1616-59 Various Miami Beach i SLY. hotelier seeks • • Miami Beach , resort , •ROYALPALM,FROM1C Royal Palm owner R. Donahue Peebles convention-friendly hotel dismissed the strategy as a misguided gambit developed by a black-owned t0 `steal'the hotel. firm.In June,Black Enterprise magazine named Peebles 1 Atlantic Development its Company of the Year, and requirement that the hotel be years past its completion date Peebles recently was elected black-owned. Stuart Kapp, a and a reported $16 million to a second term of Miami- Boca Raton lawyer represent- over its original budget. Dade County's tax-funded ing Achenbaum,said the lease GMAC,the lending arm of tourism board, the Greater exempts from the minority General Motors, had signed Miami Convention&Visitors requirements the kind of on to purchase the$40 million Bureau. financial structure his client Union Planters loan that had On Thursday,Peebles dis- plans for acquiring the hotel. funded the construction of . missed Achenbaum's strategy Lawyers for Union Plant- the hotel. But in June 2000 as a misguided gambit to ers and WSA-Management GMAC backed out,citing the "steal" the Royal Palm that Florida, Achenbaum's corn- delays.Union Planters began could never succeed given his pany,agreed that Achenbaum a series of extensions and options to extend the loan was on target to buy the Royal additional loans,bringing the until next summer with Union Palm mortgage last month. balance to the current $53.8 Planters,his financial backers But WSA balked after the million, according to court like the Inter-Continental Royal Palm's builder, Clark documents and interviews. hotel chain, and the stability Construction, sued Union INVESTORS NEEDED of the Royal Palm itself. Planters over $12 million in "I've got a great asset in the alleged back fees on the pro- Commercial banks like I most exciting destination in ject. Union Planters typically make the world," he said. Saying interest-only loans to fund I LAWSUIT construction projects on a Achenbaum is the lone suitor p 1 for the Union Planters loan, Within days WSA sued short-term basis. The devel- Peebles added:"Only one per- Union Planters in U.S. Dis- oper usually lines up a large son saw it as an opportunity trict Court in Miami,demand- investor,like a pension fund, in a hot market, and that ' ing that it be allowed to buy to take over the financing should tell you something." the loan without assuming once the project is finished. Achenbaum—whose sec- any liability for the Clark law- After the sale, the borrower and hotel,the 208-room Gan- suit.The bank refused to put begins paying interest and sevoort recently opened in any conditions on the sale, principal on an extended Manhattan's chic-but-edgy which had been scheduled to schedule,usually over at least meatpacking district and close July 20. 10 years. charges nearly$400 a night— A Union Planters lawyer Peebles said the Royal said he would like to steer the said that by refusing to close Palm is valued at more than Royal Palm away from large on the loan,WSA forfeited its $100 million,far above the$54 business groups and attract $2 million deposit and its million mortgage on the prop- more high-spending vacation- sales contract and that the erty. Such an equity cushion ers. bank is free to shop the loan would probably ease the pres- i "We would market it as a elsewhere. But WSA claims sure on Union Planters to get very upscale boutique com- the bank still must sell it the the loan off its books,which is peting with the Delano and loan — free of the Clark usually the aim of construe- ' the Shore Club,"Achenbaum claims — and that Union tion lenders, said Maurice J. said. Planters is barred from even Veissi, a Miami real estate j extending the payment sched- consultant and past president f SUBSIDIZED ule on the mortgage. of the Florida Association of Miami Beach subsidized "We don't want our money Realtors. the Royal Palm project in an back," said Kapp, of Pros- "If [the bank's] loan was effort to increase the number kauer Rose in Boca Raton. made with adequate equity, of rooms available for large "We want to buy what we then they're not panicky," business groups using the contracted to buy,which was Veissi said. Generally,banks Miami 'Beach Convention a good first mortgage." will negotiate with a bor- Center.It was unclear Thurs- Union Planters lawyer rower to extend a loan past its day if the Royal Palm's lease Hilarie Bass declined to com- maturity date in part to avoid on the city-owned land would ment on the bank's plans the bad publicity that comes interfere with Achenbaum's relating to the loan. with calling a mortgage and vision of a pricier resort '. The current dispute can be pursuing foreclosure. there. traced back to 2000,when the "What you don't want to It also wasn't known how Royal Palm was mired in con- do if you're a lender is go after Achenbaum, who is white, struction problems that ended someone,"he said."It gener- would satisfy the city's up stretching the project two ates a lot of bad will."