybot.info(note
_" , - — -- — — _ isn't parting ways with the had bought the.info at the end).
South Beach resort after all. the loan and But-you'd better make
lunch Instead, the Coral Gables was trying to sure you don't really have
developer will join buyer The foreclose on Z-demon,which is a terri-
Falor Cos. as a partner in the PEEBLES, the property, ble bug that can give
417-room hotel and retain a according to hackers access to your
"substantial"ownership stake his statement.He also said he computer.It's smart
Wayne At the Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship, in thero e
P P rtY• posted a $20 million appeals enough to hide in your
1 School you'll develop the entrepreneurial spirit you need to succeed "I'm pleased to be a part of bond in litigation with the registry and requires
cneurship in the real business world. Outside the classroom, you'll the hotel's new direction," hotel's original contractor, some manual removal.
network with working business professionals through Peebles said in a news release which was trying to have the Symantec,the maker
our Distinguished Lecture Series. Past guest speakers have issued by Falor. Peebles and hotel auctioned off to collect a of Norton Anti-Virus,has
included GM's G. Richard Wagoner and GE's Jack Welch. Inside Falor executives were not $17 million verdict. information on how to rid
available for interviews. His sale to the Falor Cos. yourself of Z-demon.Go
the classroom.you'll learn from supportive,accessible professors
who bring real-life business experience to their teaching. No one connected to the was scheduled to close Feb.4, to www.
This engaged learning environment will prepare you to achieve deal would explain Monday but Falor was having trouble symantec.com/
when the pending sale turned finalizing its loan agreement, search/and search for
your real-world career goals.So,start networking now.Call us at
into a partnership. The news Peebles'lawyers said in court zdemon.There are at
800.672.7223,Axt.5026 or visit us at www.huizenga.nova.edu release described the switch as filings.g least two varieties.
the natural result of two sides
OPEN HOUSE interested in pursuing a good CITY GETS $13M p:When starting up our
ASTERN Wednesday, March 16, 6 PM • deal. Miami Beach, which pro- computer this error mes-
8585 SW 124th Avenue "We approached Don with vided city-owned oceanfront sage appears:"Error load-
<�` an economically attractive for the Royal Palm deal, also ing C:\Program files\
RSVP:800.672.7223 ext. 5026 or kbolton@huizenga.nova.edu
business plan and subse- will receive about $13 million WildTangent\apps\
quently developed such a after the sale, Peebles said. cda\cdaengine0400.d11."
BACHELOR'S I MASTER'S I DOCTORAL DEGREES solid,mutually respectful rela- That amount repays with Is this something to worry
"r " tionship that it made sense to interest Miami Beach's $10 about,and how do Iget
Accounting•Business Administration•Entrepreneurship•Human Resource move forward together,"Rob- million cash investment in the rid of the error message?
Management•Leadership•MBAs•Taxation•Executive Education...and more.
` • ert Falor,president of the Chi- project launched in 1996 to MONTEIRO,
--- cago-based company, said in both bring a black hotel devel- Homestead
the release. oper to the Beach and create a A:Nothing to worry
HERALD'S NEW NEIGHBORS ANOTHER SURPRISE large corporate-friendly hotel about.It sounds like you
near the city's convention cen- had an online game from
The announcement ter.By paying off the city,the a place called WildTan-
appeared to contain another hotel is not governed by the gent,and it wasn't corn-
surprise:Before Falor had said minority-ownership require- pletely removed.The
he wanted Hard Rock Hotels ments that came with the sub- company has a removal
to replace Crowne Plaza as the sidy. program at http://
Royal Palm's operator. But In the last two years, the support.wildgames
Falor's release said a "bou- Chicago-based Falor Cos.has .com/uninstall.html
tique" operator would be vaulted to the top ranks of
announced soon. South Florida's condo-hotel 0:When I create a docu-
The deal with Falor con- converters by launching plans ment in Microsoft Word,I
h rd'" eludes a transaction at least to sell off rooms at Islamora- copy it to a floppy disk by
four months in the making and da's Cheeca Lodge, Coconut right-clicking and picking
. , a mired in intrigue,court fights Grove's Mayfair, South Send To.After the docu-
andY 11th-hour maneuverings. Beach's Tides, Coral Gables' ment is copied,Iget an
Peebles had been fending off Omni Colonnade,and proper- error message saying"The
".; '' lawsuits from creditors seek- ties in Chicago, Los Angeles target cannot handle this
ing to take control of the hotel and elsewhere across the type of document."The
— claims Peebles said he country. copy is always successful,
� could easily satisfy once he Peebles is finishing up so I can't figure out why I
sold the hotel to the Falors for developing the Bath Club lux- still get the error message.
_: .,,A.,—1
4 I rs a record'price. ury condominium complex in It's more annoying than
— .. S. A new corporation man- Miami Beach. anything.
A:This is a bug in
some versions of Win-
dows, 49,04p-, ,:- .
O XP that Microsoft
has promised to fix,and
'SIC" Et..GH8- --
� •��4
may have already p xed,
- windowsupdate
out with stock quotes at H sot windowsu date
",` .microsoft.com for the
~rte latest updates.
disk ithou e to
�"d '` • a floppy disk without
error messages by open-
••-- CC J ing the file and using File
Save As.
0:On my computer,
General Motors Corporation there ke several icons on
the task bar down by the
clock,which I guess are
Semi-Annual Pay-Fixed ;t
hen igstart mycomputer.
I know they are sapping
°,70the computer's perfor-
mance.Should I have any
program start automati-
cally?Or should I remove
,, you CAN GE
them all?
Key Biscayne
IIIA:That's a good ques-
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