1616-78 Various Miami Beach .,-
-,a when Air France canceled
tea airlines i,yuig into Paris to Los Angeles on Dec. 2'4 ar.
iturn over all of their American officials said they found terrorist CI.
ithin 15 minutes of a links among some people who booked reser- An essay last Su,
h violators subject to vat ions on the flights, but French security its to places suffers.
al of landing rights. officials, who briefly detained six people, ism misidentified the ,
with European Union said the next day that they had not found tional character Eloise 1, eieva-
'lace strict limits on any such links. DAVID CAY JOHNSTON tors.It was the Plaza,not the R
Overseas air
7 1 1)//CII Deals and Discounts
With New Year's out of the way,one of room Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at
the next dates to remember is Valentine's Troon North in Scottsdale, Ariz., has a
rioted Fare; Day. Valentine's Romance Package that costs
$670 a room per night, based on a three-
, -j OUTH BEACH PACKAGE The South Beach night minimum. It includes daily break-
allail otel Group is offering three-night week- fast,a dozen roses,two hotel robes and a
American, nd packages at six hotels in Miami dinner for two in the Acacia in the resort.
Continental, Beach: the 99-suite Lily Leon, the Ches- Guests have priority access to the highly
terfield, the Whitelaw, the Mercury and rated Troon North golf courses. Drinks
the Shelley,all on Collins Avenue,and the with dinner and tax are extra. For$950 a
Lufthansa Chelsea on Washington Avenue.The rates night, accommodations are in a one-bed-
include all the basics: Champagne,roses, room suite with private plunge pool and
chocolates, plus airport shuttle service an outdoor garden shower. Information:
and Continental breakfast. Rates start at (888) 207-9696 or at www.fourseasons
Continental . $575 a couple.Information: (305)535-8284 .com.
or go to www.southbeach
Red Carnation Hotels,
PARIS WEEKEND Go-To- with properties in London,
day.com has a three-night Cape Town, Geneva and
Singapore trip to Paris leaving Feb. Palm Beach, Fla., has a
12 that includes accom- two-night Valentine pack- `
modations, daily Conti- age available through
air Jamaica nental breakfast, round- March 31, for those who
trip air fare and all hotel need to postpone the ro-
taxes. Rates start at$379 mance. This one includes
Turk Have a person,based on double accommodations, Cham-
occupancy, for the Bellevue, in the 18th pagne, a candlelight dinner in the room,
Arrondissement. For the Cervantes (8th your choice of flowers,a lunch with wine,
Varig Arrondissement) and Pavillon Losserand daily room-service breakfast, massages
(14th) hotels, it's $399 a person. Other in the room,a disposable camera with de-
sample rates, based on hotels: the Mer- veloping service and other odds and ends.
United cure Ronceray (9th), $429; Villa Lutece Rates start at $684 per couple, plus tax.
Port Royal (13th), $519; the Villa Mont- London hotels are the Milestone, the
parnasse (14th), $699; and the Scribe Chesterfield Mayfair, the Rubens at the
<LM, (9th), $729. Airport taxes and fees add Palace,41 and the Montague on the Gar-
about$100 a person.For information,call dens. In Palm Beach, it's the Chester-
_. !.., :.
(425) 487-9632 or visit the Web site field; in Cape Town,the Twelve Apostles;
ce purchase www.gotoday.com/fr_fgpo.asp. and in Geneva, the Hotel d'Angleterre.
unted tickets Ask for the Food of Love deal at(877)955- '.'
3100 may be DESERT RENDEZVOUS For romantic golf 1515 or www.redcarnationhotels.com.
twosomes, from Feb. 11 to 16, the 210- JOSEPH SIANO