1616-66 Various Miami Beach price was p. _. i. ..vn on July 11 with an arti-
_ in fact, the cost in euros. . .- t,.. . island of Lewis and Harris in
package that included hotel,performances, Scotland misidentified a room in the village
,Les? ground transportation and trip cancellation of Arnol.It is in the Whitehouse,a 1920's cot-
insurance ranged from 495 to 1,995 euros, tage,not in the Arnol Blackhouse,a restored
.ne not $495 to$1,995. (At a rate of$1.26 to the crofter's cottage across the street.
euro,that is the equivalent of$624 to$2,514.) •
,ie Paris Plage,the •
oeach installed two An article on July 4 about Amish country
central banks of the An article on July 11 about the Shot at in Indiana incorrectly described an item be-
.ral new attractions, in- Dawn Memorial in Lichfield,near Birming- ing sold at an antiques auction in Shipshe-
_s,a concert stage and— ham, England,referred incompletely to the wana.It was a Roseville pottery vase,not a
the 60th anniversary of the 300-odd soldiers who were executed in glass vase.
Deals and Discounts
and overseas air
TUESDAYS WITH MORE MONEY Three ho- cellation within 14 days brings a one-night
tels in the South Beach area of Miami charge.The hotel is across from the Carl-
lnrestricted Fare; Beach—the 49-room Chesterfield,the 37- ton Tower,whose facilities—including a
drIlnes room Lily Leon and the 49-room Shelly— heated indoor pool and a health club —
are offering rooms on Tuesday night for are open to Lowndes guests.Information:
;;22.28 `, • $15, plus tax and $5 resort fee. This pro- www.lowndeshotel.com.
motion is good in August only, and the
648: Continental rate includes breakfast and a cocktail ANNIVERSARY PRESENT The Grand Teton
hour from 6 to 8 p.m.Each hotel is on Col- Lodge Company, which operates the
lins Avenue, a block from the beach. Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton Na-
;3,095: Continental There is no minimum stay required. To tional Park,is marking the 75th season of
book, go to www.southbeachgroup.com/ the park with a promotional rate during
August. the final weeks the lodge is open,Sept. 15
$2,562: Lufthansa to Oct. 5, before closing for the season.
STRICTLY BUSINESS Through departures For$75 a person a night,based on double
on Sept. 15,TAP Air Por- occupancy, it includes a -
S1,874:Alitalia, tugal is offering a chance night in a standard cot-
;ontinental,Delta to get more comfortable tage room in Jackson
seating to Europe for ```ilii// Lake Lodge, but the main
1,570:yang something less than the �� added value on this deal is
usual premium. It is sell- �4,•11.11.*:,*�. . �. a full hot breakfast and a
ing round-trip business- malas.411 0....-- bus tour of the park. No•'
368: Air Canada, class tickets from New- �iti. .� minimum stay, and tax is
ark Liberty Airport for nextra; (800) 628-9988 or
$1,699 to Lisbon, Oporto
erican f fl\\v www.gtic.com.
'6:Continental and Faro and for$1,749 to
other European cities, in- SAILING THE YANGTZE Vic-
cluding London, Paris, Amsterdam and toria Cruises is reducing the prices of its .
)28:British, Rome. Amenities include access to the Yangtze River cruises, through early __. .
ed Virgin Atlantic lounge at Newark as well September. For example,a six-night trip
as lounges in European airports. Airport from Chongqing to Shanghai is$599 a per-
taxes, surcharges and security fees are son, double, in a standard cabin, with
extra; (800)221-7370 or www.tapusa.us. shore excursions and port taxes.This itin-
86:Air France, erary includes the Three Gorges and
t1CanPLAN AHEAD AND SAVE The Lowndes, a Mount Huangshan. A seven-night sailing
78-room hotel in Knightsbridge, says it from Chongqing to Yichang and back is
30: Singapore will take up to 50 percent off its standard $499 a person, double. Other restrictions
rates for bookings made at least 30 days apply. Ships hold 130 to 266 passengers
aper fares may be ahead. Rates start at$247, at$1.90 to the and have been extensively redone within
d other restrictions pound.The offer is good through Dec.31, the last three years. Air fare is extra;
,tricted fares,a any day of the week,when booking with a (800) 348-8084 or www.victoriacruises
credit card.Taxes are extra,and any can- .com. JOSEPH SIANO
ces:Traveiocity.air.Mes 1