1616-73 Various Miami Beach r
a The Roney Palace Hotel and
Beach Resort was shuttered
late Tuesday,as the property's
sale to a New York real-estate
group approaches.
icordle therald.com
The Roney Palace Hotel and
Beach Resort, whose roots date
back to 1925, shut down Tuesday,
the last workday for nearly 200
employees, and days before its
scheduled sale to the Chetrit
Closed are the 585-room hotel,
the Roney Pub,the hotel's sushi bar
and poolside dining venues, and
Breezes,a casual dining restaurant.
The New York developers'$150
million purchase of the Roney
hotel and condominium property,
which was approved by the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court this summer,is
expected to be completed by Sept.
10,said Brian Rich,an attorney for
Berger Singerman which repre-
sents Roney Associates. Roney
Associates, the partnership that
Roney c oses
owned the property,filed for .
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protec-
tion on Feb. 9.
"Roney Associates has
made the decision to close
down the hotel as of today," l",;.
Rich said late Tuesday.Roney "'
Associates said it does not 0.>,.., `
know the intention of the buy- " , ' ' ."5: ti -
ers, who stipulated that the �.z..F- ': _ - _
resort be closed before being �.�.� 1",;;;,,. _ - '.
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handed over. The sale .17,_;„„,.-'.-
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includes the hotel's furniture k;s- -'7,0k-w4..„
and fixtures, so the owners ° �+ , , a �
could reopen under new man- '� !
• ,,$
agement "or pursue another
course of action for the prop-
erty," Rich said. -
Roney Palace Oceanfront
Condominium,the condo part 11114141
of the property,remains open. - , -°- .,
Nearly 200 resort employ-
-. -
ees, who were given 60 days 1 . - -
notice on July 17, were laid ,.- -skma `'
off, but will be paid through .._ ' . . :,r. '
Sept. 17, said Bill Mueller, DONNA E.NATALE PLANAS/HERALD FILE
chief executive of Roney LONG HISTORY: The Roney Palace's roots date back to Miami Beach of 1925. Tuesday,
Associates. Only a group of the 585-room hotel closed and about 200 workers were let go.
about 10 employees,including
Mueller, will remain for the
next several days or beyond. Johnny Weismuller, the as a rental building unti11997, controlled by 11 corporate
No reservations for Sep- first movie Tarzan,worked as when the conversion began to partners, with the majority
tember had been taken during a cabana boy at the Roney. condominiums. interest held by two Canadian
recent weeks, and any long- Florence Chadwick, who The Roney property, groups and three sets of Ital-
standing reservations have swam the English Channel, which extends for an entire ian investors.The bankruptcy
been accommodated else- was once the hotel's aquatic block between 23rd and 24th was forced by .upcoming
where, Mueller said. director. streets on Collins, had been financing needs and a $3.8
The Roney's history dates In 1968,the original Roney split between the hotel and million interest payment due
back to 1925,when the initial, was demolished and replaced the condos. The property in February.
landmark 17-story hotel with with a 1,162-apartment build- includes two grand ballrooms, A representative for the
its Florentine bell tower and ing. In 1980,the building was two oceanfront swimming Chetrit Group, headed by
copper dome was built. Dur- sold by Frankel Brothers Con- pools and a 10,000-square- Joseph Chetrit,and which has
ing World War II, the hotel struction Co.of Philadelphia foot health club. a stake in Chicago's Sears
was used for housing and to Roney Associates.The con-' At the time of its bank- Tower, could not be reached
training Army officers. sortium operated the Roney ruptcy filing, the Roney was for comment late Tuesday.